
demogorgonzola: #4 of 17043     
0 Yes | 0 No
Kitsune "Cursive" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's all cotton (550 GSM top, 12oz Brushed Twill pants). The inside label has some specs from the previous Kitsune Gi 🤦🏻?♂   
10/16/2019 9:26:00 AM
93brand Vintage 2.0 Men's Grappling Rashguard

For reference, the male model is just over 5'11" and 175 lbs wearing a Men's Large.   
9/11/2018 12:29:39 PM
93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

The occasional issue when buying with PayPal is on their end, so we're working on it with them but we're essentially at their mercy.
If it doesn't work on your phone, try on a desktop. Clear your browser's cache and try to make sure you're not already logged into PayPal before you purchase. If the issue persists and you cannot use a card, send us an email and we'll set up a manual PayPal payment for ya. Just be sure to tell us your size in the email :)
6/18/2018 11:11:50 AM
Hyperfly Hyperlyte SGT Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey

Just FYI: We added a pic at the end of the alternate images, showing the color of the Gi in a non-studio lighting.   
5/3/2018 12:58:32 PM
93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

If anyone is having trouble ordering, try:
1. See if PayPal processed the payment, if so include the transaction ID in email
2. Try using desktop site to use PayPal. I've noted issues when paying with PayPal via Mobile site
4/13/2018 5:41:30 PM
93brand Dry Fit 2-PACK Neo Floral x Splatter

For anybody looking for some size references: The male model here is 5'10" 178 lbs, wearing men's Large.
And a video just went up on showing another fitting. By contrast, the dude in the video (me) is also wearing a Large. I'm 6'2" 187 lbs but built long/lean compared to the very shredded model. I have a long torso and the Large still gets the job done.   
4/9/2018 3:45:47 PM
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

Just FYI the A0H (A0 Husky) is suitable for anyone 5'3" - 5'7" and 155-185 lbs.  
10/25/2016 10:34:09 AM
Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

Size guidance for children's sizes, taken with the shorts laid flat:

Size 12 - Waist: 24" Length: 17"
Size 14 - Waist 26" Length 18"
Size 16 - Waist 28" Length 18"
2/9/2016 6:45:36 PM
Worm Guard DVD by Keenan Cornelius

Lapel Guard Intro and Concepts

X Marks the Spot - Lapel Sweep

The Meat Hook Back Attack - Lapel Sweep

Lapeloplata to the Back

The Crystal Geyser Elevation Attack

Setting up the Basic Worm Guard


Worm Guard Tilt Sweep

Worm Guard Standing Base Sweep

Flying Worm Back Attack

Transitioning to Ringworm Guard

Ringworm Elbow Cracker Sweep

Elbow Cracker to Back Take

Ringworm Shooting Star Sweep

Ringworm Flying Circus Sweep

Transitioning to Reverse Dela Worm Guard

The Wormnado

The Botfly Back Attack

The Dust Devil Back Attack

The Mysterious-Allure Fourth Worm Position

Sweeping From the Fourth Position

After-Sweeping Dismount Guard Pass

Using the Mega Worm as an Alternative

Quick Entry into MEGA WORM

MEGA Worm Competition Entry

Lasso Worm Entry

Pulling Worm From Standing

Left Hook Ringworm Setup

Sweeping to Mount From Worm

Ringworm Guard Pass

Worm Grip From Top - To Back Take

RVDLWG Sweep To Back Take


Worm Triangle

Toe Hold From Worm

Worm Guard Kneebar

Worm Guard Calf-Slicer



Beating the Leg Step Defense From Worm Guard

Beating the Defense From Ringworm Guard

Beating the Defense From RVDLWG  
9/10/2015 5:08:46 PM
1 Comment
Scramble Rainbow Spats

Here is the content of the Rolling Deals Thread you guys had going:

FUJI Pink Women's Gi W0-W4 $75
93 Brand Rollers!
93 Brand Rollers Rashguard S - 2XL $35
Gawakoto Limited Edition "Kabuki" Gi A0 - A3 $110
Scramble Galactica Shorts 30 - 36 $40
Scramble Rainbow Spats S $38
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi $75
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi
Tatami Professor Rashguard $40
93 Brand Charlie Gi $100

(this is not the full list of what's been for sale, of course, just what was posted by users before we washed out the comment wall in an attempt to speed up page reloading)  
8/19/2015 3:48:50 PM
This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Scramble The Wave Gi


A few of you with a keen eye noticed the interior sublimated print being upside down. This is because Scramble used an earlier prototype for their photoshoot, which had one difference from the final production run: the interior print.

On the final product (and all of the Gis that BJJHQ will be shipping out), the interior panel is printed properly. I've uploaded two additional pics at the end of our Alternate Images up there so you can see what the Gi's sublimated panel truly looks like :)  
4/16/2015 11:53:48 AM
Aesopian's "Mastering the Crucifix" Instructional

For an idea of the angles provided throughout the instructional, check out a few GIFs of armdrag and guillotine entrances :)  
1/12/2015 5:19:46 PM
Rodolfo Vieira "Jiu Jitsu Domination" 3-DVD Set

**DVD Index**

-Disc 1-
opening the closed guard
knee cut half guard pass
knee cut pass
double under hook pass to mount
back step pass
shoulder pressure on the head guard pass
passing the guard
lapel half guard pass
underhook pass on lapel half guard
3 point pass on lapel half guard

-Disc 2-
flattening butterfly guard pass
cart wheel butterfly guard pass
hip switch pass on butterfly guard
leg drag pass from butterfly
weave pass
baseball choke
bread cutter choke
dragon choke from knee on belly
mount choke

-Disc 3-
50/50 to leg drag
clock choke
clock choke to straight arm lock
guard pass
spider guard to arm lock
lapel lasso pass
take down
single leg and take down
back take from turtle
de la riva arm bar  
10/24/2014 5:27:06 PM
Rafael Lovato Escapes - 3 DVD Set

Module 1: Escaping From Turtle...

1 - Getting Back to Guard from Turtle: The "secret knee slide" that lets you roll to guard, preventing your opponent from latching onto your back. Or choose the "leg control grip" and sit to any of 3 guard options.

2 - Arm Trap Reversal from Turtle: When your opponent hugs your waist, he might prevent technique #1, but he's vulnerable to your arm trap. Before he knows it, he's on his back - imprisoned in your side control.

3 - Blocking the Garcia Roll: How to literally "slam the brakes" on back-take attempts and stay safe against a relentless offensive player.

4 - Shaking Them Off: Moving down this chain of escapes, Lovato spoon-feeds you the same technique that helped him defeat Ricardo Evangelista to win the Absolute in the 2013 Brazilian Nationals!

5 - Continuing the Roll: The 5th move in this escape-from-turtle sequence that keeps you split seconds ahead of your attacker... forces HIM to play catch-up... and makes you as slippery as a greased eel.

Module 2: Escaping Both Hooks / Back Control...

6 - Side Escape from Both Hooks: A sneaky trick to kill your opponent's choking grip with 3 double-hook escape variations

7 - Attacking the Leg from the Escape: A DEAD-SIMPLE submission-or-control combo. One simple hip thrust gives you knee bar, sweep, toe hold and side control options.

8 - 2-on-1 Escape: Get World-Champion-level details you've probably never seen to strengthen your use of this common escape from back control.

9 - Grab Head Roll Out: When tougher opponents secure their choking grip from back control, you're still safe with one of Xande Ribeiro's go-to moves that puts you in the dominant position.

10 - Hail Mary Twist: When all else fails and you're about to get choked, this simple twist pulls you out of deep waters and safely ashore. An easy way to piss off a larger opponent who thinks he's got you beat!

Module 3: Escaping Mount...

11 - Framing Escape from Mount: This 16-minute video unloads a ton of concepts and secrets of Lovato's best, most-used mount escape (with multiple variations).

12 - Framing Escape with Ankle Hook: More variations on the frame escape to frustrate and taunt anyone who tries to mount you, while keeping you out of harms way.

13 - Escaping When They Put the Hand in Collar: How to block choke attacks... prevent the technical mount... and force your opponent into the control of your guard.

14 - Escaping When They Attack Neck from Side Mount: If you miss the previous escape, never fear. Here's how to escape the increased threat and leave your attacker dumbfounded.

15 - Power Bridge: A weird trick that DOUBLES your bridging power and success-rate. Even if you don't always nail it, the attempt opens an escape hatch that frees you from the mount!

Module 4: Escaping Side Control...

16 - Escaping Side Control Back to Guard: With Lovato's signature "hidden arm trick" you're safe from arm attacks as you command your opponent into the guard of your choice.

17 - Escaping Side Control to Knees: A sneaky alternative to technique #16 that lets you escape - even when dudes try to avoid your guard and circle to your head or back.

18 - Escaping Side Control Variations: 2 more simple escapes that make it extremely frustrating for him and easy for you to slip out of side control.

19 - Preventing Knee on Stomach & Mount: Knee on stomach sucks! These secrets shut it down BEFORE it happens. And if he manages to get the mount, use this trick to instantly toss him off.

Module 5: Escaping Knee on Stomach...

24 - Escaping Knee on Stomach 1: Lovato's most-used knee on stomach escape quickly throws your opponent off balance and off your gut.

25 - Escaping Knee on Stomach 2: A fast, easy and safe way to "roll out" from under the pressure of the knee on stomach position.

26 - Escaping Knee on Stomach 3: The perfect 1-step escape to free you from the strongest, most experienced shin on belly fighters.

BONUS: Spider Guard!  
8/22/2014 4:54:56 PM
Miyao Bros DVD Set

--DVD 1--
Delariva to Back Take

Delariva to Back Take with Lapel

Delariva to Leg Drag. - mike likes this one

Delariva to Back Take variation Kicking Back of Knee

Delariva to Leg Drag to Back Take

Delariva to Myiao Balloon to Back Take

Delariva to X-Guard to Technical Stand up

Inverted Delariva to Inverted Guard to Back Take

Inverted Delariva to Inverted Guard to Leg Lock

Inverted Delariva with Spider Hook to X-Guard to Leg Drag

Inverted Delariva to X-Guard to Technical Stand Up

Inverted Delariva to Inverted Guard to Berimbolo

Inverted Delariva to Inverted Guard to Foot Lock

Delariva to Back Take Variation Kicking Front Knee

Sweep From X-Guard to Leg Drag

--DVD 2--

X-Guard to Back Take

X-Guard to Triangle

X-Guard to Leg Guard

X-Guard to Omaplata Sweep

Sweep to Leg Drag to Side Control

Back Take from Sweep

Inverted Triangle

Calf Lock

Shoulder Lock

Back Take from Fake Kimura

Biceps Lock


Arm Lock

--DVD 3--

Berimbolo Fundamentals

Berimbolo Variation 1

Berimbolo to Toe Hold

Berimbolo to Knee Bar

Ninja Armlock from Berimbolo

Back Take from Leg Lasso

Foot Lock Escape to Berimbolo

Berimbolo to Leg Drag Pass

Back Take From Double Pull

Double Pull to Berimbolo to Mount

Double Pull to Foot a Lock Escape to Arm Lock

Double Pull to Kimura

Double Pull to Straight Knee Bar

--DVD 4--

Leg From Double Pull

Back Take From Open Guard

Shin on Shin Butterfly to Back Door Back Take

Shin on Shin Butterfly to Deep Half Guard To Back Door Back Take

Shin on Shin Guard to deep Half guard to Rolling Back Take

Rolling Sweep Counter to Double Under Pass

Counter to Over Under Pass to Calf Crank

Counter to Double Under to Rolling Arm Bar

Counter to Double Under to Knee Pick

Calf Lock from Double Pull  
6/24/2014 3:17:58 PM
JT Torres Passing, Back Takes and Finishes 5 DVD Set


Opening The Closed Guard
Passing Fundamentals
X Pass On De La Riva Guard
X Pass On De La Riva When Opponent Grabs Ankle
X Pass On Knee Slide
Knee Cut From De La Riva
Leg Drag From De La Riva
Kick Out From Seated Guard
Kick Our From Seated Guard When Opponent Counters First Attempt

Kick Through Pass From Seated Guard
Steering Wheel Pass on Sit Up Guard
Cartwheel Pass on Seated Guard
Knee Cut On Seated Guard
Stack Pass To Leg Drag
Stack Pass To Back Take
Stack Pass To Pedal To Metal Back Take
JT's Over Under Pass
Over Under Sitthrough Pass
Spider Guard Kick Pass
Spider Guard Pass To Armlock
Back Step Pass From Half Guard
Straight Jacket Pass
Basic Knee Shield Pass
Kimura Pass On Knee Shield

Controlling the Turtle
Knee Slide Back Take
Back Take From Running Man Escape
Butterfly Guard Back Take
Barrel Roll Back Take
Back Take From Single Leg
Rolling Back Take
Back Take From Standing

Basic Back Choke
Ezekiel Choke
Kimura Grip Armbar From Back
Kimura Grip To Triangle Armbar
Bow & Arrow Choke
Brabo / Ezekiel Choke From Back
Lapel Choke From Crucifix
Reverse Kimura
Kimura From Crucifix
Flying Bow and Arrow From Turtle
Clock Choke
Spinning Clock Choke  
5/14/2014 5:45:55 PM
A Year's Subscription to MGInAction


If you are already an MGinAction member, you can still grab today's deal. The discount code cannot be applied to an existing membership, but codes won't expire until Dec 31st this year so you can sign up once your current membership expires.

Your BJJHQ purchase is good for a full 1 year from the day you register. So, for example, if you wait until December 1st, 2014, to sign up, you'll get a full year from that date (your membership in this example would be good until December 1st, 2015).

If you're on a month-to-month subscription, simply sign up with your BJJHQ code when your month is up.
If you have a 1-year membership that is set to run out in 2015, then send us an email and we'll get MG to extend your expiration date.

///Bottom line///
Everybody who buys today's deal can get a full 1-year membership to MGinAction, no matter your current membership status or duration.  
4/28/2014 1:46:14 PM
Dean Lister K.A.T.C.H. Leg Attack System - 4 Disc Set



Inside foot lock

Outside foot lock

The setup from inside the guard

Foot lock from strong closed guard

Entrances to the outside foot lock

Arm grind bonus for finish

Straight footlocker from 50/50 position


Theories on leg lock safety

Be careful who u train with

Corkscrew footlocker and setup

Basic straight heel hook from inside the guard

Reverse heel hook (inverted)

Knee compression Counter to the roll out escape

4 closed circuit heel hooks positions


Toe hold fundamentals

Application of Toe Hold

Toe hold from dela riva

Toe hold finish from knee bar position

Rolling toe hold in open guard

Rolling toe hold in open guard Finish

Straight knee lock finishing details thumb vs big toe

Knee bar setup. Saulo ribeiro reference

Back step knee bar

Knee bar counter to Quarter guard

Leg sweep attach from the half guard

Closed circuit from knee lock detail

Calorification bottom leg vs top leg

Knee bar finish details

Knee bar counter to opponents guard retention

Knee bar/ sweep from half guard


Counter foot lock knee compression

Setup into compression

The hobbler

Compression when opponent rolls out heel hook

Calf slicer against turtle

Calf slicer off open guard pass

Triangle defense

Armlock Escape

Prevention escaping footlocker

Straight arm lock escape

Alternate triangle escape

Straight knee lock escape

Heel hook resistance sweep from half guard

3/20/2014 2:01:07 PM
Lucas Lepri Championship Guard Passing DVD Set

Disc 1 -- Passing Butterfly, Closed, and De La Riva Guard.

Butterfly Guard Pass
Butterfly Guard Hip Drag Pass
Closed Guard Pass
DLR Guard Leg Smash Pass
DLR Guard Long Step Pass
DLR Guard Knee Slice Pass to Mount
DLR Guard Knee Smash Pass Variation
DLR Guard Knee Smash Pass Variation #2
DLR Guard Pass To Choke
DLR Guard Pass to Arm Trap
DLR Guard Pass to Keylock
Berimbolo Counter to Leg Drag
DLR Guard Single Leg Underhook Pass
DLR Guard Long Sweep Counter to Pass

Disc 2 -- Half, Reverse De La Riva, Spider, and X-Guard.

Half Guard Pass #1
Deep Half Guard Pass #1
Deep Half Guard Pass #2
Reverse DLR Guard Pass #1
Reverse DLR Guard Pass #2
Reverse DLR Guard Pass #3
Spider Guard Pass #1
Spider Guard with Lasso Grip Pass #1
Spider Guard with Lasso Grip Pass #2
Spider Guard Dump Pass to Bread Cutter Choke
Collar Bicep Spider Guard Pass
X-Guard Back Step Pass
X-Guard Sprawl Pass
X-Guard Hip Forward
3/7/2014 5:40:10 PM
Lucas Lepri No-Gi Master Series DVD Set

Disc 1: De la Riva Guard, Reverse De La Riva Guard, and Half Guard.
Underhook De La Riva To X-Guard Sweep
De La Riva Guard Side Roll Sweep
De La Riva Guard Side Roll Sweep To Berimbolo
De La Riva Guard Pass to North South Choke
De La Riva Guard Side Smash Pass
Reverse De La Riva Guard Tomoe Nage Sweep
Reverse De La Riva Guard To Z-Guard Sweep From Failed Tomoe Nage Sweep Attempt
Reverse De La Riva Guard Backwards Step Sweep
Reverse De La Riva Guard Pass To North South Choke
Reverse De La Riva / Invert Guard Pass
Half Guard Pass
Half Guard Pass To Back Control
Half Guard Pass To Brabo Choke

Disc 2: Butterfly Guard, Back Control, and Side Control.
Butterfly Guard To The Back
Butterfly Guard To X-Guard Sweep
Butterfly Guard To X-Guard Sweep #2
Butterfly Guard To X-Guard Sweep #3
Attacking The Turtle To The Mata Leon
Attacking The Turtle To The Arm Triangle
Back Escape Counter
Seatbelt Control To Arm Triangle
Back Control Triple Attack
Side Control - Near Side Brabo
Side Control - Monoplata
Side Control - Mounted Triangle
Side Control - Mounted Guillotine
Side Control - Double Step Over Kimura  
11/11/2013 2:50:04 PM
PunchTown Apocalypse Rash Guard

I'm 6'1" 175 lbs and wear a large. My take is that the body has a standard compression fit, might even call it a little generous.

The forearms have more of a compression fit, which is great considering they tire out fastest. That added compression along the forearm really helps when your grips start to get burnt out from squeezing and grabbing.

Also, sleeve length is shortened a tiny bit, so the rashguard won't get caught in sleeve grips if you wear it under your Gi... and for nogi, since it leaves your wrist exposed, the sleeve won't get in the way when hand fighting (which can be particularly annoying when attacking guillotines, crucifix chokes, and RNC)

So it provides the benefits of a 3/4 length rashguard without the slightly awkward fit that some people report on 3/4 sleeve rashies.  
10/29/2013 10:25:02 AM
Manto Evo 2.0 Competition Gi

Although they're not visible in the main pics, this Gi does have the classic Manto 'clinch' logo embroidered on the arms.  
10/11/2013 9:44:22 AM
Manto Evo 2.0 Competition Gi

For those wondering about the weight of the physical Gi, we've got:
A0: 3.15 lbs
A1: 3.45
A2: 3.70
A3: 3.75
A4: 4.25  
8/1/2013 10:34:50 AM
Break Point Gi Pants

Just FYI guys, the K3 size is Break Point's KID size.
Recommended roughly for children 4'10" - 5'1" and 90 lbs - 105 lbs  
6/18/2013 9:38:47 AM
Jiu Jitsu Boston Strong Charity Tee


The issue is fixed.
All sizes should now work for Buy Now, it seemed that the site was only processing orders for Youth sizes up until now.

Carry on. And thank you for supporting the cause. Sorry for the bumpy start to this sale.

-Your sleepy-eyed knight in shining armor.   
5/12/2013 1:52:31 AM
T-Rex Armbar T-Shirt

Shirt. Awesome. Yes.  
5/8/2013 11:40:00 PM
Cage Walk Blue Rashguard

This rashguard has a basic compression fit... nothing extraordinarily big or small. The shoulder panel allows the rashie to fit tightly but comfortably, while never impeding your shoulder/arm mobility.

Another thing to note with respect to sizing: most rashguards that fit nice and snug like this will ride up your belly (especially for taller blokes). At 6'1" 175 lbs, the Large feels great and seems to have a little extra torso length.   
4/29/2013 2:07:53 PM
Bad Boy Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

I'm 6'1" 175 and the A3 fits great right out of the bag.  
3/15/2013 12:36:42 PM
Alpha II Kimono by Aesthetic

Check out Aesthetic on Facebook:  
3/11/2013 4:42:18 PM
Tatami Ranked Rashguard

The fit on this rashguard is fairly straight forward. I'm 6'1" 170 lbs and the Medium works for me as a compression fit and the Large works as a slightly looser fit.   
2/25/2013 12:01:16 PM
Tatami Knuckles Grey and Orange Hoodie


Please disregard anyone's comments that claim you're not going to receive the hoodie pictured. I don't know why anyone would claim to know what we're going to ship out. The photograph is precisely the hoodie that we'll be shipping out to you. Dark grey hoodie with orange letters.   
1/8/2013 10:01:12 PM
93 Brand Made in America Ranked Rashguards

The world is ending in less than 3 weeks, don't you want to be wearing the greatest rash guard you've ever seen when the Apocalypse goes down?  
12/3/2012 10:03:23 AM
1 Comment
Bad Boy Sublimated Rashguard

What's up fellas...

This rashguard runs pretty standard. I'd say the torso might have some added length based on mine. The sleeves are standard. The neck is standard and noticeably comfortable as a matter of fact. For reference, I'm 6'1" 170 lbs and the Large is a good fit, granted it could be tighter and a Medim would probably do the trick too.   
11/30/2012 12:44:16 PM
Eidos Limited Edition Gi Hoodie

Guys, these do tend to run a bit smaller. I would compare it to Scramble. My Scramble Large pullover hoodie fits like a glove, as does my Eidos. This hoodie's awesome...

In all seriousness, every time I put my hands in my pockets I start thinking about Jiu Jitsu. As if I need another reason to think about grappling men! But really, feeling and grabbing Gi weave in my pockets tends to put a little smirk on my face when I'm outside freezing my ass off in this otherwise miserable Northeast US winter!  
11/29/2012 1:45:21 PM
Break Point Lightweight Deluxe 2012 BJJ Gi

Height Weight Size

5'2"-5'5" 110-135 A-0
5'5"-5'8" 135-160 A-1
5'8"-5'11" 160-185 A-2
5'11"-6'2" 185-220 A-3
6'2"-6'4" 220-255 A-4
6'3"-6'6" 255-285 A-5  
11/28/2012 1:35:08 PM
Strike "Rolling Thunder" White BJJ Gi

Size chart has been added to the photos. The last pic shows the dimensions/measurements. Sick Gi!  
11/14/2012 12:25:48 PM
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

Guys, these Gis do run a bit snug. So if you're in between sizes and can't decide, go up. And if you normally float in between two sizes, this would be one of those times you pick the larger size.   
11/6/2012 11:28:13 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

I'm sorry but mixing and matching isn't available for this gi. We do offer it on the Tatamis at
11/7/2012 5:04:48 PM
Comment on:
Strike "Rolling Thunder" White BJJ Gi

Size chart has been added to the photos. The last pic shows the dimensions/measurements. Sick Gi!
11/14/2012 12:25:58 PM
Comment on:
Strike "Rolling Thunder" White BJJ Gi

It will be a tough call. A4 is best for your weight, but it will be very long (I'm 6'2" and the A4 is even long for me).

A3 is a gamble, but it could work. You just risk it being a tad too snug.

My opinion is the safest way to go would involve a little tailoring: Buy the A4 and have the sleeves and pants taken in by a seamstress to accommodate your height. Then it should fit perfectly with a possibly longer jacket skirt.

11/14/2012 9:44:41 AM
Comment on:
Strike "Rolling Thunder" White BJJ Gi

... stay tuned!
11/14/2012 12:24:54 PM
Comment on:
Venum Electron Purple Shorts

Probably not on this sale... but stay tuned.
11/15/2012 10:49:12 AM
Comment on:
Godzilla vs. King Kong Meerkatsu London Open Tee

JLC, shoot us an email at and we'll check to see if your order went through.
11/21/2012 10:36:24 AM
Comment on:
Roots Crimson Tide Gi

Trim is a deep maroon color
11/26/2012 11:18:21 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Crossover 2 Lift Black MMA Shorts

Pretty sure these do... inside the waistband by the right hip.
12/2/2012 3:26:17 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Made in America Ranked Rashguards

The cut is comparable to Rupture, I'm 6'1" 170 lbs and the Large 93 fits pretty much just like my Rupture L PTSi
12/3/2012 10:05:29 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Made in America Ranked Rashguards

... 99% of the rash guards we sell do not include "Made in America"
12/3/2012 10:02:27 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Made in America Ranked Rashguards

Thank you, Steve.. my point exactly: If you don't buy this you are anti-American. Amirite?
12/3/2012 6:52:57 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Designed Black Strike Fightwear Katanapus Shorts

Sizing info goes either way on these. They're Small (30"), Medium (32"), Large (34"), X-Large (36").
12/3/2012 11:26:48 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Designed Black Strike Fightwear Katanapus Shorts

Tbonez, are you shipping to a US address? Please make sure you've selected the right country from the scroll-down menu in case you're ordering internationally.

If you're still encountering errors, trying clearing your Cache & deleting your Cookies before attempting again.. it might be a connection issue.
12/3/2012 11:38:15 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Designed Black Strike Fightwear Katanapus Shorts

Frank, these translate pretty accurately to the standard conversion (S=30, M=32, L=34, XL=36)

I wear 34" Clinch Gears, Large Manto shorts, and the Large Katanapus shorts are a nice fit. Probably could've gone Medium as well... but Large = 33" or 34" from what I can see.
12/3/2012 11:24:05 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Designed Black Strike Fightwear Katanapus Shorts

Indeed a different browser may do the trick... if not then try clearing your cache and deleting your cookies.
12/4/2012 9:11:26 AM
Comment on:
Scramble No Attack Groin Tee

Grey Gi approaching!
12/5/2012 9:27:59 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Premium Competition Gi

Stay tuned!!!
12/6/2012 10:29:42 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda Tee

Hi Jed,
You cannot order more than one per order. Shipping is $5 per order/shirt.
12/11/2012 3:24:09 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Rainbow Spats

Scramble updated the spats in a few ways, so you probably have the previous model of black spats and then the new version of rainbow spats... Because the current line of black spats are the same as the rainbows you have (including drawstring).
12/14/2012 10:15:37 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Last pic
12/17/2012 11:08:04 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

If you've got super long arms then a2 might be too short after washing (although these do not shrink easily, you're already at the top of the a2 spectrum). My advice is get a3 and then shrink if necessary. Gave my buddy the Goose prototype a3, he's 6'1" and 190 with long limbs and it fit like a glove after one wash.
12/17/2012 11:40:18 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Manny, I do not know who these gentlemen are. It appears they came down from heaven, graced the studio with their modeling abilities, and then ascended into the great unknown once again.
12/18/2012 9:51:37 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

My suggestion is a3. These are pretty resistant to shrinkage, but will shrink if you really try to (hot wash & dryer). If you like a standard->fitted style, A3 should be perfect for you if you cold wash and hang dry. If you like the old school loose fit, then you could gamble on the a5, you'd just need to make an effort to shrink.
12/17/2012 11:44:18 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

gamble on the a4******
12/17/2012 11:44:49 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

I suggest A1 and wash cold/hang dry.
The a1 prototypes fit our guys who are approx. 5'8" & 155 lbs and 5'7" 160 lbs.
12/17/2012 11:48:35 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1 yes
12/18/2012 9:43:30 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Mike, yes a1 should work for you.
12/18/2012 9:44:02 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

If you always wash your Gis on heat, then the a2 might eventually shrink... but these are not easily shrunk. If the Gi is going to be dried on heat regularly, you might want an a3. My concern then would be that it may not shrink enough though, so my opinion would be to get an a2 and hang dry it (then tumble dry on cool to soften it up if you prefer that).
12/18/2012 9:47:48 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

facebook page:
12/18/2012 10:01:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Wouldnt the patch have to be on the lower jacket to be a tramp stamp? Unless you know a lot of loose women who have tattoos across their two butt cheeks, that's pretty out there though.
12/18/2012 10:03:21 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

It is stitched on so if you have seam rippers or are a whiz with a scissor, you can remove it.
12/18/2012 9:41:56 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

On the butt it's candid, lapel is in-yo-face!
12/18/2012 10:02:01 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Depending on when in the day you order, it will either ship today or tomorrow.
12/18/2012 11:54:24 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

12/18/2012 12:45:32 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 could work for you, just might have to wash on warm and try to shrink it a little bit.
12/18/2012 12:46:36 PM
Comment on:
Jiu Jitsu Belt Rank Wrist Bands

White belts get to tie a shoelace around their wrist :)
1/1/2013 9:51:36 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Knuckles Grey and Orange Hoodie

The hoodie we're shipping you is exactly the same color and model as shown on our picture.
1/8/2013 10:03:32 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Knuckles Grey and Orange Hoodie

The hoodie we're shipping you is exactly the same color and model as shown on our picture.
1/8/2013 10:02:46 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Knuckles Grey and Orange Hoodie

The hoodie we're shipping you is exactly the same color and model as shown on our picture.
1/8/2013 10:01:44 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear White Panda Jiu Jitsu Gi

send us an email at and we'll change it
1/17/2013 9:22:35 AM
Comment on:
Spider Guard Web-Flex Cup with 2 Supporters

What a potty mouth!
1/27/2013 8:16:04 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Pink Blossom Girls BJJ Gi

11 p.m. until 11 p.m.....

More than half of those will be day time hours ;)
1/29/2013 12:09:15 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Pink Blossom Girls BJJ Gi

Most items ship from New York (select items may ship from elsewhere).
1/29/2013 12:10:37 AM
Comment on:

Two guys, one shirt.
2/4/2013 3:59:19 PM
Comment on:
Break Point Light Weight Deluxe Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Someone is very sensitive about their Gi... ;)
2/8/2013 10:54:15 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zero G 2.0 Superlight BJJ Gi

No mixing available on the Zero G, they come as a set right from the Factory. The Estilo is available in mixed top/bottom and individual top/bottom on
2/20/2013 10:05:31 AM
Comment on:
Storm Kimonos 96 Gi

Hey that's my name!
2/25/2013 11:52:41 PM
Comment on:
Robson Moura Requirements - 5 DVD Set

Yes, but in Australia the DVD spin the opposite way. Like the toilets.
3/1/2013 11:31:05 AM
Comment on:
Robson Moura Requirements - 5 DVD Set

3/1/2013 11:31:39 AM
Comment on:
Alpha II Kimono by Aesthetic

Zach: your height is an A3 but your weight is an A2. I'm 6'1' as well and honestly prefer the A2 fit even after washing... So my advice is A2. To be totally sure, please compare the measurements in the last pic to your favorite fitting gi.

evitigre: A2 should work for you also.
3/12/2013 10:01:08 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

Hi Skidzz, we tried on some of the Gis here in the office and thought our adjustments were more accurate than Bad Boy's original chart. Not by much, just a bit. If you need to change your order please email with your order number.
3/15/2013 12:36:03 PM
Comment on:
Roots "Carnivale" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Kyle... Someday close indeed!!!!!!!!!!!
3/26/2013 4:34:44 PM
Comment on:
Tufrol Signature Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's pretty light feeling, I'd compare it so some of my summer Gis (jacket feels similar to Tatami Estilo Class fabric). Pants are regular cotton, but breathable and cut to keep air flow going (not bulky feeling).
4/16/2013 11:51:57 PM
Comment on:
Tufrol Signature Jiu Jitsu Gi

Tough to say, your height is an A1 but your weight is not going to work for an A1. If you have a stockier build then A2W is probably good for you. If you're more bottom heavy then A2 regular would be best.
4/16/2013 11:49:52 PM
Comment on:
Tokyo Five Principles Shorts

The waist is elastic, yes.
4/18/2013 12:08:21 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Children's Gi

Jose, the gis are made just like the adult version... just a little smaller and a different fit (better for kids). For HQ items, there are no returns or exchanges.
4/22/2013 1:10:14 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Just a heads up Steven, there are no returns for BJJHQ sales. What size did you order? A2 or A2H depending on how you like your Gi to fit should do the trick.
4/24/2013 9:12:25 AM
Comment on:
Vo2 "Iron Fist" BJJ Grip Trainers (Pair)

5/10/2013 11:14:43 PM
Comment on:
Reevo "The Guard" Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free White Belt

Belt is included, yes.
5/14/2013 10:28:24 AM
Comment on:
Odin Fightwear "Berserker" Rashguard

These are true to fit, so I'd say go with whatever size rashguard you normally wear.
5/21/2013 12:43:05 AM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

Please email with your order number and concern.
Just FYI, this wall is more for sizing recommendations or comments on the item, questions about orders might not be seen by the appropriate person, but we'll always see emails sent to :)
5/22/2013 12:30:48 AM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

For order changes, you'll need to email with your order number and the changes you'd like.
5/22/2013 12:28:47 AM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

You should get an email confirmation right after ordering. If you did not, it's possible your order didn't go through.

If you didn't get an order number on the confirmation page after ordering, and no email from, then shoot an email to to confirm that you have an order.
5/22/2013 12:25:21 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu x BJJHQ "Grappling Thing" T-Shirt

Bryan, we will do you one better.
Expect not one but two Strike Gis to make an appearance in very limited quantities.
5/23/2013 12:07:48 AM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull Premium Black Gi - Version 2.0

johnnys - I have a Grab & Pull A3 and I am exactly 6'2" 180 lbs. (lanky).

The pants fit great, but the jacket was a bit wide for my taste (I prefer a fitted cut, more like A2L Gis, or an A2 Shoyoroll or A2 93 Brand). However, it's not a deal breaker; I still wear the Gi regularly, just wish it were a bit slimmer.
6/5/2013 10:34:11 AM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull Premium Black Gi - Version 2.0

At 5'11" the A4 will be a bit much in the arms/pants/skirt length.
I'm 6'2" and the A4 was even too long for me. Your height is best suited for an A2, perhaps A3. However your weight is on the low end of an A4.

There aren't many sizes that will be ideal right out of the bag for 5'11" 227 lbs, but I'd say go for an A4 and anticipate having to have the sleeves/pants taken in.
6/5/2013 10:38:46 AM
Comment on:
Grab and Pull Premium Version 2 Blue Competition Gi

The pants are a light ripstop, jacket is a medium-light pearl weave.
6/17/2013 1:15:58 AM
Comment on:
Grab and Pull Premium Version 2 Blue Competition Gi

Rami is correct, you're risking short sleeves if you go with the A2. My advice is A3, and if it's too loose try drying it with heat for 10 minute intervals until you get the desired fit.

You've got A3 height and A2 weight, so each size will have its merits.

I'm 6'2" 175 lbs so I have the same problem. My thoughts are a Gi with sufficient length and little roominess (A3) usually works better than a Gi with a fitted body but short sleeves and highwater pants (A2).
6/17/2013 1:15:01 AM
Comment on:
Grab and Pull Premium Version 2 Blue Competition Gi

Grab & Pull Gis are already packaged as full sets, no mix/matching available.
6/17/2013 1:16:57 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Titan Energy" Black Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Your height is A2, but your weight is A3... I'd say it's safer to go for the larger size: A3
6/25/2013 9:43:17 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Titan Energy" Black Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

I think A2 is pushing it if you're 6'1". After washing it might not be long enough for you.
6/25/2013 9:41:40 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Titan Energy" Black Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

I don't think it would work. 210 is well outside the A2 range so it would likely be uncomfortable. A3 is a better choice, in my opinion.
6/25/2013 9:42:37 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Signature "Crosshatch" Black Fight Shorts

We'll rarely go more than a few days without putting up a Gi on, so if you're waiting for a deal on a new Gi, you won't be waiting for long.
6/26/2013 12:25:10 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Signature "Crosshatch" Black Fight Shorts

Btw, if you want any standard gi then no it definitely won't be long...

But we've also got a pretty unique Gi coming our way pretty soon (couple weeks) that's not usually available in the States. And a few exclusive Gis will be on BJJHQ in the next couple months, too. Exciting times for the HQ squad.
6/26/2013 12:42:39 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Black BJJ Gi

Yes indeed
6/27/2013 9:55:44 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero Ultra Light Competition Gi

Yes, it's fine for IBJJF comps and pretty much all other tournies.
7/1/2013 11:37:43 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Gawakoto Gentle Chief Made in America Rashguard

Nice and tight compression fit, similar to the Rupture PTSi or the Scramble Shadows. More snug than brands like Manto.
7/3/2013 12:28:34 AM
Comment on:
Reevo Blue Aerolight Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free Gi Sling Pack

Very close call.
I'm roughly your size (about 10 lbs lighter) and the A4 was just right with a little extra room width-wise. The A5 might be too baggy for you, so my opinion would be an A4.
7/8/2013 11:14:43 AM
Comment on:
Reevo Blue Aerolight Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free Gi Sling Pack

Yes, it looks like A3 is the best choice for the AeroLight.
7/8/2013 11:12:32 AM
Comment on:
Reevo Blue Aerolight Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free Gi Sling Pack

A3 looks like it's your best bet.
7/8/2013 11:12:08 AM
Comment on:
Contract Killer Brazil Rashguard

The size guide is pretty accurate. At 175 lbs the Large fit like a glove, and I fall right in the middle of the guide.

Of course, there is some wiggle room depending on how you like your fit. A teammate of mine is 170 lbs and has the Medium, which he likes... It's just a bit tighter thanks to the stretchiness.
7/31/2013 1:34:59 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand BJJ Drug Warning Label Tee

8/1/2013 11:16:56 PM
Comment on:
Venum Electron 2.0 Rashguard

Stewie, it appears that TV really doesn't add 10 lbs. You look much shorter than 6'0" on the tellie.

