The Mata Leao, also known as the Rear Naked Choke in BJJ/MMA or Hadaka Jime in Judo, is considering one of the most effective chokehold submissions in grappling.$29
Remember kids: just because you can, doesnt mean you should.
I’m impressed by how ugly it is. Could be the worst rashie I’ve ever seen.
Clearly doesnt know the game. Meerkatsu is a legened.
I dont think that makes this any less ugly…
I dont even think I like it I think I just have to buy it tho just cause
I like it
Geisha dongs.
tf is this
I like that she put herself to sleep doing the RNC
My 4 yr old son draws better proportions on his stick figures than that. Looks like two bobbleheads huggin' in a strange way.
Again, someone created this and someone in charge gabe it the ok. Look at this, you bring this to my office for a final concept and you’re getting shit canned and heel hooked.
Get your hooks in! Jeezus H Christ…
I bought one. I started choking out immediately and my vagina started hurting. Not wearing this one again.
But why?
Fetish rashie! 😂
Meerkatsu shit is dumb
Can i wear this as a white belt or is it too ~purple~
This is the worst rashie i have ever seen. God damn thats some awful art.
This is racist.
You wear this in front of me I’m gonna go home n suck myself off
Mata Leao or Hadaka Judo In DemoCrap cities it translates to "police officer goes to jail".
Surprised to see so many criminals and their supporters here. Back the blue Defund the DemoCraps
it's not that everyone is liberal, people just think saying democrap and making political posts on a bjj website is cringey and pathetic
Ok. I'll get back in line and clap for the poop, chimp and dong comments, like a stupid brainwashed sheep. Too many idiots get their news from CNN, MSDNC, etc. You should care about politics. The DemoCraps shut down gyms for a year, affecting us BJJ practitioners.
Check your tone and sit down, son.
Im surprised someone as fragile as you has managed to stay in the sport at all