Featuring 93brand's 425 GSM Advanced Pearl jacket, which is more resilient and more resistant to shrinkage than earlier waves of Hooks Gis.$75
Confucius say, panties not best thing on earth, but next to it.
Great gi!
My favorite gi so far and the cheapest! I bought the green one on rolling deals last week
I am crag jone
Crag Jone
Really comfortable, great fit and a fantastic deal at this price. Such a nice fit that it almost makes me want to put a gi on, but not quite.
Day 22 asking for soap
Go to the soap store you bum.
I thought this was soap store
where is i am crag jone
Should i get on gear?
Comrade, yees..
Don't fall for it. The Canadian goose is red, trust the symbolism. Justin Turdeau is a commie (when not in black face).
Yes. Maybe the higher T levels will help you become less gay
Only trannies call it T
Nyuuu buru
Stop you dyslexic bastard! Just stop!
kill it before it breeds