For the Venum Electron 2.0, you could go with a Large and should be pretty comfortable. I'm 6'1" 175 lbs and the Large is the perfect length with a bit of room width-wise. So at 185 lbs you would likely get the perfect compression fit (depending on your body type, of course, I'm not sure if 90 of those lbs. are in your diaper).
8/5/2013 2:56:04 PM
Comment on:
Strike Fightwear Crowd Control Grey Gi

Fashion > IBJJF
8/6/2013 5:34:30 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game BJJ "Super Grappler" Rashguard

Bill, these are pretty accurate in terms of the fit. The torso length is generous (I'm just over 6'1" and the Medium is long enough for my body, though at 185 lbs the compression is too much for my liking so I stick with the Large)
9/16/2013 2:31:28 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Flex Wrench Performance Shorts

Tee Jae, this Clinch Gear series' fabric has some stretch to it and don't restrict movement... as far as shorts with decent room around the thighs, the Signature series would rank as some of the best.

Josh L, the Clinch Gears are roomier than the C.K. shorts.
10/10/2013 4:08:26 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Flex Wrench Performance Shorts

Flex* Series
10/10/2013 4:08:50 PM
Comment on:
Manto Evo 2.0 Competition Gi

It may be the way this Gi fits the particular mannequin it's on. You know, the mannequin has really been lifting pretty hard so his biceps are swole, making the Gi sleeves wrinkle unless they're pulled tight in one direction.

To clarify: this Gi does have the classic Manto 'clinch' logo embroidered on the arms.
10/11/2013 9:43:47 AM
Comment on:
The Takedown Blueprint 3 DVD set

what is a youtube?
10/16/2013 5:21:29 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Ranked Rashguards

10/25/2013 12:40:44 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Ranked Rashguards

more comments
10/25/2013 12:40:54 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Ranked Rashguards

:) These run true to size and are a thick/sturdy material, definitely one of the better ranked rashies.
10/25/2013 12:46:54 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Ranked Rashguards

You've got barely 10 lbs on me, but I wear the L and it fits great. My guess is that L would suit you fine, too.
10/25/2013 12:47:36 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Ranked Rashguards

These are true to size. At 6'1" 175 lbs the Large fits me great.
10/25/2013 12:40:31 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Ranked Rashguards

Medium is probably your best bet, as long as you like the standard compression fit. If you're one of those cats who likes baggier rashguards, then L is the way to go.
10/25/2013 12:48:20 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Apocalypse Rash Guard

Stay tuned, nickdr Link13.
Both new 93 Brand Gis are on their way, but haven't landed in the States just yet. Give us 2 weeks and you'll be happy with the BJJHQ feature :)

The Goose will be back eventually as well.
10/29/2013 10:19:14 AM
Comment on:
Scramble The Wave Gi

What are these "savings" you speak of???
10/31/2013 3:49:48 PM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

5'9" falls in the A2 and A2.5 range, but your weight is likely above those ranges, so choosing either of those will probably mean a pretty tight-fitting Gi. It may be wiser to get an A3 so it's loose enough, though the sleeves and pants will be a bit long.

But in my opinion it's better to have a Gi that's long and perhaps needs a little tailoring on the sleeves rather than a Gi that's the right length but too tight.
11/7/2013 10:16:43 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

id say you were right. A2.5 should work.
11/7/2013 10:12:40 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

Your height is an A2.5 but your weight won't work for that size. Unfortunately Venum doesn't provide a weight range in their sizing chart, for some odd reason.

In my opinion you would have to choose between a size that is snug but the proper length (A3) or one that is loose enough to be comfortable, but too long (A4) and worst case scenario requires so tailoring in the sleeves and pants length.
11/7/2013 10:06:22 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1.5 is designed to be halfway between a1 and a2, while A1L is designed to be an A1 with added length. I wouldn't recommend using any sizing chart other than the one provided by the manufacturer, as one company's A2 could be another company's A3, etc.

For this Gi, my opinion would be an A1 if you're 5'4" 145 lbs.

11/7/2013 9:45:16 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

My suggestion would be A3, since your height is just barely over the limit of A2.
11/7/2013 9:39:53 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Shield Ranked Rashguards

Matt, XL should be right on. I'm 6'1" 170 lbs and the Large fits great.
11/13/2013 9:32:47 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

11/18/2013 11:20:07 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

11/18/2013 11:20:20 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

11/18/2013 11:37:53 PM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Gi - White

Sizing runs the same so A3 should be perfect for you after a wash.
11/25/2013 10:36:47 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero Ultra Light Competition Gi

Keyboard warriors typing behind your keyboard, grow a pear!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
11/26/2013 3:32:56 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero Ultra Light Competition Gi

At 6'0" I can say an A2 Sub Zero definitely won't be too long. You're just outside the height range of A2 so the sleeves/skirt may be a bit short, but the fit should otherwise work (in terms of width/girth).
11/26/2013 3:34:32 PM
Comment on:
Hapkido Man T-Shirt

It's an athletic fit tee, so my guess would be a Medium (though I imagine your normal t-shirt size is a small)
11/29/2013 11:28:01 PM
Comment on:
Pony Grappling Club Gear X Meerkatsu The Juliet Rashguard

But of course there may have been quite a large number available, just especially high sales because this rash guard is... well... really something.

12/1/2013 12:31:29 AM
Comment on:
Gawakoto X Art Junkie Save the Earth Spats

At 5'10" the smalls might be a bit too short.
5'10" 144 lbs sounds pretty tall/slender so Medium should work fine.
12/12/2013 10:11:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Uncle Tony, Tatami only sells 93 Brand in the UK, they are not involved in the production/design of 93 Brand gear.
12/15/2013 12:07:07 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Zak - You should have an order confirmation email if the order went through, but email and we'll double check for you.
12/15/2013 1:54:30 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Check out the last pic, it has a height/weight sizing guide.
12/15/2013 1:53:33 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2L is a better choice.
12/15/2013 1:53:04 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Your height is an A2, but they are recommended only up to 185 lbs.
So an A2 will be the right length but a bit tailored/snug.

A3 won't be so snug, but might be a bit long, so it depends on how you like your Gis to fit.
Personally, I'd say go for an A2 and wash cold/hang dry. But I'm partial to the modern/tailored fit.
12/15/2013 1:52:45 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2L and A2 Husky are two different sizes (there is no "A2L Husky").
But A2H is meant for stocky type, roughly 5'8'-6'0", where as an A5 or A6 would be incredibly long on someone that height.
12/15/2013 1:48:31 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

No Moya gear immediately planned.
12/15/2013 1:42:44 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Patch on the pants is sewn on so it can be removed easily if you have a handy dandy seam-ripper, or if you're crafty with a pair of scissors.
12/15/2013 1:46:35 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

The last pic is a height/weight sizing chart.

A2 and A2L will both work for you, depending on how you like your Gis to fit.
For reference, the Goose does not shrink much at all.
12/15/2013 1:45:10 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free White Belt

David, the A2 is probably a better choice after shrinkage. I'm surprised to hear Jessica's feedback, as most Nova's have at least a bit of shrinkage when first washed... and especially if machine dried.
12/16/2013 4:26:26 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free White Belt

Hi Tony,
I sent you an email with some sizing info earlier today. Hope that was helpful.
12/16/2013 4:23:23 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free White Belt

If you're normally a Tatami A3L then A4 is a better choice than A3.
12/16/2013 4:22:51 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free White Belt

A3 is probably a better choice after shrinkage.
12/16/2013 4:22:30 PM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Black BJJ Gi

A1.5 is great for your height, but would be too tight. I'd say A2 is a better choice.
12/27/2013 11:51:21 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Black BJJ Gi

A1 and A1.5 would both work, depending your fit preference.
A1 if you like a more tailored fit, A1.5 if you like a looser fit.
12/27/2013 11:56:47 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Black BJJ Gi

A3 is great for your weight, but if you have longer limbs than the average 6'3" man.. then you would need an A4 for your limbs alone.
A4 will be a loose cut for your weight, may require some shrinking down.
12/27/2013 11:41:48 AM
Comment on:
Venum Competitor Black BJJ Gi

A2.5 should work perfectly right out of the bag.
12/27/2013 10:59:54 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Citizen Fight Shorts

I'd call it the unstretched size, and the elastic portion of the waistband adds some wiggle room if needed.

I wear a 34" in most shorts and my 34" Citizen shorts fit great at the waist; no pinching due to the elastic. Though the shorts themselves have a more tailored fit. Personally I love it, since the body fabric itself has some stretch to it.
1/6/2014 10:36:13 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Gi Material Backpack

Me too, and damn proud of it!
1/24/2014 11:55:28 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Long Sleeve Rashguard

To explain the limit on quantity:

In order to make sure everybody gets a fair crack at the deal, orders are limited to 1 item. If it were possible to stock up your cart with 10 Gis or shorts, resellers/school owners/eBay fiends may buy up a lot of the stock at the discounted HQ price.

With a limit of 1 per order, everyone can buy 1 and get a good deal. You're allowed to place more than 1 order, but it would need to be placed separately and with its own shipping. That way resellers are discouraged from grabbing all the stock.

Better for a lot of people get the deal once (for themselves) than a few people buy up all the stock to make some money off of reselling... BJJHQ is for the people :)
2/7/2014 11:17:48 AM
Comment on:
Sprawl Fusion II Shorts

PayPal will automatically enter your verified PayPal address. Instead, you can enter the shipping address (that is the first address we ask for, under "Where is the Shipment Going?"), then under the billing section there's a box that reads "same as shipping." That box is checked off by default, however if you deselect the box, a new field will appear so you can enter a separate billing address.
2/16/2014 2:08:13 AM
Comment on:
Breakpoint Limited Edition Gold Label Gi

Tough call since you're floating right between the top weight range of A2 and bottom weight range of the A3, but I agree with Ben Liu... A3 is a better choice in my opinion.
2/26/2014 11:52:25 PM
Comment on:
Breakpoint Limited Edition Gold Label Gi

Only complete sets are available for this sale, no mixing and matching.
2/26/2014 11:50:02 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Panda Gi

Check out the sizing chart (last pic). The cut is the same but keep in mind that gold weave fabric is normally more susceptible toward shrinkage than a pearl weave.

Re: different top and bottom. Sorry - no mix-and-match available for daily deal sales.
3/4/2014 11:46:25 PM
Comment on:
Vulkan Ultra Light Black

Etienne, BJJHQ runs one item at a time from 11pm EST to 11pm EST. Some items sell out before the 24 hour slot is up, some don't.

Every so often, there is are "Rolling Deals" for 24 hours, where the deal changes every 20 minutes or until it sells out (whichever comes first).
3/9/2014 10:05:21 PM
Comment on:
Kenka x Meerkatsu Octopus Long Sleeve Rashguard

Did you get three order numbers/confirmations?
Or did you try to buy three times and only one order was confirmed? (in which case your bank may have placed a temporary 'authorization' for the failed attempts).

Either way we'll take care of it if you just shoot an email to
3/11/2014 12:00:26 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

The fabric is washed, however all Gis will experience some shrinkage (despite being labeled as "preshrunk").
Gold weaves are more prone to shrinkage than Pearl weaves, and white Gis are more prone to shrinkage than colored Gis (due to the color dye process removing some more shrinkage).

That being said, white Gold weaves are susceptible to shrinkage so there will be some shrinkage with the Tau. Out of the bag, it is cut like the Goose and Charlie, however it will shrink more than those Pearl weaves.
3/11/2014 11:46:18 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

Your height is best for A1, but your weight is best for A2. I'd say it's safer to go with an A2 and worst case scenario do a little "shrink to fit" to get the perfect fit.
I recommend a cold wash and then 5 minute intervals on "low heat" to check the shrinkage.
3/12/2014 10:37:31 AM
Comment on:
Savage Spats

Select Canada from the drop down menu in the upper right.

In the future, bookmark and voila!
3/16/2014 7:29:16 PM
Comment on:
Arm Bars No Es Possible

Pretty standard.
Since the cut is middle of the road (not particularly athletic, not particularly relaxed) there's no need to deviate from your normal t-shirt size.
3/19/2014 11:19:58 PM
Comment on:
Arm Bars No Es Possible

There are still Women's Small. Not sure what the issue you were having was, but if you clear your cache and delete your cookies before attempting to purchase, it should go through just fine.
3/19/2014 11:38:02 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Just FYI - Dollamur has to package and ship each mat separately, so it ends up being $5 per box (much much lower than the true cost of shipping each box).
3/21/2014 2:16:41 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

BJJHQ is set up for only one item per order, that way resellers or school owners can't buy up all the stock in one purchase (giving everybody an equal shot at at least one).

You can always place multiple orders, but it would require its own shipping charge (to discourage re-sellers from buying 30-40 times).
3/21/2014 2:14:58 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Chinese Panda Rash Guard

Loyal Panda.
3/23/2014 10:25:20 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

>> Brandon <<
A2H would be a very close call. The length would be right on, but the weight limit is roughly 240 lbs so you would be risking the Gi being a tad too snug. A4 would have more room (suggested weight limit: 260 lbs) but if the sleeves/pants don't shrink-to-fit after one wash you might need to have the sleeve/pant cuffs taken in a bit.

>> Tony <<
The A1F is a "fitted" version of A1. So the sleeves/pants are virtually the same exact length while the changes are made to:
-The rate at which the cuffs/pants taper off (for a more competition-oriented cut)
-The jacket skirt (for someone with slightly narrower hips)
-The width of the waist (for someone a bit lighter than a standard A1)
I'd say A1 is still the best call for your height/weight.
3/24/2014 10:03:59 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A2 should be a pretty solid fit for your build, have you given that a shot?
3/24/2014 9:55:14 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

$5 is if you're on the main version of (US shipping), but if you're at,, etc., each shipping destination will show the respective flat rate price.
3/24/2014 9:54:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A4 will be the best call in order to get a comfortable fit, but it will be a bit long in the sleeves/pants. A3 is an ideal length but will be too restricting for someone at 260 lbs.

Personally I would go for an A4 and then wash/dry to see if the sleeves come up to the right spot. If still too long, have a tailor take them in a bit.
3/24/2014 9:53:01 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A2 is almost picture perfect for your build. Your height is great for the A2 and your weight is just 5 lbs out of the recommended range, so as long as you don't like a loose/baggy cut then the A2 should work fine.

If you prefer a big, old school Rener Gracie-type-of-fit, then A3 would work.
3/24/2014 9:48:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

It will be difficult to get a Gi long enough at 6'3" that isn't too baggy at 170 lbs. I'm just barely 6'2" and 180 lbs and the A2L is a great, perfect fit for my Charlie Gi.

You run a slight risk of the A2L being a tiny bit too short, but I'd say it's a better call than the A3L which is intended for someone much heavier.
3/24/2014 5:06:06 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

I'm very close in height/weight (I'm just over 6'1" and 182 lbs) and the A2L is a great fit.
3/24/2014 5:03:01 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

Tough call - your height is best for an A1L but your weight is just a weeeee bit out of the A1L range (recommended 165 max). If you like a really tailored type of cut then A1L could do it but in my opinion A2 would get you a better fit.

At first A2 will be a bit long in the sleeves/pants but after a wash* and perhaps very brief Low Heat cycle if necessary, it will get you a better fit than A1L.

*Always cold - to preserve the color - I even wash my colored Gis inside out to really preserve the exterior color's richness)
3/24/2014 4:48:53 PM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Blue

Shrinkage is pretty standard as long as you wash cold and hang dry as recommended. If you're using heat then expect more significant shrinkage and possibly go a size up.
3/25/2014 2:01:25 PM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Blue

A2 would be too snug once wash/dried so yes, A3 is a better choice. It just might be too long before wash/drying.
3/25/2014 9:56:13 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Shadows Rashguard

XL should work pretty perfectly.
3/26/2014 2:14:47 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Shadows Rashguard

Yes - I'd say so.
3/26/2014 2:14:10 PM
Comment on:
Muaewear "The Dragon" Rashguard

James is correct
3/28/2014 12:27:13 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Women's Capri Spats

Msdrbeat: Medium would be the best choice.
3/30/2014 5:46:31 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Women's Capri Spats

Amanuel: I got a pair of these for my girl and she's 5'7" 135-140 lbs. The Medium fit her comfortably.
3/30/2014 5:48:01 PM
Comment on:
Manto Evo 2.0 Competition Gi

Tiger - In situations where your height falls in a different category than your weight, as a very general rule I go for the bigger of the two sizes. It's always easier to address a garment that's too big (whether shortening the sleeves/pants or shrinking down the girth) than it is to address a garment that's too small (realistically, you can't lengthen the sleeves, skirt, or pant legs... nor can you make a Gi jacket wider than it already is, etc.).

tl;dr -> A4 is the best choice. It will be too long right out of the bag but after a wash it will be better and, worst case scenario, have the sleeves/pants hemmed to accommodate your height.
3/31/2014 10:53:42 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Happy Hour Tee

3/31/2014 11:37:21 PM
Comment on:
Kenka X Meerkatsu White Tiger Rashguard

Depends. How good are you with scissors, a needle, and thread?
4/2/2014 11:35:45 PM
Comment on:
Kenka X Meerkatsu White Tiger Rashguard

omg I'm a VERIFIED ADMIN guyz!
4/2/2014 11:36:13 PM
Comment on:
Kenka X Meerkatsu White Tiger Rashguard

Whatever you normally wear for rashguards, this one's a pretty standard compression fit.
As opposed to, say, Manto rashguards which are a more relaxed compression fit. Or a Fuji rashguard which is an athletic compression fit.
4/3/2014 12:07:09 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Vapor Shorts 2 Pack

email cs@bjjhq . com with your order number and the change you want to make.
All sizes are sold out now, but there's a chance someone else will cancel and free up the size you want.
4/4/2014 1:01:19 AM
Comment on:
Attack the Turtle Rashguard

Email with your name/email and we'll double check.
4/10/2014 1:01:22 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Shorts 2 Pack

They're true to fit; go for whatever size you normally wear in standard fight shorts. If your waist is a true 31" then I'd say it's better to go up to 32" than down to 30".
4/10/2014 11:21:28 PM
Comment on:
Gameness Shorts 2 Pack

Why do they? Or you're asking if they do?
4/11/2014 10:47:28 PM
Comment on:
Muaewear Soul of Sibera Rashguard

The Medium should do the trick and be sufficient in length and compression. Unless you prefer a looser, more relaxed fit, in which case go for Large.
4/13/2014 10:22:23 PM
Comment on:
Tatami ZeroG V3 Gi

A3 is a better choice for you, Brian.
4/14/2014 12:25:27 AM
Comment on:
Tatami ZeroG V3 Gi

Negative ghost rider
4/14/2014 12:24:18 AM
Comment on:
Break Point Ranked Rashguard

I second McGnuggitt. The cut is on the slim/athletic side.
4/15/2014 12:10:39 PM
Comment on:
Break Point Ranked Rashguard

All of the colors on our BJJHQ sale are adult sizes.
4/15/2014 12:10:10 PM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

I'd say go with 30-32 if you're a 30" waist.
4/16/2014 5:07:42 PM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

32-34. If you're right in between two sizes, I recommend going with the larger of the two when ordering spats.
4/16/2014 5:07:09 PM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

I don't recommend going down a size for spats.
4/16/2014 5:04:20 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 4.0 Premier BJJ Gi

It does include the carry bag.
4/21/2014 11:40:16 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Supreme Shorts

Usually NY to AU is <10 days.

However Customs sometimes exercises their right to inspect a package. That's not so common but on the occasions that they do so, it may result in some extra time.
4/22/2014 11:17:51 AM
Comment on:
Americana Gi

Last picture...
4/26/2014 1:59:12 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

The rashguard has a pretty snug compression fit. If you're in between sizes, definitely go for the larger of the 2 sizes. I'm 6'1-6'2" and 180 lbs and the Large is pretty snug.
For more specific info, measure the circumference and height of your favorite rashguard and compare to the sizing chart.
4/30/2014 10:52:38 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

Standard rashguard, this model can be worn by both men and women.
4/30/2014 10:49:10 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

Medium should offer a perfect compression fit for anybody around your range. If you prefer a more relaxed fit, a Large will work too, without being excessively baggy or long.
5/2/2014 4:12:06 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

A large might be a bit snug at 190 lbs. Do you normally wear a Large?
5/2/2014 4:11:05 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

If you normally wear Mediums, I'd say go up to a Large since these run on the athletic side. A bigger belly might mean you need the longer torso length of the Large (so it doesn't ride up).
5/2/2014 4:10:10 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

Medium should be fine. If you like a looser, more relaxed fit then a Large would likely do the trick as well, since these have a pretty snug fit.
5/2/2014 4:07:59 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

The XL PunchTown rashguard will be just as snug if not a little more (they run athletic).
5/2/2014 4:02:45 PM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

Right on the border. I'm 6'1" 180 lbs and I wear the A2, but I like a more tailored fit. And i ALWAYS wash cold/hang dry.
If you like your Gis fitted, go A2 and cold wash/hang dry.
If you like your Gis with a roomy, old school cut, go A3 and use Low Heat cycles in the dryer until you get the desired fit.
5/8/2014 11:40:51 AM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

A2 will be perfect after a wash.
5/8/2014 11:31:33 AM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

It's a tough call because your weight puts you in an A4, which will be much too long.
If you're steadily losing 2 lbs/week then I'd say go for an A3. It might be snug for the first two weeks, but you'll grow into it better and it won't be quite as long on the sleeves and pant legs. Worst case scenario you would need to take in the sleeve and pant hem.

Welcome to Jiu Jitsu and kudos to you for losing the weight! I'm down to 175 lbs from 210 when I started.
5/8/2014 11:31:12 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks

grant_gray: email us at cs@bjjhq . com please, including your order numbers and we'll get one of them canceled first thing in the morning.
5/9/2014 12:46:52 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks

If you are ok with a snug fit, A2 might work, but since A2 cuts off at 185 lbs you're looking at a close call.
A3 will be a bit long and require some shrinkage down, but is likely to be more comfortable than squeezing into an A2.

5/9/2014 12:45:54 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks

Your weight is a bit low for the A2H, but if you give it a warm wash and low heat spin in the dryer, it should come out pretty perfect.
5/9/2014 12:31:36 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks

A2H should do the trick after a wash and dry, since you're juuuuust a tiny bit below the size range.
5/9/2014 12:30:12 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks

Unfortunately no A1F was produced in this batch of the Hooks, but it's still a staple of literally all other 93 Brand Gis.
5/9/2014 2:24:14 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks

A2 is the best choice for you.
5/9/2014 2:16:32 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks recycles tracking numbers, no need to worry. They're simply using a tracking number that was used back in Japan 2012. They'll reset it shortly and your tracking will reflect more accurate info in probably 6 hours.

Or.... Our shipping is so damn fast that you already got this Gi a year and a half ago. Suck on that, BudoVideos!
5/9/2014 5:40:47 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Rashguard

@Lauro, Fuji doesn't provide the measurements for XS, good catch.

Since each size covers 2 or 3 inches, XS will work for 31-33
5/12/2014 1:36:19 AM
Comment on:
Manto "Budo" Rashguard

We've updated it so now it's inches.
5/14/2014 10:37:07 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Samurai Shadows Rashguard

What's the error message?

Email and we'll get it sorted if you haven't already gotten an order through.
5/21/2014 10:16:50 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Samurai Shadows Rashguard

What's the error message?

Email and we'll get it sorted if you haven't already gotten an order through.
5/21/2014 10:16:17 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Samurai Shadows Rashguard

If you like a nice compression fit, a Large could do the trick. I'm 6'2" 181 lbs and the Large fit perfectly.

But if you like a more relaxed rashguard, XL will work too.
5/21/2014 10:15:42 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

D-Win, a medium should work great for you. But to be totally sure, use a tape measure to compare to the chest width in the size chart.
5/27/2014 12:26:04 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

Small should do the trick.
The only concern being torso length, in case you have a super long torso. From the neck to the bottom hem on a small = 26.25", so if that is not long enough then you'd need to bump up to a Medium.
5/27/2014 12:28:34 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

Honestly I think XL may be better. It's hard to say because I don't know your torso build, but if you measure your chest circumference/length and compare to XL and XXL, it'll give you better insight.

Please note the chest measurement is the unstretched dimension, so there will be additional stretch room.
5/27/2014 12:43:11 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

Medium should do the trick.
The chest circumference is the unstretched dimension, so the Medium should stretch enough to fit you, where as a Large would be very long.
5/27/2014 12:44:57 PM
Comment on:
Venum All Sports Brazil Fight Shorts

Hahah ZkingCyrus is on point with sage advice!

@Justin - shoot us an email "" and we'll make any necessary changes.
5/30/2014 10:58:40 AM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Blue Classic Gi

Your height is a little low for the A3L right out of the bag, but after a wash or two it should fit perfectly.
6/1/2014 8:55:14 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Battle Dragons Rashguard

Small could probably work if you like a tight fit or if most of your weight is in your legs, but Medium is likely the ideal fit. Especially if you're top heavy, have broad shoulders, or have a long torso.

6/2/2014 2:50:53 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

No, but Nurul seems to want belt-matched Gis only :)
6/4/2014 10:33:27 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear CS Bamboo Gi

Personally would've gone with A2-Tall. Your weight is outside of the A1T range and your height is the highest recommended for A1T, so after a wash it might be too small.
A2T you could wash without worry. I'm 6'2" 174 lbs and the A2T is pretty perfect after a cold wash and hang dry (I prefer a tailored sort of fit). So if you washed warm it'd be perfecto, IMO.
6/11/2014 1:16:01 PM
This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Comment on:
Tatami X Meerkatsu Chinese Panda Grappling Tights

Medium should do the trick.
6/16/2014 8:30:52 AM
Comment on:
Miyao Bros DVD Set

I'm sure you won't be waiting long, Richard. There is no shortage of Gis at BJJHQ!
6/25/2014 12:18:34 AM
Comment on:
Reevo Aerolight Jiu Jitsu Gi

@Douglas - What's your current weight? Depending on your weight, the A5 might be perfect after a warm wash.
7/8/2014 11:48:55 PM
Comment on:
Modern Flow Vintage Gi

Tough call, but whenever you're on the edge it's always best to go for the bigger size, since you can shrink it down.
6/27/2014 12:33:45 AM
Comment on:
Modern Flow Vintage Gi

The official diagnosis is "port" - other acceptable names would be burgundy or maroon.
6/27/2014 10:58:37 AM
Comment on:
Modern Flow Vintage Gi

I'm sure David knows his Gis best. If your height is one size and your weight is another, I'd trust his judgment on which way to go.
6/27/2014 12:21:47 PM
Comment on:
Jiu Jitsu Sandals

@Matt Campbell,

Did you get to successfully pick up your size? Shoot us an email at with whatever app trouble you had so we can see if it's something we can improve.

6/29/2014 11:37:35 AM
Comment on:
Oss "Kintaro" T-Shirt

(@HuggyBear, these are not the same tees as the Heavenly Footlock, etc.)
7/3/2014 9:02:21 AM
Comment on:
Venum Revolution Fight Shorts

They run a bit shorter than average.
7/10/2014 10:35:04 AM
Comment on:
Venum Revolution Fight Shorts

31-32 should be fine unless you prefer a looser fit.
7/10/2014 10:30:09 AM
Comment on:
Venum Revolution Fight Shorts

I would say go 33 instead of 31-32 since you've got a drawstring to cinch them up.
7/10/2014 10:29:35 AM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos "Air" Gi

@Bobby - Flow Kimonos does not advise A0 sizing on their site, but based on a training partner who rocks this Gi and the other sizes dimensions, A0 would work for someone 5'0"-5'3" and 110-130 lbs
7/11/2014 11:30:13 PM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos "Air" Gi

jleung is correct.

and @Forrest, if it were hemp it would be in the product title as well as description. We'd never leave an important detail like that out :)
7/12/2014 8:19:22 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

Hi Al,
A3 might be a tad snug depending on how you wash it, since your weight is just a little bit higher than the recommended A3 weight of 200 lbs. I am 6'1" 180 lbs and the A3 fits me great, though a little baggier than I like, so it would fit you if you could avoid shrinkage, by washing cold and hang drying.
But if you prefer to wash your Gis on hot and/or tumble dry with heat, then you should bump up to the A4.
7/14/2014 9:53:49 AM
Comment on:
BreakPoint Lightweight 2014 Blue Deluxe Gi

Yes, Brian Brian.... A3 is a better choice!
7/17/2014 10:33:22 AM
Comment on:
BreakPoint Lightweight 2014 Blue Deluxe Gi

A3 is a good choice if you cold wash (hot wash is not good for colored Gis - it fades the color) and hang dry, per BreakPoint's instructions.

If you wash on hot and dry with High Heat, which I do not recommend, the A3 might shrink too much.
7/17/2014 10:35:25 AM
Comment on:
2014 Tatami Nova Black Gi with Free White Belt

Most likely A2, but A1 might work depending on body type.

Click on the sizing guide in the description, it will ask for your height, weight, and body type (long lean, stocky, average, etc.).

Plug in your numbers and it will give you the proper size :)
7/21/2014 9:38:45 AM
Comment on:
2014 Tatami Nova Black Gi with Free White Belt

Most likely A4, mayyyyybe A3 if you have a particular body type.

Click on the sizing guide in the description, it will ask for your height, weight, and body type (long lean, stocky, average, etc.).

Plug in your numbers and it will give you the proper size :)
7/21/2014 9:37:54 AM
Comment on:
2014 Tatami Nova Black Gi with Free White Belt

Check out the sizing link in the description, it will ask for your height, weight, and body type (long lean, stocky, average, etc.).

Plug in your numbers and it will give you the proper size :)

But in my opinion, yes A5 would be a close call.
7/21/2014 9:36:46 AM
Comment on:
2014 Tatami Nova Black Gi with Free White Belt

Just a heads up: BJJHQ purchases cannot be returned for other sizes. So I give 'em some slack for wanting to be extra sure (that's why we give as many size charts/info as possible)
7/21/2014 4:40:47 PM
Comment on:
PCGG Little Foot Rashguard

For just $2.99 you can buy a navy blue Sharpie and a set of neon highlighters.

Fill in the rest of the sleeve length on your skin. Problem solved.

*BJJHQ does not advocate drawing on your skin.
7/22/2014 10:33:56 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

Yes, Steve, A2H is a good choice.
After a wash it should be right on point!
7/22/2014 11:27:23 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

A1L is a good choice, for sure.
7/22/2014 11:25:43 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

I recommend A3, just make sure you cold wash & hang dry.
It'll work great as long as you like a modern type of fit.

If you like an old school, relaxed fit, then you should go with the A4 and use warm washes until you get the desired fit.
7/23/2014 12:31:52 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

A2H goes up to 240 lbs maximum, I wouldn't recommend going for A2H unless you are cutting weight.

A4 is a better choice, although intended for someone a bit taller, it would work for you after some warm washes and dryer cycles on Medium Heat.
7/23/2014 12:33:23 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

@todei79 - Yes, in general 93 Brand Gis are thoroughly pre-shrunk so there isn't much shrinkage. However the Tau is the one exception to that! The Tau will shrink like most Gold Weaves.
7/23/2014 10:21:34 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

Yes, A2 is the best choice for you.
7/23/2014 11:29:55 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

A2 should work for you.
7/23/2014 11:29:16 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

I've competed with this Gi in IBJJF comps with no problem.
The IBJJF diagram says that only a brand label can be on the shin, so the "93. finest. technique." embroidery might be a subjective call on the ref's part.

My Gi checker didn't say anything, however the shin embroidery has been pointed out as IBJJF illegal by my friend who is an IBJJF referee.
7/23/2014 11:27:28 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

A2L or A3, depending on how you wash.

If you wash cold and hang dry always, then A2L will work.
If you like warm washes or use the machine to dry, then go for an A3 and then it'll shrink to fit perfectly.
7/23/2014 5:17:59 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

@Samwise, your Gi may have been mis-labeled, truthfully.

I'm a hair over 6'1" and I'm 183 lbs, the A2 jacket is perfect, though the pants are a bit snug on my fat behind. I'm an A2L. Considering that the A2 was the perfect length for someone 6'1", your A2 should not exceed your fingertips by 5". There was certainly something wrong.

The factory may have stitched an A2 tag on an A4 Gi.
It's happened before. I have an Inverted Gear white Panda that says A2 but when laid on top of an Inverted Gear A3, it's the same size. It's happened with Tatami as well, so not impossible for 93 Brand to get the same mixup.

Shoot an email to and I'll make it right.
7/23/2014 5:16:44 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand "Tau" Gold Weave Gi

@Aryia, Mish is correct, the A1L is only longer than an A1... It is not longer than an A2.

Think of it this way: A1L is like an A1 with the *length* of an A2. Essentially, designed for someone who needs the girth/tightness of A1 but needs the length of A2.

The same goes for A2L. It's for someone who has the height/length of A3, but requires the girth and bagginess (or lack thereof) of A2.

Similarly, A2H is for someone who needs the girth/bagginess of A3 but doesn't need the A3 height. Essentially making A2H for someone who has the height of an A2 person but the weight of an A3 person.

Hope that answers your questions!
7/23/2014 5:13:38 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero Ultra Light Competition Gi

A lightweight carry bag, standard size.
7/28/2014 10:50:22 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero Ultra Light Competition Gi

@Alex - it'll definitely be back before the end of the year.
7/28/2014 10:51:16 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Gawakoto Tales from the Grips

You're a tall one, but Large should be the best mix for ya. 93 Brand uses a longer torso cut so it won't be too short, if that's your concern.
7/29/2014 9:27:28 AM
Comment on:
G&P Premium V3 Gi

If you're more slender than the size chart leads on (agreed that it points toward stocky female body types), then it's ok to go with the size that suits your height. You'll just need to shrink it a little bit.

For example if you are 5'8" but only 135, it's ok to go for the F4.

[[For this Gi, girls taller than 5'9" (being 5" taller than the avg. chick) are approaching the avg. male height, so starting at 5'10" the ladies would need to bump up to Men's A2.]]
7/30/2014 11:12:45 AM
Comment on:
G&P Premium V3 Gi

^^^ Yup, A3.
7/30/2014 11:05:27 AM
Comment on:
G&P Premium V3 Gi

I'd say A1. There may be some shrinkage, but looking at the size guide, you've got 2 inches of wiggle room on the A1's height range. If your height were at the top of A1's range, I'd say bump up to A2, but even after shrinkage the A2 will probably be too long.
7/30/2014 10:55:41 AM
Comment on:
Manto Beast Rashguard

Buy the blue one and make all your training partners wear red tinted glasses.
7/31/2014 12:25:43 AM
Comment on:
Manto Beast Rashguard

Same as all Manto rashguards: Fairly standard sizing, but slightly on the bigger size of the spectrum.
For ex., if you're normally floating in between sizes, go for the smaller of the two.
7/31/2014 11:16:45 AM
Comment on:
Pony Grappling Club Gear X Meerkatsu The Juliet Rashguard

If you emailed CS @ BJJHQ before 9a.m. EST, they should be able to make the change for you before the warehouse gets to your order :)
8/4/2014 9:39:01 AM
Comment on:
Pony Grappling Club Gear X Meerkatsu The Juliet Rashguard

XL might be a bit snug around your chest, so going up to 2XL is probably better. But 2x would very likely require some hemming. The sleeves and/or body will be too long, so you'd have to take them in, most likely.
8/4/2014 9:37:44 AM
Comment on:
Pony Grappling Club Gear X Meerkatsu The Juliet Rashguard

Might be a little big, but hot wash/dry might get it closer to the ideal fit. Of course, the good news is that they'll grow into sooner than later :) But at first it might be looser than preferred.
8/4/2014 3:51:44 PM
Comment on:
Pony Grappling Club Gear X Meerkatsu The Juliet Rashguard

8/4/2014 3:32:19 PM
Comment on:
Pony Grappling Club Gear X Meerkatsu The Juliet Rashguard

8/4/2014 3:32:00 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

8/5/2014 9:49:40 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

No sir. It'll stay nice and fitted as long as you wash cold and hang dry.
If you want to beat any stiffness out of a freshly hang dried Gi, I recommend the "air dry/fluff" option (no heat) for 20 mins with a fabric softener sheet.
8/5/2014 9:49:07 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

If you like a tailored fit, A1L will do the trick. If you like a more relaxed fit and prefer to use heat to wash, go for the A2.

The pre-shrinking on the 100kilo v2 means it will barely shrink with a standard cold wash/hang dry (unlike the v1, which shrunk no matter how you washed it). While heat drying is not recommended, it will get you minor shrinkage out of this Gi.
8/5/2014 9:44:16 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

You could get the A3 or the A2L depending on your frame.
8/5/2014 9:41:08 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Citizen 2.0 Shorts

Do you have other fight shorts aside from CK? If so, which size? (I ask because it sounds like CK isn't a good matchup for ya if 38 is too small but 40 is too big).

The 93 Brand shorts are made from an all-around flexible material so they won't restrict your movement like a non-stretchy pair (like the CKs). As a result, these Citizen shorts are very accommodating.

