Scramble's Nostromo Set was initially inspired by the CRT monitor aesthetic of the 70s and 80s.$33
I saw someone wear this irl once. They lost
Let me guess, they didnt scramble???
Short sleeve or die
I don't like cooties on my arms
Fight ring worm: long sleeve. Fight aliens: nuke it from outer space
Boss, new rash guard, design, came out blurry, because the intern forgot to let the machine warm up 1st. What do we do?
If minority report did bjj
It looks like a TV test pattern. (If you don’t know, ask your parents.)
Terrible. 2/10
Alot going on here, and I ain't fond of any of it.
Its cool but I dont want to be mistaken for a blue belt
Can you keep that trash soap off this app?
Buru Nyuu
I see you are a man of culture.