Introducing one of Progress JJ's premium high-end Gis: the Temple kimono.$60
Dude… ita like youre waiting..
*sniffles* dongs baby stop disappear like that again?? had us scared
Thought you tripped and fell into a woodchipper. Welcome back dongs boy.
I quit training years ago. I'm just here for the comments.
Well start training again
I had a bowel movement today and thought about you as I gazed into my what seemed like a soggy bowl of bran flakes.
Whats the ipposite of progress. Cause thats the gi i need. I only know how to go into someone elses gaurd
I pull mount.
In outter space guard and full mount are one in the same.
I got this a few months ago when it was on here and the kimono is still stiff as cardboard but the pants are great tho
20% crossface pressure
So you haven't made any....progress?
Chobani yogurt font
This is maybe the least trash offering from this brand and at worst it includes a trashbag
This is good for someone else