Aesthetic drops a very stealthy version of their Alpha Kimono.$55
I came here for this. Thanks for coming through, Dongs.
There is nothing "dongs" about anything called Alpha. Alpha is a word created by the heteronormative wh*te m*n meant to keep women in their place as second-class citizens waAAAaaHhH
Sean is a POS
Just bc i have slicked back hair, enjoy an occasional sloppy steak, does not make me a POS. Ppl can change.
Let’s slop ‘em up!
I'm worried that the baby doesn't think that people can change.
Haven't posted on here in a while, but Aesthetic makes damn near perfect gis. Not too heavy and easy to move around in, and still pretty sturdy.
I dont recommend aesthetic gi. They are itchy, scratchy, the top os ill fitting. And whatever matieral yhey use in ut makes you sweat profusely when you not even doing anything. A&P with the pricey tag arw def worth the investment especially the made in brazil.models .
Sorry spelling (former spelling bee champ oh the shame!)
Those sleeves aint fitting my hog arms
all these gay ass white and black gis but we cant get a god damn blue
Sounds like a case of blue gi balls
very few people buy royal blue gis so we only pick them up occasionally. Got some coming!m though!
This heaux heavy as hell
Solo 450 gramos por metro cuadrado. No seas puto.
Lame Wheres the Phalanx rashguard and Flow gi
Def not Alpha or Aesthetic
My gym only lets people with gunmetal belts wear gunmetal gis.
this makes me question buying this as a one month white belt
If your gym enforces gi color. Then your professor is a turd.
Buru nyuuu
Buru nyuuu dongs, dongs buru nyuuu.