Adding a subtle touch of class to your Gi collection, the Leve returns with an updated and modern design.$69
I leve and come back tomorrow
Why do all the Tatami Girls strike a pose like a wicked witch casting a spell? 🧙🏻?♀
I think it's more of a smacking the bullsht and grabbing a mfer pose But I hate it
Kinda looks like Meowth from Pokemon.
Not enough logos, how are people supposed to know its Tatami?
Hahahahahahahahaababahahah. Classic tatami joke hahahaha never gets old
I would buy but wife says no. Does girl come with gi?
Yes, she does
I respect her opinion
Scramble > Tatami
Good price on a quality gi. Could do worse.
Should a white belt get a blue gi?? Asking for a friend.
Some Academies require white gis. I just visited one where they require white or blue only. No black only for black belts. My Academy is indifferent
It really varies school to school.
Its one of those unspoken rules if you will. Like you dont talk to a picther during a perfect game/no hitter