The brand new Reevo Aerolight jiu jitsu gi looks great and keeps you cool and comfortable.$65
Any Chance you guys will have a deal on Training spat's anytime soon?
I am 5'10 but 130ibs. I like a snug fit but I don't want the sleeves to be too short. Should I get an A2 or an A3? help!
Hi i wanna buy this gi iam 6'2 200 pounds which size well be good for me A3 or A4
So, i have a couple of questions. I am just starting my bjj training. I need a gi but, they don't have any female gis in my size (that I have been able to find). Would it be wrong to order a male gi, or where can I go to get a gi that fits me?
Just order a male gi. It will eventually shrink.
Most women wear men's gi. If you're a tall/skinny woman a men's gi will fit you better. If you're curvier, a women's gi will generally fit you better.
I'm 5'8'' 185 lbs (built muscularly) would the A 3 be my best option?
Yes, go A3.
hey i can not order to Canada it wont let me change the delivery country
Looks like you got it sorted!
why can I only look at one gi
This site sells one item a day at a great price. The item changes at 11PM Eastern/8PM Pacific each night.
thanx for the infor