Long story short: 38" is my recommendation based on the info you mentioned above.
8/18/2014 10:09:17 AM
Comment on:
Kenka x Meerkatsu Tortoise Rashguard

Unless most of your weight is in your legs and you've got a relatively thin upper body, then XL is likely the way to go. I'm 180 and the Large fits nice and snug like a rashguard normally should, so this particular rashie might be pushing it for someone @ 220 lbs.
8/20/2014 11:49:48 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A0 would fit great if you cold wash, hang dry. A1 will do the trick once you give it the old 'shrink to fit' routine.
8/26/2014 2:33:20 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

8/26/2014 2:41:43 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A3 will be pretty long. A2H may be a better call and easier to shrink to fit than an A3.
8/26/2014 2:43:08 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A1L is perfect.
8/26/2014 2:43:49 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

Yes, the fabric is preshrunk prior to assembling the Gi. So a cold wash/hang dry will keep it pretty much the same fit. But like most Gis that undergo this preshrinking process, you can get more shrinkage if you use heat and shrink to fit.
8/26/2014 2:40:52 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

Shoot an email to and we'll try to dig one up for ya.
8/26/2014 2:39:23 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A0 is ideal if you cold wash and hang dry, but A1 will work if you shrink to fit.
8/26/2014 2:39:02 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

I'm 6'2" 180 and the A3 is too big right out of the bag, BUT I did the following twice and now it fits like a glove:

-Cold Wash (to preserve the color)
-30 min High Heat

You should be able to do the same, probably with less heat drying since you've got some weight on me. The Goose is immune to shrinkage for the most part, so you'll need to purchase a good fit right out of the bag. But the Hooks 2.0 is not so you can order up and shrink to fit.
8/26/2014 2:38:37 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

Yup, A2H is the way to go. You will not run into the tight thigh issue that you had with Inverted Gear, as those are a smaller cut than 93s.
8/26/2014 2:35:49 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

Yup. Only thing you may need to do is shrink the jacket down a little bit.
8/26/2014 2:34:59 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

Yup, A1 should do the trick.
8/26/2014 2:34:13 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

Tough call. You're just a little too tall for the A2L or A3, but slightly light for the A3L. Always better to go bigger, so I'd recommend getting an A3L and shrinking down to fit.
8/26/2014 1:01:34 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A1L would fit better, but A2 could work if you shrink it down.
8/26/2014 12:38:33 PM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

A2 is perfect for your height, A3 is perfect for your weight. Whenever someone is torn between two sizes it's always best to go for the bigger of the two.

If you got an A2, it'll be too snug.
If you get an A3, it'll have the perfect amount of roominess but be too long at first. Shrinking it down may get you the proper length, worst case scenario it would need the cuffs taken in an inch or two.
8/28/2014 11:25:12 AM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

A1 won't work for someone 170 lbs, so you'll need an A2.

Shrinkage is negligible if you wash cold and hang dry, but if you wash warm and/or use a Medium Heat cycle, you'll get standard shrinkage out of this one.
8/28/2014 11:21:38 AM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

If you want to get the longest use out of your Duke Gi, I'd say go for the A1. You'll need to shrink it a little bit once you get it, which is a better route than getting an A0 which fits at first but over time becomes a tiny Gi :)
8/28/2014 11:20:27 AM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

I'm exactly your size and I've got 3 Do or Die Gis. We're right on the edge of A2, but better of going A3.

One of mine is an A2, which fit like a tailored suit right out of the bag. After a few washes, the sleeves and pants became too short. Conversely, my A3s were a little bit straight out of the bag, but after a few washes, became the perfect fit.
8/28/2014 10:59:13 AM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

@JEM Unfortunately if you're a 36-38 then the 34-36 will most likely have too much compression around your waist, although some people are ok with that (depending on your legs/rear body type, preferred fit, and whether or not you're rocking several layers or a cup under your spats).

@Robert: Coola is correct, the 30-32 should do the trick.

@Juan: I would recommend the 34-36 if you're currently a 36" waist.

8/29/2014 2:14:25 PM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Blue

I second the A4 recommendation.
9/2/2014 9:05:56 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Blue

Very close call due to your height being at the top of the A2 range, but A3 would probably be too baggy straight out of the bag.

Personally I would you go for the A2 and always cold wash, hang dry.

I prefer a tailored, modern type of fit. If you like that old school fit like Ryron Gracie rocks his Gis, then you *could* grab an A3 and wash warm, then tumble dry with heat. After a few sessions, it'll shrink down so it's wearable.
9/2/2014 9:05:07 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Blue

Yup, A4 is the one for you.
9/2/2014 9:01:29 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

With the heat there won't be as many hoodies as the cold weather, but we still drop a hoodie here and there.

Tees are frequent. If you check BJJHQ on a daily basis, you'll see tees pretty much every week.
9/3/2014 12:41:06 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

Negative, only available as a two pack.

Only solution is to find a teammate who also wants only 1 tank, purchase, then sell him one of your two B-)
9/3/2014 12:43:05 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

Pretty standard fit. The photos we have posted for this sale are Larges, photographed on our usual BJJHQ mannequin who always wears a large.
9/3/2014 6:45:24 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die "Jiu Jitsu Knows" Rashguard

Standard fit (order the same size you normally wear for men's t-shirts) - same as all other Do or Dies.
9/4/2014 11:23:01 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die "Jiu Jitsu Knows" Rashguard

9/4/2014 11:19:13 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Fire Rooster Spats

@Cap: Large

@Timothy: Medium
9/5/2014 1:39:21 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Fire Rooster Spats

You could likely wear L or XL honestly.
I am 6'2" 183 lbs and I have Large Scramble spats, which fit, though there's a little more compression than I'd like around the waist. Then I tried these spats in size XL and they were much more comfortable.

Considering that these are flexible and stretchy, a Large could work if you like a snug fit.
**But personally I would recommend the XL**
9/5/2014 1:24:41 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Fire Rooster Spats

Medium could work as it's appropriate for your height, but only if most of your weight is in your upper body. Large will be better if you've got more of your weight in your legs.
9/5/2014 1:12:34 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Fire Rooster Spats

I just tried buying the spats on 2 computers in the office, using Chrome Firefox IE both times. I got to the final PayPal Checkout with no issues.
Since we also have not gotten any reports of your issue from other Spats or JIU JITSU KNOWS customers (and since it happened to both of your accts) I'm thinking it's a browser issue.

Go to Settings or Options on whichever browser you're using and clear your Cache, then delete your Cookies. The come back to BJJHQ and give the link a try again.

If that doesn't work, write back or drop us an email at
9/5/2014 1:09:55 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Fire Rooster Spats

They're technically a unisex pair, yes.

A teammate of mine, Female @ 5'2" 125 lbs, wears these spats in a size Small. She tried on these unisex spats and then the Womens cut Scramble spats and liked both cuts just fine. Considering the stretchy nature of the poly blend fabric, they'll usually accommodate most lady grapplers :)
9/5/2014 12:53:37 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

A2 is fine, but A2L would be better.
9/8/2014 11:19:33 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

If you normally wear an A1 you'll need at least an A1L considering the shrinkage.

A2 would work if A1L sells out.
9/8/2014 11:27:57 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

In this case either one could work, but A2H will get you a better fit.
9/8/2014 11:26:07 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

Close call. The A2L after shrinking will have more of a tailored cut in terms of the sleeve length, but I think it would work.
9/8/2014 11:25:01 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

Nope. The A2L is essentially an A2 in width/girth but uses sleeve/pant/skirt length of an A3.

Conversely, an A2H is an A2 in sleeve/pant/skirt length, but uses the width/girth of an A3.
9/8/2014 11:18:17 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

A3 would be great after washing.

I'm 6'2" 182 lbs and the A2L fits nicely but is juuuust a bit too short after some washing. A3 was big at first but after washing and a 5 minute warm dry, it's right on.
9/8/2014 11:07:49 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

9/8/2014 11:06:27 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo V1 - Defect

You should be fine. I recommend cold wash and hang dry.
9/8/2014 11:06:02 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

Adam111, not sure I understand the question, what are you asking ?
9/15/2014 11:20:15 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

I'd go more by the torso length, since I think both Sm and Md will be sufficient for your body weight. Check out the last pic and compare to your favorite rashguard or shirt, because the only risk with the Small would be that it ride up too high.

9/15/2014 11:19:32 AM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Rashguard 2 Pack

The point of rashguards:

-Muscle compression
-Skin protection
-Comfort (most people don't enjoy skin on skin grappling)

So a short sleeve rashguard accomplishes all of those, minus elbow protection. Elbow protection is not the main purpose of rashguards. Personally I only wear short sleeve (or 93 brand's 7/8 sleeve).
9/15/2014 11:57:55 AM
Comment on:
Manto 4.0 Classic - Black Jiu Jitsu Gi

Although your weight is a few lbs over the A2 suggested limit, I think it'd work great as long as you wash COLD and hang dry.

A3 would work as long as you shrink it down, because it will be too long at first.

So it depends on what type of fit you like:
More tailored = A2
Roomy fit = A3
9/16/2014 11:14:44 AM
Comment on:
Manto 4.0 Classic - Black Jiu Jitsu Gi

Tough call, as your height is A1 and your weight is A3, but in this type of case it's always best to go with the bigger of the two sizes.

A3 is your best bet.
9/16/2014 11:18:03 AM
Comment on:
Manto 4.0 Classic - Black Jiu Jitsu Gi

Ugh, gyms banning black Gis for white belts is so lame. Stay strong sister!
9/16/2014 11:15:31 AM
Comment on:
Grab and Pull Ranked Rashguard

It's on the lighter side of purple, but I wouldn't call it pink :) the lighting of the shot and sheen of the fabric make it look even lighter in the pics.
9/17/2014 12:13:29 AM
Comment on:
Grab and Pull Ranked Rashguard

Large is a better choice. I also wear an XL in *most* rashguards, such as 93 Brand, Inverted Gear, Manto, etc. however these rashies are on the roomy side so I was more comfortable in a Large, even a Medium (I'm a little lighter than you).

@ 195 lbs, go for the Large, definitely.
9/17/2014 12:11:23 AM
Comment on:
Grab and Pull Ranked Rashguard

Medium will get you a nice compression fit. Large will fit but won't be skin tight since these are on the roomy side.
9/17/2014 12:09:51 AM
Comment on:
Grab and Pull Ranked Rashguard

Brutwix - You could rock the Large for sure, though it'd have some wiggle room. The Medium would give you a compression fit.

I'm 6'2' 182 lbs and the Large was a little loose.
9/17/2014 11:58:28 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Gentle Panda Rashguard

It won't be super tight, but it will still work if you're ok with a more relaxed fit rather than snug compression.
9/19/2014 1:57:54 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

Hasn't happened yet, my friend.
9/24/2014 10:36:35 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

Coola is correct. It's "T/S" technically, which is "Tall/Slim"

Size chart may refer to either of them, but they're the same alteration of cut.
9/24/2014 11:09:50 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

Any luck since last night?

If the order hasn't gone through, clear your browser's cache and try again. Are you using a non-US address? If so, try selecting the country from the drop-down menu on our home page prior to checking out.
9/24/2014 11:01:40 AM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Rash Guard - Long Sleeve

No exchanges for BJJHQ or MMAHQ purchases, sorry Name/Nickname.
9/29/2014 11:10:21 AM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Rash Guard - Long Sleeve

Should be perfect.
9/29/2014 11:08:46 AM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi

I agree, my suggestion is A3 and try to shrink it down a little if needed (in terms of length).
9/30/2014 11:33:03 AM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi

If you cold wash forever, hang dry forever, it could work. I'm 6'2" 185 lbs and the A3 works, although it's less fitted than I like (I feared that the A2 would become too short on my arms).

@Bjjist: that is not true for the V3. Very little shrinkage. I've got the unbleached, which tends to shrink the most (compared to dyed colors), and there's minimal amounts of shrinkage.
9/30/2014 11:30:10 AM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi

9/30/2014 11:27:46 AM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi

There is minimal shrinkage with the V3. However the A2 should suffice.
9/30/2014 11:24:44 AM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi

Negative ghostrider!

Standard shrinkage if dried, fairly minimal shrinkage if cold wash/hang dry (as recommended).
9/30/2014 3:17:19 PM
Comment on:
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi

A3 most definitely.
9/30/2014 11:20:33 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

A3 is best for ya.
10/1/2014 11:18:59 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

Correct, these do not include extra pants.

A3 is the way to go, yes. Might be a tad long at first, but most standard sizes will be a little long at 5'9" in order to accommodate 210 lbs. The solution is a quick session in the dryer on Medium Heat, should shrink it perfectly.
10/2/2014 1:17:52 AM
Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

L or XL depending on how you like your rashguards to fit.
10/9/2014 10:07:55 PM
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Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

Tough call as your height is an A3 but an A3 would be too snug at 275 lbs. A5 is best for your weight, but it'll be a bit long out of the bag.

My advice would be to pick up an A5 as it's better to choose the bigger of two sizes whenever you're in between. At most you'd need to take in the sleeves/pant cuffs if they're too long.
10/14/2014 12:10:24 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A1L would be a great tailored fit for you.
10/14/2014 12:05:48 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

You're right at the bottom of the A2H weight range, but I'd say it's the best bet. It'll be wider than you need right out of the bag, but you can shrink it down if you:

Wash cold.
Throw it in the dryer on Medium Heat for 15 minute intervals (up to 3 or 4 intervals if needed).
10/14/2014 12:03:30 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

Little to no shrinkage when washed cold and hang dried.

If it's a little loose and you want to make it a little more snug, try 15 minute intervals in the dryer to shrink it down a bit. There will be minimal shrinkage as the fabrics are pretty thoroughly pre-shrunk, but you can get some shrinkage if you do so deliberately.

10/14/2014 12:01:02 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

There is no A3L for the Hooks. Most other 93 Brand Gis have an A3L so it is included in the size chart.

All available sizes have a corresponding button on the right.
10/13/2014 11:59:37 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

10/13/2014 11:58:47 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A2L if you like a more fitted style, A3 if you like a looser fit.
10/14/2014 2:42:38 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A2 is best IMO. A2L would be too long unless you've got incredibly long arms.
I'm 6'2" with long arms and the A2L is perfect on me.

Which brands are your other A2L Gis?
10/14/2014 2:42:04 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A0 if you like to cold wash/hang dry.

A1 could work as well, just would require some shrink-to-fit.
10/14/2014 2:39:05 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

10/14/2014 2:03:23 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A3 will work after a wash and dry (i recommend cold wash, then a warm cycle "Medium Heat" at 15min intervals until it fits to your satisfaction).

A2L could work also.

I'm 6'1"... pushing 6'2" and 180 lbs and the A2L works with cold washing/hang drying. Although I am bottom heavy (thick legs and butt) so 93 Brand a2L's tend to be too snug on my butt and thighs, so I started getting A3 instead. It takes one or two wash/dry sessions to get it down pat, but overall I'm happier with it.
10/14/2014 2:03:04 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Wrestling Icon Headgear

We don't want your significant others to hate you for spending your weekends on the computer!
10/14/2014 11:34:33 PM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

Since those dimensions make for a rather tall/slender girl, I'd say the men's size would likely work better than the women's.
5'7" and 120 lbs, A1 would work.
10/15/2014 11:59:35 PM
Comment on:
Break Point Ranked Rashguard

They're all the same cut. Pink follows the same size chart as the rest of the traditional ranks (in the description).
10/17/2014 1:15:41 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Black Panda 2.0 Gi

It is correct. The A0-T is more of a "Slim" than a "Tall" - it's essentially for someone who *would* fit into an A0 but finds it a bit too wide or loose. So the A0-T is slimmed down :)
10/21/2014 11:15:33 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Black Panda 2.0 Gi

I agree with Lloyd. A0 with cold wash/hang dry will get you a more fitted Gi. A1 will be a much more relaxed cut.
10/22/2014 12:33:50 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Black Panda 2.0 Gi

A1 is probably the best size, though it may require a few spins in the dryer on Medium Heat in order to shrink-to-fit
10/22/2014 12:32:22 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Black Panda 2.0 Gi

Line your height/weight up with the sizing listed in the description. Many Gi companies have different charts due to different cuts.

There's no set conversion (e.g. A2 in Fuji = XX in Inverted, etc) but you're likely an A1. Definitely consult the chart :)
10/22/2014 12:35:33 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Black Panda 2.0 Gi


I'm 6'1"-6'2" and about 180-185 lbs, my Panda A2-T is a great fit.
10/22/2014 12:31:07 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Black Panda 2.0 Gi

A1-T would likely be a bit big for you. A1 is a better choice, just be sure to cold wash/hang dry.
10/22/2014 12:29:58 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Black Panda 2.0 Gi

Fuji runs a little more snug than Inverted Gear. A2 Inverted would probably be too long, A1 is a better choice *as long as* you always wash cold and hang dry.
10/22/2014 12:28:38 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

A1 will work, just be sure to cold wash/hang dry always.
10/24/2014 12:53:30 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

A1 could work if you like a tailored/fitted type of Gi, just needs to be cold wash/hang dry. I have a teammate 5'10" 160 lbs and the A1 works, just might not be IBJJF legal :)

If you want a more relaxed fit or if you want to be able to dry with heat, go for A2.
10/24/2014 12:53:04 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

A2 if you want a fitted cut. I am your exact size and my Manto A2 Gis (X Gi, Muerte, Vai Finaliza) fit perfectly. They're a nice and tailored style fit, as long as you cold wash/hang dry. The A3 would need you to shrink-to-fit.

Yes comp legal.
10/24/2014 1:23:40 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

Tough call as your weight is A4 and height is A2. It's always better to go for the bigger of the two sizes... But in general the 'in between' sizes like 93 Brand's A2H may be a better cut for you, so you don't have to get an A4 and take the sleeves/pants in.
10/24/2014 12:56:13 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

A1 should work, just might need a quick spin in the dryer to shrink-to-fit!
10/24/2014 12:51:48 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

10/24/2014 12:54:49 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

A2 is a good fit for you in Manto sizing, just be sure to cold wash/hang dry always.
10/24/2014 12:54:34 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

A4 is a better choice than A5, for sure.
10/24/2014 12:54:06 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

A3 should be great for you.
10/24/2014 12:53:51 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

10/24/2014 12:53:38 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

Yea, A3 is the way to go.
10/27/2014 4:31:04 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Ranked Rashguards

These run rather snug. (Sizing is in the description this time, no image chart)

The Choking Hazard rashie in size Small would suit someone as low as 115 lbs. I've got a male teammate, 5'7" 120 lbs and the Small fits him great.
10/28/2014 12:13:33 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Ranked Rashguards

@jiujitsuninja the Small would work for ya!
10/28/2014 12:20:53 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Ranked Rashguards

Depends on how you're built, but probably a Large for a standard compression fit. I'm 185 lbs as well, and I have 93 Brand rashies in Large... as well as XL. I'm 6'2", and the XL gives me a more relaxed fit, for those days that I'm feeling fat, ya know? When I'm feeling like an adonis, I go with my Large :)
10/28/2014 10:57:46 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Ranked Rashguards

jiujitsuninja, what's your email address or order number (if the Order Number is referenced in your email)?

Perhaps you're getting filtered by our email program mistakenly. I'll find it with an email search or Order Number search.
10/28/2014 5:50:06 PM
Comment on:
Tatami x Meerkatsu Honey Badger 3.0 Rashguard

Medium, unless you're carrying most of your weight in your upper body. Super bulky torso/shoulders, top-heavy kinda guys might be more comfortable in a Large, but most people at 5'8" 170 lbs would be best suited with Medium.
10/30/2014 12:07:53 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

A0T/S could work depending on your body type, as long as you cold wash and hang dry, but if you want to play it safe or plan on wash/dry with heat, then A1 will do the trick.
10/31/2014 11:01:11 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

Definitely A3
11/5/2014 9:19:47 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

11/5/2014 9:19:14 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

11/5/2014 9:18:41 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

11/5/2014 9:18:11 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

(The A2 would be a good fit for your weight, but end up being too short so in this type of case when you're on the border of two sizes, it's best to choose the bigger of them. Better to have a Gi slightly looser and long enough, than a Gi that's more fitted in terms of girth yet too short to ever really use)
11/5/2014 11:49:36 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

A2 should work as long as you always cold wash and hang dry.
11/5/2014 4:13:06 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

11/5/2014 4:12:47 PM
Comment on:
Toro Choke-Out!! Rashguard

It's long-sleeve.
11/6/2014 10:28:10 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

A2.5 is the best choice for you. I know the size chart cuts off at 6'0" but looking at the wingspan of 67", that could work for you depending on your arm length. A3 is great for 6'1.5" but would be too baggy at 167 lbs.

SO your safest bet is to grab your best fitting Gi and measure the wingspan and jacket length and pants length. And then compare to A2.5 which is 67" wingspan, 31.5" jacket height/length (collar to skirt), and 40" pants length.
11/7/2014 10:49:35 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

It should still work if you're spot on 260 lbs, however to be really sure, check out the dimensions listed in the chart.
Wingspan: 73"
Jacket Width (skirt): 24"
Pants waist (not the circumference): 24"
11/7/2014 10:10:48 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

Close call, but I think A3 is a better choice.

Safer to choose the bigger of the two, since you can shrink-to-fit if needed (rather than a Gi that is meant for someone 5'11" yet too tight to actually wear, at 195 lbs)
11/7/2014 10:03:15 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

Assuming you are a male? Then I'd suggest A2.5 with cold wash and hang dry.
11/7/2014 9:40:14 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

No word from Venum officially since this Gi just dropped, BUT looking over the Gi there is nothing that wouldn't pass IBJJF inspection. Black is allowed and all patches are in approved locations.
11/7/2014 11:35:48 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Star Spangled Spats

You could probably swing a Large if you like a nice snug fit, but XL should work fine if you already picked it up.
11/11/2014 11:13:03 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Star Spangled Spats

I'd say Large works great for you. I'm a 34" waist, 180 lbs, 6'1"-6'2" and I wear Scramble spats in a size Large very comfortably.
11/11/2014 11:14:04 AM
Comment on:
Fuji "Robo" Rashguard

It's standard, perhaps slightly on the snug side. Check out the interactive size guide at the bottom of the description. If that isn't helpful enough, compare your chest measurements to the Fuji Size Chart.
11/12/2014 11:09:24 AM
Comment on:
G&P Premium V3 Navy Gi

A3 should work, so long as you cold wash/hang dry. I'm 6'2" 185 lbs and it has some room for added weight.
11/13/2014 11:44:57 AM
Comment on:
Tatami X Meerkatsu Chinese Panda Grappling Tights

Terry - you could likely rock an XL pretty comfortably. 2XL might be a bit long... What's your waist size?
11/18/2014 1:46:48 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

@butchcass - unfortunately we cannot ship to Canada. Any orders placed for non-mainland US destinations will have to be canceled, as each mat would cost an extraordinary amount of money to ship.
11/20/2014 9:26:34 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Rollers Rashguard

These are on the snug side. Medium should work for you pretty well.
11/24/2014 1:29:40 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Rollers Rashguard

I'd say XL is a more comfortable choice, though a Large would get you a snug compression fit. I'm 6'2" 180-185 lbs and I prefer the XL, granted I like a slightly relaxed compression fit.
11/24/2014 1:29:09 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Rollers Rashguard

Medium should work comfortably.
11/24/2014 1:20:27 PM
Comment on:
Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear Ripstop Gi

As long as they're a 'weave' style ripstop, it's approved. If it's a thin ripstop like that of your Gi pants, then it won't work.
But heavier, woven type ripstop like Koral Light and JJPG Ripstop, totally legit.
11/25/2014 12:04:50 AM
Comment on:
Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear Ripstop Gi

I would say A3 is a much better choice, in order to allow for shrinkage.
11/25/2014 5:20:01 PM
Comment on:
Tap Cancer Out Charity Gi

11/27/2014 12:09:30 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Cyber Monday Sale

A2 might be perfect, but you risk it getting a little too snug over time after washes.
A3 will be too long, but is a safer choice overall. Worst case getting the sleeves/pants taken in.
12/1/2014 1:34:56 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Cyber Monday Sale

Tough call as your height is A2 but your weight is A1, but in these cases it's usually safer to go with the larger of the two sizes (a2) and then shrink to fit.
12/1/2014 10:43:23 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Cyber Monday Sale

12/1/2014 1:18:20 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Long Sleeve Ranked Rashguards

While we sometimes ship same-day (if you order earlier in the sale), most orders ship the next business day (no shipping on Sat/Sun).
12/2/2014 12:29:53 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Long Sleeve Ranked Rashguards

They are all pretty true to the sizing guidelines. What's your height/weight?
12/2/2014 12:29:16 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Randori Kittens T-Shirt

If you're a gambling man, grab the Kids M and throw 'em in the dryer. Besides, "they grow up so fast..."
12/2/2014 11:57:40 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Randori Kittens T-Shirt

No specific dimensions for the adult tees via Next Level, but they are a fairly standard cut... same style fit as several tees we've carried before:
93 Brand Drug Tee
93 Brand Enter the Triangle
93 Brand ROLLERS Tee
Philippines Charity Tee
Meerkatsu Dueling Apes Tee
Meerkatsu Size of the Dog Tee
Meerkatsu Heavenly Footlock Tee
Strike Half-Guard Tee
Arte Suave Be Gentle Tee
12/2/2014 11:53:30 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Randori Kittens T-Shirt

If you don't receive an automated tracking email sometime during the day tomorrow, drop us a line at with your order number and we'll clear it up.
12/2/2014 11:49:56 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand JITS DO IT

If you're a dude, Medium should do the trick.
12/8/2014 10:35:10 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand JITS DO IT

They do fit like regular tees. Not particularly baggy, not too tight. I assume you are typically a medium in men's tees? That is the size I'd suggest for the Jits Do It, should make for a perfect fit after one or two wash/dry cycles.

If you have a lean upper body and or prefer a more fitted tee, Small could work as well.
12/8/2014 11:36:52 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Irezumi Spats

If you were a male I'd agree, but as ladies tend to have curvier lower body the Small size may work for you. Is your waist less than 28" ?
12/10/2014 12:54:56 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Irezumi Spats

Large should do the trick.
12/10/2014 12:51:15 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Irezumi Spats

Small would likely be short. Medium is the way to go.
12/10/2014 1:50:34 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Black Panda Gi

All of the T/S sizes are the same; a bit longer and leaner than their regular counterpart. A0T is tall and slim, A2T is tall and slim, A3T is tall and slim, etc.

Same idea as the "L" sizes from most other brands. "A2 Tall/Slim" is Inverted Gear's way of saying "A2 Long"
12/11/2014 11:37:10 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Black Panda Gi

Yes - this one comes with the nice roomy gear bag. New green & yellow colors, looks sweet!
12/11/2014 1:47:48 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Black Panda Gi

It's a close call, depends on whether you'd rather a slightly wide cut (A2H) or a slightly long cut (A3). Personally I'd say the A2H with a hot dry (turned inside out to best preserve the color) and 15min intervals of drying would be your best bet.
12/11/2014 2:32:58 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Black Panda Gi

Inverted Gear produced a white version of the Gold Weave Gi last year, although it was a slightly different layout (longer and rectangular shoulder patches, woven and not embroidered).
12/11/2014 11:25:57 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Black Panda Gi

Yes, @emoishardcore, the pants are the same 12oz ripstop from most IG releases.

And @giln: the "2.0" you're referring to is the standard Panda Gi (pearl weave). This Gold Weave is brand spankin' new.
12/11/2014 11:28:31 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Black Panda Gi

My advice would be to get the A1 and cold wash/hang dry as that is the manufacturer's instructions.

It's not advised to hot wash BJJ Gis, especially colored Gis, or hot dry them, but if you will do that regardless then A1 will likely become too small and A1T would make a better choice.
12/11/2014 2:30:07 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Apocalypse Rash Guard

Yes, Allan-san is correct... Medium is my suggestion as well.
12/12/2014 2:02:36 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Apocalypse Rash Guard

Hi JC,

Per the FAQ page and return policy, Daily Deal sales are final, due to the nature of the site. If the wrong size is purchased it cannot be returned or exchanged.
12/12/2014 2:02:00 PM
Comment on:
Tatami ZeroG V3 Gi

A3 is your best bet.

Like Juan said, it'll be a bit long in the sleeves and pant length, but anything smaller and it'll be too snug around your body.
12/13/2014 1:27:48 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

A1 should do the trick :)
12/15/2014 11:56:21 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

Close call as your weight is just barely out of the A2 range.
A3 is intended for someone a bit taller, but it's a safer call to go with A3 and then shrink to fit rather than risking A2.
12/15/2014 11:57:55 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

I responded to your previous comment, but now I see that you're planning to drop some weight, which makes me reconsider :)

If you are at 195 lbs and definitely dropping pounds then I say go A2. Personally I've fluctuated up to 191 lbs and my A2 Mandrill still fit, it was just more like a fitted Gi.

That being said, if you continue to drop (to, say, 185 lbs) then you'll "grow" right into it. I recommend A3 only if you're staying at 195 lbs and if you warm wash/heat dry it.
12/15/2014 12:07:09 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

Yes, due to your height, A3L is the best choice. It'll require some shrinking to get the width on point. My advice is grab an A3L and wash it warm, then try it on to see the fit... If it's too loose, dry it on Medium Heat for 15 min intervals until it fits properly.
12/15/2014 12:14:26 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

I am pretty much your size, just an inch or two taller and the A2 still works for me... Granted, I prefer a more tailored fit, not the long Ryron Gracie style wizard sleeves :)

As long as you're going to follow manufacturer's instructions of: cold wash hang dry, then A2 is the best choice for a perfect fit. If you plan to use hot wash and hot dryer cycles consistently, then A3 will work.
12/15/2014 12:25:16 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

Yes, international including Canada is available. What's the issue you're running into?

In the meantime a quick fix may be to Clear Cache and Delete Cookies on your browser, then try again.
12/15/2014 11:35:50 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

I'd recommend getting the A1L and not shrinking as it won't be necessary.

The best method would be A1L and cold wash, hang dry. If you like to put it in the dryer to soften it up, it's best to use the Air (sometimes called Air Fluff) setting, which will tumble it around without heat.

A2 will be a bit loose on you @ 154 lbs, though a hot wash/dry will alleviate that after a few cycles.
12/15/2014 11:35:00 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu MANDRILL Gi

12/15/2014 12:26:47 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Shorts Random 2 Pack

To the OP: no, you cannot select which shorts, you will receive a random two-pack.

Most Clinch Gears include a small stretchy pocket sewn inside the waistband, yes.
12/16/2014 1:16:25 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Shorts Random 2 Pack

They're pretty true to size. I wear a 34 or 36 pair of jeans (my jeans fit, not baggy) and I wear 34" Clinch Gears. If youre in between, such as a 31, I would say 30 is a better choice in this particular brand as the shorts do not have elastic waistband or an adjustable drawstring.
12/16/2014 1:07:49 PM
Comment on:
Clinch Gear Shorts Random 2 Pack

Hi Heather, unfortunately it's not possible, the purchase is limited to a 2-pack of the same sizes.
12/16/2014 1:06:23 PM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Navy Gi

Yes, the main fabrics are cotton, only exception being the interior yoke panel with sublimated graphics.

While Venum does have this as pre-shrunk, that's not to say it won't shrink additionally if washed warm or dried with Medium Heat (my suggestion being 15 min. intervals). Personally I'd recommend going for the A4 and shrinking it down to fit.
12/17/2014 12:46:03 PM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Navy Gi

I recommend going for the A2 and using a warm wash to shrink it down to fit, rather than risk the a1 being too snug after a few washes.
12/17/2014 12:44:23 PM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Navy Gi

A2.5 is a good choice for ya.
12/17/2014 1:48:00 PM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Air Gi

12/18/2014 2:11:33 PM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Air Gi

12/18/2014 2:11:21 PM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Air Gi


A2 if you're hang drying or using Air Dry on the machine, but if you're regularly using Heat in the dryer than A2L is a better choice.
12/18/2014 2:11:05 PM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Air Gi

A3H most definitely :)
12/18/2014 2:10:02 PM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Air Gi

12/18/2014 2:08:14 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Samurai Shadows Rashguard

How so?

Some of the ranges overlap by a few lbs, that's intentional and not uncommon with rashies. Since it's a very flexible fabric and weight can often mean different things depending on your height as well, they can overlap.

For example I am 185... 190ish, and while that is at the top of the L range, it's also at the bottom of the XL range due to the 10 lbs overlap. After considering that I am tall (6'2") it makes more sense to go for the XL :)

Any concerns on sizing feel free to post on the wall and we'll figure out the best recommendation for ya.
12/19/2014 12:44:02 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic IBJJF Shorts

12/21/2014 10:06:24 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

Mario, the A2H is almost perfect for you, though it may be a bit wide as it can go up to 240 (it's an ideal cut for someone built like Masood above). If you find it too wide/loose then I'd suggest a warm wash and 15min intervals in the dryer on Low Heat until you get the fit you want.
12/22/2014 10:57:27 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2H is 100% built for you, my man. Enjoy.
12/22/2014 10:33:01 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

"I regret buying this 2nd beautiful Gi!" ...said no BJJHQ fan ever.
Indulge, my friend, tis the season of GI-ving.
12/22/2014 10:31:59 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2, yes, though it may be a bit long in the sleeves until you wash. If so, I recommend cold wash and then Low Heat intervals of 15min until it fits.
12/22/2014 10:30:48 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1 as long as you cold wash and hang dry. A1L if you feel inclined to use heat, though it is not recommended.
12/22/2014 10:29:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

@Kevin have you tried the Goose? 93 Brand sizing is similar to Manto and Shoyoroll in that it is on the larger side. For Gis that fit like Fuji and Muaewear, A2 would work but in this case A1 would get 'em a fit that's nice and tailored looking.
12/22/2014 4:33:29 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

12/22/2014 4:32:15 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kimonos "Goose" Grey Jiu Jitsu Gi

12/22/2014 4:31:02 PM
Comment on:
Journey Into Jiu Jitsu - Digital Download by Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood

Haha thanks Ngalido and Chazel, no worries... reading is no fun anyway ;)

Once all the orders are placed and the sale's over (Dec 24th, 11pm Eastern), Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood will generate unique download links for each individual customer. As soon as J.J.B. completes that list for us, you'll get an email directly from BJJHQ containing your link. Don't worry, we'll get you your download link ASAP so you can better choke some fools out before the New Year!
12/24/2014 1:18:49 AM
Comment on:
Journey Into Jiu Jitsu - Digital Download by Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood

No problem with that. We get all the necessary info during Checkout.

You'll get an email directly from BJJHQ containing your unique download link, sent to whatever email address you provide during Checkout (or whatever your PayPal email is, so please be sure that you're checking your verified PayPal email (usually your PayPal login info) for that download link :)
12/24/2014 1:21:56 AM
Comment on:
Journey Into Jiu Jitsu - Digital Download by Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood

Hang on tight I will inquire with JJB!
12/24/2014 10:04:52 AM
Comment on:
Journey Into Jiu Jitsu - Digital Download by Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood

UPDATE: Yes, you will be able to authorize two devices for your download link.
12/24/2014 10:33:09 AM
Comment on:
Journey Into Jiu Jitsu - Digital Download by Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood

Once the deal switches at 11pm Eastern, the 24-hour price is gone and the product is no longer available.
12/24/2014 1:20:50 PM
Comment on:
Furinkazan V2.0 Lightweight Gi

You've got good taste, my friend!

Some brand spankin' new 93 Brand gear ready to debut here on BJJHQ very soon!
12/25/2014 12:13:24 AM
Comment on:
G&P Premium V3 Unbleached Gi

Go for the A2 my man!
12/28/2014 10:25:25 PM
Comment on:
Submission Fight Co Light Gi in Black

@Daniel: In my experience, you can get away with going an inch over the recommended Submission FC height range as long as you cold wash and hang dry. So if you pick up the A4 it should do the trick. The only dimension that might not be perfect is the jacket width, as you mentioned. Sounds like you're a tall/lanky guy so the jacket may be baggier than a more tailored fit like those in-between sizes...

BUT if you hold out for something in A3L, it'll be picture perfect.
A3L, particularly 93 Brand's, is built just for a body type like yours, check out the ideal ranges:
12/30/2014 12:35:30 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Gi

A1.5 is a better choice for ya.
12/30/2014 11:56:38 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Gi

The A4 is the *best* choice but would be a bit long due to the recommended height.

You'll have a better experience with one of the modified "in between" sizes from companies that offer them.
More specifically, the A2H aka A2-Husky from 93 Brand and/or Inverted Gear, would be perfect.
12/31/2014 10:44:45 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Gi

MuscleGut you can go with A3 and be confident because, although it's preshrunk, that is if you follow the cold wash/hang dry instructions. If you find the Gi is a big large out of the bag, using a warm cycle for your first wash or a Medium Heat spin on your first dry cycle, you'll be able to 'shrink to fit' - SCIENCE!!!
12/31/2014 10:19:32 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Gi

Yep, A3 will do the trick. Since your weight is at the top of the range, just be sure to stick to the manufacturer's instructions of cold wash/hang dry and it will get the job done! :)
12/31/2014 10:17:33 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Gi

Welcome to the gentle art!!

A1.5 is a better choice. Just be sure to cold wash and hang dry as instructed by the manufacturer, as this will minimize shrinkage.
12/31/2014 12:11:08 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Gi

12/31/2014 4:47:16 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Gi

12/31/2014 4:47:36 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Unidentified Flying Omoplata

Drop an email to and we'll make sure you get only one order, one charge ;) HAPPY NEW YEAR!
1/1/2015 3:08:05 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

Typically yes, it's easier to shrink a gold weave than a pearl weave (though it can vary depending on how pre-shrunk the gold is and how susceptible any given pearl weave is). In the case of Inverted Gear, it is true that their Gold Weave Panda will shrink more than a Pearl Weave Panda given the same washing temperatures.
1/7/2015 12:37:54 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

@Alika, definitely the A2H.
1/7/2015 10:34:02 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

The "T" , "S" , or "T/S" sizes are pretty much the same alterations: a slimmer/taller version of the original size.

