The Manto X4 Gi is the perfect Gi for both training and competition.$65
Literally the same price on Manto's website
Mantoshop? It's over $130 shipped to the US - convert their euro price to usd and you get $110, and since it's an EU-based shop, shipping is pricier (when we test shipping a Gi to NY, it's almost $25)
I read that in a scolding tone
I cant tell what brand this is.
Its Manto
They should use a bigger font
He aint
dooongsdongsdooongsdooongs dooongsdooongsdooongs dongsdongsdooongs dongsdooongsdongs dongs / dongsdooongs / dooongsdongsdongsdongs dooongsdooongsdooongs dooongs dooongsdooongsdongsdongsdooongsdooongs / dooongsdongsdongsdongs dongsdongs dooongs dooongsdongsdooongsdongs dongsdongsdongsdongs
omg i'm in heaven
Word shoulder pads
I rather use this thing as a kitchen towl
You trippin bruh
I thought that'what it was
where them kitsune gi's in white tho
Manto has no love for the vertically challenged thicc boys.
Dropping the fattest snake while reading these comments 😍
Only way to do it brother
May Poseidon’s kiss bless your tight little hole
No dongs
350gsm or less, what is this the north pole?
Is this IBJJF legal?
Thank goodness they clearly indicate this is a uniform to take out the guesswork
LOL. Thought the same. So glad I they listed that first.
A man with a white gi is a man with a clean anus
Chimp does not approve
I dont think many reapectable individuals miss the Chimp.
Oo oo ah ah
Where my soap man that was like a month ago
Can we please get more inverted pandas
I miss chimp
Largest size is an A4? Nothing for the full grown men, I sss…
* I see. Jesus, i stink.
I just thought you were a snake…