Phalanx's Arc Reactor Rashguard may be inspired by one of your favorite superheroes, that would avenge anyone.$35
Lawsuit from the mouse incoming
“What the hell is even that?-Daddy
We want the yum. Give us the yum.
BJJHQ is now PhalanxAsetheticHQ
This rash guard is as cool as the character Disney tried to repalce Ironman with.
I wonder of you did realy bought this deal, but they just charge your card and send it to Dongs gravesite as a tribute to his greatness. I bet Scramfucius knows.
“one of your favorite superheroes, who would avenge anyone” Disney’s legal department is not to be trifled with, guys.
If Bob Iger and Disney took over BBJHQ, there would be Rolling Deals every Friday.
Tugging on my phalanx feverishly while reading these comments
Avenge my phalanx
Say no to cape shit.
What the hell is this lol
(What the fuck)
I did not buy this deal
Buru nyuuu
I appreciate this man's dedication. Upvoted neco