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Deal for December 2, 2023 Permalink
Armbar Soap Company - Random 5-PACK
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Armbar Soap Company - Random 5-PACK

    Today we've got a 5-pack of Arm Bar Soap, chosen at random from a selection of 11 flavors.

    Who got there first?

    Comments from December 2, 2023

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    Patrício Batemaninho User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Patrício Batemaninho  -  Joined 8/23/2022

    Ever wonder why your teammates feign injuries just to avoid rolling with you? Ever notice oil rings rippling away from your body when you jump in a pool? Is your athlete’s foot and ringworm starting to show in places people can see? Does the seat of your kimono pants smell like nacho cheese, Fritos and raw onions no matter how many times you wash it in Dawn? Did you really think they call you Skunk Ape because of your grappling prowess?

    Soak that stinky kimono in lighter fluid and set a match to it. You can’t douse yourself in gasoline and immolate yourself- you’d have to miss training. What can you do?

    Armbar Soap company has the answer.

    Armbar soaps are made with 100% natural ingredients. Each bar contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal essential oils and all natural moisturizers. They’ll get you clean, keep you bug free and make you smell so good, everyone will be lining up to choke you out.

    As always, Armbar Soaps are sulfate and paraben free.

    Get rid of the swamp ass. Get your Armbar Soap.

    (And for the love of all that is good, buy a new kimono)

    1/21/2023 at 11:51 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    berflow User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    berflow  -  Joined 9/29/2022

    i liked it 1000 times

    1/22/2023 at 12:59 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    A-Dawg User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    A-Dawg  -  Joined 12/3/2021

    The dislikes are from skunk ape!

    1/22/2023 at 3:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    McSpicypants User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    McSpicypants  -  Joined 11/6/2022

    This is my first purchase from this site.
    I've heard nothing but great things about this soap.

    1/22/2023 at 3:30 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Sbeatty1983 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Sbeatty1983  -  Joined 8/2/2019

    Armbar needs to hire this man

    1/22/2023 at 3:51 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    John User Profle Image
    John  -  Joined 1/13/2023

    I think he did one for Phalanx.

    1/22/2023 at 6:12 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Patrício Batemaninho User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Patrício Batemaninho  -  Joined 8/23/2022

    Did one for a Phalanx item on here. They liked it and asked if they could use it. I said yes, of course. I was flattered.

    1/22/2023 at 6:27 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    cemone007 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    cemone007  -  Joined 5/4/2016

    Damn wasnt last batch $15?

    1/21/2023 at 11:04 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Nomoredongs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Nomoredongs  -  Joined 5/30/2022


    1/21/2023 at 11:06 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    kysu User Profle Image Bought Today's ItemBought Yeserday's Item
    kysu  -  Joined 1/4/2013

    The one before last

    1/21/2023 at 11:06 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    leoworld91 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    leoworld91  -  Joined 11/8/2020

    last one was 19

    1/22/2023 at 12:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    JustBleed User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    JustBleed  -  Joined 3/28/2022

    $18 in June 2022

    1/22/2023 at 2:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    BigStink48 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    BigStink48  -  Joined 10/22/2021

    Hey just buy the soap pal. Those MAGA Republicans wont stop me from getting clean. Man I love ice cream.

    1/22/2023 at 5:50 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Jiushitsu User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Jiushitsu  -  Joined 9/6/2022

    Big stink, is that you presidentbyden? I think you just logged in on the wrong account. Come on mannnnn

    1/22/2023 at 6:56 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    TiddEsukka User Profle Image
    TiddEsukka  -  Joined 9/29/2022

    Hey hey hey hey!!! Who is this imposter, man? There is only 1 Donald Trump beatin, ice cream eatin, bike trail blazin, tax raisin son of a gun, pal! That better not be you, Corn Pop!

    1/22/2023 at 8:09 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Jiushitsu User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Jiushitsu  -  Joined 9/6/2022

    *sniff* that corn pop, he was a bad dude…because he failed to buy this deal on armbar soap on BJJHQ. *sniff*

    1/22/2023 at 9:11 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    TiddEsukka User Profle Image
    TiddEsukka  -  Joined 9/29/2022

    Don’t provoke me, jack! I will take ya out back behind the ole High School gymnasium and spank you like ah- ah- ah Ma… ahh…. That Ali fella there.

    1/22/2023 at 10:50 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Thegroundismyocean88 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Thegroundismyocean88  -  Joined 12/20/2022

    This one guy I roll with always reeks of McDonalds fries. I should buy this for him.

