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Deal for October 11, 2013 Permalink
Manto Evo 20 Competition Gi
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Manto Evo 2.0 Competition Gi

    The new Evo 2.

    Who got there first?

    Comments from October 11, 2013

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    demogorgonzola User Profle Image
    demogorgonzola  -  VERIFIED ADMIN  -  Joined 11/6/2012

    Although they're not visible in the main pics, this Gi does have the classic Manto 'clinch' logo embroidered on the arms.

    10/11/2013 at 9:44 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Brian Johnson User Profle Image
    Brian Johnson  -  Joined 9/3/2013

    is there any way to confirm this. above it says this guy was updated and doesn't have it now.

    10/11/2013 at 10:59 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Brian Johnson User Profle Image
    Brian Johnson  -  Joined 9/3/2013


    10/11/2013 at 11:02 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Aaron Rubin User Profle Image
    Aaron Rubin  -  VERIFIED ADMIN  -  Joined 6/12/2011

    The gi doesn't have the embroidery on the collar - this was removed to make it IBJJF legal. It does has the embroidery on the sleeves as usual. No doubt about it, the gi is right here.

    10/11/2013 at 11:51 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Brian Johnson User Profle Image
    Brian Johnson  -  Joined 9/3/2013

    Thank you!

    10/11/2013 at 12:00 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Brian Johnson User Profle Image
    Brian Johnson  -  Joined 9/3/2013

    Every time there is a white GI in white. There is never an A5. Not 100% sure an A4 would work. Do these run small?

    10/11/2013 at 9:48 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    lalote User Profle Image
    lalote  -  Joined 10/11/2013

    I have manto world champ 3.0 A2 gi. Im 5'8" and 166 lbs, but that gi is too huge, i think A1 would have been fine for me, i have washed 3 times and has not shrunk much. Hopefully your reference.

    10/11/2013 at 10:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Aaron Rubin User Profle Image
    Aaron Rubin  -  VERIFIED ADMIN  -  Joined 6/12/2011

    Manto doesn't make an A5. Their sizes are big so an A5 fits a pretty big dude.

    10/11/2013 at 10:15 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Brian Johnson User Profle Image
    Brian Johnson  -  Joined 9/3/2013

    my issue is that i have an athletic build so my weight is about 285 and i am 6'4 but i don't have a gut so its hard to figure out sizing.

    10/11/2013 at 10:57 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Lucas Smith User Profle Image
    Lucas Smith  -  Joined 10/11/2013

    Are there any black ground game titan gis available or coming up?

    10/11/2013 at 1:46 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Aaron Rubin User Profle Image
    Aaron Rubin  -  VERIFIED ADMIN  -  Joined 6/12/2011

    Coming up!

    10/11/2013 at 10:16 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    hchung User Profle Image
    hchung  -  Joined 11/15/2012

    why is it that these pictures don't show the manto logos on the sleeves?

    10/10/2013 at 11:14 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    demogorgonzola User Profle Image
    demogorgonzola  -  VERIFIED ADMIN  -  Joined 11/6/2012

    It may be the way this Gi fits the particular mannequin it's on. You know, the mannequin has really been lifting pretty hard so his biceps are swole, making the Gi sleeves wrinkle unless they're pulled tight in one direction.

    To clarify: this Gi does have the classic Manto 'clinch' logo embroidered on the arms.

    10/11/2013 at 9:43 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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