This is the highlight if my night. Thank you.
Thanks but you probably should get a hobby or something if this was the highlight of your night.
Maybe sudoku puzzles, or knitting.
mAyBe SuDoKu PuZzLeS, oR kNiTtInG.
Sun Tzu say better deals on Tatami's website.
Tatami website has gi's on sale starting at $40... this site has good deals but this isn't one of them right now
Confucius say, best way to make octopus laugh is with ten tickles.
Looks like this purchase comes with a purse! Neat.
Nyuuu buru
Buru nyuuu
Not sure why this connent always upsets me but im sorry for disliking all your comments
Don't apologize. We should not be affirming mental illness. Make Asylums Great Again
Confucious say: white is right
What a disgrace you are.
Confucious did NOT say this