    1/21/2023 at 11:06 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Tatanka Blanca User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Tatanka Blanca  -  Joined 1/19/2022

    This is no longer a deal :/

    1/22/2023 at 12:42 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Patrício Batemaninho User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Patrício Batemaninho  -  Joined 8/23/2022

    Sorry brother. I was rooting for you.

    1/22/2023 at 12:47 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Ramoutar User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Ramoutar  -  Joined 8/5/2021


    1/21/2023 at 11:01 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Whodey User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Whodey  -  Joined 7/20/2021

    Canadians be like after shipping and exchange rate, it's 8 bucks a bar...this soap isn't that good

    1/22/2023 at 1:41 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    stickiwax User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    stickiwax  -  Joined 10/15/2013

    Its worse downunder! No more nice smelling t-bags for north/south....im disapointed.

    1/22/2023 at 2:12 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Patrício Batemaninho User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Patrício Batemaninho  -  Joined 8/23/2022

    Shame, that. I look forward to fresh smelling tea bags.

    1/22/2023 at 4:40 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    jjbs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    jjbs  -  Joined 8/12/2021

    Still waiting on my rolling deals soap fml

    1/21/2023 at 11:03 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    I mostly post the word dongs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    I mostly post the word dongs  -  Joined 2/8/2017 Today's Top Influencer

    Same. Got a tracking number but hasnt shipped.

    1/21/2023 at 11:04 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    jjbs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    jjbs  -  Joined 8/12/2021

    Mines in a bin at sortation, probably offended a bunch of furries with the lovely clean scent

    1/21/2023 at 11:33 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Silverback User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Silverback  -  Joined 8/26/2022

    I havent gotten mine either…. mayve im just paying for the excitement of coming home everyday, hoping its there.

    1/22/2023 at 12:46 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    stickiwax User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    stickiwax  -  Joined 10/15/2013

    Covid tax. You can shove your $20 soap. Not worth it this time.

    1/22/2023 at 2:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    TiddEsukka User Profle Image
    TiddEsukka  -  Joined 9/29/2022

    Listen, pal! Shut up and pay your COVID tax, Jack! We are………….
    *cough cough cough cough*
    still in the middle of-of-of a pandemic, man! Don’t be a scallywag! It’s it’s it’s uhhhhh…..

    1/22/2023 at 8:28 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Timjitsu User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Timjitsu  -  Joined 3/12/2015

    Taste better than crayons

    1/22/2023 at 1:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Womb Raider User Profle Image
    Womb Raider  -  Joined 1/12/2023

    POG, huh? Nothing beats a fresh box of Crayolas. SFMF.

    1/22/2023 at 6:19 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    BadAtBJJ User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    BadAtBJJ  -  Joined 3/2/2022


    1/21/2023 at 11:04 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Nomoredongs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Nomoredongs  -  Joined 5/30/2022

    Just buy it.

    1/21/2023 at 11:07 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    JimmyB User Profle Image
    JimmyB  -  Joined 12/4/2019

    All of the soap is soap flavored.

    1/22/2023 at 10:00 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Cauliflower Power User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Cauliflower Power  -  Joined 7/25/2019


    1/22/2023 at 2:51 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Patrício Batemaninho User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Patrício Batemaninho  -  Joined 8/23/2022

    You assume he wasnt gonna taste it.

    1/22/2023 at 4:42 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Warbialy User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Warbialy  -  Joined 9/8/2022

    It's good on sandwiches

    1/22/2023 at 1:15 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Saiyan Monkey User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Saiyan Monkey  -  Joined 4/20/2015

    Dial antibacterial from CVS cheaper

    1/22/2023 at 6:38 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Dooddaddooddad User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Dooddaddooddad  -  Joined 4/30/2022

    Bought this deal

    1/22/2023 at 9:09 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    The Professor User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    The Professor  -  Joined 8/27/2021

    My wife said no more soap since I have 15 bars already :(

    1/22/2023 at 1:51 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Cauliflower Power User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Cauliflower Power  -  Joined 7/25/2019

    Rookie numbers

    1/22/2023 at 2:51 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Pat Gribs User Profle Image
    Pat Gribs  -  Joined 10/9/2011

    Great soap but for Canadians it is expensive after exchange/customs.