The A0-T/S is more so slim than tall, recommended for someone between 5'0" and 5'3" and between roughly 100 and 130 lbs
1/7/2015 10:33:03 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

Close call because you're at the very top of the A2 range, but that does appear to be the best choice... I'm going to ask the senior Panda in Command, as he he more experience with the shrinkage and cut of this Gi. Will report back shortly!
1/7/2015 10:28:41 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

Ok so your best bet is go grab the A3 and shrink to fit. Warm wash and then put it in the dryer on Medium or High Heat for 15 minute intervals. Checking between each interval to make sure you don't overshrink it :)
1/7/2015 10:49:13 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

I'd recommend grabbing the A1 and shrinking to the desired fit :)
1/7/2015 2:00:36 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Shorts

Sure, which particular size are you looking for? The length varies from size to size but I will have a pair measured from waist to hem.
1/8/2015 1:08:21 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Shorts

The waist size is true to fit, but the length runs short (by design).
1/8/2015 12:33:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Shorts

(you should rock the 34)
1/8/2015 12:33:33 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Shorts

1/8/2015 1:12:15 PM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Black Gi

Yep, A1.5
1/9/2015 11:13:52 AM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Black Gi

Height info?
Depending on height, A1 should work.
1/9/2015 11:35:20 AM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Black Gi

It'll be a bit long, yes. A2H is a more ideal size for you, which is offered on a lot of BJJHQ's Gis (just not this one).
1/9/2015 11:14:43 AM
This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

I am 6'2" 185 lbs and the A3 fits me well. Should work for you too!
1/12/2015 11:54:00 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

Tough call, the only size that would work for your weight would be A4 and up, but the A4 minimum height recommendation is 6'0" and as a result, you'd likely need to have the sleeves and pants hemmed/taken in.
Many people have taken that approach, however a more ideal size for your height/weight would be an A2H (a2-husky) offering, available on other brands like 93 Brand, Tatami, Inverted Gear, Flow Kimonos, etc., but not on Fuji, unfortunately.
1/12/2015 11:53:34 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

Close call... A1 is good for your weight, but will be too short on the arm/pant length due to your height exceeding the max recommendation by 3.5 inches :(

So if you're getting this Gi, A2 is a better choice than A1, and would require some 'shrink to fit' since your weight is at the lower end of the recommended range.
1/12/2015 11:51:48 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

Good call. Just be sure to cold wash and hang dry so it maintains a comfortable fit (your weight is at the top of the suggested range).
1/12/2015 11:33:16 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

The A3 would be the proper length after washing, but since your weight is at the bottom of the range, it'll be a more relaxed fit, width-wise.
If you prefer a more fitted cut, then you may want to wait for an A2L offering like Bill said.
1/12/2015 11:31:05 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

In this Gi, an A3 is the way to go. Should be pretty good on you after washing/drying to shrink-to-fit.

When available, give an A2L a try! Depending on the brand, it should suit you well.
1/12/2015 11:55:17 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Rashguard

TigerGuitarist : large
MMA_Mahatma : medium
1/14/2015 10:40:31 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Rashguard

1/14/2015 1:03:50 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

^^Definitely do not do that^^
1/15/2015 12:50:07 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

A2 will do the trick if you're steadily dropping from 195 lbs.
1/15/2015 1:31:46 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

Best to go with an A2 and shrink to fit, rather than risking the A1 being too snug.
1/15/2015 1:32:39 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

Anytime anytime... now just make sure there's a spot for me at Dynamix next time I'm in LA!!!
1/15/2015 2:33:02 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

Yes, but not this one. You'll need a more customized size such as A2L (A2 Long) which is available from brands featured on BJJHQ such as Inverted Gear, 93 Brand, Flow Kimonos, and others :)
1/15/2015 4:06:45 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

A2 and shrink to fit :)
1/15/2015 4:06:00 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

A2 would be proper length but a bit snug, so I'm going to say A3 and shrink to fit is a better choice.
1/15/2015 4:52:49 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand BJJ Drug Warning Label Tee

That is correct, Jesse.
@freddyg30, each HQ item has a limit of one per order, however you may place multiple orders if you wish (they will be processed and shipped separately).
1/16/2015 2:03:06 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

Yep, A2.5
1/20/2015 12:59:01 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

What was it about the Gi you were unsure of?
Should be all good to go for IBJJF.
Black Gis are only forbidden if you're a black belt in a match scheduled to be broadcasted (in which case you must have one white Gi, one blue Gi).
1/20/2015 12:38:34 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

5'7" is typically an A2 recommendation, but that'd be too tight for you. 220 lbs is in the A4 range, so that's a better choice, only issue is A4 will be a bit long, given your height.

A2H is a more ideal cut for you, as it's intended to accommodate this exact issue (A2 height with an A3-A4 weight), however that's not offered on this Gi. If you want to hold out for a 93 Brand Gi, Inverted Gear, or Flow Kimonos, then you can pick one up. If you want to spring for the Contender, my advice is go with A4 and shrink to fit, possibly hem the sleeves and pants to the proper length.
1/20/2015 12:47:30 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

Just put an A2.5 on the scale and it weighs precisely 2.74 lbs.
1/20/2015 3:08:26 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

1/20/2015 1:55:06 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

A2.5 is a better call as your weight is 10 lbs out of the recommended A2 range.
1/20/2015 1:54:48 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi


It's a new cut compared to previous Venum Gis.
1/20/2015 1:54:17 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

It is definitely a light Gi. I'll get weight for you, hang on.
1/20/2015 1:53:54 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

A3 weighs precisely 2.8 lbs
1/20/2015 3:07:52 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

If you get an A3 you won't have to worry about any shrinkage issues. But if you prefer a more fitted cut and plan to cold wash/hang dry, then A2.5 will still work for you, but A3 is definitely a safer call.
1/20/2015 1:53:31 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

You'd have to get an A4 due to your height, but that'll be baggy on you due to your weight. You could shrink it a bit, but would be much better served with one of the "long" sizes, which Venum doesn't offer.
If you hold out for an A2L from someone like 93 Brand, you'll get a much better fit. I am 6'2" 175 lbs and run into the same problem. "Long" sizes are a godsend!
1/20/2015 1:52:19 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

A2.5 is best due to his height. A2 would end up being too short after washing. Plus he'll grow into an A2.5 better as he fills out from 135 lbs :)
1/20/2015 1:46:42 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Black Gi

A1 is best. A1.5 would work too, just would be a relaxed fit.

It'll shrink a bit if you wash warm and dry with heat, but follow the manufacturer's care instructions (cold wash, hang dry) and there will be minimal shrinkage.
1/20/2015 1:46:07 PM
Comment on:
Troll Creek Rashguard

If you're normally a medium then it should still work for ya.
1/21/2015 12:50:22 AM
Comment on:
Troll Creek Rashguard

These run a bit snug so, yes, I would recommend going for Medium.
1/21/2015 12:17:06 PM
Comment on:
Troll Creek Rashguard

It says $5 when you're logged into the main US version. Did you change the country to Canada?
1/21/2015 12:16:22 PM
Comment on:
Bamboo Frenzy Gi

Close call. A3 chart cuts off at 6'0" but I'm 6'2" and I've worn Sub FC's A3 comfortably (just be sure to cold wash/hang dry).
A4 would be good for your height but too baggy due to the weight range being 210-260 lbs.
There's a chance you'd find it a bit short but if you decide to pick this Gi, A3 is a better choice than A4.
1/21/2015 11:14:08 PM
Comment on:
Bamboo Frenzy Gi

Normally I'd say the best option is A1 and just be sure to cold wash/hang dry since you're at the top of the range. But if you are definitely going to machine dry, then it depends on the shrinkage rate of these...

@Shakib can you chime in regarding the heat shrinkage of the materials?
1/22/2015 12:30:47 AM
Comment on:
Bamboo Frenzy Gi

A2 should do the trick, just stick with your cold wash/hang dry and it'll be fine :)
1/22/2015 2:29:59 PM
Comment on:
BreakPoint "Flash" Black Gi

A2 is almost perfect but my concern is it might be too short due to your height just barely exceeding the recommended range and the fact that you have long limbs. This particular A2 cut isn't ideal for your height/weight, so you'd need to bump up to A3 (which will end up being a big baggy and require some shrink-to-fit.
1/24/2015 11:41:08 AM
Comment on:
Venum Spider 2.0 Shorts

That is correct.
1/25/2015 1:46:18 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

Regular A1 is good for you.
With this one, the V2, the shrinkage is very minimal. If you wash cold and hang dry there will be virtually no shrinkage at all. If you use heat, there may be very minor shrinkage, but nothing substantial.
1/25/2015 11:39:12 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

NeuHypNtzd, do you have the V1 or V2?
1/26/2015 8:53:15 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

Stan, I'm 6'2" 185 LBS and the A2L works great. Personally I've got tree trunk thighs so I also fit in the A3 after deliberate shrinkage, so you could likely do the same if you choose.
If you like a more tailored modern fit, the A2L will work for you. But you're at the cusp meaning you can also get an A3, it'll just have a more relaxed fit :)
1/26/2015 8:57:56 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A2 is great for you.
1/26/2015 10:54:28 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

Cut is a little bigger than the Estilo. Your height and weight are perfect for the 100 Kilo size A2. No need to get the L size.
1/26/2015 10:54:16 AM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A2L isn't necessary unless you're over 6'0", so you can go with an A2 regular.

I've got a teammate who is your height and weight and he rocks an A1L, but it's admittedly a snug fit. But I'd say A2 is the most comfortable choice for ya.
1/26/2015 3:21:51 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A3L for sure.
1/26/2015 2:14:08 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly Pro Gear Bag

It was just up on MMA last week so it'll be a bit before we re-run.
1/26/2015 11:55:23 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly Pro Gear Bag

No Gi material bags scheduled.
However we sell a lot of very affordable Gis, so if you've got some scissors and really good scotch tape, you can put together your own Gi bag...

1/27/2015 12:54:11 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly Pro Gear Bag

15" laptop = yes.

I don't have exact measurements (heavy duty snowstorm here in NY so we're working remotely #SNOWDAY) but I know a 15" will fit in there.
1/27/2015 12:52:57 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

tickers, as long as you always cold wash and hang dry, it should work.
1/28/2015 1:19:27 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

RabidMonkey is right on the money.
If you get this Gi, A4 is the way to go and it may need to be taken in due to sleeve/pant length intended for someone a minimum of 6'3".
However if you catch one of our sales with 'in between' sizes, the A2H is a more ideal cut for someone with your height/weight.
1/28/2015 1:18:26 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

A3 for sure. Cold wash, hang dry, and it'll stay perfect.
1/28/2015 11:08:52 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

Negative sir, this is just one pair of pants as indicated in the description/pics.
If we ever list the 2 pairs, the 2nd pair will be shown in the pics and mentioned in the write-up.
1/28/2015 11:07:16 AM
This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

A3 is a better choice, though it'll be a bit baggy. I am 6'2" 180 lbs and the A3 fits me pretty well.
1/28/2015 4:13:02 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender Blue Gi

Haha, no. That was the new Venum Elite, which we've sold as well.
1/30/2015 11:15:00 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Combatives Jiu Jitsu Gi

You are correct, it is not IBJJF legal.
1/30/2015 11:22:54 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Combatives Jiu Jitsu Gi

As long as you're using the card for the full balance of your purchase, yes (if you want to use $50 from a card and the remainder on another card, it won't work that way).
1/31/2015 3:52:48 PM
Comment on:
Arm Bar Soap 6 Pack

Aaron, you forgot to add....BOOYA!
2/1/2015 11:46:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

Yup, A2L should do the trick (although A2 would work as well).
2/1/2015 11:54:17 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

@ J-Ru : That is not correct, the Gi top is *not* the only difference. Pants are longer as well so it should do the trick for you if that's your usual problem :)

A2L is essentially an A2 Gi with added length in the jacket sleeves, jacket skirt length, and pants length. Basically you're looking at an A2 Gi with an A3 length.
2/2/2015 3:32:27 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A2H for sure. Cold wash/hang dry to make sure it doesn't shrink much. Since your height is a few inches below the max height, the weight difference shouldn't be a problem. Looks like your account is linked to a Facebook profile... Is there a picture of you flexing next to Jeff Glover and Renato Laranja? If that's you in the middle, judging by the size relation to Glover Laranja, the A2H should be a perfect choice!
2/2/2015 1:40:55 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

@Matt - what's the specific issue you're having?
2/2/2015 1:47:52 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

@STAN At 6'1" 190 lbs, you're not far off from me at 6'2" 180-185 lbs.

Like BJJIST, I also have the Charlie in A2 and A2L. They both fit, granted I *always* cold wash and hang dry. I have relatively thin upper body though, all my muscular weight is in my ass/quads/hamstrings. That being said, it's not like the A2L has no wiggle room. If I were a little broader and built in the upper body, it'd still fit. So I'm sure you can rock the A2L as long as you 100% cold wash and hang dry.

If you insist on putting it in the dryer (generally not recommended, especially for colored Gis as it wears down the dyed fabric more quickly), then you could also bump up to A3 and shrink to fit via Medium Heat cycles in the dryer. But, again, I'm confident that the A2L will get the job done with a nice tailored fit when washed properly.
2/2/2015 1:47:24 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

Definitely A1L - it'll be a perfect fit after washing.
2/2/2015 11:45:07 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A2H is a better choice. A4 is good but is meant for someone taller than 6'0", however the 93 Brand A2H is a custom size built for exactly this case (meaning someone with the height of A2/A3 but the weight of an A4)
2/2/2015 11:44:20 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

If you follow the manufacturer's instructions of Cold Wash/Hang dry, there is minimal shrinkage.
If you try to shrink with heat in the dryer, then you can get a little shrinkage out of this Gi :)
2/2/2015 11:43:19 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A0 for sure.
2/2/2015 11:42:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A2 will work, just stick with Cold Wash Hang Dry.

I'm your weight but a couple inches taller @ 6'2" so if you have long lanky arms and/or legs, torso, etc, then you can bump up to an A2L size.
2/2/2015 3:26:34 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

A1 will be great for you after a wash :)
2/2/2015 4:10:00 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

2/2/2015 4:09:08 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

I just want to make sure you didn't make a conversion error (mixing 'lbs' and 'cm' I'm assuming you're outside the US?)

That's the equivalent of 5'11" and 138 lbs... are you very tall and skinny?

If so, you should get the A2 and shrink it down with Medium Heat in the dryer. Or an A1L and stick with Cold Wash/Hang Dry.
2/2/2015 5:10:30 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Charlie Gi

2/2/2015 10:33:49 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

MichaelB - you will not be disappointed with the upcoming Strike Fightwear feature on, I promise you that! #exclusive!
2/5/2015 12:00:55 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

Large, mostly due to your height.
If you want to be ultra sure, compare your leg length or your best-fitting spats to the measurements in the last image up there.
2/4/2015 11:59:54 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

First thought is Small due to your waist, but it sounds like you're pretty tall for your height so it is probably wiser to bump up to Medium, otherwise they'll be a bit short.

If you like shorter spats, stick with the Small, but Medium will get you a more appropriate length.
2/4/2015 11:58:30 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

(for extra confirmation, compare your favorite/best-fitting spats to the measurements in the last image up there)
2/4/2015 11:59:07 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

@Arnth - what's the email you used to contact us?
We were a little backed up after the weekend's email load because there was a severe snowstorm here in NY Sun-Mon, so our business complex was shut down on Monday. As a result, we didn't get to the bulk of usual weekend emails *plus* Monday's emails, until Tuesday.

We were pretty much all caught up to speed as of yesterday, but perhaps yours was caught in Spam, etc. so if you let me know your email, I'll make sure it's tended to ASAP.
2/5/2015 11:57:57 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Pearl Black

@Chris - if you order in the first 12 hours of the sale, we'll usually ship same-day. If you order in the later portion of the sale, we will ship the next business day.

We're in NY, so transit time vary from 1-5 business days for US addresses. We ship on standard business days and the ETA we provide during Checkout and in your Confirmation Email will take into consideration days that we are closed and holidays that shipping couriers are closed. Barring the occasional weather delay, your order will arrive on OR before the projected ETA :)

If you ever want to double check, add the item to your cart and enter your full shipping address. The site will then generate an ETA without you having to actually confirm the order. Just off the top of my head, you'll typically receive your order 4 or 5 days from the time you click Place Order if Atlanta is the destination.
2/6/2015 12:16:44 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Pearl Black

In the upper right hand corner of the site there is a drop-down menu that shows United States by default, but you can change it.

Another option is to directly visit :) which will automatically change the country.
2/6/2015 12:08:39 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Pearl Black

Yes the A2S is essentially a wider A2...
and it's the size i'd recommend for you :)

There are no returns or exchanges for daily deal purchases. If you don't like the size, you can sell it to a friend or on eBay and likely turn a profit due to our slashed prices. Make no mistake: In the rare case that you happen to receive a faulty product or we send you the wrong item, we will replace and take care of all associated shipping costs.

AZ and all US addresses are $5 flat rate, which gets you standard shipping. PO BOXes will get USPS, most residential and businesses outside the tri-state area will get UPS Ground.
2/6/2015 10:19:06 AM
Comment on:
Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear Ripstop Gi

Elo - I would advise getting the A2, considering for shrinkage.
2/7/2015 6:24:27 PM
Comment on:
Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear Ripstop Gi

Pure comedic genius, @Jizzle.

@Jose - Grab an A2.
2/7/2015 6:16:44 PM
Comment on:
Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear Ripstop Gi

2/7/2015 6:12:01 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Shorts

Go up with the 34" because the waist is adjustable (the rear half of the waistband is elasticated & the velcro strap can be cinched up tighter & there's an internal drawstring).
2/8/2015 3:28:00 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete Blue Gi

@FABIO - Definitely get the A3.
If you wash warm or use the dryer w/heat, it'd be slightly risky, but I am 6'2" 185 lbs and have put on the A3 white & blue. Both of them fit great.
Considering you stick to Cold Wash/Hang Dry, you should be rather happy with this Gi in A3 :)
2/9/2015 11:09:31 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete Blue Gi

Sadly that is what USPS charges for a 4-5 lbs Gi. Sometimes even a bit more :'(
2/9/2015 10:57:23 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete Blue Gi

Scramble has a rather tailored cut. I'm 6'2" 185 lbs and the A2 was too tight. A3 is perfect (though I cold wash/hang dry to keep the length proper). So for you, you should be just fine in the A3, possibly doing a quick spin on Medium Heat in the dryer to adjust the length.
2/9/2015 10:59:10 AM
Comment on:
Venum Amazonia 4.0 Shorts

@ronin_surf, I think the guy who said "2 weeks" was talking about delivery time? I'm not too sure. But rest assured we do not take 2 weeks to ship.
Most orders ship in one business day (in fact, if you order early in the sale, it's likely an item will ship same-day) and arrive to US addresses in 1-5 business days, depending on your distance from NY.
2/10/2015 11:08:54 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

1.) The jacket weave is very similar to the Charlie weave, same weight/feel.
2.) I am the same, 6'1"-6'2" and 185 lbs... the A2 Do or Die's fit right out of the bag, but over time they become juuuuust too short. I suggest grabbing the A3 and then deliberately shrinking to fit. After one or two washes, it'll be on point. Warm wash (inside out, to preserve color) and Medium Heat in the dryer.
2/11/2015 12:48:41 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

It does not have the Hyperfly's interior stamp print, no. No other graphics other than what's pictured.
2/11/2015 12:55:10 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

2/11/2015 12:45:27 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

2/11/2015 12:49:05 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

A2 and, if needed, shrink to fit (via 10 min intervals in the dryer on Medium Heat).
2/11/2015 11:56:10 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

2/11/2015 11:51:20 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

You can rock the A2, provided you always cold wash and hang dry (since your weight is at the top of the suggested range).
2/11/2015 12:46:51 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

Yep, if you always cold wash/hang dry, this will get you a smaller/tailored fit.
2/11/2015 11:54:29 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

A1 and cold wash/hang dry.
2/11/2015 11:52:16 AM
This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

A2 will work :)
2/13/2015 4:36:01 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

I don't believe that is true, Matt. The piping is not against IBJJF regulations.
2/13/2015 4:35:39 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

Close call. Honestly I believe you could do both. Either an A1 and always cold wash/hang dry, which will get you a more tailored fit. Or an A2 and hot wash/heat dry, which will end up with a more relaxed fit.
2/13/2015 4:34:56 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

Your height is A2 but that would be too tight due to your weight (which falls in the A3 range). Whenever someone is in two categories, it's always best to go for the larger of the two. The A3 will be a bit long at first, but you should be able to shrink it down a bit or, worst case scenario, take in the sleeves/pants to adjust the length.

There are also other Gi brands whose A2 would work for you, such as Manto and 93 Brand, if you want to hold out for them. (Aesthetic runs a little more snug than 93 and Manto).
2/13/2015 4:33:55 PM
Comment on:
Fuji "Moko" Rashguard

I would reckon bust size is better. Compare dimensions around your chest at approximately the widest section to the chest dimensions in the chart found in the description. Also you may find some guidance in the link to our BJJHQ Size Finder at the very bottom of the description.
2/14/2015 3:08:43 PM
Comment on:
Primate Revolution "Namaste" Rashguard

These are super flexible, so you could rock a Small. But if you prefer a more relaxed fit, Medium will also work for you.
2/16/2015 12:03:29 PM
Comment on:
Primate Revolution "Namaste" Rashguard

Large would be my suggestion, unless you've got exceptionally short arms and torso, in which case Medium would be better.
2/16/2015 11:59:54 AM
Comment on:
Primate Revolution "Namaste" Rashguard

Hmm, you just see a blank area? I just tried on my phone and it showed normal options.
Or do you mean you're only given one payment option and no choices? If you're shipping outside the US, PayPal is the only option.

If you meant the former and not the latter, try logging out and back in... and if the problem persists then give the desktop version a whirl (& let us know so we can look into it further).
2/16/2015 10:03:34 PM
Comment on:
Primate Revolution "Namaste" Rashguard

No size exchanges available for daily deal sales.
2/16/2015 9:55:34 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Surf Jitsu Gi

A2 and, if needed, shrink to fit.
2/17/2015 1:13:16 PM
Comment on:
CK Droid Rashguard

XL, preferable short sleeve so the length is not an issue. But even with the long sleeve, XL will get you a comfortable fit in terms of shoulder width and girth of arms/torso, it'll just have generous sleeve length as well.
2/18/2015 12:44:22 AM
Comment on:
CK Droid Rashguard

Unless you're right on the border of M and L, follow our sizing chart for sure.
2/18/2015 12:42:58 AM
Comment on:
CK Droid Rashguard

What is the issue you're having?
Try logging out and back in, perhaps a temporary bug. Working fine on my phone at the moment (Galaxy S5). Let me know if it persists, sorry!
2/18/2015 11:45:44 AM
Comment on:
CK Droid Rashguard

For most 93 Brand Gis, you can grab an A1L, it'll get you a tailored modern type of fit, if that's your thing. Keep in mind this is strictly if you use the manufacturer's instructions of Cold Wash/Hang Dry (most 93 Brand Gis have very minimal shrinkage, however you won't have any room for shrinkage if you're almost 5'11", so don't risk using heat).

However, if you like to use heat on your Gis, or if you prefer a more relaxed fit, no problem... the A2 will work as well. You'll just need to wash cold and then put it in the dryer on Medium Heat for short 10min intervals (checking the size every 10 min), until it fits perfectly. Due to your height, it won't need much shrinkage, if this is the option you choose.
2/18/2015 11:37:25 AM
Comment on:
CK Droid Rashguard

No problem. Shoot an email to with your order number and we'll get it fixed.
2/18/2015 10:44:12 AM
Comment on:
Triumph United Black BJJ Gi

Tough call since your weight and height are in different ranges. Honestly, the best Gi for you will be one of the 'in between' sizes, A1L (A1-Long) which is not offered for this model.

If you hold out and check back on BJJHQ until you see a 93 Brand Gi, Inverted Gear Gi, Tatami, or any other brand that offers A1L, you'll be much happier with the cut.

For this Triumph Gi, you'd be best off getting an A3 due to your height, but A3 is suggested for someone a good bit heavier than you, so it'll be wide/loose. If you want this Gi in particular, you can definitely go for it (plenty of people who are similarly tall/thin do so), but if you get your hands on an A1L I promise you you'll never want another Gi!
2/19/2015 12:18:27 PM
Comment on:
Triumph United Black BJJ Gi

What is your height? (Check out the last image, there is a guide for height and weight)
2/19/2015 1:57:08 AM
Comment on:
Triumph United Black BJJ Gi

Not only do we have more Inverted Gears in the future, we will be debuting a super hot fire Inverted Gear x ??? collaboration Gi.

I've been behind the curtain and I've seen it in all its glory. The wait will be worth it!
2/19/2015 11:36:44 AM
Comment on:
Triumph United Black BJJ Gi

I'd say go for the A3 and be sure to Cold Wash/Hang Dry, since your weight is toward the top of the range.
2/19/2015 11:49:21 AM
Comment on:
Triumph United Black BJJ Gi

2/19/2015 12:53:12 PM
Comment on:
Manto Krazy Bee Rashguard

You may have had a non-US address selected from the drop-down menu accidentally (there's only one shipping level for US orders, they're always $5).
2/20/2015 11:38:07 AM
Comment on:
Manto Krazy Bee Rashguard

Small :)
2/20/2015 11:29:36 AM
Comment on:
Manto Krazy Bee Rashguard

We are a Daily Deal site, so there is one deal per day. When you check the App or open the webpage, you'll see the featured deal.
It's one item, published right on the dot at 11pm Eastern. The price is marked down significantly, but you've only got 24 hours to take advantage of that. Keep in mind, hot items will have sizes selling out well before the 24hr slot expires (sometimes in minutes), so don't wait too long :)


If you want to view a wider selection of Gis, our sister site has a lot of stuff. But that's retail price, but offer other perks such as Free 2nd Day Air Shipping, prepaid returns/exchanges (365 Days to return resalable items), and for Gis: 60 Days of returns *even* if you've trained and washed the Gi.
2/20/2015 11:28:48 AM
Comment on:
Manto Krazy Bee Rashguard

It would not.
2/20/2015 11:22:27 AM
Comment on:
Manto Krazy Bee Rashguard

Rob... we don't have the Roots planned, but we do have a very special MEERKATSU x STRIKE collaboration Gi coming up pretty soon.

You will not be disappointed.
2/20/2015 11:21:59 AM
Comment on:
Manto Krazy Bee Rashguard

We are a Daily Deal site, so there is only one item featured per day.
Heavily discounted, goes live at 11pm Eastern every day. Limited sizes available so once a size is Sold Out... it's not coming back.
2/20/2015 11:35:15 AM
Comment on:
Scramble X FPG Digital Floral Jacket

Unless your mediums normally have some wiggle room, then I'd say yes, since it's outerwear and athletic fit, Large would be better.
2/22/2015 11:48:27 AM
Comment on:
Manto Black X Gi

A2, just be sure to stick with cold wash/hang dry. (A3 would be way too long)
2/22/2015 11:55:06 PM
Comment on:
Manto Black X Gi

Jose - Please note that Manto's A3 is recommended for someone <<< 5'11"-6'4" >>>
The A3 will be rather big on you and require some tailoring in order to suit your height.

A2 is nearly a perfect fit for you. I have teammates pretty much your exact build and they rock Manto A2 in the X Gi. I understand that A2 has sold out now, but A3 is likely going to be too big.

For reference, I am just over 6'1" and about 190 lbs. Granted, I prefer a tailored fit, but the A3 is too big on me...
2/23/2015 4:29:37 PM
Comment on:
Manto Black X Gi

Close call, the A3 would be rather long for someone 5'11" even after shrinking to fit. If you don't want to risk grabbing the A2 and finding it too snug, then the best bet is to get A3 and shrink to fit as well as have the sleeves/pants taken in a bit.

For your build, the 'in between' size A2H is best. Not offered in this Gi, but if you see a 93 Brand, Inverted Gear, Flow Kimonos, etc., then I highly suggest picking up an A2H.
2/23/2015 2:19:53 PM
Comment on:
Manto Black X Gi

A2 should work as long as you cold wash and hang dry.
2/23/2015 2:17:03 PM
Comment on:
Manto Black X Gi

Negative. Only full sets available for this Gi.
2/23/2015 2:16:44 PM
Comment on:
Manto Black X Gi

A2 as long as you cold wash and hang dry. I have the X Gi in A2 and I'm 185 lbs a hair over 6'1", fits like a glove! But I *always* cold wash/hang dry.
2/23/2015 4:02:13 PM
Comment on:
Gameness Pearl Blue

A3L, no doubt!
2/24/2015 11:05:52 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Pearl Blue

Sure is.
This Gi is: inexpensive reliable not flashy.

Those are the 3 traits new students, generally, should look for.

-Pricey Gis are bad because, hey, for all you know you'll like Nogi better!
-Flimsy Gis are bad because... they're flimsy
-Flashy Gis are great if that's your thing, but generally not for new students since you don't want to be 10x flashier than the guys 10x more experienced than you ;)
2/24/2015 11:04:53 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

@Dom you could rock an L or XL. They're snug but very stretchy so they'll accommodate a wide range :)

I'm just about 190 (6'1") and wear the XL because I've got thicker legs.
2/24/2015 11:15:33 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Juan Carlos - L or XL, either will work.

Jeremy - M or L will work.
2/25/2015 12:07:49 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Assuming you're male... Medium. It won't be too big.
2/24/2015 11:16:11 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Any reason you didnt go for the 2XL?
XL weight range is 180-210, so XL would surely be too small for you.

What's your waist size? The 2XL might be too small as well (recommended for 230 lbs max) but we can better estimate knowing your waist measurement.

Please email with your order number to make changes.
2/25/2015 12:07:00 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

What's your waist size?
2/25/2015 12:04:14 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Is your paypal account linked to an email other than your usual email? If you were billed, there should be an order confirmation sent to ya. If you emailed cs@bjjhq we'll look into it and make sure you get everything alright.
2/26/2015 12:01:10 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Definitely A2.

Bag shown in last picture is indeed included.
2/25/2015 11:59:14 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

A2 should work as long as you cold wash and hang dry :)
2/25/2015 11:58:22 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Close call shawn... youre probably best off with one of the H sizes such as A2H (not offered with this particular Gi) but if youre picking this one up then it's probably best to choose A2. As long as you cold wash and hang dry, it'll stay in your range :)
2/26/2015 11:27:56 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Based on height/weight:

A1 5'5" - 5'9" 130 - 160 lbs
A2 5'9" - 6'0" 160 - 185 lbs
A3 6'0" - 6'4" 180 - 210 lbs
A4 6'3" - 6'9" 210 lbs
2/26/2015 12:02:35 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Or is it white Gis dont let you wear them?
2/26/2015 9:57:30 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu American Eagle Rashguard

Virus gear?
2/27/2015 12:46:11 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu American Eagle Rashguard

Generally speaking, rashguards aren't going to shrink.
2/27/2015 10:29:22 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu American Eagle Rashguard

Generous torso length, for sure. I'm 6'2" and the L is perfectly long, but not excessive.
2/27/2015 10:29:00 AM
Comment on:
Break Point BTS Deluxe Black Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Sorry Joosub, there's not much Bull Terrier planned for BJJHQ at the moment.
2/28/2015 3:21:01 PM
Comment on:
Break Point BTS Deluxe Black Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

If you reallllly hate patches, keep your eye out for the next time we run 93 Brand's "Standard Issue" Gi.
It's got nothing on the exterior. Not even a manufacturer's tag at the bottom of the lapel.
2/28/2015 3:24:26 PM
Comment on:
Break Point BTS Deluxe Black Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

gandalf - sorry to hear you don't like that particular Gi.
The VVV Gi does have a bit of a unique cut. We sold the last of them on Rolling Deals with the already-slashed HQ price slashed a bit more, and no longer have them left (no plans to carry again).
2/28/2015 3:18:46 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A4 is best.
3/2/2015 12:18:58 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1 for sure. Just be sure to cold wash / hang dry.
A0 will definitely be too small.
3/2/2015 12:23:00 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 as long as you cold wash / hang dry
3/2/2015 12:01:11 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 is good for 5'10" if you're average arm length and wash cold / hang dry. If you've got longer arms, I'd say bump up to A3 however A3 will be far too baggy for you if you're 128 lbs.

With a more unique body type like yours, you're better off waiting for one of our offerings in size A2L (A2-Long) such as 93 Brand or Flow Kimonos or Inverted Gear. They are for tall/long thin folks such as yourself.
3/2/2015 12:05:18 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

No belt.

A0 is best length, but you run the risk of it being too snug after washing, so I suggest A1 and shrink-to-fit as needed.
3/2/2015 12:07:47 PM
Comment on:
Anthem Athletics Ranked Rashguard

@Kerby - looks like Dean responded to you earlier today.
3/3/2015 7:03:14 PM
Comment on:
Komainu Black Cobra Rashguard

Very similar.
Both Komainu and pretty much all Meerkatsu rashguards feature: 1. sublimated graphics, 2. poly/spandex blend, 3. flatlock stitching
3/4/2015 11:45:57 AM
Comment on:
Komainu Black Cobra Rashguard

Size chart will still apply to ladies, only thing to consider is chest size (if youre on the bigger side, you may want to bump up a size for sufficient room in the chest and preventing tugging at the armpits).
3/4/2015 11:50:43 AM
Comment on:
Komainu Black Cobra Rashguard

You could rock a large.
3/4/2015 11:48:05 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Gi

3/5/2015 2:48:55 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Gi

Yes, A2L
3/5/2015 2:47:37 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Gi

3/5/2015 2:35:43 PM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

Yup, after wash/dry it should fit rather well.
3/6/2015 1:44:25 AM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

3/6/2015 11:25:01 AM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

A3L would be too baggy if you're 175 lbs. A2L is actually a better fit. 6'3" teammate rocks the A2L so another inch shouldn't be a dealbreaker :)
3/6/2015 11:28:52 AM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

3/6/2015 11:25:34 AM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

A1L should work well
3/6/2015 1:58:17 PM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

It'll start shipping today, but most orders will go out next business day (since today's Friday, that'll be Monday).
3/6/2015 1:29:31 PM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

As long as the order hasn't shipped, it will not be a problem :) Be sure to include your order number in the email, so it can be dealt with as soon as we get your first email (rather than responding to ask for your order number).
3/6/2015 10:40:42 PM
Comment on:
OSS Daruma Gi

email and we'll take care of ya.
3/6/2015 10:39:30 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard


Each order is processed and shipped separately, yes.

Also, BJJHQ orders cannot be returned or exchanged. Though I'm sure you could easily sell the one that doesn't fit for equal or greater than the HQ price.
3/7/2015 2:27:03 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard

3/7/2015 2:23:35 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard

I have 6 or 7, including this one ;)

I am the same weight and Gi size as the above poster. Yes, large would probably work as well but I wear XL in this rash guard quite comfortably.
3/7/2015 3:11:11 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard

I dont think so.
3/7/2015 2:22:55 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic White Out Gi

The jacket *and* pants are less wizard-like on this model (sleeves are more tapered).
3/8/2015 11:52:02 AM
Comment on:
BreakPoint Executive Rashguard

Soon my friends, soon...
3/9/2015 1:41:41 AM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Pro Series 3.0 Blue Gi

A2L yup
3/10/2015 11:36:11 AM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Pro Series 3.0 Blue Gi

3/10/2015 11:37:11 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

No Gi bag with this one.

Gis that include a Gi bag will always indicate the Gi bag in the pictures / description.
3/11/2015 1:37:51 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

Shrinkage is nothing extraordinary. If you are ok with Cold Wash and Hang Dry, then A2 will do the trick and get you a tailored fit. If you like a more relaxed fit and/or you wash with heat, then go for an A3 and then shrink to fit.
3/10/2015 11:43:42 PM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

Tough call, but I'd suggest A2H and shrink to fit.
3/10/2015 11:41:27 PM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

Not currently planned.
3/10/2015 11:40:56 PM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

3/10/2015 11:40:41 PM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

3/11/2015 1:36:57 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

Negative, no bag.
3/11/2015 1:32:27 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

3/11/2015 1:36:25 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

3/11/2015 1:35:59 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi is a US website, so the prices are always in USD. No matter if you choose Canada from the shipping country or Japan.
The reason for a Canada section is so you can see the appropriate shipping prices (the cost of a Gi to Canada is different than to the US, as is the cost of a rashguard/tee/etc).
3/11/2015 1:34:52 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

A3 and shrink to fit (or A2L and always cold wash/hang dry).
3/11/2015 1:33:18 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

A1 may be a better call in this case, as the F3 may be a bit snug after washing.
3/11/2015 1:43:36 AM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

I'd say go for the A5 and shrink it down if needed.
3/11/2015 2:05:45 PM
Comment on:
Strike X Meerkatsu Katanapus Gi

If you shrink it down, you'll end up with a relaxed fit Gi. If you prefer tailored/modern cuts, don't do it.
3/11/2015 2:03:51 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Lionheart Rashguard

Go for the Large
3/12/2015 11:12:44 AM
Comment on:
Gawakoto Limited Edition "Kabuki" Gi

3/16/2015 12:07:43 PM
Comment on:
Gawakoto Limited Edition "Kabuki" Gi

@Viss Go for the A2 and just be sure to always cold wash/hang dry. If you insist on washing/drying with heat, then you should bump up to A3 and it'll shrink to fit over time.

@Jizzle we got a funny guy over here
3/16/2015 10:22:39 AM
Comment on:
Gawakoto Limited Edition "Kabuki" Gi

jcrowe, assuming you are the person emailing named J. Crowe, your email was sent 7 hours ago. As is it Monday, we start with the emails sent over the weekend. Please allow us one business day to get to your email.
3/16/2015 4:10:14 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game American Grapplers Rashguard

That should not be!
Email us at cs @ with your order number and we'll get it sorted out.
3/17/2015 11:04:47 AM
Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

Medium, yup
3/19/2015 11:03:22 AM
Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

3/19/2015 12:47:02 PM
Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

3/19/2015 12:50:28 PM
Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

3/19/2015 12:46:49 PM
Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

3/19/2015 11:03:35 AM
Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

Yup, XL.
3/19/2015 11:06:31 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

3/20/2015 1:55:32 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

If you cold wash/hang dry, it'll still fit only it'll have a more tailored cut. I'm 6'2" and wear the A2 standard as a matter of fact :)
If you like a relaxed fit, or if you wash/dry with heat, then you need an A3.
3/20/2015 2:00:02 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

Yes, or A3 and then shrink.
3/20/2015 1:59:04 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

There is a size chart :) it's the last image in the pictures.

