The Hyperlyte gi offers superior strength and cut for mobility.$45
looking for a rash guard please?
Panda gis for all!!! (please)
how fast will these ship out if ordered today
I just ordered a GI from here last week and they shipped it the next day and I got it a day after they shipped. It's probably the fastest I ever got something I ordered online. I live NY.
BJJHQ shipped my order the same day and I got it 2 days later. Great service!
when will the "you can't teach heart' rash guards be available again.
I'd like to buy a new rash guard too. BJJHQ hook it up soon please. :)
Size advice: 6'3", 200 here. I have a Do or Die Hyperfly in A2 that fit perfectly and has shrunk to be a little snug. Grabbing this in an A3.
Sizing runs the same so A3 should be perfect for you after a wash.
Does this gi have the "you can't teach heart" print in the inside?
It doesn't.
Can we get a nice blue gi? Like a Vulkan or a Koral, or something along those lines, please? Thank you! Keep up the good work, I love this site!
I'll see what I can do.
I almost got the jackpot... I am waiting for days to see if a Do Or Die Gi was coming out, and it did, but the poorest of all, in my oppinion. Try to release the Hyperfly's, BJJHQ God. You would be doin' me (at least) a favour, ahahah! Great job, love the page!