The HPTX line from Phalanx features an ultralight breathable moisture-wicking material and a Velcro-free design making them an excellent choice for NoGi Jiu Jitsu.$19
You take the blue pill, and the story ends. You wake up back in your bed with $40 still in your wallet. If you take the red pill, you stay in deals-land and I show just how deep your wallet can go.
Red pill it is!
Confucius say, closed mouth catches no flies, but closed fly catches no mouths.
Did you hear about how Sean didn’t want to become a doctor? He didn’t have the patients!!!
Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
My favorite part of the movie was when Morpheus and Neo chanted USA! USA! until Agent Smith’s head exploded and everyone applauded.
I think you're confusing the Matrix with that movie with Tom Hanks and Michael Clark Duncan. What's it called? That's right, it's Last Action Hero. "WILSON!!!!" What a great movie.
“I know jujitsu”
There is no spoon
Hey guys, I’m on the East Coast in the US and I was wondering how long is it taking for you guys to get your packages? I’ve ordered some stuff before and I’m always looking like a month to month and a half to get my stuff and usually I have to write in And ask where my product is. What kind of shipping dates are you guys getting?
A week or two tops.
I ordered something from them a week ago and it still hasn't even shipped if that makes you feel any better
I usually get mine within a week.
Anywhere from like 4days -2 weeks
"I know Kung Fu"
“For the last time, no you don’t.” - Will Farrell as Alex Trebek
Swing and a miss, “I know Juijitsu” might’ve gotten you 2 likes and 5 dislikes
Buru nyuuu
Nyuuu buru