3/20/2015 1:58:36 AM
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Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

It should fit you well. I am 6'2" 185 lbs and the A2S Panda 2.0 fits me well. As long as you cold wash/hang dry you should be fine. As long as you like a tailored fit! If not, then A3 is the way to go.
3/20/2015 1:57:24 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

3/20/2015 1:55:58 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Blue Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Depends on which Gi you mean, Fuji makes several BJJ Gis. It is lighter than their "All Around" aka "Victory #7000" Series, lighter than their Kassen Series, and the Ground Game jacket is about on par with their Summerweight series, the Ground Game pants are lighter than the Summerweight series.
3/23/2015 11:50:10 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Blue Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

3/23/2015 11:47:11 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Blue Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

Tough call with this Gi, as your height is an A2 but your weight is more of an A3 or A4.

Ideally you would rock one of the Gis that offer "in between" sizes; you're perfect for the A2H (a2-husky) style that's offered by 93 Brand, Flow Kimonos, Inverted Gear, etc.

If you want to jump on this Gi, though, you'd need to go up to A3. The sleeves/pants may be a bit long until you shrink-to-fit or take them in a bit.
3/23/2015 11:39:12 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Balance Blue Gi with 2 Pairs of Pants

3/23/2015 11:31:19 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Robo Rashguard

That's a good question.
My instinct is to say no, due to the design, but I suppose it does meet the requirements for blue belt:

At least 10% rank color and the rest is black or white. It probably depends on your ref. Some are pickier than others.
3/24/2015 11:44:57 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Robo Rashguard

Yea, Medium should fit you well.
3/24/2015 11:45:43 AM
Comment on:
Venum Absolute 2.0 Crimson Viper Gi

A3 and then, if needed, shrink to fit.
3/26/2015 12:16:53 PM
Comment on:
Venum Absolute 2.0 Crimson Viper Gi

A4, for sure!
3/26/2015 12:07:38 PM
Comment on:
Venum Absolute 2.0 Crimson Viper Gi

A3, though the sleeves may be a bit long before washing or shrinking-to-fit.
3/26/2015 12:06:19 PM
Comment on:
Venum Absolute 2.0 Crimson Viper Gi

@Joe - please email with your order number and we'll get it sorted out for ya.
3/26/2015 12:02:43 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Samurai Panda Rashguard

3/27/2015 1:28:03 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Samurai Panda Rashguard

Probably, yes.
What's your height/weight?
3/27/2015 1:27:55 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Samurai Panda Rashguard

3/27/2015 2:38:39 PM
Comment on:
Kimura All Day by UnderOath

How so?

If you do BJJ and you love the Kimura submission, why not embrace a "Kimura All Day" philosophy?
3/29/2015 12:02:34 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Berimbolo II Gi

A3 for sure.
3/30/2015 10:17:37 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Berimbolo II Gi

Depends on how you like your fit...
If you like a tailored Miyao Bros type of fit, go for A2 and always cold wash hang dry.
If you like a more boxy Keenan type of fit, go for A3 and wash warm / heat dry.
3/30/2015 10:17:29 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Berimbolo II Gi

Tough call... A2 is almost perfect but if you use heat when washing or drying then it will end up too snug. You could go A3 and shrink with hot water and hot dry, however after shrinking it'll be a relaxed fit.

So the choice is yours: A2 with cold wash / hang dry and a tailored fit OR A3 with hot wash / heat dry and a more relaxed fit.
3/30/2015 10:16:12 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Berimbolo II Gi

I'd say it's safer to go A2 and shrink it down.
3/30/2015 10:01:20 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Berimbolo II Gi

3/30/2015 10:50:30 AM
Comment on:
Estima in Action - 6 Months

Estima is normally 25 a month as well. ... $95 for 6 months is still $55 cheaper than 25 x 6.

And while MG is my hero, Braulio has tapped him in comp.
3/31/2015 11:11:48 AM
Comment on:
Estima in Action - 6 Months

Policy is described on our FAQ page (no exchanges available For Daily Deal purchases).
3/31/2015 11:14:12 AM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

4/1/2015 11:42:48 AM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

Blessings be upon you.

-BJJHQ Flying Spaghetti Monster
4/1/2015 11:23:45 AM
Comment on:
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

Large in which spats? I'm a Large in Scramble but XL in 93 Brand, for example.

It's best to go for your actual waist size instead. In numbered fight shorts, are you a 32, 34, etc.?
4/1/2015 11:42:29 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

Pretty much everything :)

Different jacket fabric (350 GSM instead of 500 or 550)
different pants fabrics (10oz instead of 12oz)
Embroidery color (light blue instead of black)
4/1/2015 11:47:36 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

Yes, this one has more shrinkage than the heavier Panda.

Funny you mention the 93brand Gi, because this IG Light Pearl has a very similar jacket weave and comparable shrinkage. Go for the A1 :)
4/2/2015 12:41:25 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

@Howie I think A2 would just be too bit regardless of repeated drying.

With Gis it's not recommended to use heat in your wash and/or dry for extended periods, so the best method would be to grab an A1 and wash warm once or twice to get the shrinkage out, and then go to the hang dry method :)
4/2/2015 11:05:07 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A2H for sure!
4/2/2015 11:10:01 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Monkey Rashguard

Although you're technically able to use a M, it sounds like you're on the short side (for your height) so you could rock S.
This is the same cut as the Zen Gorilla, so as long as your Zen Gorilla isn't too snug then I say go down to S (however if your Z.G. rashie is already perfectly tight, then S might make it too tight).
4/3/2015 11:48:07 PM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

Depends on how you like your fit and how you plan to care for your gi.

The two extremes of the size range will be those who care for their Gis differently. For example, if you're 190 and choose A2, you should cold wash / hang dry (Or perhaps use hit wash to get a more Miyao-style, ultra-snug fit if that's your preference).
Comparatively, if you're 150 and choose an A2, you're more likely to need a bit of heat to get the proper fit (warm wash and/or heat dry).
4/4/2015 11:24:46 PM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

Hot* wash, not "hit wash," :)
4/5/2015 2:46:46 AM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

A1 and cold wash/hang dry.
4/5/2015 12:51:56 PM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

4/5/2015 12:48:38 PM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

Hi Kat,
I think F3 will work well for you after wash/drying. At first it may be a little roomy but after a warm wash and 15min intervals of Medium Heat, you should be good to go :)
4/5/2015 12:14:43 PM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

The cuffs are more tapered than the men's, yes. Typically that's one of the main adjustments going from men's to women's.
4/5/2015 12:03:52 PM
Comment on:
G&P V3 Grey Gi

Yes, A2 and shrink as needed :)
4/5/2015 12:16:13 PM
Comment on:
Luta Performance Rashguard

What's your weight?
Probably medium though, since these stretch up to meet your weight. BJJHQ WARehouse Master Andy normally wears a Large but when he tried this one on, he preferred Medium.
4/6/2015 10:47:31 AM
Comment on:
Luta Performance Rashguard

4/6/2015 10:46:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

You could get into an A1 if you always cold wash and hang dry, but your weight is just a bit high for A1 so it would be a more tailored type of fit.

If you rather a more relaxed fit, then go for an A2 and shrink-to-fit.
4/7/2015 12:15:27 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

A1 would definitely be too tight as you are 30 lbs above the recommended max weight, however A2 is designed for someone slightly taller, so the sleeves/pants may be a little long... But shrink to fit should do the trick!
4/7/2015 12:47:11 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

A2L will be good, yup.
I am almost exactly your size (barely an inch taller and 3 lbs heavier), and I wear the A2 regular! It's rather tailored, but I always cold wash / hang dry and it still works.

I like that snug fit, personally, and can fluctuate from A2 to A2L to A3 with 93brand, I just adjust my washing/drying method depending on which size I'm using.
4/7/2015 2:15:45 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

Sir, yes sir.
4/7/2015 12:45:35 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

Might be a close call in terms of height. A1 is a better choice and, if it's too roomy for your taste, shrink-to-fit until it's where you want it.
4/7/2015 12:05:30 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

Today or tomorrow, depending on how soon you purchase.
4/7/2015 12:04:20 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

4/7/2015 12:03:59 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

A2 and cold wash / hang dry.
4/7/2015 12:03:49 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

4/7/2015 3:40:02 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

A1F should do the trick.
4/7/2015 3:39:50 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Rashguard

If you dont like 'em too tight, go for XL.
4/8/2015 1:09:25 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Rashguard

4/8/2015 1:09:42 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Rashguard

I wouldn't say no, because Medium will work for some body types at 170-174. It'll be a snug and athletic fit.
If you have a more built upper body or broader shoulders (or prefer a more relaxed fit), bump up to a Large.
4/8/2015 11:57:48 AM
Comment on:
Old Man Jiu Jitsu Tees 2-Pack

Medium should do It!
4/9/2015 10:35:12 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero V2 Gi

A3 for sure
4/10/2015 3:21:29 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero V2 Gi

You have two heads!

A1 should be the way to go, just might be a little long before washing :)
4/10/2015 3:20:55 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Rashguard

@Drake Z. - You can go either way. A large will fit you very well, while a medium will be fairly tight (but still wearable).
4/13/2015 11:00:07 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Rashguard

You can definitely go for the small. I have a similarly built teammate and he wears the small comfortably.
4/13/2015 10:45:10 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Rashguard

4/13/2015 10:44:31 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Rashguard

Yup, medium.
4/13/2015 10:42:54 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Rashguard

Medium, yup!
4/13/2015 11:45:29 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Rashguard

@Antony You sure you're not comparing it to the Choking Hazard t-shirt?
Because this rashguard is $25 more expensive on every single online retailer that we know of (RollMore, KarateDepot, MAS).
4/13/2015 11:03:32 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

4/14/2015 11:11:09 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

The sleeves/pants may end up a bit long if you're at 5'7", after shrinking you may - worst case scenario - need to hem it an inch or two.
4/14/2015 11:12:24 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

A2 and shrink to fit.
4/14/2015 11:10:53 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

@Jon, an A2 will fit you great if you cold wash and hang dry, which is what the manufacturer recommends for care (cold wash and hang dry will keep colored Gis richer and deeper than hot water and drying with high heat).

That being said, if you will use high heat and hot wash, then it's better to use the A3 as Tom mentioned above.
4/14/2015 10:27:22 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Select Gi

Who says you have to be a white belt? You can buy a black belt for $19.95, it's way easier than training for a decade ;)
4/14/2015 10:17:36 AM
Comment on:
G&P Shark Tank Spats

OP: Yes, inside drawstring.

Not all spats fit the same. These are more flexible than the Tatami spats so it's normal to be able to wear a different size.
4/15/2015 12:13:42 AM
Comment on:
Scramble The Wave Gi

@ewo - due to your height you'd need an A2
4/16/2015 10:26:48 AM
Comment on:
Scramble The Wave Gi

Scramble's stock photos were done with an early stage prototype (the exterior is still the same, but the interior sublimated panel was updated in the production run). It's right side up :)
4/16/2015 11:36:30 AM
Comment on:
Scramble The Wave Gi

Scramble's stock photos were done with an early stage prototype (the exterior is still the same, but the interior sublimated panel was updated in the production run). It's right side up :)
4/16/2015 11:36:12 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Check out the last image, which is a sizing chart using height and weight guidance.

These have a rather snug compression fit.
4/17/2015 2:27:15 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Medium will be nice and snug, yes.

If you carry most of your weight in your upper body or have a built torso/barrel-chested, the Large will do the trick as well.
4/17/2015 1:01:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Lol caseharts did not buy them all. We have all sizes in stock as of 12:52 a.m. EST, not sure why your computer is saying otherwise. Try clearing your cache and refreshing the page, that should clear it up for ya.
4/17/2015 12:52:56 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Large is a safer bet, yes.

Though you could do either, since 93Brand rashies have a generous torso length.

We accept all major credit cards, not sure what the issue is you're running into. Try clearing your cache and refreshing... unless it's an international order, in which case we'd need PayPal.

4/17/2015 1:29:31 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Medium, yup!
4/17/2015 2:26:10 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

4/17/2015 1:03:23 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Send an email to including your order number and a request to change the size to Large and they'll make the switch for you when the office opens up at 9am Eastern. I'll reserve 1 unit of Large for you in the meantime.

Also, just FYI there is a size chart as the last image ;)
4/17/2015 2:22:09 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Try clearing your computer's cache and then refreshing

BJJHQ Canada is working properly for me right now, so that should do the trick.
4/17/2015 2:25:45 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

Medium should be best.
4/17/2015 1:05:21 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Tales from the Grips - Electric Chair

@Janine - your husband's weight falls into the XL range, while his height falls in the Large range.

Whenever you've got sizing pointing toward one size for your height and another size for your weight, it's best to go with the bigger of the two suggestions. So in this case, you would go for the XL.
4/17/2015 1:08:39 PM
Comment on:
G&P Air Navy Gi

A2 and shrink to fit as needed. It shouldnt require hemming/tailoring, just some thorough shrinking. Give it one warm wash, then toss it in the dryer on Medium Heat and check the length out every 10min until you like it.
4/18/2015 12:54:40 AM
Comment on:
G&P Air Navy Gi

You would be cutting it a bit close with this particular model.
4/18/2015 12:53:10 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A1L if you cold wash / hang dry
A2 and shrink to fit.
4/20/2015 11:19:48 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

4/20/2015 11:19:13 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

What are you specific dimensions?

Sounds like you'll be an A1 but we can better assist you with your height/weight info.
4/20/2015 11:19:06 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

4/20/2015 11:01:33 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Spats

4/21/2015 12:06:43 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Spats

Yea Medium is the way to go, unless you have exceptionally thick legs.
4/21/2015 12:06:33 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Spats

If there's a 20 lbs difference between your walking around weight and your fight weight, then you'll need to decide if you want to wear these for fights or for training :) Small for 145 pounders, Medium for 165ers.
4/21/2015 12:05:41 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido Spats

The trifecta!
4/21/2015 12:00:10 PM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

You guys luuuuuv them spats!
4/22/2015 11:45:43 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

The "Guardian" weight is mid-heavy if I had to give it a name.

The 450 GSM Pearl feels very similar to the 93 Brand MANDRILL Gi, if you're familiar with that one. It's rather pliable so it doesn't feel stiff or scratchy (and since the interior is smoother than the exterior, it's pretty darn comfy), but certainly isn't lacking in terms of strength!

The pants are comparable in pliability comfort to the ripstop fabric used for many Manto Gis (the X Gis and the Vai Finaliza). Relatively speaking, the pants aren't as pliable as the jacket, but after wearing and washing... they break in nicely!
4/21/2015 11:27:06 PM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

I'm not sure of a side by side comparison with Aesthetic personally, but yes this is preshrunk. Though if you wash warm or heat dry, there may be additional shrinkage.
For you I would recommend an A2 and care for it by always cold washing / hang drying.
4/22/2015 12:09:37 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

Should work, yup, so long as you cold wash / hang dry.
4/22/2015 12:08:20 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

A4 and, if needed, shrink-to-fit.
4/22/2015 12:10:34 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

Suspicious as in... insincere? I'm not sure I follow. If you're referring to how in-depth my response in particular was, that would be because this is my job so I try to give a detailed response for those looking to spend their money here. Namean?
4/22/2015 12:13:17 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

Hehe, A2 is still kickin'!
4/22/2015 11:56:35 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

A0, most definitely.
4/22/2015 11:54:04 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

A1 for sure.
4/22/2015 11:53:25 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

A3 for this one, and shrink if needed since it'll probably be a little long at first.
4/22/2015 4:55:25 PM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

If you pick up an A1 and always cold wash / hang dry, it should be a nice fit.
4/22/2015 11:53:10 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

Not at IBJJF, but they are the most strict organization. Other organizations have more lax restrictions on Gi types and will not object to the IBJJF violations on this Gi, which are:

-Sublimated rashguard lining
-Interior pocket (inside jacket flap)
4/22/2015 11:49:14 AM
Comment on:
Platinum The Guardian Gi

I'd say go for A1 and shrink as needed.
4/22/2015 5:46:19 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Sekai Blue Gi

One of my favorites too. Really comfortable pants, sturdy jacket that isn't suffocating or overly stiff, and it looks just the right amount of slick B-)
4/24/2015 11:19:24 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Sekai Blue Gi

^^ Yup, A3 and shrink.
4/25/2015 2:14:22 AM
Comment on:
G&P Shark Tank Rashguard

Youre right on the border of M and L, so I'd say it depends on A. Do you carry more of your weight in your upper body or lower? and B. Do you prefer a snug or relaxed fit.
4/26/2015 12:40:56 PM
Comment on:
G&P Shark Tank Rashguard

Large is best, though Medium will get you a snug but still wearable fit.
4/26/2015 12:40:10 PM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

4/27/2015 11:48:08 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

Last I checked, yes they are legal. I have not heard about the rule change that @Vinnie mentioned, but I can't confirm or deny it as the only real way to know (their website is vague) is to email them with questions. Which I've just done now.
4/27/2015 11:47:02 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

STAN - Definitely go A3 and, if needed, shrink it a tiny bit.

I'm 6'2" and 189 lbs, the A2 was juuuuuust too snug for my taste, and I prefer a tailored cut. The A3 was spot on and, after one hot dry cycle, would fit like a glove.
4/27/2015 11:28:49 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

The A3 would be pushing it, yea, in terms of length. A4 is the way to go, for sure.
4/27/2015 2:42:02 PM
Comment on:
Manto Gakkin Spats

Large could work due to your height, though they may be slightly relaxed in fit. Medium is a better choice.
4/28/2015 12:56:18 PM
Comment on:
Manto Gakkin Spats

4/28/2015 12:20:57 PM
Comment on:
Manto Gakkin Spats

4/28/2015 12:55:09 PM
Comment on:
Manto Gakkin Spats

ronin_surf Medium cuts off at 175 lbs so I would direct you toward a Large (though a Medium will likely still fit, just be rather snug).
4/28/2015 12:55:03 PM
Comment on:
Manto Gakkin Spats

@Jorge, the Scramble spats that you had, were they M or L?

Also, your height is good to know but your weight is much more helpful. You're 5'9" and ?
4/28/2015 12:54:07 PM
Comment on:
Manto Gakkin Spats

4/28/2015 12:52:21 PM
Comment on:
Manto Gakkin Spats

We've only sold one other pair of Manto spats (they only have one other pair: multicolor), so it's likely that nobody at your height/weight has given feedback on their purchase just yet.

You're right on the cusp of 2XL, so it depends on whether you like a snug or more relaxed fit. 240 is the max weight for XL, so they'll be pretty snug, and 240 is the minimum weight for 2XL, so they'll be bit looser. Personally I'd go for the smaller of the two, since they're compression tights anyway. Plus you eliminate the risk of them running too long :)
4/28/2015 12:23:35 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Like all BJJHQ sales, there is a limit of one per order. You can place multiple orders, however, each of which will have its own order number, tracking number, shipping charge, and will arrive in separate boxes.

If you place more than one order, we will be sure you get a free roll of mat tape.
4/29/2015 12:30:54 AM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

4/29/2015 12:29:15 AM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Not possible for this one, unfortunately.
4/29/2015 11:23:49 AM
Comment on:
G&P Air Gi

A3 would be best, due to your height, but it'd be a bit loose on you due to weight.

Your build is ideal for the A1L and A2L (depending on the brand) sizes. Those sizes are not offered from G&P, but brands like Inverted Gear, 93brand, Flow Kimonos, and Strike Fightwear.
4/30/2015 10:15:53 AM
Comment on:
G&P Air Gi

Watch out Shawnster, you may have checked yourself into a time warp.

All jokes aside, I'm not sure how you'd get only a portion of the emails. Shoot us a message with the email you've signed up with, so we can look into it for you.
4/30/2015 12:13:38 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Mandrill Spats

@Bubba - 2XL

@So Sincere - Your weight is the max for Medium and the min for Large, so you could go either way. If you don't like a tight waist, you should opt for the Large.

@Scott Hales - If you sometimes fluctuate down into the 170s, then Large is the way to go (unless you are a bottom-heavy thunder thighs type of build).
5/1/2015 1:26:23 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Mandrill Spats

5/1/2015 11:45:33 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Mandrill Spats

Large would probably work too, just a little more relaxed.

Large is sold out already, but shoot us a message at with your Order Number and your request for the size switch (although they're sold out on our site, there may be a canceled order at some point during the day or we may be able to get our hands on 1 more for ya).

NOTE: Right now, it's Friday at 5:59pm EST... Your email will not be seen until we open up on Monday. We're not ignoring you ;)
5/1/2015 6:00:36 PM
This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Comment on:
Venum Elite Black Gi

Lol RabidMonkey I hope you haven't been hiding your ripstop pants from the IBJJF, it's totally fine and has been allowed since the IBJJF's inception as far as I know.
5/2/2015 10:01:22 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo Classic

with your average/midweighr Gi top weighing 450 GSM, the Classic is certainly on the heavy side (550GSM). The Tank is just in a class of its own, essentially twice as thick as tour typical bjj Gi. The Tank is also unique in that the jacket interior is brushed.

They're both tame in the branding/bling dept, though the Classic has almost no patches whatsoever (the Tank has a handful: sleeves, lower skirt, rear neck, shin, thigh label, lower lapel label).
5/3/2015 11:11:43 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo Classic



(It's Typo Monday..... right?)
5/3/2015 11:13:06 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo Classic

A2 and shrink as needed.
5/3/2015 11:14:39 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo Classic

A1 will work for you here. The Estilo cut is pretty close to the Nova cut.
5/4/2015 11:30:25 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo Classic

A2 and shrink as needed.
5/4/2015 11:09:39 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo Classic

PhuzePhuze - Customer Support emails normally take 1 business day to get an answer (at most, 2), but keep in mind this doesnt include weekends so if you messaged us on Friday we won't see it until today.

Shoot us a message on our FB page: and I'll follow up to make sure you're taken care of today.
5/4/2015 11:06:16 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

No combined orders for HQ sales.
5/6/2015 12:20:56 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

5/6/2015 12:20:39 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A2 should do the trick.
5/6/2015 12:20:16 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

5/6/2015 12:54:22 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A1 or A1L, yes.
5/6/2015 12:06:55 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A1 or A1L, yes.
5/6/2015 12:06:43 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A2L should do the trick, unless you're a bit wider/thicker, then go A3 and shrink if needed.
5/6/2015 11:58:18 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Pearl Black

A4 if you want to hot wash/hot dry and have a more relaxed fit. A3 will be close in terms of length, but if you like a more tailored fit then you can pick that up and stick with cold wash / hang dry.

If I were you I'd go A4 to be safe.
5/8/2015 12:29:39 PM
Comment on:
Gameness Pearl Black

A1 and shrink as needed.
5/8/2015 12:30:08 PM
Comment on:
Choke Dealer

No way for you to change it yourself, but if you email, we got you covered :)

Please include 2 very important pieces of information: Order Number & Desired Size.

If either is missing, we have to reply asking for 'em... But time is of the essence, as orders start shipping 9:30am on Monday (only 30min before we start looking at emails).

PS - Keep in mind it's now officially the weekend so we're out getting waste--- at church with our families... so you will not get a response until Monday. Adios!
5/9/2015 1:00:55 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Irezumi Rashguard

It is only the end of BJJHQ if you won't sign up for PayPal ! I promise it will not be very difficult, and well worth the work!
5/10/2015 6:09:44 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Irezumi Rashguard

Small is best for someone 120-145 lbs so you'll be better off with a small :)
5/10/2015 6:07:49 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Gi

Yes, similar tailored fit.
5/10/2015 11:48:30 PM
This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Gi

Close call kurtis636. I'm 6'2" 190 lbs and the A3 fits like a glove if I cold wash / hang dry. I'd say I'm as big as you can get for the A3 though, so you should grab an A4 and shrink as needed.
5/11/2015 10:38:19 AM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

Yup, should be totally fine.
5/11/2015 11:13:35 PM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

I'm 6'2" and the large was sufficiently long, however I've got just over 20 lbs on you, the it'd be a little relaxed on you (The L range begins with 180 lbs).

I say M because if faced with a 'long but slightly loose' rashguard or a 'perfectly compressed yet sleeves are half an inch above the wrist' rashguard, I'd say the latter is better.

I'm sure you could wear the large if the length is more of a priority than the compression fit.
5/12/2015 10:50:41 AM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

Since you're right on the edge of S and M, you can go either way. This rashguard is super stretchy, really impressively so, which means the Small will work for both of you if you like a nice tight compression fit.

But if you prefer a more neutral, standard fit, then go for the Medium.
5/12/2015 12:33:12 PM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

If you like a pretty tight compression fit, you can get a Medium due to your height and it'll work. But if you like a more standard, true fit, go for the Large.
5/12/2015 12:31:50 PM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

"Is the rashguard generally a little loose or tight?" - I'd say it's more snug than loose, but overall very true-to-fit.

What makes the fit unique is how the fabric is SO stretchy, it's honestly pretty amazing. That's why we have such a wide range for each size. I am 189 lbs and I could wear the L comfortably, the XL with a little extra room, and because it stretched so smoothly... even the Medium!

You're 159 lbs, what's your height? I'm sure M is the way to go :)
5/12/2015 11:37:21 AM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

Large will work perfectly!
5/12/2015 11:05:52 AM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

5'3" is cool, but your weight would be the main decider.

Are you under ~115 lbs? If not then the small will do the trick!
5/12/2015 11:05:22 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

If you like a more relaxed fit, get an A2 and shrink as needed.

If you like a more tailored, athletic cut then you should get an A1-Tall/Slim and always cold wash / hang dry.
5/13/2015 11:29:34 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

It's softer to the touch than the Gold Weave, and feels lighter as well. Pants feel very much the same in terms of weight, though this one is a bit softer in my opinion.

The cut is the same as all other Pandas.
5/13/2015 11:26:14 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

The A0S should fit both men and women within the range specified on the size chart.

BJJHQ orders are not returnable or exchangeable for sizing.
5/13/2015 11:25:21 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

You can still get some shrinkage out of it, just a little less than a typical pearl weave Gi. I shrunk my A3 nearly an inch with a warm wash and a long hot dry cycle (40 min).

However if you wash cold, there's very little shrinkage.
5/13/2015 11:24:47 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

Stan, A2S should fit you well.

I am 6'2" 189 lbs and my IG Panda in A2S fits me well. You are perfectly within the A2S range and I do not believe it would be too small on you. The weight drops by 5 lbs from A2 to A2S, but it only drops to 190 and you're 187-190, shouldn't be a problem as long as you *always* cold wash and hang dry, as I've done with great results thus far.
5/13/2015 11:23:46 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

^^^ Yup. Unless you're cutting 10 lbs and keeping it off, the A0 will be a close call, since you're already a half inch above the height maximum.

Better to grab an A1 and, if needed, shrink a bit.
5/13/2015 11:21:30 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

You're not in between sizes, you're perfectly in the A1 range (5'4"-5'8" and 130-165 lbs). The A1 will fit like a glove!
5/13/2015 11:20:10 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

@RabidMonkey Unless IBJJF changed their rules, navy blue is fine for competition.
5/13/2015 11:18:57 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Navy Bamboo CS Gi

Honestly, I'd go A2 and just be sure to cold wash / hang dry. It'll fit nice and tailored right out of the bag, so as long as you dont shrink it (no heat, ever), you'll be good to go.

If you don't like a tailored type of fit, then you can get an A2H or A3 and shrink to fit (you'll still get some shrinkage if you wash hot and dry heavily with heat, probably just over an inch total). The A2H will be the proper length but a little roomy in the width/girth, while the A3 will be the perfect girth and just a bit long. Personally I'm 6'2" and 189 lbs, I got the A3 and shrunk to fit in two washes. Now it fits greattttt!
5/13/2015 11:18:13 AM
Comment on:
93brand Rollers V2 Spats

You could swing a Large if you want a tight fit, but yea XL is better.
5/14/2015 11:58:38 AM
Comment on:
93brand Rollers V2 Spats

5/14/2015 11:42:50 AM
Comment on:
Furinkazan V2.0 Lightweight Gi

@steve yes these are ripstop (noted in the description a few times as 240gsm ripstop cotton).
5/15/2015 11:17:49 AM
Comment on:
Furinkazan V2.0 Lightweight Gi

The regular furinkazan is twill cotton. These are ripstop cotton.
5/15/2015 11:15:59 AM
Comment on:
Furinkazan V2.0 Lightweight Gi

It's a bit on the tailored/smaller side.
5/15/2015 11:15:20 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

@chris scheier : Yup.
5/18/2015 10:55:11 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A3 and shrink, yup!
5/18/2015 10:54:44 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

5/18/2015 10:55:47 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Tough call, as your height is A2-A3 and your weight is A4-A5. In this case, it's always best to go with the bigger of the sizes, so I'd say A4 is best. However you are ideally looking for an A2H style, as offered by 93brand, Inverted Gear, Flow Kimonos, etc., since it's built for body types that fall in different conventional sizes.
5/18/2015 2:01:57 PM
Comment on:
Venum "Absolute" Under-The-Gi Compression Top

Grab the XL (goes up to 187 lbs)
5/19/2015 12:22:48 AM
Comment on:
Venum "Absolute" Under-The-Gi Compression Top

Jacob - Medium
5/19/2015 11:06:53 AM
Comment on:
Venum "Absolute" Under-The-Gi Compression Top

I'd go for the L
5/19/2015 11:07:17 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Rip Stop Gi

You might want to jump on the A4 and just cold wash / hang dry. Otherwise you're better off waiting for an A3L style Gi such as 93Brand, which is tailored for someone with your height and weight (a4/a5 height, a3/a4 weight).
5/20/2015 10:41:00 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Rip Stop Gi

@pipo depends which size. Most of my A2 and A3 Gis are between 4-5 lbs (2.1kg = 4.6 lbs), so no, this is not heavy by any means. It may be stiffer than a soft/pliable weave, but it is not heavier.
5/20/2015 10:51:16 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Rip Stop Gi

5/20/2015 10:47:41 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Rip Stop Gi

It might be, yes, but it is your best bet for this Gi (with a warm wash and heat dry).
5/20/2015 10:48:07 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Rip Stop Gi

A3 might be a bit loose right out of the bag, but if you warm wash and heat dry, it'll get you the best fit from this Gi.
5/20/2015 10:48:49 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic IBJJF Shorts

I'd say go for the 34.
5/21/2015 9:43:31 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic IBJJF Shorts

They're pretty true to fit, so the 38 I'd say is maxed out at a true 38" waist. If you're more of a 40", it'll be a close call.
5/21/2015 10:47:46 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Daruma Shorts

Since the fabric on these is nice and stretchy, they're true to fit and pretty accommodating.
5/22/2015 11:50:10 AM
Comment on:
Reevo Aerolight Jiu Jitsu Gi

These fit a little unique so, yes, A3 is the way to go for you :)
5/23/2015 10:23:23 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

M or L depending on how you like your fit.
Personally I'd lean toward L.
5/27/2015 9:46:39 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

XL or, if you carry more of your weight in your legs, a 2XL.
5/27/2015 9:45:51 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

unless you have particularly skinny legs and/or like a right compression fit, in which case M could work as well.
5/27/2015 9:44:15 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 9:42:13 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Unfortunately no. These are pre-packaged as two-packs of different colors :( so we'd have to break open two sets in order to change colors.
Side Note: I've never heard of a spats ordinance at a BJJ gym. I've heard No Black Gis, but never "No Non-Black Spats" - interesting. Is it Barra?
5/27/2015 11:45:50 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 9:41:23 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 9:41:00 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

XL, my good man.
5/27/2015 11:41:01 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 2:59:38 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 2:58:58 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 2:58:49 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 2:58:38 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

5/27/2015 2:58:27 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Large - maybe XL, depending on how you're built (top heavy or bottom heavy).
5/27/2015 2:57:18 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Yes, they'll still fit women, just not the tapered fit like a women's model would. I have teammates who are chicks and comfortably wear men's Standard Issue.
5/27/2015 2:55:52 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

The size chart in the description is accurate, yes.

We always double check size charts, so the sizing shown on will be true-to-size - if the manufacturer's sizing is not true to size, we annotate or adjust it :)
5/28/2015 2:13:31 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

A3 will be a bit long right out of the bag, but still your best bet. It'll need one or two washes on HOT and Heat Dry in the machine until it shrinks to fit.
5/28/2015 2:26:38 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

Goodies? Hmm?
5/28/2015 2:11:25 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

Pretty standard sleeve length, unless you're ordering a size up, of course.
5/28/2015 4:28:28 PM
Comment on:
Tatami X Meerkatsu Chinese Panda Grappling Tights

You can go either way, but Large is better.
5/30/2015 4:19:06 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Katana Rashguard

Yes, a lovely little number called "Tai O Toshi" - when partnered with a more experienced dancer, loss of consciousness may occur.
6/1/2015 10:56:00 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

Close call, personally I'd go A1 as I prefer a more tailored fit (though you'd need to cold wash / hang dry).

If you rather a more relaxed fit, A2 will better suit you (and you can wash warm, dry with heat).
6/1/2015 11:16:54 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

6/1/2015 11:13:40 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

"A0T" is A0-Slim.

(Slim = Tall = Tall/Slim)
6/1/2015 11:18:48 PM
Comment on:
OK Kimonos Guard Passers Rashguard

@Danny Buggs - We've carried a number of instructionals in the past, both DVDs and Digital Downloads, and have no plans to stop!

Next instructional offering isn't pinned down just yet, as far as dates, but we'll post a teaser once we have the date more solid :) Thanks!
6/3/2015 7:10:06 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

There is very little shrinkage (It's throughly preshrunk).
6/3/2015 11:35:34 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

@Milo - A2 for sure!
6/4/2015 6:18:29 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

@Shawn - it's breathable and soft, so it's not bad for the Summer. The knee reinforcements are gold weave, which adds sooo much softness and comfort, but makes the pants a little heavier throughout the knees. Suitable for all year IMO.

@PRINCE_VEGETA - honestly, you can compare this Gi to *any* Gi in your rotation and I doubt you'll find anything as comfortable. As part of the BJJHQ team, I naturally have owned many Gis, including Manto, Shoyoroll, Do or Die, Tatami, Strike Fightwear, Vulkan, Muaewear, Senso, Fuji, and VHTS. None of them have challenged the 100KG as the #1 spot for Most Comfortable Gi jacket. The #1 spot for Most Comfortable Gi pants is currently going to the 93 Brand "Tau" - which are a super soft 12oz *brushed* twill.
6/4/2015 5:24:48 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A2 for sure.
6/4/2015 4:49:17 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A2 for this Gi should do the trick, as there is virtually no shrinkage when Cold Wash / Hang Dry (as opposed to the Hooks 2.0, which has some shrinkage, albeit relatively low).

A2L would still work though, for either model really, just more generous in the length of the sleeves / pants / skirt.
6/4/2015 2:17:37 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

@J-Ru this was thoroughly preshrunk, twice as much as standard Gis (since it is Gold weave AND unbleached, this was a precaution by 93brand).

As a result, a cold wash / hang dry will get you virtually zero shrinkage. The only downside is if you WANT to shrink it, it'll require a hot wash and heat dry... for minimal shrinkage. Meaning it's tough to shrink this one down more than an inch.

Personally I would say go A2 and cold wash / hang dry. A2L might be just a bit long in the sleeves, and normally I would say 'shrink it down' but like I said, this one is not easily shrunk :)
6/4/2015 4:48:34 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

@Stephen - the size chart here on BJJHQ is accurate. On RollMore, when you click "Size Chart" button, you see the same proper size chart.
However RollMore has a JPG image also shown in the alternate pics, which is incorrect. I'll let 'em know to get that sorted ASAP. Good eye!
6/4/2015 12:42:17 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A2L, no doubt about it!
6/4/2015 4:43:56 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A2L, absolutely.
6/4/2015 4:43:28 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

Technically I believe so (it qualifies as 'white' in the same way that navy qualifies for 'blue') - though it's always best to bring a backup Gi to IBJJF comps... Refs can be picky and even when they're wrong or misinterpreting the IBJJF rules, their decision will usually stick. Escalating the issue to an 'official' is usually futile and won't change much, so I always just bring a backup Gi.
6/4/2015 4:41:28 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

US orders should have arrived by now, is there an 'exception' with your UPS / USPS tracking status?

If it's international, it may take some time to cross through Customs.
6/4/2015 4:33:20 PM
Comment on:
100 Kilo v2 Unbleached Gi

A1L is best.
6/4/2015 4:22:48 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Lets Play Tee

Depends on your chest size and build, but I'll say Medium is the way to go!
6/5/2015 11:55:56 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Lets Play Tee

Large or XL depending on how you're built.
6/5/2015 11:57:03 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Lets Play Tee

You can make multiple purchases, but each individual order has a maximum quantity of 1.
6/5/2015 11:56:32 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Fight Shorts

A couple sizes were not available from the start.
6/5/2015 11:10:44 PM
Comment on:
Limited Edition Do or Die The Duke Hyperfly Gi

I think A3 would be the perfect choice, hopefully you grabbed it prior to selling out!
6/7/2015 9:34:53 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Chinese Panda Rash Guard

It is $60 USD regularly, and... can you really put a price on happiness?
6/8/2015 10:19:08 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Chinese Panda Rash Guard


George here.
I was corresponding with you via Facebook until Saturday afternoon (we dont work weekends but I happened to log in accidentally and yours was a sizing inquiry which takes me little time, so I answered on Saturday). Your following messages were on Sat. evening and Sunday, which will not be seen until Customer Service opens up today, Monday.

