93brand's "Art of War" series.$37
Ready to wear these with no shorts 🍆
Buru is tied up getting banged by his mom so lets all leave him be tonight
Real talk, the Neco Arc, buru nyuuu is probably some middle school girl who is in some jits kids class and trolling. She’s probably the talk of their school and brags that she used to roll with Dongs guy at his home “dojo”. The lessons she is learning in north-south from the older boys makes her feel icky inside, but she still brags she is on a purple belt level, when in truth the only thing close to purple on little Neco is her nurple, and thats because professor gets a little handsy when he’s been drinking before class. Quality school, though.
Buru nyuuu
Man, you guys feel a certain type of way or something? Couldnt tell.
Buru is Bad Boy Bubby.....thats an Aussie movie, watch it, it will change your life, i mean, scar you for life....
The fact that you are so triggered by him is hilarious.
You must be his mom .. im surprised you can type gargling his balls
triggered by me too, what a win!
I dont think you understand whats going on here but hey you go on ahead and accept your participation trophy champ! You earned it
I got inside info; Neco Arc is actually John Danaher. He hasn’t stopped laughing about living rent free in this fool’s head.
Sup epstein?! Come around here much or does touching kids keep you pre occupied
She kinda bad doe
Nothing more screams war than guys in tights
I bet soap is gonna be the deal on christmas. Calling it now, this is my official prediction.
Everyone knows you can get the soap at a decent discount through their website. Enter promo code “Dongs20” for 20% off your entire order!
Im goin spats no undies to dance class...i mean jiu jitsu. Whatever....
>"trust me bro, jiu jitsu is all about controlling your emotions and be comfortable when youre uncomfortable. Real zen shit man." > A single anime pfp starts trolling in the comments of a merch app > "WAAAGGGH WHAT THE FUCK STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT ITS SO ANNOYING!!!"
Interior crocodile alligator
God damn it
What kind of car do you drive?
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater, thanks for asking!
Is it true?
Do we need to size up like their underwear?
I sized up on the spats, and it was a mistake. I also neglect leg day, so i got baby thighs.
I am all friggin helmet and no shaft!
That’s gonna be a no from me dog.
You know this was done already and no one liked it then.. hows bout being original
You got any 93 Brand shorts in there?
I was standing on the corner in my leather, and some dude came up and said” hey tough guy” and i was like “whatever”
I went down to the beach and saw Kiki She was all like "Eeeeh" and i was like "whatever!"
Hey, yo! Kiki, wipe dis booty. -Missy Elliott, probably
I’m here for the United States of Whatever posting ITT
were is the soap?
Walmart dumbass