Scramble has provided us with their "Athlete" Gi, in its creamy unbleached color.$95
Guys, this is probably gonna shock a lot of people. LOL I'M NOT EVEN A REAL ADMIN.
You stop your lying whore mouth
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How much fucking money do you have
It's a concerning looking fit. Pants seem to be just right and then he's in a fuckin fortress of a top. A fortress. They should have put him in the next size smaller top for the shoot...
Yeah, the gi is a great fit. They need to redo that photo shoot.
You had me until ripstop pants 😢
Im waiting on a nascar Gi. A Gi with tons kf patches. Vroom!!!
Potbelly gi
Love this gi. Bought one last winter directly from Scramble. Great fit and feel, great quality. Tempted to get a second one tonight.
Can anyone confiem if these pants are wack? Cuz these pics are uhh?
I bought this gi last winter, but an A3. I was able to shrink it to fit since I lost a bunch of weight. Amazing fit, amazing feel. Tempted to buy it again. The pants are really confortqble, actually didn't realise they are rip stop. I'd give a thumbs up on this gi.
Wow! No H sizes for us husky boys though?
So on their actual website I'm an A2L, but according to your size reccomendations, I'm an A3?
That bleach look like my skeet
I dont need pjs! NoGi is the future.