(Just a heads up, as we're currently set up: multiple orders cannot be combined).
6/8/2015 10:15:17 AM
Comment on:
Flow Pro Series 3 White Gi

@ben for any order changes or cancellations, always email rather than writing on the wall. We'll get right on it as long as the size you need is still available.
6/9/2015 12:08:40 PM
Comment on:
Flow Pro Series 3 White Gi

Most Gis have A0 but our stock on this particular one cuts off at A1 :(

Have you ever worn an A1 before? For comparison, the Flow cut is fairly standard.
Right out of the bag, it'd be loose on you, but with a hot wash and machine dry, you could get some decent shrinkage.

If you want to wait for an A0 or female sizes, we have a few on the horizon.. but they're not physically here yet. Some debuting 93brand and Strike Gis will include a bunch of the smaller sizes, but both shipments are still en route from overseas, so we're at the mercy of Customs ;)
6/9/2015 12:19:14 PM
Comment on:
Manto Beast Rashguard

We've got couple of Strike Gis on the way right now, both making their DEBUT on :)

You won't be disappointed!
6/10/2015 12:13:21 AM
Comment on:
Arm Bar Soap Random 5-Pack

6/12/2015 11:19:10 PM
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This product_comment has been flagged. Click here to view >>

Comment on:
Venum Compression Rashguard

Unless you carry your weight in your lower body, then yes, 2XL should do the trick. These run rather snug compared to Venum's regular rashguards.
However if you prefer a tighter compression fit, you could rock the XL since you're close to the 199 lbs cutoff.
6/16/2015 1:22:07 AM
Comment on:
Venum Compression Rashguard

XL should be fine at 205 lbs if you're on a downward trend to below-200 lbs (and congrats on the loss so far). If you're sticking at 205 and up, then 2xl would be a better choice.
6/16/2015 1:20:45 AM
Comment on:
Venum Compression Rashguard

It is relatively new. I believe we bought out their entire stock, so it may no longer be stocked/active on their site.
6/16/2015 1:17:50 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

You could rock the A1 as long as you cold wash and hang dry every time. Ideally A1L though (sold out on BJJHQ currently).
6/18/2015 10:07:19 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

After a hot wash and machine dry, it should still work. Just might not be as fitted as the A0.
6/18/2015 12:42:00 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

No A3L this time, sorry!
6/18/2015 12:43:13 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A1 regular should do fine for you.
6/18/2015 12:41:16 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

Yes and yes.

425 GSM jacket, 8oz pants with full-length knee reinforcements. Not as light as some others, but in the grand scheme of things it is a rather light and breathable Gi.
6/18/2015 12:40:45 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

Yes, A2 is perfect after a little shrinking.
6/18/2015 10:05:45 AM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

6/19/2015 12:44:02 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Some of the best shorts ever!
6/19/2015 12:41:43 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Dont worry about your weight or height so much as your waist size. Use the following conversions:

S: 28"-30"
M: 31"-33"
L: 34"-37"
XL: 38"-41"
2XL: 41"-45"
6/19/2015 12:42:40 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Dont worry about your weight or height so much as your waist size. Use the following conversions:

S: 28"-30"
M: 31"-33"
L: 34"-37"
XL: 38"-41"
2XL: 41"-45"
6/19/2015 12:42:33 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Beachside Rashguard

Yea, you won't be disappointed with Medium.
A lot of rashguards that are snug enough for you might also be too short in the body due to your height, but the 93s have a nice generous torso cut :)
6/23/2015 11:40:57 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

Close call, but I'd say A2 and then shrink as needed.
6/24/2015 12:28:53 PM
Comment on:
Guard-Zilla Tee

Not slim fit. Standard cut tees.
6/25/2015 10:29:44 AM
Comment on:
Guard-Zilla Tee

These are not slim fit so I'd order whatever size you normally wear in regular t shirts. (If you've ever worn the brand Next Level, that's what these are).
6/25/2015 10:31:33 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Surf Jitsu Gi

A2 and stick with cold wash / hang dry.
6/26/2015 11:56:50 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Surf Jitsu Gi

^^ Affirmative! ^^
Velcro is always the bandit.

Just make sure that on Nogi laundry day, you fully secure the Velcro on ALL of your shorts.
Personally I close the straps and turn them inside out. If the shorts are open, then the velcro "hooks" agitate the smooth polyester/spandex and cause pilling.

Only Velcro does this, though, so washing rashguards or rashguard-lined products with Gis, spats, jock straps, towels or whatever else, is totally fine.
6/26/2015 12:00:43 PM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

Same as the men's, only the piping around the edges is not there.
6/29/2015 9:21:12 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

In as much as all 100% cotton clothing will have at least some shrinkage when machine dried with heat. Keep it on Low heat and shrinkage will be minimal (wash Cold and line dry to avoid shrinkage altogether).
6/29/2015 11:36:24 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

6/29/2015 11:34:54 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

XL is the way to go... Large might be a bit short in the torso department.
6/29/2015 11:34:35 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

The men's are more of a standard fit, so stick with Medium if you normally rock a Medium tee. The women's are on the form-fitting side, relative to the men's.
6/29/2015 12:38:53 PM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

The women's cut is more on the form-fitting side, so the XL may do the trick but there's a risk it might be a bit snug at 195 lbs. The men's cut is more relaxed, so the men's Large should do the trick!
6/29/2015 11:30:39 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

These are essentially the same cut as a standard modern fit tee, so I'm assuming you normally rock a Medium or Large? Personally I'd say get a Large and then shrink if needed.
6/29/2015 11:00:19 AM
Comment on:
Just Roll Tank Top 2 Pack

You'd likely have to go L or XL due to your height, though since you're a slender gal it'll be a more relaxed cut.

XL should be sufficiently long, but a bit looser. L won't exactly be "fitted" but it will hug your body more... Only risk is L may be too short in the torso.
6/29/2015 10:54:52 AM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

6/30/2015 12:27:52 AM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

Have you downloaded the new app? Totally revamped.
Also, free is about an inexpensive as we can make it.
6/30/2015 12:21:11 AM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 might actually be better, as it won't be as wide as the A3. Though if you prefer a more relaxed fit then yes, A3 with hemmed sleeves/pants (A2 you may be able to get away with not hemming the length).
6/30/2015 12:23:45 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

... Yes. Why is this something you doubt?
6/30/2015 12:21:35 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2, yes.
6/30/2015 12:21:13 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

(Any BJJHQ offering that includes a belt will always 1. Mention the free belt in the description, 2. Show the belt in pics)
6/30/2015 12:20:53 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

It is a unisex A0-A6 Gi.
6/30/2015 12:20:18 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 should do the trick. No mix/match available.
6/30/2015 12:20:02 PM
Comment on:
Scramble USA Spats V2

Ah, it was on Rolling Deals brother!
7/2/2015 9:15:41 AM
Comment on:
Scramble USA Spats V2

Rolling Deals is when we change the deal every 20 minutes (or once the deal sells out) instead of the usual 24 hours.
So we get a ton of items up in one day, and many of us do not sleep for this reason. Then it's over, and we all can get some sleep!
7/2/2015 4:43:38 PM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 White Gi

The Roots is an old Gi and, frankly, this one is packed with more percent Awesome!

But srsly: This one has got premium everything.
It's a very high quality 450gsm Gold, top shelf 12oz twill with maximum stitch rows and full-length knee reinforcement panels, sublimated jacket interior, graphic woven seam taping throughout pretty much everywhere, and all but one logo is an embroidery, and it's got the wider sized drawstring loops).

(Note: the Roots was only $80 on HQ once Strike was getting rid of them and they'd lowered their MSRP to below $100)
7/3/2015 11:53:26 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 White Gi

@Charles if I could upvote you a million times I would.

But honestly, isn't this rather tasteful/tame as far as movie reference gear collabs go?
The fact that it's a subtle mountain is good... because you would indeed find them on the Hoth planet.
No over-the-top light sabers or death stars. Just classy, babe. And @vergeofchaos don't worry, we'll get a Misfits Gi up here soon!
7/3/2015 12:00:22 PM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 White Gi

This one is softer than the crowd control overall, particularly the top. The pants are softer and a bit heavier.
7/3/2015 11:53:59 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Comics Rashguard

Thank you, @Jaime.
7/6/2015 2:18:20 AM
Comment on:
Muaewear Furinkazan V2.0 Lightweight Gi

A2 and, if needed, shrink a bit via warm wash.
7/7/2015 2:08:30 PM
Comment on:
Gawakoto X Art Junkie Save the Earth Spats

Small should do the trick. Medium if you've got thicker legs.
7/8/2015 1:20:18 PM
Comment on:
Gawakoto X Art Junkie Save the Earth Spats

7/8/2015 11:37:34 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Deranged Short Sleeve Rashguard

7/9/2015 12:29:39 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Deranged Short Sleeve Rashguard

There's a limit of one unity per order, so yes, two orders would be needed.
7/9/2015 12:30:18 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Deranged Short Sleeve Rashguard

Large should be best.
7/9/2015 2:51:04 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Deranged Short Sleeve Rashguard

7/9/2015 2:50:40 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Blue Panda 2.0 Gi

7/10/2015 1:30:37 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Blue Panda 2.0 Gi

Shipping is a whole five dollars for US orders (we are a US company). The Gi is not only discounted compared to Inverted Gear's retail price, but our shipping is 50% lower than theirs. You save $30 on the Gi plus saving $5 on shipping.

International shipping prices vary, but all of them reflect accurate USPS shipping costs.
7/10/2015 12:47:39 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Blue Panda 2.0 Gi

550 GSM jacket, 12oz pants.
7/10/2015 12:44:24 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Blue Panda 2.0 Gi

7/9/2015 11:53:14 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Blue Panda 2.0 Gi

7/10/2015 1:31:08 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Ranked Rashguards

Yea XL should do the trick. I'm 6'2" 190 lbs and the XL fits comfortably. I can even wear a Large, but personally I prefer a more relaxed fit rather than a snug skin-tight fit.
7/13/2015 12:39:17 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Ranked Rashguards

7/13/2015 12:38:22 PM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

Depends on the size, but generally 3.5 - 4.5 lbs. If you have a specific size I can have it weighed for you.
7/14/2015 3:27:42 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

7/14/2015 10:37:31 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

7/14/2015 10:37:18 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Chess Gorilla Rashguard

Gorillas are notoriously good at chess.
7/15/2015 10:55:55 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Chess Gorilla Rashguard

Never heard of 'em.
7/15/2015 5:18:35 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Chess Gorilla Rashguard

If you don't like tight, then you should get XL, for sure.
Large would fit also, but it'd be on the tight side.
7/15/2015 4:01:54 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

XL, yea. I'm 6'2" 190 lbs and the Large fits me well, other than being a bit short, length-wise.
7/17/2015 12:17:30 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

I'd say these are going to be too short in Medium, if you're 6'1". Large will do the trick.
7/17/2015 12:18:17 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

Go by your waist size compared to the size chart. But most likely it's going to be a medium for you.
7/17/2015 5:18:04 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

No cup pocket.
7/17/2015 5:17:28 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

What's your waist size?
Large should do the trick.
7/17/2015 5:14:14 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

7/17/2015 5:13:46 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

Yes, Large is the one.
7/17/2015 5:17:07 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Musashi Spats

These are not see through in certain areas, they're quick substantial.

Most people wear shorts with them, but you can go "full spats" if you like the feel, by all means!
7/17/2015 5:15:32 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Illusions Rashguard

If you lose 10-20 lbs, the XL will do the trick, however at 230 lbs the XL will be rather snug. So for now you'd need the 2XL.
7/20/2015 12:29:45 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Illusions Rashguard

Certainly not.
7/20/2015 12:22:35 PM
Comment on:
Arm Bar Soap Random 5-Pack

GinjaNinja, you will not be disappointed in the quantity of 93 Brand A1Ls on in the coming weeks.
Three, count 'em, THREE new Gis will be debuting in the next ~2 months.
Each and every model will include A1L :)
7/21/2015 9:37:14 AM
Comment on:
Platinum Evil Geisha 6 Gi

Eventually, but not in the immediate future.
7/22/2015 12:24:37 PM
Comment on:
Platinum Evil Geisha 6 Gi

A1 or A2 and shrink to fit.
7/22/2015 12:27:04 PM
Comment on:
Platinum Evil Geisha 6 Gi

For many comps, yes, but not for any IBJJF.
7/22/2015 12:25:47 PM
Comment on:
Platinum Evil Geisha 6 Gi

Fit will be most similar to the Manto Pro, I believe. Fuji tends to run smaller.
7/22/2015 12:25:25 PM
Comment on:
Breakpoint Elite Ranked Rashguard

You're right on the cusp, so it depends on how you prefer your fit... Large for a snug fit, XL for a more relaxed fit :)
7/22/2015 11:39:52 PM
Comment on:
Breakpoint Elite Ranked Rashguard

7/23/2015 11:04:49 AM
Comment on:
Venum All Sports Brazil Fight Shorts

7/24/2015 11:54:10 AM
Comment on:
Break Point DLX Pants

I try to avoid saying typical, as there are so many fits (e.g. Fuji is very popular, as is Scramble, but they have very different cuts).

The BreakPoint A2 is recommended for 5'8"-5'11" ' 160-185 lbs... Inverted Gear recommends the exact same height range, 5'8"-5'11", and a barely different weight range of 165-195 lbs. So it's pretty similar in length, perhaps a little bit more tailored in terms of bagginess.
7/27/2015 11:39:35 AM
Comment on:
Break Point DLX Pants

You could rock an A3 as long as you cold wash / hang dry.
If you grab an A4, it'll be a more relaxed fit, girth-wise, but longer than you need.
7/27/2015 11:35:52 AM
Comment on:
Break Point DLX Pants

7/27/2015 11:25:02 AM
Comment on:
Break Point DLX Pants

A1 ' 5'5"-5'8" ' 135-160 lbs
A2 ' 5'8"-5'11" ' 160-185 lbs

A1 is a better fit if you're Cold Wash / Hang Dry.
If you want to grab an A2, you just need to shrink to fit.
7/27/2015 11:33:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

PiousDevil, you will not be disappoint!
7/28/2015 9:58:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

If you have thin legs for your size or if you prefer a snug compression fit, you could fit in an XL.

If you have more built legs, go for the 2XL.
7/28/2015 10:50:01 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Where does your weight fall in this range?
7/28/2015 10:23:06 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Rather, I meant where in the weight ranges (shown in the link above) does your actual weight fall? For example I am 190 lbs so I fall in the XL range, etc etc
7/28/2015 4:49:22 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

7/28/2015 10:22:06 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

7/28/2015 4:47:35 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Women's Small should be best.
7/28/2015 10:20:15 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

These are a little smaller than the Scramble spats, check out the size chart (last image) for more specific height / weight guidance :)
7/28/2015 10:19:13 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

@Goodflow - we typically respond to all emails within 24 hours on business days.
Did you message "" and, if so, when did you email us?

If you emailed over the weekend, we won't start sorting through mail until Monday so *occasionally* a weekend email will take an additional day.
7/28/2015 10:02:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Email and we'll get it sorted, so long as it has not already shipped.
7/28/2015 4:39:32 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

The Rollers are the premium fabric, which is smoother than the Standard Issue material (as well as sublimated with graphics, as opposed to the solid color S.I. spats.
7/28/2015 4:35:35 PM
Comment on:
Jaco Tenacity Shorts

7/29/2015 11:15:39 AM
Comment on:
YouJitsu T-Shirt 2-Pack

Women's sizes are slightly fitted.
7/30/2015 10:09:46 AM
Comment on:
YouJitsu T-Shirt 2-Pack

2nd deal?
There is one BJJHQ deal per day, available on or on the BJJHQ app.

There is also one MMAHQ deal per day, available on :)
7/30/2015 8:54:08 AM
Comment on:
YouJitsu T-Shirt 2-Pack

All orders should ship same-day or next-business day, with the rare exception (in which case your ETA should reflect the delay, which would likely be due to a dropship arrangement with the vendor or a long holiday weekend, etc.)

If your order hasn't shipped within 1 business day of the sale ending, please email
7/30/2015 1:59:44 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

Yes, A1 and cold wash / hang dry. A1L would also work.
7/31/2015 10:48:11 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

Yes, same cut.
7/31/2015 9:30:07 AM
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93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

Aye, we've got two other debuting 93brand Gis in the next month or so, and one of 'em be the olive green Bomber, mate.
7/31/2015 11:29:19 AM
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93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

@Joe Sorry for the trouble. Your email from this morning was answered a few hours ago by Victoria.
7/31/2015 3:22:38 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

A1L if you prefer a snug fit, but A2 and shrink to fit if you have heavy legs or heavier upper body.
7/31/2015 3:10:34 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

A1 or A1L if you have longer limbs.
7/31/2015 3:09:56 PM
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93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

A2H and shrink to fit.
7/31/2015 3:09:36 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Combate Gi

Jacket is Pearl Weave (no more than 550 GSM) and the pants are 12oz Canvas.
8/3/2015 11:01:09 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Beat 'em Up

@msdrbeat - do you have a Small?
8/4/2015 10:03:52 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Beat 'em Up

Sorry about that. Drop us an email and we'll make it right.
8/4/2015 9:22:57 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Probably better to go A2H and shrink as needed. A3 may be a bit long.
8/5/2015 12:53:31 PM
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93 Brands Donuts

I believe we put up every last one :( But this piece should be available elsewhere within the week.
8/7/2015 8:44:56 AM
Comment on:
93 Brands Donuts

Hey, ugly!? I wore this rashguard last night, now you tell me it's ugly. Great.

But also, we've carried more conventional rashguards for women from Tatami, 93 Brand (standard issue is about as normal as it gets!), Do or Die. Stick around!
8/7/2015 9:33:49 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Black Hyperlyte Gi

Yes, IBJJF legal. Light = easier grips, sure, however heavier = tougher weigh-ins.

Always a trade-off for either extreme, but if you don't like cutting weight (or if you dont like sweating or compete in hot weather), then light is the way to go.
8/8/2015 12:35:53 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Black Hyperlyte Gi

A1 and shrink as needed.
8/8/2015 12:34:48 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Black Hyperlyte Gi

Should be fine :) just be sure to cold wash and hang dry.
8/8/2015 12:34:30 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Black Hyperlyte Gi

A1 and cold wash / hang dry.
8/8/2015 12:33:16 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Black Hyperlyte Gi

A2 would be best fit. A little loose perhaps, but at 130 lbs and 6'0", virtually all Gis will be a bit loose in order to be long enough.
8/8/2015 12:34:02 AM
Comment on:
Venum Hero Compression Rashguard

@Steven you'll never find gloves on - this is strictly Jiu Jitsu and Grappling stuff.
Head to and you'll see plenty of boxing gloves, mma gloves, shin guards, headgear, shorts, and plenty more :)
8/9/2015 11:26:26 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Gentle Panda Rashguard

8/12/2015 11:14:49 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Gentle Panda Rashguard

93 Brand is a little more snug than Tatami, generally speaking. Personally I wear XL in both brands, but my Tatami is more skin-tight than my 93s.

If the 93br Medium is a tiny bit loose, the Tatami would be a tiny bit looser. If that's ok with you, go for it. Otherwise you could bump down to Small. Assuming you're around 145 lbs?
8/12/2015 10:43:18 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Gentle Panda Rashguard

You should definitely not be ordering the XL if you are 165 lbs. Large should work well if you prefer a relaxed fit and, if you prefer a more snug fit, a Medium (like Theshoemaker noted).
8/12/2015 11:14:37 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Gentle Panda Rashguard

Large should fit well and be sufficiently tight. Medium would, of course, be tighter, but rather uncomfortably so, in my opinion.
8/12/2015 11:06:47 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

@Craig it is the same cut as the Goose. If you go A3, you can try shrinking it a bit. But if A3 was too wide with sufficient length, you're probably an A2L. Compare your height and weight to the last image up there, for the A2L size. If you fall in that range, grab one while they're still in stock.
8/13/2015 10:55:03 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

@Craig this won't be back on bjjhq for quite a while.the 2nd batch is going to be strictly retail, on sites like starting later this week.

At your size you could likely shrink an a3 down but I understand not wanting to risk it (this one will shrink a bit, unlike the goose which is pretty much Ulla resistant to shrinkage).
8/13/2015 4:07:52 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A1L as long as you cold waah and hang dry, that'll get you a fitted cut :)

Otherwise an A2 with warm wash & heat dry (regular fit)
8/12/2015 11:53:24 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A1L and cold wash / hang dry :)
8/13/2015 12:07:57 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

You can shrink an A1 down to A1 F, yes. Hot wash and heat dry.
8/13/2015 1:21:56 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A1.. if you can grab one before they're gone :)
8/13/2015 1:23:10 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A1 and cold wash / hang dry.
8/13/2015 1:23:39 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

Yep. Hot wash and heat dry, it should get down enough after 1 or 2 washes.
8/13/2015 10:23:56 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

It's not super light, more middle of the road in terms of weight, though it is very breathable.

"Great" when it comes to looks, of course, is relative.. If you like the design of the Gi, you like it. This one is rather unique aesthetically (most Gis are one color, not different pants/jacket color, and most Gis do not have a contrasting collar color).

In terms of the construction and what makes it different, it's all outlined in the description :)

[[ Upgraded logo style (applique), innovative stitch work, forearm lining, debossed leather patch (as far as I know, never done before in BJJ - machine-washable), thicker/wider collar (harder for opponents to grab), seam taping, longer knee reinforcements, round drawstring, multiple loops and wider loops, improved vent reinforcements, etc]]
8/13/2015 10:30:07 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

Same cut as the Goose. What's your height/weight?
8/13/2015 10:24:29 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

It is not frowned upon in BJJ. I've been wearing black Gis since I was a white belt, as do many other BJJers. Here and there you'll find a particularly uptight or strict school that only allows white belts to wear white and blue Gis, but it's not common.
8/13/2015 11:57:04 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A3 and shrink deliberately if you like a more regular fit. A2L or A2 and cold wash / hang dry if you like a more tailored fit. I'm 6'1"-6'2" 185 lbs and I wear a2 and A2L but I ALWAYS cold wash and hang dry. I like fitted gis.
8/13/2015 1:37:10 PM
Comment on:
Luta Performance Rashguard

8/14/2015 4:01:33 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Blue

Here and there we'll drop a kids Gi, but not very often.
8/20/2015 11:47:17 AM
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Toro Belt Line Ranked Tees

More of an American fit, not European or fitted.
8/21/2015 9:36:59 AM
Comment on:
Reevo Aerolight Jiu Jitsu Gi

It is Sunday, we do not do emails on Sunday but you'll get a response once we get back in the office tomorrow morning (i believe the email mentions business hours).
8/23/2015 10:04:28 PM
Comment on:
Manto Muerte Gi

This Gi won't work for ya. You'll need either an A3H, tailored A6, or some brands A5 (but not this particular brand).
8/25/2015 1:28:03 PM
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Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

I'd say go with Medium. I'm on the cusp of L and XL usually, but the L fits me really well in this one.
8/25/2015 11:52:51 PM
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93brand Bomber Gi

A1L for sure.
8/27/2015 4:42:53 AM
Comment on:
93brand Bomber Gi

You could rock a2 and shrink as needed. My teammate is your size and does that.
8/27/2015 4:41:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand Bomber Gi

For a more tailored fit you could go a1 like Sean.
8/27/2015 4:42:23 AM
Comment on:
93brand Bomber Gi

A2 should work fine for ya. I'm about 6'2" and honestly if i cold wash / hang dry, 93brand A2 still fits me, so at 5'9" you should be set regardless of arm length :)
8/27/2015 12:33:11 PM
Comment on:
93brand Bomber Gi

A2H and shrink as needed :)
8/27/2015 1:20:10 PM
Comment on:
93brand Bomber Gi

Yes, 93 Brand is always stocked in A3L, but we must not be picking up enough. I'll make note for future orders!
8/27/2015 11:43:37 AM
Comment on:
93brand Bomber Gi

A3 should work perfectly!
8/27/2015 1:33:50 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Sakana Spats

More important than knowing your height is knowing your weight and waist size. What are those? You'll be a M or L most likely, perhaps even XL, depending on weight/waist size. For example, am 6'2" and lanky, but at 185 lbs I can wear an XL.
8/28/2015 1:54:08 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Sakana Spats

Medium since you're on the tall side.
8/28/2015 1:51:08 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Sakana Spats

What is your waist size? I am 6'2" 185 lbs, but my waist size is a 34" and the Large fits well. You're likely an XL but could be 2XL if your waist size is above 38".
8/28/2015 12:33:19 PM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

@Nick - You are referring to Venum's customer service ignoring you, not BJJHQ's, correct?
8/29/2015 1:52:52 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear "Show the Art" Gi

8/31/2015 2:55:57 PM
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Ground Game Black Turtle Spats

Nope. Elastic waistband though.
9/2/2015 12:51:34 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Black Turtle Spats

Weight is more important :)
9/2/2015 12:50:56 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero V2 Gi

9/3/2015 12:35:29 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Sub Zero V2 Gi

Check out the last image for sizing guidance. Your height weight puts you at an A2 for standard fit.
9/3/2015 12:34:45 AM
Comment on:
Jits Do It Tank Top 2-Pack

Large would be ideal. XL could work also, but it'll be a more loose-fitting top.
9/4/2015 12:06:06 PM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Black Gi

Josh is correct, a Venum rep did chime in. However it should be noted that the pants issue was addressed recently :)
9/8/2015 3:00:19 AM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Black Gi

If you are referring to the pants shrinkage issue, it was resolved by Venum's production team recently.
9/8/2015 3:00:59 AM
Comment on:
Grips Primero Blue Gi

It'd be better to grab the A2 and shrink as needed. Play it on the safe side :)
9/9/2015 11:19:04 PM
Comment on:
Grips Primero Blue Gi

You could probably swing the A4 if you regularly cold wash and hang dry. If you don't like a tailored fit or you plan to use the machine for drying, go for the A5.
9/10/2015 12:47:33 PM
Comment on:
Grips Primero Blue Gi

It isnt recommended to regularly use a machine dryer with heat. At most the first wash or two can be in the machine to get some shrinkage, but if you will consistently use the dryer you should probably bump up to an A3 (though if you hang dry the A2, it will fit like a glove for all eternity).
9/10/2015 12:12:08 PM
Comment on:
Grips Primero Blue Gi

A1, yep.
9/10/2015 12:10:40 PM
Comment on:
Grips Primero Blue Gi

What's your height/weight?
9/10/2015 12:09:30 PM
Comment on:
Grips Primero Blue Gi

A2 and shrink as needed (wont need much).
9/10/2015 12:08:32 PM
Comment on:
Grips Primero Blue Gi

It'll be a close call on the A2 as far as your weight, but is a better call than A3 (as that would certainly be too long).
9/10/2015 12:08:03 PM
Comment on:
Worm Guard DVD by Keenan Cornelius

@Anonymous - The Master of Worms has informed us that his DVDs have traveled to many continents and played without error. This leads me to believe that they are indeed not locked by region.
9/11/2015 2:31:50 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A4 is best :)
9/14/2015 10:22:19 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

425 GSM jacket weave and 8oz twill pants --- It is on the lightweight side of average:)
9/14/2015 10:21:14 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

A2 should be great as long as you cold wash and hang dry.
9/14/2015 10:18:56 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

9/14/2015 1:15:49 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

You could shrink an A1F to fit you, but A1 would likely be too big even after shrinking.
9/14/2015 1:19:14 PM
Comment on:
Manto Ranked Rashguards

The choices indicate rank color and size. You can choose one and check out.
9/14/2015 11:21:44 PM
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93 Brand Citizen 2.1 Shorts

Cant guarantee it, but as long as there are no courier delays, it'd arrive by the 25th.
9/16/2015 11:34:44 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Citizen 2.1 Shorts

28 should do the trick since the waistband is elastic.
9/16/2015 11:30:30 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Citizen 2.1 Shorts

Yes, as the main material has some stretch to it. My legs are disproportionately thick compared to the rest of my body (#TeamTriangles!) and these fit me well.
9/17/2015 10:04:47 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Citizen 2.1 Shorts

These are more forgiving than Clinch Gear (the Citizens have elastic in the rear portion of the waistband AND an internal drawstring, both of which Clinch Gear lacks), so a 30 could work once cinched up. But if you're a comfortable 28, that should be the proper size in 93 shorts as well. I'm a 34" in both.
9/17/2015 10:02:50 AM
Comment on:
Combat Skin x Meerkatsu Combat Warrior Spats

$5 all throughout the US, regardless of weight!

For int'l, it ain't cheap to ship overseas unfortunately, but we do our best to offer true S&H cost.
9/19/2015 1:49:13 AM
Comment on:
Combat Skin x Meerkatsu Combat Warrior Spats

You're probably an L or XL, it depends on your weight and whether you're bottom-heavy or not. Personally I'm a 34" waist and 185 lbs, with thick legs so I wear an XL. I have a teammate who's a 34" waist but he weighs 175 lbs and has thin legs so he rocks a Large easily.

Does your weight fall cleanly in one of the ranges shown in our description?
9/19/2015 10:27:46 AM
Comment on:
Combat Skin x Meerkatsu Combat Warrior Spats

Medium should be just fine, but since you're right on the precipice you could likely swing a Large (like @SandmanSeth) and be comfortable as well. Considering your weight/waist are right on the border of M and L, I'd say go for Medium if you have average or thin thighs and go for Large if you have thicker muscular legs.
9/19/2015 1:44:31 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Sekai Blue Gi

9/21/2015 1:17:48 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Sekai Blue Gi

The chart puts you right at A2, like you normally wear. The cut is a bit more stocky than some brands. For example at 6'2" I can get away with an A2 in 93brand and Manto, while in Fuji I absolutely cannot wear A2 unless I want to have a short-sleeve Gi :)
9/21/2015 10:51:06 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Sekai Blue Gi

W0 won't be the same as A0 so no worries on that front. I can't speak for when Fuji has or hasn't changed sizing from much older batches.

For the men's sizes, they are on the smaller side (i'm normally an A2 but in Fuji, A2 is too short).
9/21/2015 10:48:55 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy Legacy II IBJJF Shorts

Same size should do the trick.
9/21/2015 11:18:06 PM
Comment on:
2015 Pony Grappling Club Gear X Meerkatsu The Juliet Rashguard

Right now you're in Medium territory, but once you hit 170 we advise getting a Large. So it depends on whether you want a good Medium fit now (a little snug once you bulk up) or a more relaxed Large (until you bulk up).
9/23/2015 2:44:46 PM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

Yea you are torn between the two. A1 if you cold wash and hang dry IF you like a tailored fit. But hot washing and drying the A2 will probably shrink to a more relaxed cut.
9/24/2015 3:30:29 PM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

A2 and shrink as needed. A1 might work as well, but could run a little tight after washing.
9/24/2015 11:58:40 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

A1 will be too short so you'd definitely need an A2 in order to accommodate 5'10". Ideally you're more of an A1L, which this brand does not offer. A2 in Grips will be a little baggy, but sufficiently long. But if you pick up an A1L by 93Brand or Inverted Gear, you'll get sufficient length as well as a tailored cut.
9/24/2015 11:28:03 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

A3 will be required due to your weight, as the A2 would be too snug. A3 is meant for a taller guy so it may be a bit long in the sleeves/pants.
9/24/2015 3:28:16 PM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics Secret Weapon 2.0 Navy Gi

A2 will get you a snug fit. A3 will be more relaxed, but you will need to shrink to fit.
9/24/2015 10:49:22 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender 2.0 Black/Red Spats

Medium should still work, unless you have particularly thin legs.
9/25/2015 11:46:04 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 White Gi

Its a slightly more snug fit compared to 93. Check out the size ranges in the images.
9/29/2015 11:22:54 PM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 White Gi

9/29/2015 11:23:15 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

@Aaron Shields - We got you. Email us your old Order Number if you still have it:

10/1/2015 5:46:21 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

Yea M should be good for you.
10/1/2015 12:26:01 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-Pack

What's your weight?

The size guide is accurate, but the guide will point you toward a rather snug fit (the waist and length will be appropriate, but the actual compression is on the snug side). If you're like me and you don't like snug compression, you can round up a size.

For example, I'm 188 lbs and have thick legs. I have to wear an XL, can't wear a Large. To illustrate what I mean regarding snug compression: I can even wear the 2XL and feel comfortable.
10/1/2015 5:40:54 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

These should be fine. Minimal non-black branding has always been permitted in my experience.
10/5/2015 10:41:38 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

You're on the cusp of A1 and A2 (if you were 5 lbs lighter, the A1 would be perfect, but you don't want to risk the A1 being too tight after washing). So it's best to grab the A2 and shrink to fit. A warm wash will take out some shrinkage, with one cycle in your machine on Medium Heat if necessary.
10/5/2015 11:32:45 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Your height puts you in an A2 (an A1 would be too snug), though your height is more of an A1. That's ok though, just grab the A2 and give it a warm wash to take out a little shrinkage, then hang dry and you should be A-OK!
10/5/2015 11:30:22 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A1L should be just fine post-wash. Cold wash / hang dry as recommended by manufacturer.
10/5/2015 11:29:21 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A1 is perfect. A1F would probably work as well, but it'd be more of a fitted look).
10/6/2015 12:15:52 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

10/6/2015 3:07:43 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A1 regular... will be too short. A2 is a better choice.
10/6/2015 3:08:24 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A1L or A2 will both work :)
10/6/2015 3:07:57 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Pressao Hoodie

Yea they're an athletic fit. What is your weight? If time is of the essence, grab a Medium. Respond here and I'll hit you back with more precise suggestion, but M should do the trick.
10/8/2015 12:02:20 AM
Comment on:
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

The correct image is the one *without* the chest logo. I'm removing the pic with the guy wearing the wrong Gi (we grabbed that pic from Aesthetic's site, never even noticed... good catch!).
10/9/2015 10:25:18 AM
Comment on:
Grips Primero 3.0 Black Gi

The 2.0 had woven lapel patches, but the 3.0 upgraded to a sharper-looking, more durable... and harder to remove... embroidered style.
10/12/2015 10:53:51 AM
Comment on:
Grips Primero 3.0 Black Gi

The 3.0 upgraded patches from woven to embroidered, which is much harder to remove.
10/12/2015 10:51:12 AM
Comment on:
Grips Primero 3.0 Black Gi

A2 for sure.
10/12/2015 11:42:36 AM
Comment on:
Grips Primero 3.0 Black Gi

Yes, A1. Stick to cold wash / hang dry and you'll be set.
10/12/2015 11:03:04 AM
Comment on:
Grips Primero 3.0 Black Gi

Black Gis do not tend to run smaller. Whether it runs big or small is only up to the cut designed by the manufacturer and the shrinkage of materials (Gold weave will run smaller than its Pearl Weave counterpart *after* washing, due to the typical shrinkage of Gold being greater than Pearl).

If anything, a white Gi will be sliiiiightly smaller than it's colored counterpart of the same brand/model, because a white Gi has been washed/bleached, while a colored Gi has been washed/bleached/dyed. Each process takes some shrinkage out of the material, so when a white Primero goes thru 2 processes (wash/bleach), it has a certain % of shrinkage removed, while a black or blue one has gone thru 3 processes (wash/bleach/dyed), therefore having a slightly greater % of shrinkage removed. With thoroughly pre-shrunk materials, however, this should be negligible.

tl;dr Don't worry about the color affecting size. This Gi runs on the snug side so you should get an A2. If you like the fit out of the bag, Cold Wash and Hang Dry. If it's too big, wash warm and you'll get some shrinkage.
10/12/2015 11:47:31 AM
Comment on:
Jaco Tenacity Shorts

We usually put "IBJJF Approved" when an item is good. If it doesn't say IBJJF Approved, it's probably not. These are not.
10/13/2015 10:34:27 AM
Comment on:
Jaco Tenacity Shorts

Ahmad, we sold the Tatami ONYX Gear Bag just 2 days ago! We might not have one for a few weeks but I'll ask around.
10/13/2015 12:49:46 PM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger Gi

Yes, they both come with the drawstring bag as pictured. The women's Gi is shown with the appropriate bag in the 4th from last photograph.
10/14/2015 12:07:21 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger Gi

Re:the pants issue, that has been rectified on recent batches by Venum, so no worries there. If you find an issue with the pants, hit us back via email or Facebook and we'll make it right at no cost to you.

F2 will be a fitted Gi on that body type, F3 will be more standard/relaxed.
10/14/2015 11:35:44 AM
Comment on:
Bad Boy "Rio" T-Shirt

It'll shrink a little bit if you use high heat. It's a cotton/poly blend so it won't shrink as drastically as all cotton.

I'm assuming you normally wear a Medium, yes? Or Large for a more relaxed fit. Stick with your typical t-shirt size, as this is a standard/average fit.
10/15/2015 10:41:55 AM
Comment on:
Gawakoto Kalabaw Gi

It's going to be tricky as your height is A1 and your weight is A2-A3. In cases like that, it's best to go with the bigger of the size. A2 weight limit is 187 so you're riiiiight on the edge.

Your two options are to grab an A2 and accept that it'll be a tad long in the sleeves/pants
Grab an A3 and have the sleeve/pants length tailored (without tailoring, many Gis will be too long for you).
10/16/2015 10:50:39 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Jiu Jitsu Letterman Jacket

Medium should do the trick for both of you lads.
10/19/2015 12:14:45 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Jiu Jitsu Letterman Jacket

Yea I'd say go up a size for a more comfortable fit. Large would probably fit, just rather snug.
10/19/2015 11:47:28 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

There is only one Star Trek Gi and it is an actually legit licensed Gi by Fusion FG.

