Today's special is a trendy 2PACK of Tatami tees.$25
Confucius say, golfer always need to pack two pair of pants in case he get a hole in one.
Is this the section where we complain about not getting soap to wash our nuts?
I'm here for you brother
Dylan is going to lick your balls clean for the time being. He understands your pain and wants to lend a helping tongue.
Go to walmart
Paypal link button STILL not working :(
The sumo guy looks like hes going to perform a firemans carry with a big hose
Some of these shirts in the shirt deals are okay others are horrible. The cut around the chest are very inconsistant but the sleeves are always small and jn your armpit :)
the great soap revolution of April 2024 has started. state your opinions, peasants.
Still waiting on my last 2-pack of shirts I got on here
Huh. This stuff again huh
Happy holidaze!
While i acknowledge your need for soap, Tatami shirts are really well made. Just sayin.
Thats cap. The collars die after a few washes
The soap from March 1st rolling deals finally shipped today. We'll stop bitching now.
Its like a 50/50 chance it fits, ive bought XLs that are bigger than 2x. the manufactures need consistancy in their products
"We'll stop bitching now." - No, you really won't. If there is one thing that you can count on here, people never, ever stop bitching.
Well at least I'll stop bitching about it.
we need less of these trash shirts and more soap.
alas, merely seconds later, my order has shipped. coincidence? I think not.
Buru nyuuu
Great shirts