These go down in price every time they're posted... If you wait long enough they'll be free.
I still wouldnt want it
Damn, Daddy looking fine with that tramp stamp.
If buru nyuu was a gi
I don’t wear underwear under my gi. Helps me to gain a better sense of direction during my rolls.
It is not gay to do that.
Cool fact: the font style for “Aesthetic” spelled upside down says jiu jitsu.
Found someone to read it for you eh?
That’s just hurtful and mean. There’s no need for that. Keep acting like that and John Danaher will put coal in your stocking.
Whoever designed that tramp stamp should be fed to dragons
Ikr, pisses me off when they don't put it on the butt, that's where it belongs!
Rolling deals please. Santa needs new gi’s
They definitely do not get better with age.
This gi stays on BJJ HQ. Hard pass.
I kinda like it but last time a bought a gi here it never came and support doesnt get back to me. Hint hint support
Bring Back the white fuji all round please!
Gordon tapped
King gordon forever
I always wondered why companies mass produce the gayest designs.
Id like to congratulate buru nyuu on his recent rectuiment of goob lubers and boot lickers. I need all his simps come in and say “hE liVeS rENt fRee iN yOuR HEad”
Buru is gaining momentum, he is on the path to surpass dongs
I mean you're the one posting basically the moment the new forum starts, so it sounds like it's true.
Imagine being so bothered by a BJJHQ post you come and post this. Get therapy.
Buru did nothing wrong
Once you simps figure this out youll probably kill yourself for being so stupid
1stripe sure could teach you ladies a lesson on internetting
Might be a buy
Buru nyuuu
Its still a solid no from me bad boy bubby.