    1/22/2023 at 1:37 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    TiddEsukka User Profle Image
    TiddEsukka  -  Joined 9/29/2022

    Hey there, pal! Ill talk to my pal President, uhh President? Pauhhh… uhhh. *cough cough*
    Whats his name there!? Prime Sinister Dustin Trado, man! I will see if i can help you out with your karate soap, slick!

    1/22/2023 at 10:37 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    alonc472 User Profle Image
    alonc472  -  Joined 7/2/2019

    Guys save 2 more dollars then the actual website what a deal

    1/22/2023 at 10:20 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Archi71 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Archi71  -  Joined 6/1/2019

    Finaly i can bathe again

    1/22/2023 at 2:49 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    420rollin User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    420rollin  -  Joined 6/14/2022

    Our prayers have been answered. Praise

    1/22/2023 at 12:37 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Necktie Enjoyer User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Necktie Enjoyer  -  Joined 3/16/2022

    A delectable snack

    1/21/2023 at 11:23 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    mikew10488 User Profle Image
    mikew10488  -  Joined 3/10/2015

    Just ran out of arm bar soap... Thank you

    1/21/2023 at 11:11 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    ThugzBunny User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    ThugzBunny  -  Joined 5/12/2022

    OMFG SOAP!!!!!

    1/21/2023 at 11:02 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    idomybest User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    idomybest  -  Joined 5/29/2015

    Fuck yes

    1/21/2023 at 11:02 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    J2 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    J2  -  Joined 9/15/2022

    Fuck soap

    1/21/2023 at 11:32 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Nacho User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Nacho  -  Joined 4/5/2021

    "Be a soapy fish" -Master Sauer

    1/21/2023 at 11:13 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Silvereyes87  User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Silvereyes87  -  Joined 9/17/2022


    1/21/2023 at 11:03 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Nick User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Nick  -  Joined 7/8/2022

    Soap for DONGS

    1/21/2023 at 11:03 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Sankaku User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Sankaku  -  Joined 6/3/2022


    Where da soap at?

    1/21/2023 at 11:20 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    TangoHotel User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    TangoHotel  -  Joined 9/21/2022

    You guys couldn't have released this before my card got hacked?? ;(

    1/21/2023 at 11:03 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Dollarr User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Dollarr  -  Joined 4/2/2021

    Just use dial antibacteria soap

    1/21/2023 at 11:06 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    SpidermAntifa User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    SpidermAntifa  -  Joined 12/28/2021

    Wrong. Bad. Shame.

    1/21/2023 at 11:08 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Neco Arc User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Neco Arc  -  Joined 9/19/2022

    Buru nyuuu

    1/21/2023 at 11:19 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Snarf User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Snarf  -  Joined 12/15/2022

    Schnarf! Schnarf!

    1/21/2023 at 11:40 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    sugerloaf User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    sugerloaf  -  Joined 12/18/2021

    Introducing Arm Bar soap, the ultimate solution for keeping your butt dirt at bay! Tired of using basic soaps that just don't cut it? Look no further than Arm Bar soap. Not only is it scientifically proven to be 100 times more effective than Ivory soap at getting rid of butt dirt, but every time we offer it, the price goes up by 2 dollars! But don't let that deter you, because trust us, it's worth every penny.

    Imagine a world where you can confidently wear white pants without worrying about unsightly stains. Imagine a world where you can go for a swim without worrying about leaving a trail of butt dirt behind. With Arm Bar soap, that world is a reality.

    Our unique formula is specially designed to target and eliminate even the most stubborn of butt dirt. And because it's made with all natural ingredients, you can feel good about using it on your body. Plus, it has a refreshing scent that will leave you feeling clean and invigorated all day long.

    So don't wait, grab a bar of Arm Bar soap before the price goes up again! Trust us, your butt will thank you!

    1/21/2023 at 11:22 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Bearheart User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Bearheart  -  Joined 6/1/2022

    It's working...

    1/22/2023 at 12:28 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    3stripe Blue belt User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    3stripe Blue belt  -  Joined 4/7/2020

    Don't give up sugarloaf

    1/22/2023 at 12:37 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    stickiwax User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    stickiwax  -  Joined 10/15/2013

    Patricios was still better. The struggle is real. But you had my attention. Thumbs up & a smiley face stamp in your homework book.

    1/22/2023 at 2:16 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Sexymexi User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Sexymexi  -  Joined 10/18/2022

    You can't get to me that easily

    1/22/2023 at 2:29 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Womb Raider User Profle Image
    Womb Raider  -  Joined 1/12/2023

    Butt dirt? WTF???

    1/22/2023 at 4:10 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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