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Is this a Nascar rashie?
I can’t roll left
Makes your passing game better
"Here's the deal. I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence." - Ricky Bobby
I too don’t know what to do with my hands
Rubbin’ is wrestlin’
Needs more logos
Where dongs?
Im sponsored
Anyone else get a chubby looking at the women's sizing chart?
I like chubbies teehee
I like her smile
Cant make out the subtle logo. Is this Fuji?
What brand is this?
What white belt sponsorship looks like. "Are darts a real sport?" "I don't know, are these real sponsors?"
That guys cute no homk
Needs some hptx shorts, its hawt out
Raise hell, praise dale
Everyone wondering where dongs is
This is weak.
I farted and there was SPRAY.
not grape
Joke Biden's sponsor shirt would have many more logos: i.e.: China, Ukraine, Russia, pharmaceutical companies, MSM, Taliban, Iran, Palestine, commie Soros, WHO, WEF . . . . (partial list)
Where do dong be?
Dongs Bitches
Nice, before dongs guy for the first time in what seems like weeks