Today we have an awesome deal of random 2PACK tees from Tatami! When you place an order, you’ll receive two Tatami tees—handpicked at random (you cannot choose which tee you'll receive).$7
Confucius say, Communist jokes aren't funny unless everyone gets them.
Oh yeah…well dark humor is like food, not everyone gets it.
Their t-shirts are so great quality, but GODDAMMIT MF’s, could you giys hire new desiner? This skulls and bones and demons… its like someone just copy pasting prints from heavy metal album covers 🫣
The collars on tatami shirts.stretches lkke crazy and loses elasticity
These shirts do shrink like crazy. I would go a size up.
Thanks for the warning! I'm gonna have to pass on this one.
10 terrible shirts for $20 would have been marginally acceptable
i thought we had a real deal for a second
Looks like every pack will have at least one 'need more hugs' shirt
Only to get rid of the holy cheet
Buru nyuuu