Retail is $229 on Fusion's site, but RollMore has it for $199 with free 2-Day Air:
10/20/2015 10:52:31 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

A2H and shrink as needed. The regular A2 might be a little snug in terms of width once you wash, so A2H should shrink down perfectly. It's gold weave, so there is a bit more shrinkage than your typical Gi.
10/20/2015 9:57:00 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

When it's a newer Gi that's just dropped (or debuted, in the case of the white on BJJHQ) the manufacturer sometimes requests that we not mark it down too far below their price.

6 months later, we can take that liberty on the item.
10/20/2015 10:50:23 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

A2H for sure
10/20/2015 10:49:11 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

10/20/2015 10:49:00 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

A1 should be fine if you cold wash / hang dry. A1L if you are going to use heat.
10/20/2015 10:48:52 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

@Shadow - their older cut was roomy, more like 93brand and Manto. Now it's a slightly more fitted look. The A2 will be perfect for you Dale.
10/20/2015 10:47:57 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

Close call. It depends on how the 300 lbs is distributed, as the A5 might be too tight if you are top heavy or bottom heavy (broad shoulders/chest or wide hips/beast thighs). It's safer for you to go with an A5 in one of the bigger cut Gis like 93Brand.
10/20/2015 10:02:13 AM
Comment on:
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

These are a tiny bit more snug than SYR / 93brand / Manto. It's more of a Tatami cut. The A3 should still fit you though (I'm assuming the SYR A3 is a little roomy at first, yes?)

Stick with cold wash / hang dry and this A3 will get the job done. If you prefer a roomy fit anyway, and/or you insist on washing warm/machine drying, then A4 it is!
10/20/2015 10:00:51 AM
Comment on:
Luta Performance Rashguard

Aren't they great? I was afraid people would think we were exaggerating about how nice the Luta rashies are!
10/21/2015 9:59:58 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand BOO JITSU Spats

^^^ Medium is definitely the way to go.
10/21/2015 11:47:43 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand BOO JITSU Spats

Medium should be perfectly fine.
10/22/2015 12:14:22 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand BOO JITSU Spats

10/22/2015 10:45:26 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand BOO JITSU Spats

Nope. I have female teammates who wear the 93brand "Rollers" Spats in men's sizes with only positive feedback!
10/22/2015 12:47:04 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 5.0 Navy Gi

Good pick!
10/23/2015 2:23:51 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 5.0 Navy Gi

A0 for a dude your size if you cold wash / hang dry.
A1 if you want to wash or dry with heat.
10/23/2015 2:23:35 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 5.0 Navy Gi

We have sold white in the past, and will likely carry other colors.
10/23/2015 2:22:56 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 5.0 Navy Gi

Tatami has a slightly more snug cut than 93brand, so if you're an A2 in 93 then you should get an A3 in Tatami. The A2L might work too if you're slim in the hips/waist and back, but if you have more built thighs, hips, or a wide back, then A3 for sure.
10/23/2015 2:27:07 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 5.0 Navy Gi

10/23/2015 2:25:12 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 5.0 Navy Gi

Yes. If you wash or dry with heat there may be some additional shrinkage, but cold wash and hang dry as advised by the manufacturer and you're good :)
10/23/2015 2:24:53 PM
Comment on:
Bad Boy IBJJF Fight Shorts

The ball is rolling...
10/24/2015 11:06:56 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die 2015 Hyperlyte Blue Gi

A1 is totally fine, so long as you wash cold / hang dry :)
10/25/2015 11:00:36 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die 2015 Hyperlyte Blue Gi

It will be a close call. You're at the bottom of the height range for A5, but 30 lbs over the weight limit. It may fit just right, but it's risky.
10/25/2015 10:59:01 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die 2015 Hyperlyte Blue Gi

A1 will be fine as long as you do not use heat to dry.
10/25/2015 10:59:52 AM
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Komainu Apparel Palace Spats

These do not have a baggy section in the crotch. Should be just fine for women as well.
10/26/2015 10:21:19 AM
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Komainu Apparel Palace Spats

Yes 2XL should be fine!
10/26/2015 10:20:04 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

It may be snug, yea. Honestly A0H and then shrink to fit is a better choice!
10/26/2015 11:14:35 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

F2 for sure. Women's sizes are half sold out already so don't wait too long :)
10/27/2015 12:00:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

Did you get an order confirmation email or an Order Confirmation page? If not, then there is no order and you can try again. If you did get a BJJ##### order number, then email us for the size change :)
10/27/2015 12:00:08 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

No problem!
10/27/2015 12:18:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

Well, yes copyright is one reason that a brand wouldn't use an original logo. . . But this is deliberately a stylized bat (and group of bats). Rather unlike the original logo.
After all, this is the Gotham, not the Batman!
10/26/2015 11:59:24 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

@TJ the 93brand A3 will be too long for you. You can wear the A2H quite comfortably after a warm wash (it'll be a little big right out of the bag).
10/26/2015 11:57:29 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

@skull69 - A3 will be too long. Email us and if your order hasn't shipped yet (and if the appropriate size is available), we can swap it out for ya. A2H is better, A2 is even doable if you like a more fitted cut (and you cold wash / hang dry).
10/27/2015 11:27:36 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

@GOninja - we are a NY company so NYState imposes a sales tax on us.
@DanielV, NYState tax is a percentage. Any sales item that sells for $120 has the same tax as this sale. State tax is out of our (and all business owners) hands, of course.
10/26/2015 11:56:10 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1L ideally. A1 will also work if you always cold wash/hang dry. Worst case A2 could work if you shrink to fit (warm wash, machine dry).
10/26/2015 11:54:47 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

F2 would be PERFECT. The model is 5'4" and 116 lbs and it fits her great, perfect length with just enough room for another 10 lbs.
10/26/2015 11:53:38 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

Are you in NY? There is state tax displayed during Checkout. If you're not in NY and you're not doing a currency exchange (buying in USD and your bank uses CAD or GBP or Euro), then something is up and just shoot a response to your confirmation email and we'll get it fixed first thing in the morning.
10/26/2015 11:52:34 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

Do you prefer a fitted or roomy cut?
A0 if you cold wash / hang dry will get you a nice fitted cut.
A1 with a warm wash / machine dry will be you a more relaxed cut.
10/27/2015 12:17:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

93brand runs larger than several Gis like Fuji and Tatami. . .
A3 will be too long, no question. Get the A2 and cold wash / hang dry, or get the A2H and shrink to fit (depending on whether you prefer a fitted or roomy cut).
10/27/2015 12:13:53 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A2 will be too big..
You are a suitable A1L if you warm wash/heat dry, and a suitable A1 if you cold wash/hang dry :)
10/27/2015 12:15:57 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

For sure, A4.
10/27/2015 12:14:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

That is bizarre. We start shipping in the morning, tomorrow. NY area orders arrive in 1-2 days, across the USA it takes a few days more.
International orders typically take 5-10 business days, though Customs at your country's border is beyond our control and in RARE cases, they'll delay a package beyond the usual 5-10 business days. That being said, it's unlikely that *any* of these Gotham Gis are undelivered by Nov 23rd! Must be a glitch with the shipping estimate algorithm.
10/27/2015 12:36:42 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A2 or A2L, either would work!
10/27/2015 12:34:06 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1L would be a tiny bit shorter, but it's sold out today (it's on but at full price). The A2 should still work, as this one is a Gold Weave you can get some shrinkage out of it by going through a Warm Wash and Machine Dry :)
10/27/2015 12:33:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

Hmmm, that is odd.
Try clearing your browser's cache/cookies and, if that fails, a different browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, etc). It could be an existing cookie issue on your
10/27/2015 12:45:26 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

10/27/2015 12:45:45 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

Was that supposed to be 5'4"? If so, A2 will no shrink down to 5'4"

At 5'4" and 160 lbs you should grab A0H and shrink as needed.
10/27/2015 12:39:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

I'm not familiar with those sizes so I'm not sure on the equivalency. What is your height/weight? The chart in the images is accurate so it's best to determine your 93brand size based on that.
10/27/2015 12:51:23 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1F should be just fine :) stick with cold wash / hang dry if you find the original fit to be perfect.
10/27/2015 2:32:49 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

I am genuinely curious, what is the way better Gi at $120?

The Hooks and Standard Issue are no-frills items, deliberately no trim in order to save costs. Yet the quality stands up to the fanciest (and most expensive) names in the business. At $120 I would be surprised if there were even a halfway decent Gi with the type of specs on the Gotham.

There is a reason this one is a few more bucks than the plain Standard Issue, Arnulfo!
10/27/2015 6:49:53 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A2 would have been safer, though A2L won't be terribly long. If you email we can switch. If you decide to email and there are no A2 left by that time, A2L won't be problematic... just require a little shrinking to fit.
10/27/2015 2:31:41 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1 is not currently sold out!
10/27/2015 9:41:42 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1L is also a good choice for you btw.
10/27/2015 9:42:21 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

10/27/2015 9:40:36 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

Thatll be just right for ya.
10/27/2015 9:39:46 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Blue Gi

Venum is on the fitted side, yes.
10/29/2015 2:54:52 PM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Blue Gi

10/29/2015 2:54:09 PM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Blue Gi

A3 and shrink as needed.
10/29/2015 2:52:14 PM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Blue Gi

A3 is best due to your height. Might be a little roomy at first but you can shrink slightly as needed.
10/29/2015 2:53:27 PM
Comment on:
93brand UFOmoplata Spats

see last pic
10/30/2015 3:08:04 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

It's not worth $70 because the GSM is too light? I think that's a bit of a taste/preference, no? Many people seem to dig the weight of the 425 High Tech weave! :)
11/2/2015 2:31:13 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

11/2/2015 2:30:01 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A1L for Kyle.

A1 for andreylvnn. This particular model will allow for a little shrinkage if you wash warm. Wash cold and it'll maintain.
11/2/2015 10:38:55 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A3 should be good for you BauxiteWindmill! A2L would be a close call since you're probably thicker than @shang (he's 3" taller so he's likely more thin/tall).
11/2/2015 2:29:52 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A2 and shrink if needed.
11/2/2015 9:43:14 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A2L and shrink as needed.
11/2/2015 2:24:34 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

Tough call. Your heigh is A0 but your weight is A2.
A2 would be too long so you'd need to have the sleeves/pants tailored. A0 would be far too snug, but A1 should be the happy medium. A1 is intended for someone a tiny bit taller and a tiny bit lighter, so as long as you cold wash and hang dry, that's your best bet.
11/2/2015 2:24:19 PM
Comment on:
HoldFast "Sailor Jerry" Rashguard

The Large will be sufficiently long and, worst case, might wrinkle a bit at the cuff. The torso part won't be an issue, as virtually all rashguards include extra wiggle room in the length (to prevent riding up your stomach while you roll).
11/4/2015 10:04:07 AM
Comment on:
HoldFast "Sailor Jerry" Rashguard

Large should be fine for you.

Also FWIW: 25 lbs is a typical range (the smallest range being 20 lbs, while many ranges are up to 35 lbs), as the poly/lycra blend is extremely flexible.
11/4/2015 10:02:36 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

No, this is not IBJJF approved (they do not allow full-length interior jacket liner).
11/5/2015 1:07:00 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

I believe so, Scott. Only problem is IBJJF is inconsistent with enforcing that one, for example they've let my friends compete in early edition Hyperflys, which had colored gussets.
11/5/2015 10:59:24 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

Check out the sizing chart to see where your height/weight place you. Fuji and Tatami are both on the smaller side of the spectrum (compared to, say, Manto and 93 Brand), though Tatami might run a tiny bit bigger than Fuji.
11/5/2015 1:05:25 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

11/5/2015 1:04:27 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

Tatami's "A2XL" is essentially an A3L. At 6'4" 190 you should fit right into an A2XL!
11/5/2015 10:47:47 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

^^^ Yup!
11/5/2015 10:46:14 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

He/She is right on the border. . . She could do A0 (advised to cold wash / hang dry) for a more fitted look, or an A1 for a more relaxed fit (and A1 you could wash warm and machine dry).
11/5/2015 10:45:21 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

A1L should be fine if you stick with cold wash / hang dry. If you use warm/hot wash and machine dry, then A2L :)
11/5/2015 10:43:37 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Zen Gorilla Gi

F3 should fit 155 lbs fine as long as you cold wash and hang dry.
11/5/2015 6:51:20 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK

This one is more snug. 93 brand's premium style (sublimated graphics, poly/spandex blend) rashguards are not as tight as the Standard Issue style.
11/6/2015 9:24:30 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK

Yes, women's XL will be too loose. You are much better advised grabbing the men's Small or Medium.
11/6/2015 9:19:57 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Sengoku Gi

A2 regular should be a good fit for you, no need to bump to A2L unless you are super lanky for your height.
11/7/2015 1:00:59 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Sengoku Gi

A2 and shrink as needed.
11/7/2015 12:55:04 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Sengoku Gi

A3 and shrink as needed.
11/7/2015 12:59:37 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Sengoku Gi

A2L will get you a more fitted Gi :)
11/7/2015 12:57:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand ROLLERS Gi

Female sizing is a tad bigger than Tatami's old female sizing, if that helps.

I haven't tried many women's Gis so I don't have much for comparison's sake, but if you check out the last image there is a range for each women's Gi (height and weight).
11/9/2015 11:11:17 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Midnight Tiger Grappling Tights

Medium for sure.
11/10/2015 9:48:25 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Midnight Tiger Grappling Tights

All gone :(
11/10/2015 10:41:54 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Midnight Tiger Grappling Tights

Clicking Canada changes the shipping rate to the country selected. It won't convert the currency to every available nation we ship to, it's always going to be USD. We accept payment only in USD, so any conversion happens on your bank's side.
11/10/2015 9:50:29 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Midnight Tiger Grappling Tights

You're on the cusp...
Small will get you a good compression fit. If you prefer a more relaxed cut, M would work too.
11/10/2015 10:30:31 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu Midnight Tiger Grappling Tights

Medium should be fine for a compression fit. If you like it more relaxed, Large might work as well.
11/10/2015 10:25:34 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A1, no question!
11/11/2015 12:41:47 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

Yea I'd go with A2H and then shrink as needed. Normally I'd say 200 lbs at 5'10" could swing an A2, but if you have broad shoulders (enough that Padilla A3 is snug) then you probably won't like the A2 cut. A2H will be a bit loose at first but you should be able to shrink as needed (end result will be a relaxed fit).
11/11/2015 12:41:29 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A1 might be too short, A2 is a much better pick.
11/11/2015 12:39:46 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

Should be perfect!
11/11/2015 12:39:27 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A2 might be a bit snug, A2H and then shrink as needed is a safer bet.
11/11/2015 12:27:38 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A1 should be fine as long as you don't deliberately shrink.
11/11/2015 12:26:29 PM
Comment on:
Ventilated Ranked Rashguard by Komainu

Go by the size chart in the description. I'm 6'2" 190 lbs and I wore the XL :)
11/12/2015 5:08:05 PM
Comment on:
Gameness Air Black Gi

A0 should work fine for a tailored modern fit. To play it safer or to get a more relaxed cut, A1 would suffice (and you could shrink as needed).
11/13/2015 9:52:01 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Air Black Gi

Hi John,
If you didnt get a confirmation page or confirmation email, the order likely did not go through (for debit accounts, your bank may place a temporary Authorization Hold on the funds, which are not to be confused with an actual charge by us, the merchant).
Please emails with your info and they will confirm that no orders are placed.
When re-attempting the order, please clear your cache and delete cookies.
11/13/2015 10:20:01 AM
Comment on:
Gameness Air Black Gi

This Gi isn't exactly the best choice for you. Your height is in A2 but your weight is in A4 or A5, so either way it'll be rather tight or rather long. The best choice for your build is an A2H (husky) which is a size produced by companies such as 93brand, Inverted Gear, and Tatami. It's for people who have an A2 height but an A3-A5 weight.

Unless you want to have an A4 or A5 tailored for length, you'd be best advised waiting for one of the 93brand Hooks sales (priced equal to or lower than this Gi, with A2H available).
11/13/2015 1:58:28 PM
Comment on:
Gameness Air Black Gi

A1 will get you a nice tailored fit. A2 will get you a more roomy fit (and you could use more heat in your wash if you prefer this).
11/13/2015 1:59:48 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

@Kevin if you're willing to pay the international shipping costs, you could do what some Canadian BJJHQ customers do and ship to a "forwarder" on the US/Canada border. You ship to a US address in, say, Minnesota, and then pay a 2nd shipping fee to ship across the border. But the cost would be very high for these mats. Likely as expensive as the mats themselves.
11/13/2015 11:33:37 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Unfortunately the mats cannot ship anywhere off of the mainland US (48 states(.
11/13/2015 11:34:05 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

These are the smooth version. Not totally slick non-texture style like some other martial arts mats, but not the rougher textured Tatami version.
11/14/2015 12:12:15 AM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

rsmitty82 - Did you want 1 order or 2?
In all likelihood you placed as many orders as you did receive email confirmations (1 email = 1 order). But we'll double check.

CS is off for the wknd so they'll tend to emails first thing Monday morning (or you'll get a response from me on Sunday night so we can get a jumpstart prepping & shipping these on Monday).
11/14/2015 11:00:06 AM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Please include your order number and all desired changes in the email, that way CS wont need to reply with questions and wait for your reply. We send this info to Dollamur 8am Monday morning for prep and shipping, so time is of the essence :)
11/14/2015 10:53:40 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts

Yea 32 is a safer bet :)
Since they're cut above the knee, you don't run the risk of getting a loose and baggy cut when you go from 31 to 32. Do it!
11/17/2015 10:29:25 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts

@Anonymous, your height and weight are not so important. Waist size is what matters.
11/17/2015 4:17:34 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts

30" should be best.
11/17/2015 10:26:55 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts

36" is the way to go. These are labeled 36, which is typically the equivalent of an XL (while L=34, M=32, S=30, XS=28).
11/17/2015 4:16:42 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts

They are a different cut than the Kleos. The Kleos was very short, we've since adjusted the cut. Go with your usual waist size :)
11/17/2015 3:31:04 PM
Comment on:
Arm Bar Soap Random 5-Pack

Should be 5 different bars :) chosen from the 8 shown.
11/19/2015 12:15:54 PM
Comment on:
Ground Fighter "Shoot First" Spats

javelar I'll bow to Ground Fighter's response ultimately, but I'd say Large is the way to go.
11/20/2015 10:53:16 AM
Comment on:
Ground Fighter "Shoot First" Spats

11/20/2015 10:56:10 AM
Comment on:
Ground Fighter "Shoot First" Spats

Medium should work !
11/20/2015 10:54:41 AM
Comment on:
Ground Fighter "Shoot First" Spats

Medium should be good.
11/20/2015 9:49:45 AM
Comment on:
Showdown Short-Sleeve Rashguard Blue/Grey

The status of the shipment is pending, i.e. it has not shipped. If you have an order number you're all set, just need to wait til the office opens up on Monday to ship orders.
11/21/2015 11:59:57 PM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Blue Gi

Thank you for the feedback. Just FYI the pants issue with Venum's original launch of these was noted by Venum (we let them know that some of our customers complained about the pants), luckily by and large they have since rectified this :)
11/23/2015 11:42:30 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

As Brad and Chris mentioned, the Large would suit you well. The Mediums would honestly fit too, in all likelihood, but a bit more snug.
11/24/2015 10:48:43 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

Rashguard 2-pack probably won't repeat on BJJHQ for a while. It is on as a 2 pack while still heavily discounted (49.99 for the 2pack).
11/24/2015 9:58:54 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

Medium will get you a snug compression fit, while Large will be a bit more relaxed.
11/24/2015 9:56:03 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

I'm 6'2" 190 lbs and I wear the XL, I'd say XL is best for you as well.
11/24/2015 9:54:13 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

On there are two other colorways available (black with tron blue, royal blue with yellow-gold).
11/24/2015 11:48:29 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1L and cold wash, hang dry for a tailored fit
A2 and warm wash, machine dry for a more relaxed fit.
11/26/2015 11:37:07 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

11/26/2015 11:35:22 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

11/26/2015 11:39:03 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1 is fine for you. Your brother needs an A2, yup!
11/27/2015 2:08:14 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A2 and be sure to cold wash and hang dry.
11/26/2015 11:37:52 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A2 is good, yup.
11/27/2015 2:08:32 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

11/27/2015 9:16:09 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A2 will be a nice tailored cut if you cold wash / hang dry. If you shrink it, it'll be snug. If you grab an A2H and shrink to fit, it'll be a bit more of a relaxed fit.
11/27/2015 2:09:11 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

11/27/2015 9:15:05 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1L would be ideal, but A1 would work in my opinion.

If you like a more tailored fit, get an A1 and stick with cold wash / hang dry.
If you like a more relaxed fit, get an A2 and shrink it down with warm wash / machine dry.
11/27/2015 10:58:47 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

It's a light to midweight Gi. Jacket is 425 GSM and pants are 10oz twill.
11/27/2015 10:52:13 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1 for sure. Cold wash and hang dry if you like the fit right out of the bag :)
11/27/2015 10:51:07 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

This will shrink IF you wash warm and/or machine dry. Manufacturer recommends cold washing and hang drying (which will entail very little shrinkage).

A1F or A1 would both work well for you. A1F would be a more tailored fit, A1 will be more relaxed (and leave some room for shrinkage if you need to).
11/27/2015 10:50:08 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1 would be fine, just be sure to cold wash and hang dry.
11/27/2015 2:12:03 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

Not sure what you mean... Yes, the "thick cord drawstring" is the drawstring on the pants. "Belt not included" means the Gi does not include a BJJ rank belt (some people assume that standard/plain Gis include a free white belt).

For your height/weight, A2 is perfect. A2L will be fine after a wash though, as it's virtually identical other than added sleeve/skirt/pants length.
11/27/2015 2:11:18 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Goose CM Gi

11/30/2015 12:18:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Goose CM Gi

93brand started making A0H on recent batches, so the Goose and older models don't usually have it. Going forward all 93 Gis will have A0H though :)
11/30/2015 12:18:09 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Goose CM Gi

A2 and shrink, yup. Not much shrinkage when cold washed and hang dried, but if you warm wash or machine dry, you'll get a little shrinkage.
11/30/2015 12:16:03 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Goose CM Gi

A1 and cold wash / hang dry.
11/30/2015 12:14:55 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Goose CM Gi

Fujis fit about a whole size smaller than 93s.
11/30/2015 12:14:35 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Gi

And the interior lining. You might get away with the colored crotch gusset, but the sublimated liner is a no-no.
12/2/2015 12:55:33 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Gi

@Travis - I wouldnt let that sway your decision; it sounds like Naramie just got a lemon from the batch. These have otherwise held up incredibly well (as the other comment attest to), and if you do happen to receive one with the defects mentioned by Naramie, we would replace it, no question.
12/2/2015 12:57:11 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Gi

The people who said Too Small are likely a wider built frame, so if you are a wider built fellow yourself, A2 may be too snug (around the shoulders/upper body). If you're not a stocky/wide build, A2 should be fine as long as you always cold wash and hang dry. Otherwise, A3 and shrink to fit.
12/2/2015 1:00:02 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

MY first wash (cold water, hang dry) of the IG Light Pearl had minimal shrinkage (less than 0.5 inches), but since it was a bit loose (A3 instead of my usual IG A2), I hot washed and machine dried it. It shrunk a fair bit, probably just over 1 inch. So if you deliberately try to shrink it, you'll get a decent amount.
12/7/2015 11:10:45 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Mandrill Spats

Since they're stretchy, the XL would've worked also, but 2XL will do the trick... just going to be a more relaxed fit.
12/8/2015 9:58:31 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Mandrill Spats

Not at all (last paragraph of desc. goes into detail on it). Size Guide is in the images.
12/7/2015 11:53:53 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Mandrill Spats

Honestly they would both fit, but XL will get you more of a compression fit while 2XL will be a little more relaxed. For example, I'm 6'2" 190 lbs and I can wear L or XL. The L is snug everywhere, while the XL isn't baggy, but wrinkles in some places rather than being skin-tight. So whenever you're right on the cusp of two size ranges, it boils down to a preference thing.
12/8/2015 10:06:21 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Mandrill Spats

Medium should be fine, unless you have particular thin legs, then S.
12/8/2015 10:02:51 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Black Gi

No stamp print on the inside of this one.
12/9/2015 11:03:34 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Black Gi

Nope, Gi only.
12/9/2015 11:03:55 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Ugly Sweater V2

Yea Large is going to be better for you unless you like a really tight compression fit. I'm 190 lbs at 6'2" and the Large is nice and perfectly snug.
12/10/2015 10:19:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Ugly Sweater V2

Damn straight!
12/10/2015 10:19:04 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Ugly Sweater V2

Normally I'd say Small but if you are above average, bust-wise, go for the Medium.
12/10/2015 10:35:54 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Ugly Sweater V2

Medium should be perfect.
12/10/2015 10:33:28 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Ugly Sweater V2

93brand only made this one batch, which is all listed here on BJJHQ. If it sells out, that's it. If there are any sizes left (we're 75% sold out so far) then they'll go directly on (they'd be live on RollMore within a day or two).
12/10/2015 10:27:04 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Ugly Sweater V2

Where are you located? Anywhere in the US and you should be fine by Dec 17th.
12/10/2015 11:50:37 AM
Comment on:
Manto x Krazy Bee x Skoloct "Psychedelic" Shorts

You may be measuring too low on your body. But in any case, my 34" jeans are not actually 34" in circumference, rather they are intended for someone with a 34" waist. Same goes for most clothing in my experience. So if you're normally a 34 or 36 in jeans and shorts, the 36 will be fine. Technically the "36" size is an XL (Manto XL fits up to size 36").
12/12/2015 12:54:49 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Gi

Yea A3
12/14/2015 11:25:31 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Gi

Yea this is not going to work for ya. You'd need an A5 or A6 in a brand that doesn't run snug like Tatami does.
12/14/2015 11:23:00 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Gi

A2, yup!
12/14/2015 11:04:13 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Gi

A3 for sure.
12/14/2015 10:45:42 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Gi

You're a perfect A1, other than the fact that you're at the top of the height range. If you plan to shrink it down or if you have particularly long limbs, then you can bump up to an A2. Otherwise, stick with A1 and cold wash hang dry for a perfect cut.
12/14/2015 10:44:28 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Gi

A3 would be long, yes. Tatami's A2 may be a bit snug though, due to your weight. Grabbing an A2 from a company that runs a little bigger would be safer, like 93 Brand's A2.
12/14/2015 11:58:46 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

'93 is the year the UFC 1 went down, which is when the US and much of the world outside of Brazil was introduced to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. And 93 guard is awesome.
12/15/2015 11:21:28 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

It's 5'3"0-5'7" or 5'8", 155 - 185 lbs, but I believe there were only 1 or 2 on this particular model :( for future batches there will be considerably more 93brand A0H (they just recently introduced it on the Gotham release).
12/15/2015 11:30:18 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

Did you contact 93brand or BJJHQ about gettibg a drawstring?
12/16/2015 8:48:51 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

Nick you could rock A2 but itd be a bit of a relaxed cut in terms of length. A1 would be more of a fitted cut (just be sure to cold wash).
12/16/2015 8:49:48 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A0H most likely, but there were only size couple of Strasse made in A0H.
12/16/2015 9:16:04 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A2 ans shrink as needed. For other 93brand gis or when available, A0H would also work.
12/16/2015 8:50:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

The edges are deliberately frayed to mimic worn denim. There are thorough reinforcements near the edges, but the very end of the edges are designed to fray over time. 93brand tested these fray appliques for over 6 months to make sure they wouldn't crumble or fall off or fray completely. They held up perfectly :)
12/16/2015 8:52:57 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender v2.0 Black Spats

Medium if you are OK with a slightly shorter cut. If you prefer the spats to go all the way to your ankles, you'll need size Large... but that would be a bit relaxed and not 'compression' tight.
12/17/2015 12:18:00 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

I'm not familiar with the Maeda brand, but A1 T/S should fit similar to other A1L Gis. That's what I'd suggest for you.
12/18/2015 11:23:21 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

@Chris Hyperfly recommends the same size guide, *however* they advise that it will not be the same fit. For example, if you're 5'10" 170 lbs, you should wear A2 in the regular Hyperfly and the PROCOMP Hyperfly, but the former will be a more relaxed cut compared to the tailored "competition cut" of the PROCOMP. It's got more of a taper in the sleeves, body, pants; angular knee reinforcements; a more tailored skirt cut, etc.
12/22/2015 11:28:52 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

A3 will be rather long on you. Since you are in 2 different size ranges, it's more appropriate to grab the 'in between' sizes, specifically A2H (which is the height of an A2 with the width of an A3). Unfortunately that would mean holding out for the next 93brand, Inverted Gear, Flow, Tatami, and others that carry such sizes. Otherwise you could grab this A3 and have the sleeves/pants taken in.
12/22/2015 11:27:20 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

Daily deals cannot be returned/exchanged for sizing issues. What is her height/weight?
12/22/2015 11:25:31 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

12/22/2015 11:24:49 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

12/22/2015 11:22:17 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

A2 will get you a nice tailored fit so long as you cold wash and hang dry. If you machine dry or wash hot (or prefer a relaxed fit) go for the A3.
12/22/2015 11:24:23 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

You'll need at least an A2 for your weight, but A0 for your height. In the end, either cut wouldn't be ideal. You are an ideal candidate for the newer A0H size by 93brand, which is an A2 width with an A0-A1 height. I would recommend holding out for the next 93 Gi (potentially the unbleached Hooks 2.0), unless you are OK with having the A2 DOorDIE tailored for length.
12/22/2015 11:23:55 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperfly PRO COMP Black

12/22/2015 12:48:53 PM
Comment on:
Tatami X Meerkatsu Dragon Fly V2 Spats

Medium should fit just fine unless you have particularly thick thighs/legs.
12/23/2015 2:19:52 PM
Comment on:
93brand Bomber Gi

Yea 93brand runs a little bigger compared to Fuji, Tatami, and others. This cut is similar to Shoyoroll and Manto.
12/24/2015 11:32:33 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Blue Gi

Depends on how you like your Gi to fit. You're just out of the A1 weight range, so it might be a bit snug. A2 is more appropriate, though as your height is at the bottom of the A2 range, you may need to shrink the A2 as needed.
12/25/2015 11:15:25 PM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

12/28/2015 9:44:55 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

12/28/2015 9:44:10 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi

Tough call because your weight is F4 but your height is F0, but in these cases it's best to go with the bigger of the sizes and then adjust if needed. I'd advise F4 and then shrink as needed, and if it's still too long for your arms/legs, worst case you'd need it taken in.
12/28/2015 9:40:55 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Thinker Short Sleeve Rashguard

Month. It's "I can't have more Gis than days in the MONTH" bro!
12/28/2015 11:37:06 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda Tee

If you like your tees to fit tight, then yes a Medium will fit a 190 lbs person nice and snug. I am 190 and I wear IG large, it's a perfect standard, slightly relaxed fit.
12/30/2015 11:55:04 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda Tee

Nah Small will not be too long at all.
12/30/2015 11:54:17 AM
Comment on:

Shorts are being produced now, rashguard is a highly possible followup to the shorts.
12/31/2015 10:19:18 AM
Comment on:

Do you have thin legs for your size? Sounds like you're on the cusp of S and M. Probably M though.
12/31/2015 7:56:21 AM
Comment on:

Whats your weight?
12/31/2015 7:54:51 AM
Comment on:

12/31/2015 7:54:03 AM
Comment on:

Hahaha no, there is no pee hole. The men's isn't as curved in the hips area and has the standard crotch cut (while the women's has some a more snug crotch cut). My female teammate has 93brand spats in Women's Medium and Men's Small... she wears both regularly without issue.
12/31/2015 2:16:55 PM
Comment on:

93 Brand makes all of their Gis in A0H as of the Gotham release. That includes the unbleached Hooks, Gotham, Rollers, and restock of the black Hooks. Some of those may have sold out, but all future restocks and new releases will include A0H :)
12/31/2015 2:13:12 PM
Comment on:

Mens M should do the trick. Small will be like capris since you are 6'1"
12/31/2015 2:46:05 PM
Comment on:
Hayabusa Flex Shorts

The 38 should fit like a true 38, though due to the waist style you should be able to find a little wiggle room in them.
1/2/2016 6:48:36 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK

If you happen to be a black belt... This rollmore bundle from 93brand is basically a BJJHQ level price:

Shorts Rashie Spats for $69.99 w/Free Shipping in the US.
Spats/Shorts are IBJJF approved all levels, Rashie is IBJJF approved black belt only.
1/4/2016 11:25:32 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK

1/5/2016 12:27:55 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK

BTW no BJJHQ sales are buy at your own risk. If the product fails, we will take care of it :)
1/5/2016 1:03:30 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Black Gi

Youre 5 lbs above being a picture perfect A3. So you could either go A3 and cold wash / hang dry for a nice tailored cut... or go A4 and shrink to fit for a more relaxed cut.
1/5/2016 11:06:13 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Black Gi

@Anonymous - I am just about 6'2" and 185 lbs. I wear A2 in SYR, DOorDIE, and 93brand... Though I prefer a more tailored cut. I can also wear A2L, but mostly I stick with A2, so you should be fine as long as you: cold wash / hang dry / don't mind a tailored cut.
1/6/2016 10:51:11 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Black Gi

A2. Moderate shrinkage IF you use warm water or machine dry. Otherwise the shrinkage is negligible.
1/6/2016 10:41:54 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Black Gi

I havent noticed any stretching on my 350 GSM HyperLyte weave. Not after a year of use and not when sweaty.
1/6/2016 2:19:00 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Konki" Rashguard

Large, yup!
1/7/2016 1:23:55 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

A1 might juuuuuust be a little too small, so yea A2 is safer bet. Will be a bit long at first but shrink to fit.
1/8/2016 2:55:42 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

1/8/2016 2:54:38 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

No white belt
1/8/2016 2:54:58 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

I am 185 lbs with 34-36" waist and the Large fit me. At 220 lbs it sounds like you might have bigger legs so XL should work. Worst case a little relaxed.
1/9/2016 2:47:07 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Check out the size conversion in the description.
1/9/2016 2:47:37 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Sure. It is a pretty unisex cut.
1/9/2016 2:46:18 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Your waist size matters much more than your weight (height doesnt really matter at all). Compare your waist size to the conversion chart in the description and you'll have a good idea of what to pick.
1/9/2016 2:45:57 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Your waist size matters much more than your weight (height doesnt really matter at all). Compare your waist size to the conversion chart in the description and you'll have a good idea of what to pick.
1/9/2016 2:44:22 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

Large if you are a standard/thin 36". XL if you have beefy legs/butt.
1/9/2016 2:42:31 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A3. You definitely will nit run into the combat corner issue. I'm 6'2" and the A3 (and A2L) is long enough for my lanky @ss.
1/11/2016 7:14:40 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Regular A2 for sure. You may need to shrink a little due to height range.
1/11/2016 7:13:15 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Of course!
1/11/2016 7:12:35 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

As far as I know, Moya and 93 run similar in terms of fit, however the 93brand A4 cuts off around 260 lbs typically. Moya's chart has the A4 cutting off at 250 lbs, though, so perhaps your body type allows for this exceeding of the size chart.

I can't say for sure, because I'm not privy to anyone at 300 lbs trying on the A4, but I wouldnt say it's impossible given how comparable 93 and Moya are in terms of fit.

The A5 would be a safer bet, and more suitable in terms of weight/width, but at 6ft even you might need to take the sleeves/pants in a bit.
1/11/2016 9:53:48 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

(see comment above)
1/11/2016 10:00:04 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

100% you should grab the A2 today.

Fuji is a much different cut than 93brand.
1/11/2016 9:59:52 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Dave, what's up... If you like a more fitted look, then you should absolutely grab the A1L. Cold wash and it'll be a nice tailored cut.

If you prefer a more relaxed fit, you could grab the A2 and wash it warm a couple time for a solid fit too.
1/11/2016 9:58:46 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Definitely not A3.
A2H would be a bit relaxed at first, but after a quick shrink-to-fit, it'd be pretty spot on. Some people your size have rocked the 93brand A2, but it's a much more tailored fit and requires a certain body type (thin legs).
1/11/2016 9:56:31 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A1L should be perfect.
1/11/2016 9:55:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A2 for sure.
1/11/2016 4:52:12 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A1L and cold wash / hang dry OR A2 and shrink as you wish. Depends on whether you like a fitted cut or relaxed.
1/11/2016 4:51:09 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A1 or A1L and then shrink to fit.
1/11/2016 4:50:39 PM
Comment on:
Venum Contender 2.0 Grey Spats

@10asmith based on that, you sound like a Large for sure.
1/12/2016 10:44:24 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender 2.0 Grey Spats

@Eric you should be fine w/small
1/12/2016 10:43:58 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender 2.0 Grey Spats

Sounds like you may have relatively thin legs for your height, correct? Height and weight fit a perfect 2XL, but with a 35" waist you might be able to sport the regular XL.
1/12/2016 10:42:22 AM
Comment on:
Venum Contender 2.0 Grey Spats

1/12/2016 10:40:29 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Chess Gorilla Rashguard

1/12/2016 11:05:44 PM
Comment on:
Manto Lucha Gi

What's your height/weight? My teammate has the A0 and I have the A2 so I should be able to point you in the right direction.
1/14/2016 11:48:21 AM
Comment on:
Manto Lucha Gi

My teammate is a 5'1", 130 lbs girl and she wears the A0. It was warm washed and fit, so due to the weight difference you've got, you would need to try and shrink it down a bit more. I can't guarantee it would shrink enough though, so if you don't want to risk it you could wait until female size Gis show up (F0 or F1) or A0F or A00.
1/14/2016 2:55:18 PM
Comment on:
Manto Lucha Gi

Not as of yet, but we'd be open to it. Due to their sales model, it's tough to work out an HQ sale.
1/14/2016 11:37:10 AM
Comment on:
Manto Lucha Gi

A2 absolutely
1/14/2016 1:21:43 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

1/15/2016 2:15:45 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

xl for sure
1/15/2016 2:16:36 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

1/15/2016 2:15:15 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

You could likely rock the L if you like a more relaxed fit, otherwise M will get you a nice snug fit.
1/15/2016 12:20:21 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Short Sleeve Rashguard

1/15/2016 12:17:41 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

They run small, yes.
1/18/2016 5:45:32 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A3 and shrink as needed.
1/18/2016 5:45:17 PM
Comment on:
Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

A3 and cold wash.
1/18/2016 5:45:52 PM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

I would go XL in your case.
1/19/2016 9:24:46 AM
Comment on:
Luta Long Sleeve Performance Rashguard

Yea it's a standard cut, but the material is verrrry flexible (in a good way). Teammate at 190 lbs wears the L and its tight, but not uncomfortable, he says. Personally I'm 185 lbs and I like the XL fit, but I prefer a non-super-tight fit. So you could go for L if you like skin-tight or XL if you like a more relaxed cut.
1/19/2016 9:24:32 AM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

If you have thick legs or wide hips, grab the 36". If not, 34" should do the trick.
1/19/2016 11:55:34 PM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

Yup. We had a bunch too. Skinny dudes really love Jaco deals?
1/19/2016 11:54:31 PM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

1/20/2016 11:09:15 AM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

All 2-packs are random, sorry!
1/20/2016 11:03:14 AM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

Unfortunately we do not.
1/20/2016 2:31:11 PM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

It's random. Please email us your order number and we'll cancel for you.
1/20/2016 11:02:31 AM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

@Joa Q Uin - We cannot cancel your order without knowing your full name, email, or order number, please let us know.
1/20/2016 2:48:13 PM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

They dont open as wide as basketball shorts (non elastic waist) so it might feel snug when pulling them over your hips, but once they're actually on you... the waist size will feel similar to regular shorts. In terms of feel and construction, they are far superior to basketball shorts.
1/20/2016 1:59:21 PM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

A2L or A3L depending on the brand. 93brand you could likely rock A2L, Tatami you might need A3L.
1/20/2016 11:01:47 AM
Comment on:
Random 2-Pack of Jaco Shorts

Not in the plans.
1/20/2016 11:01:22 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

A0 and cold wash, hang dry.
1/21/2016 1:24:55 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

Sorry, all orders process and ship separately, so they will require their own separate shipping charges (at $5 each, it's not too bad, aye? it costs us over double that to ship Gis outside NY).
1/21/2016 10:18:19 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

1/21/2016 10:03:19 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

1/21/2016 9:34:47 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

A2 will do the trick as well, just a tad long until you shrink it a bit. A0H essentially has the length taken out already.
1/21/2016 9:38:31 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

F1 should do the trick. The female model in today's pics is 5'5" - 5'6" and 118 lbs (dont tell her i told you) and she's wearing the F2.
1/21/2016 10:03:13 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

A1L and cold wash, hang dry.
1/21/2016 2:27:55 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

A1L should fit you well. If it fit right out of the bag, just be sure to cold wash and hang dry.
1/21/2016 2:27:40 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

A2H, no question about it!
1/21/2016 2:26:58 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand x Meerkatsu "Chinese Zodiac" Gi

A2L would work for you if you drop 10 lbs. For now, shrinking an A3 could also do the trick, but it'll be a bit loose as you lose weight.
1/21/2016 2:24:05 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

There will be a couple of Gis priced at almost half that my Moose! $40 Gis!
1/21/2016 11:17:20 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

1/21/2016 11:45:07 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Kleos Gi

@John Burke. I just found an A1L in the warehouse yesterday. The Goose is pretty much entirely sold out and will not be restocked until the Goose 2.0 is done with design/production (5 months, probably). Interested?
1/22/2016 9:35:22 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Black Gi

A1 should work on paper, but youre at the top of the weight range so if your thighs are bigger than average for your size, you may want to bump up to A2 and then shrink as needed.
1/25/2016 12:15:43 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Black Gi

A2 and shrink as needed.
1/25/2016 10:32:27 AM
Comment on:
Jaco Rashguard 2-Pack (Long & Short Sleeve)

Medium if you want a snug fit, Large if you want a regular fit.
1/25/2016 11:23:29 PM
Comment on:
Jaco Rashguard 2-Pack (Long & Short Sleeve)

1/26/2016 11:27:46 AM
Comment on:
Jaco Rashguard 2-Pack (Long & Short Sleeve)

Pretty much. The M will be the intended "fitted" but not skin-tight (similar to how our main image today shows the short-sleeve rashguard). The S will be snug against your skin.
1/26/2016 11:27:39 AM
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Ground Game Black Turtle Spats

1/27/2016 12:02:18 AM
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Ground Game Black Turtle Spats

1/27/2016 10:11:57 AM
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Ground Game Black Turtle Spats

(If it's more than 1 item in a sale, we always put "2-PACK" in the title and then give a run-down of the 2-pack in the first sentence of the description).
1/27/2016 10:11:44 AM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Gi

They do run small. A2 should fit you well though.
1/28/2016 10:14:40 AM
Comment on:
Venum Elite Gi

Every day at 11pm EST the deal changes. One item per day.
1/28/2016 4:22:49 PM
Comment on:
Manto Champ 5.0 Blue Gi

Only one deal per day. This one is only the blue Gi.
2/1/2016 3:06:04 PM
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Hyperfly Pro Gear Bag

Fabric feels a little thicker honestly, but maybe it's because the old bag is broken in now.
2/2/2016 10:37:12 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Pro Gear Bag

It's about 22" tall & 15-16" wide (main compartment). Other compartments are varying sizes.
2/2/2016 10:38:57 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Pro Gear Bag

There's no dedicated shoe compartment.
There is a 'dirty sack' mesh ventilated bottom portion, which is intended for dirty/wet Gis or Nogi gear... but I dont see why you couldnt throw your kicks in there.
2/2/2016 10:42:28 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Pro Gear Bag

17.9" is the screen size or the length of the laptop?
2/2/2016 10:37:43 AM
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Campeao Versao 1 Blue Gi by Tatami

@Matthew - If you're a fan of Tatami, you'll dig this Gi.
Campeao has the quality control and design standards of Tatami, but it's manufactured in a new factory with new weaves so they're branding it as its own separate line.
2/4/2016 11:45:38 AM
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Fuji T-Shirt Random 2-PACK

Wow. This is an early frontrunner for 2016 Comment of the Year.
2/5/2016 11:24:00 AM
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Fuji T-Shirt Random 2-PACK

There is no rhyme or reason to our schedule. Gis usually show up a couple times per week though.
2/5/2016 11:36:21 AM
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Fuji T-Shirt Random 2-PACK

Gotta diversify, yo.
2/5/2016 12:45:33 PM
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Jaco VT Shorts Random 2-PACK

They are more durable than typical protective cup VT shorts (intended to withstand direct wear & tear when worn as an outer layer), so there is no cup pocket inside. If you want a cup, you should wear a jock strap or compression shorts under these.
2/6/2016 3:34:29 PM
Comment on:
Jaco VT Shorts Random 2-PACK

Unless your 31" or 32" jeans fit you like MC Hammer Pants, then stick with Medium.
2/6/2016 3:38:50 PM
Comment on:
Jaco VT Shorts Random 2-PACK

2/6/2016 3:36:14 PM
Comment on:
Jaco VT Shorts Random 2-PACK

No cup in these directly. You would wear your usual cup strap/shorts underneath these.
2/6/2016 3:35:50 PM
Comment on:
Jaco VT Shorts Random 2-PACK

No cup in these directly. He would wear his usual cup strap/shorts underneath these.
2/6/2016 3:35:10 PM
Comment on:
Gameness Air Black Gi

Hey guys - Size chart is updated.
It was sized down a bit, as we had the old Gameness size chart in there.

Previously, Gameness' site had somewhat inaccurate sizing info, which we'd copied when we first picked up this Gi. Since then, they've revised the size chart (as it should have been). We hadn't listed this model/color recently. Sorry for the mix-up!

If you need to change your size due to the chart update, please email and we'll take care of it.
2/7/2016 6:19:33 PM
Comment on:
Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

Never worn luta personally, but these are true to fit and have a partially elastic waistband so you should be fine if 38 is your usual true waist size.
2/8/2016 11:19:25 PM
Comment on:
Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

2/9/2016 12:07:30 AM
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Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

Most of scramble's recent shorts have a slim European cut, so yes, these standard cut shorts are a little bigger than scramble's.
2/9/2016 12:37:33 AM
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Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

Haha, keen eye
2/9/2016 9:24:22 AM
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Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

Early is 11pm EST yesterday :)
2/9/2016 12:37:34 PM
Comment on:
Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

Size 12 - Waist: 24" Length: 17"
Size 14 - Waist 26" Length 18"

2/9/2016 6:46:06 PM
Comment on:
Venum No Gi IBJJF Approved Ranked Rashguards

2/9/2016 2:19:12 PM
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Venum Challenger Gi

F4 for sure.
2/10/2016 12:17:37 PM
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Venum Challenger Gi

Yes. A is typically unisex or men's, while F is always women's.
2/10/2016 12:18:12 PM
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Ground Game Konki Black Gi

A3 might be a little snug but it is your best option. If you do, just be sure to cold wash hang dry.
2/12/2016 1:51:42 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Konki Black Gi

If you shrink it a bit it may fit you. Just not as well as, say, an A1F or A0 or F2.
2/12/2016 1:56:27 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Konki Black Gi

A3 and shrink if needed.
2/12/2016 1:55:52 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Konki Black Gi

Our sale also includes the Gi bag as the description states.

And on the Ground Game site, this black version is the USD equivalent of $146.50 after shipping... and that is only to Europe.

Ground Game doesn't ship to the US, and if it did, I'm sure it would bring the price up to more like $165-175.
2/12/2016 1:55:05 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen II Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

A3, yes. Ideally youre more of an A2L, which brands like Inverted Gear, 93brand, Tatami, and Flow offer. Fuji does not, so you'd need the A3 and it'll be a bit relaxed rather than tailored/slim fitting like an A2L.
2/15/2016 11:16:44 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen II Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

Fuji doesnt disclose that, but speaking from significant experience: top feels in the ballpark of 500 GSM.
2/15/2016 11:13:15 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen II Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

2/15/2016 11:12:09 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen II Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 should work as long as you cold wash, hang dry.
2/15/2016 2:02:45 PM
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93brand UFOmoplata Spats

Medium if youre a standard body type. If you have thicker thighs and/or calves, then bump to Large.
2/16/2016 12:38:46 PM
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93brand UFOmoplata Spats

Large unless you have monster thighs and calves, then XL.
2/16/2016 12:38:14 PM
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93brand UFOmoplata Spats

It will definitely fit 250 lbs. Teammate at 200 lbs wears the Large.
2/16/2016 12:20:20 PM
Comment on:
Campeao Versao 1.0 Black Gi by Tatami

@Fernando - It's unlikely your Tatami fits the same as this Gi, just FYI.

@Steve, this Gi is cut differently than your typical Tatami Gi so I would advise going by the size chart provided here :)
2/17/2016 5:54:34 PM
Comment on:
Platinum Big Buddha 2.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi

This A3 is a little bigger, but still suitable most likely. What's your height/weight?
2/19/2016 10:24:17 AM
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Platinum Big Buddha 2.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi

Whatever you want, but most people use it for a mouthguard.
2/19/2016 10:25:01 AM
Comment on:
Platinum Big Buddha 2.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi

All exterior patches are embroidered. No 808.
2/19/2016 10:26:07 AM
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Platinum Big Buddha 2.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi

2/19/2016 10:25:36 AM
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Platinum Big Buddha 2.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi

2/19/2016 10:25:20 AM
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Manto Champ 5.0 Black

You'll need an a4, though it may be a bit long. You could possibly shrink to fit, or worst case have the sleeves taken in a touch.
2/21/2016 9:36:10 AM
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Ground Game Inceptor 2.0 Gi

A2H is ideal, which this Gi doesn't come in :( But A4 would be your best bet.
2/23/2016 2:25:18 AM
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Ground Game Inceptor 2.0 Gi

2/23/2016 2:23:08 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Inceptor 2.0 Gi

Depends on how you like your fit. A2 and cold wash/hang dry if you like a tailored fit. A3 and shrink as needed if you prefer a relaxed fit.
2/23/2016 2:22:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

2/24/2016 10:56:54 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

Depends on your weight. Under 110.. 115 lbs?
2/24/2016 10:56:32 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

You could go XL but if youre above a 36" waist then you should go 2XL.
2/24/2016 10:55:38 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

^ Migz is correct.
2/24/2016 10:55:11 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

Yes, I have a teammate who has both men's & women's (small men's, medium women's).
2/24/2016 10:38:16 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

Medium should be fine unless you have very thin legs for your height.
2/24/2016 2:03:31 PM
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Venum Fusion Shorts Black/Red

IBJJF must be mostly black, so no.
2/25/2016 9:46:05 AM
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Fuji Kassen V2 Black Gi

A1, yes. Pretty much everyone has to size up at least 1 notch when trying Fuji.
2/26/2016 11:04:09 AM
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Fuji Kassen V2 Black Gi

A4. I am 6'2" 190 lbs and the A3 is borderline too short on my arms/torso. In retrospect, I should've gone up a size and shrunk it down, which is what I'd recommend you do.
2/26/2016 11:03:37 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen V2 Black Gi

Yup. Fuji runs small. You are an A1 in Fuji. And do not use heat because your weight is already a few pounds over the A1 limit.

BTW your height/weight is ideal for the recently added A0H size from 93brand :)
2/26/2016 11:02:54 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen V2 Black Gi

Yes, A2 and shrink as needed. Fuji runs smaller than pretty much everything out there, so most people go at least 1 size up :)
2/26/2016 11:00:53 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen V2 Black Gi

It's a mid- to heavy- Gi.
2/26/2016 11:00:02 AM
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93 Brand Bomber Gi - Navy

Just FYI 93brand ditched the old navy blue going forward and have a new deeper navy coming out :)
2/28/2016 10:33:38 AM
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Ground Game Irezumi Rashguard

Large due to height.
2/29/2016 9:29:10 AM
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Ground Game Irezumi Rashguard

Agreed with Matt, it'd be Large for you.
2/29/2016 9:40:33 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Irezumi Rashguard

Large would get you a snug skin-tight fit, if that's your thing. Personally I would suggest XL for this brand/model.
2/29/2016 9:28:48 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Irezumi Rashguard

2/29/2016 9:28:14 AM
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Inverted Gear Panda Armor Gi

3/3/2016 11:37:45 PM
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Luta Performance Rashguard

Wrong email? Not sure what you are referring to.. an issue with purchasing?
3/7/2016 11:32:01 AM
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93 Brand ROLLERS Gi

3/8/2016 1:22:11 AM
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93 Brand ROLLERS Gi

450 GSM Advanced Weave. Heavier than the very light Charlie.
3/8/2016 9:46:10 AM
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93 Brand ROLLERS Gi

(10oz twill pants with mesh reinforcements, also heavier than the very light Charlie - which is 350 GSM MicroPearl and 8oz twill)
3/8/2016 9:46:44 AM
Comment on:
Grapple - There's a Tap For That

@Ala this is a standard fit.
3/9/2016 12:23:32 PM
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Combat Skin x Meerkatsu "Combat Warrior" Rashguard

Youre right on the cusp so it's up to you... If you prefer more of a skin-tight look, go for the Small. If you prefer a more relaxed cut, Medium will suffice just fine.
3/11/2016 10:32:24 AM
Comment on:
Campeao Versao 1 Gi by Tatami

Close call, but personally I'd recommend an A2 and shrink as needed, rather than risk a smaller size being too snug for your taste.
3/14/2016 10:22:13 AM
Comment on:
Campeao Versao 1 Gi by Tatami

A1 would be the closest fit to what you need.
3/14/2016 11:58:57 AM
Comment on:
Venum VIKING Spats

Smalls will definitely be short, but due to your weight going up a size may make them a little looser than intended. If you're ok with the spats cutting off a little short, stick with Small. If length is more important than tightness, go for Medium.
3/15/2016 11:02:33 AM
Comment on:
Venum VIKING Spats

Youre 4 lbs from the Small upper limit so it's a matter of personal preference:
If you like a snug skin-tight fit, go Small.
If you like a more relaxed compression fit, go Medium.
3/15/2016 11:00:41 AM
Comment on:
Venum VIKING Spats

No drawstring on these.
3/15/2016 10:59:33 AM
Comment on:
Venum VIKING Spats

Small will be the right fit, though due to your height it may be a bit snug.
3/15/2016 10:57:21 AM
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PunchTown Fracture Long Sleeve Rashguard

Medium would be a bit snug especially if you're larger around the chest. I'd suggest a large to be safe.
3/16/2016 10:10:18 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Fracture Long Sleeve Rashguard

Go for large.
3/16/2016 9:14:09 AM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

For a standard, classic fit, get A2 and shrink as needed.
If you like a tailored, snug fit, get A1 and cold wash, hang dry.
3/27/2016 12:48:48 PM
Comment on:
Fuji All Around Navy Gi

3/27/2016 12:47:41 PM
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Hold Fast Sailor Jerry Shorts

Focus on your waist size rather than your height or weight (there is a chart in the description).
4/1/2016 11:14:36 AM
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Ozamurai Dragon Rashguard

If you like a snug compression fit yes go for Medium, since you're at the very bottom of the Large range.
4/3/2016 11:42:19 AM
Comment on:
Ozamurai Dragon Rashguard

If you're really still dropping, Large. If you're not going to get below 200 any time soon, stick with XL.
4/3/2016 11:41:28 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Heather is correct.
4/4/2016 12:11:24 AM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Hooks 2.0 is 8oz Twill Cotton (very light, pretty much the lightest twill available so I'm surprised to hear you say it's heavy). Standard Issue is 10oz Twill Cotton.
4/4/2016 12:11:09 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

A2H is intended for someone heavier than you. You are an A2L or A3 at most.
4/4/2016 12:09:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

4/5/2016 11:48:16 PM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

These are slightly longer than the Kleos and a different fabric. Slightly looser cut.
4/6/2016 11:14:18 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

@Norm, you can do A2L or A3. The former will fit you nice and tailored, the latter will be more of a traditional/relaxed cut (though you can shrink if needed).
4/11/2016 12:57:44 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A2H yes sir!
4/11/2016 10:19:28 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

4/11/2016 12:57:01 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1 regular and shrink if needed.
4/11/2016 12:56:44 PM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi


For others reading this, someone 6'1" 185-190 could rock either an A2L for a more fitted look, or A3 for a more traditional cut.
4/11/2016 10:20:14 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

F3 would likely work better, though your height is technically a size smaller than your weight, the sleeves may be a bit long at first.
4/11/2016 12:31:36 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

It's always going to be a bit of a compromise as your height is an A1-borderline-A2 and your weight is A3. A2H would be the best blend in my opinion. Since it's gold weave, you can get decent shrinkage (1" or 2") by washing with heat and/or drying with heat.
4/11/2016 12:56:26 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

No belt
4/11/2016 12:54:50 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

F2 and cold wash, hang dry. Or F3 and shrink if you use heat in the wash or dry with heat.
4/11/2016 12:54:41 PM
Comment on:
Venum NOGI Ranked Shorts

Height doesnt matter, but if your Venum 30s were too tight, yes you should grab the 31-32 size.
4/11/2016 11:58:12 PM
Comment on:
Venum NOGI Ranked Shorts

4/11/2016 11:57:41 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte Jiu JItsu Gi - White/Olive

A0L does not exist, sorry Alberto! A1F might be the closest thing to it, but DO or DIE does not produce it.
4/13/2016 2:53:35 PM
Comment on:
Tatami x Meerkatsu "Dragon Fly" Gi

4/15/2016 1:02:35 PM
Comment on:
Tatami x Meerkatsu "Dragon Fly" Gi

This one feels about 450 GSM (Tatami does not disclose the jacket GSM on their site) and 10-12oz for the pants.
4/15/2016 1:02:24 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

I spoke with ibjjf staff couple years back and navy blue was approved. Granted things have changed, but for sure a 93brand sponsored athlete competed in the navy blue Bomber gi earlier this year and had no issues... so I believe they're allowed at this time.
4/18/2016 11:41:04 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

A3 and shrink. Or even better: A2H and shrink.
4/18/2016 11:37:59 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

Not by a long shot. Light-to-mid weight for the jacket. Lightweight for the pants.
4/19/2016 10:31:28 AM
Comment on:
Raven Zeus Grappling Rashguard

Have you ever tried these rashguards on? Raven's size chart is a bit too generous.

Their chart says Large covers 198 to 220. I'm 185 and it was tight on me. Their chart is off, not ours ;)
4/20/2016 10:08:20 AM
Comment on:
Raven Zeus Grappling Rashguard

We usually have our team of models try on all the sizes of rashguards to confirm and/or revise manufacturer's sizing. Manufacturers aren't always correct.

E.g. people complain that Venum rashguards run really tight, but if you look at Venum's "official" size charts, you'd think that their rashies are regular fit. We make our own Venum size charts and people have a much better idea of how they'll fit.
4/20/2016 10:06:22 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

325 lbs for this Gi won't fit the A5. A non-ProComp HyperFly might work, but this one is more fitted.
4/22/2016 9:09:15 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

Yup, A3!
4/22/2016 8:39:59 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

I'm assuming @Spoolin is not more than 155ish, 160?
For someone 175, A1 will be too tight (this model is more snug than the Sashiko).
A2 for you, @dingleberriesxl!
4/22/2016 8:47:00 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

This is a slightly modified DOorDIE chart because the ProComp has a tailored construction (notice all the extra stitching lines?).
Their chart is the same no matter what Gi it is, but for this model it's not quite as accurate because of the more fitted cut.

You could rock A2 or, if youre lanky, A2L.
4/22/2016 8:45:05 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

This is a slightly modified DOorDIE chart because the ProComp has a tailored construction (notice all the extra stitching lines?).

Their chart is the same no matter what Gi it is, but for this model it's not quite as accurate because of the more fitted cut.
4/22/2016 10:03:53 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

If you are especially lanky and/or have long limbs, A1L.
4/22/2016 8:41:46 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

A3, yup. You *could* go A2L but it'd be close.
4/22/2016 8:41:12 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

4/22/2016 9:39:16 AM
Comment on:
HYPERFLY ProComp Gi - Blue

The Gi is preshrunk but, as all preshrunk Gis, it will shrink more if subjected to heat. So if you like the fit out of the bag, cold wash and hang dry. If you want to shrink it, use a hot wash and/or put it on a heat cycle in the dryer.

A3 would be a little snug on you since your weight is out of the range, but A4 might be a little long. Best choice of these is to go A4 and shrink as needed.
4/22/2016 11:28:31 AM
Comment on:

4/26/2016 12:02:20 AM
Comment on:

Large should work fine, but if you have a longer torso than average, XL would be a safer bet.

(Model is 5'5" 115 lbs and wearing the Women's Small, so 2 sizes up should be sufficient to cover a 3.5" height difference).
4/26/2016 12:02:11 AM
Comment on:

Small should be fine. The female model in this pics is 5'5" 115 lbs wearing a women's small. If you have a longer torso than the girl in the pics, you could wear a Medium, but otherwise the small looks to fit very well on someone your size.
4/26/2016 12:03:20 AM
Comment on:

@Vanessa, mind you the women's design is 7/8-sleeve... so even if you're short, the sleeves would, at worst, go from 7/8 to full length :) rather than from full-length to extra-lenght.
4/26/2016 10:58:10 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Lightweight BJJ Gi

A3 definitely won't fit you. I'm 6'2" and the A3 is too short. @Kevin you need an A4, no question!
4/27/2016 10:59:26 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Lightweight BJJ Gi

Fuji does not specify and Ive never cut one open, but it feels very much like an EVA foam collar.
4/27/2016 11:42:08 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Lightweight BJJ Gi

4/27/2016 11:41:37 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Lightweight BJJ Gi

Youre juuuuust out of range for A3. It might be too short after washing, so A4 is a safer choice (though it may be a bit of a relaxed fit in terms of weight).
4/27/2016 11:04:11 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Lightweight BJJ Gi

This Gi is not a good choice for extra tall/lanky grapplers. You need a brand that carries A2L. I'm 6'2" 180 lbs and the A3 Suparaito is good in terms of girth but too short. Keep an eye out for 93brand, Tatami, and Inverted Gear for "L" or "Long" sizes.
4/27/2016 11:03:16 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Lightweight BJJ Gi

You're 5 feet tall and a 93brand A2 Gi is too small? There's got to be a typo in there somewhere; I'm 6'2" and I can wear a 93brand A2!
4/27/2016 11:01:43 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1L is going to be borderline too short, but it's a better choice than A2 since they're almost the same length. A2L would be the ideal choice IMO.
4/29/2016 3:39:59 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

@Tommy, A1 is best. Any taller and you'd need an A1L (or if you have long limbs for your height, go A1L).
4/29/2016 3:42:26 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A2H and shrink to fit for your bf.
F3 for you should be fine, worst case shrinking down if needed... unless you like that fitted look of F2. Model is wearing F2 and she's 5'4"-ish, 115 lbs.
4/29/2016 3:41:27 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

@LeVar did you get a response? Customer service works until 6 Mon-Thurs but Fridays the office closes early. The warehouse also closes early on Friday so - I can't guarantee it - but it's unlikely that your order shipped yet if you placed it this morning. CS comes back Monday a.m. 9 oclock.
4/29/2016 3:49:58 PM
Comment on:
Luta Fight Shorts

These are not as snug as Jaco shorts.
5/2/2016 10:48:11 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die Hyperlyte Black Gi

5/3/2016 2:00:05 PM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS 2.0 (Free White Belt)

Depends on size. A0-A2 will be 3.5-4.25 lbs, A3 and up will weigh more.
5/9/2016 10:32:34 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS 2.0 (Free White Belt)

Sorry about that, I had it deleted right after it was posted because someone was not in the loop on this batch. Women's sizes will be added on the restock, but this batch was only men's. Sorry!
5/9/2016 10:31:40 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS 2.0 (Free White Belt)

For this batch A0H wasnt ordered. Restock will include A0H though.
5/9/2016 10:31:05 AM
Comment on:
Venum Santa Muerte 2.0 Shorts

Venum runs pretty true to size. Some people say they run snug, but that has not been my experience honestly.
5/10/2016 10:11:21 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Konki" Rashguard

PunchTown runs smaller, but at 6'1" 175 lbs your height will pretty much always dictate that you get a large. (get a large)
5/11/2016 10:04:48 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly White/Olive Gi

Heather hit it right on the head ^^^^ A1L or - if you prefer a relaxed cut - A2 :)
5/12/2016 12:00:06 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly White/Olive Gi

Should be fine, yup!
5/12/2016 11:41:53 AM
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93 Brand ALOHA Ranked Rashguard

5/13/2016 11:38:29 AM
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93 Brand ALOHA Ranked Rashguard

Womens Purple Large sold out in the first hours of the sale :) Almost!
5/13/2016 10:59:08 PM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

Depending on your height and weight, one of the A sizes may fit (a1f, a1L, etc)
5/16/2016 11:10:27 PM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

F1 should do the trick.
5/17/2016 5:46:38 AM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

This one is correct.
5/17/2016 5:45:49 AM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

Weight is not the main indicator of quality (the materials used are more expensive than some even heavier materials). Also, the Goose has 1 or 2 embroideries and 2 woven patches... This Gi is much more detailed.

Ive owned the Rollers for a long time (same main materials as this one) and its held up longer than some of my Shoyorolls!
5/17/2016 8:44:32 AM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

F4 and shrink as needed.
5/17/2016 12:24:21 PM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

I believe that's it!
5/17/2016 3:22:27 PM
Comment on:

Its the old school way to spell it. Old school look, old school spelling (hence 'vintage').

For example the very old book by Renzo was titled 'Mastering Jujitsu' etc.
5/19/2016 11:04:30 PM
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sorry, not possible for hq sales. Limit of 1 item per order/shipment.
5/19/2016 11:12:20 PM
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XL for you, Ant
5/20/2016 8:31:49 AM
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Goose V2 is still in sampling, but it's going to be ill. Promise!
5/20/2016 10:38:08 AM
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5/20/2016 8:31:01 AM
Comment on:

Do you usually wear M tees? Not sure by chest size, but if you're usually a size M, then this will fit as tees normally do.

E.g. I'm 187 lbs. In European brands I tend to wear an XL, but for most American brands (including Next Level, which is what this is printed on), I'm an L. This fits me perfectly before and after washing.
5/20/2016 10:37:22 AM
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5/20/2016 9:20:16 AM
Comment on:

Womens Medium should do fine, unless she prefers a tighter fit.

Female model is wearing Womens Small and she's 115 lbs, 5'4". Very thin chick, and the tee has not been washed/shrunk in the shoot.
5/20/2016 3:52:54 PM
Comment on:

It's not spelled wrong, it's just spelled differently than the most common US spelling.
Jiu Jitsu, Ju Jitsu, Jujitsu, Jujutsu, all mean the same thing, literally.
But hey if you want to tell Renzo and Danaher that they're wrong, go for it ;)
5/20/2016 3:51:52 PM
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Women's Large
5/20/2016 10:30:40 PM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

It is preshrunk, but if you wash warm or machine dry, it may shrink additionally.

A0 should work for you.
5/25/2016 10:36:34 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

Email us with your info (brand name, proposed product) and we'll get in touch!
5/25/2016 10:35:44 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

Email ASAP and, if your order hasnt processed/shipped, it can be switched. A2T sometimes sells out quickly so the sooner the better.
5/25/2016 10:31:08 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Short-Sleeve Grappling Rashguard - 2 Pack

The women's Medium should suit you, though if you have a particularly long torso (for your height, 5'9") then the women's Large might be a better match (albeit slightly more relaxed of a fit).
5/26/2016 9:33:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Short-Sleeve Grappling Rashguard - 2 Pack

Large should suit you fine. They run fairly standard. I'm 185 lbs and I just barely am big enough to wear the XL (got plenty of wiggle room).
5/26/2016 1:00:13 PM
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93brand BRASILIA Shorts

It's an inside heel hook you sick bastards!
5/31/2016 11:16:04 PM
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93brand BRASILIA Shorts

True fit at the waist. Flexible cut so if youre in between, personally id go for thr smaller size.
5/31/2016 11:14:28 PM
Comment on:
93brand BRASILIA Shorts

Email asap with your order number and change request.
6/1/2016 8:15:04 AM
Comment on:
93brand BRASILIA Shorts

Children's Large/16 would fit you a big snug, like the model (she's about your height/weight). Otherwise I'd say 28", but that is sold out. More 28's will be on tomorrow.
6/1/2016 12:41:45 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

6/6/2016 11:40:17 PM
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93 Brand Strasse Gi

No. Its the same construction as the original.
6/6/2016 11:41:47 PM
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93 Brand Strasse Gi

A1L will fit perfectly. A1 prob would too, but a1L even better.
6/7/2016 9:03:05 AM
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93 Brand Strasse Gi

A0 should fif you after a hot wash and, if needed, machine dry.

Teammate has A0 of this gi, and he's 5'4" 120.... After a few washes the sleeves were too short and a bit tight. He had to give it to a smaller teammate about your size.
6/7/2016 9:02:17 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A2L and cold wash, hang dry. I'm 6'2" 190 lbs and that's what I wear, gets ne a nice fitted look. If you prefer a more relaxed cut, regular a3 will do.
6/7/2016 9:00:06 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

New York based brand, same cut as Shoyoroll but with amped up reinforcements/specs (longer knee reinforcement panels, thicker and wider collar, more comprehensive side vent reinforcements). Stand up customer service. Been around since 2012.
6/7/2016 1:21:23 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

See the size chart for a specific height/weight guide on all sizes... But in sum, the A2L is a standard A2 with the *length* of an A3 Gi. The A2H is a standard A2 with the *width/girth* of an A3-A4. Hence the L being "Long" and the H being "Husky"
6/7/2016 1:18:52 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Strasse Gi

A0H for a nice fitted cut. A2 for a traditional or relaxed fit.
6/7/2016 1:17:48 PM
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Manto VOODOO Spats

M for Manto should work for you at your weight/waist size.
6/8/2016 2:10:34 PM
Comment on:
Manto VOODOO Spats

It'll be a tad short, but it'll be nice and skin tight.
If you have bigger legs, Large would be better.

6/8/2016 2:12:43 PM
Comment on:
Gameness STRIKE Shorts

These are standard length, slightly on the shorter side. At 6'2", the 34 sits just above my kneecap.
6/15/2016 12:43:44 PM
Comment on:
Gameness STRIKE Shorts

36" should do fine. Like the 93 shorts, these will flex to accommodate your weight so no need to choose the bigger size.
6/15/2016 12:44:25 PM
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93brand JITS DO IT Spats

L should work fine :)
6/23/2016 6:20:42 AM
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93brand JITS DO IT Spats

6/23/2016 6:17:55 AM
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Venum Original GIANT Rashguard

This is a tight fitting rashguard.
6/24/2016 10:17:06 AM
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Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 will be a rather snug fit if you're at 200 Lbs, but doable, as @jakubceefin said. A3 will get you more wiggle room (and IMO be more comfortable), though it'll be a bit long at first. Worst case, would need a little hemming for the pants length.
6/27/2016 11:17:44 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

@Sam I'd recommend sticking to cold wash and hang dry with A3, and that'll get you a nice fitted look.
If you prefer a looser or more relaxed fit (or intend to machine dry the Gi), you'll need an A4 - and in that case, email with your order number and desired change. As long as it hasnt already shipped, you can change the size.
6/27/2016 11:16:07 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A4 would be the best fit, but since you are tall/lean, an A3L would likely suit you better. That size is not offered for this particular Gi, you'd have to wait for an Inverted Gear or 93brand, etc. to get that particular size.
6/27/2016 11:14:01 AM
Comment on:
Grips Athletics "Secret Weapon 2.0" Jiu Jitsu Gi

You'll need an "L" size due to your height, so I'd advise waiting for a 93brand, Inverted Gear, Tatami, and (some) DOorDIE Gis in order to get one of the 'in between' sizes like A2L.
6/27/2016 11:05:34 AM
Comment on:
93brand Compression Shorts 2-PACK

6/27/2016 11:10:18 PM
Comment on:
93brand Compression Shorts 2-PACK

Please email with your order number and it'll be corrected ASAP. Sorry!
6/28/2016 5:49:26 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Chess Gorilla Rashguard

Designed to be more of a unisex fit. If your height/weight fall within a range of any of the sizes available, I'd say it should fit fine.
6/29/2016 9:50:47 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

A0S and A0T are the same Gi.
6/30/2016 3:35:47 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

A3. I'm 6'2" 185-190 and A3 IG fits me better than A2.
6/30/2016 3:35:33 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

As long as youre ok with a more fitted look, the A1T would work for you. If you like having baggier "wizard" sleeves, go for the A2.
6/30/2016 3:35:08 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

A2 would be snug on your lower body. I'm about 190 and the A2 was a tad too snug. Have you ever tried A2H?
6/30/2016 3:34:31 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

They are the same, no worries!
6/30/2016 3:33:27 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

A3T would get you a more fitted cut than the A4.
6/30/2016 3:32:52 PM
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93 Brand Unbleached Hooks 2.0 Gi

Inventory was replenished... There are some more A0H in stock :)
7/4/2016 6:17:02 AM
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93 Brand Unbleached Hooks 2.0 Gi

Probably F4 to be safe. F3 might be pushing it.
7/4/2016 6:19:26 AM
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93 Brand Unbleached Hooks 2.0 Gi

A2H and shrink to fit.
7/4/2016 6:18:21 AM
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Grips Gi Sack

@ricebooy yup
7/5/2016 9:04:50 AM
Comment on:
Grips Gi Sack

As long as your shin guards arent super long, yes.
7/5/2016 9:04:04 AM
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Ground Game Bushido Rashguard

Yup. XL if you like a looser fit.
7/6/2016 10:12:25 AM
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Tatami x Meerkatsu Honey Bager V4 Spats

7/8/2016 9:54:37 AM
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Tatami x Meerkatsu Honey Bager V4 Spats

7/8/2016 9:54:25 AM
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93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Ranked Rashguards

Medium should work for you. Depending on height and chest circumference, Small could work too.
7/12/2016 10:26:31 AM
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Raven Ulfhedinn Spats

Sounds like you a tall and thin so I'd say Medium. If you have more of your weight in your legs/butt, go for the Large.
7/14/2016 10:55:10 AM
Comment on:
Raven Ulfhedinn Spats

Large. Medium might fit like capri spats.
7/14/2016 10:54:23 AM
Comment on:
Jaco VT Shorts Random 2-PACK

Small should work, granted they might be a little longer than intended. Is your waist below a 27" ?
7/15/2016 12:50:45 PM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

A2H and shrink to fit, for a relaxed fit.
Or A2 and cold wash/hang dry for a rather snug fit.
7/16/2016 3:19:01 AM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

7/16/2016 3:18:16 AM
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93brand Super NY BJJ Gi - Orange Edition

No belt included.
7/16/2016 3:18:07 AM
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Fuji Kassen II Gi

A3 but it'd be a bit long. A0H might be a better fit, but it's not offered on this gi.
7/18/2016 2:36:07 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Kassen II Gi

A4 but it'll be long. A2H is a better fit.
7/18/2016 2:36:57 PM
Comment on:
GR1PS Black Grappling Spats

Roughly, I'd call it:
S: 28-31"
M: 30-33"
L: 32-36"
XL: 36-41"
7/19/2016 10:19:33 AM
Comment on:
GR1PS Black Grappling Spats

Medium cuts off at 170 lbs and you are 176 lbs so it's a close call. If your waist size is below 34" you should be fine. If your waist is over 34" then you need a Large.

If your waist is over 34", please email with your order number and requesting to change to size Large.
7/19/2016 10:33:47 AM
Comment on:
GR1PS Black Grappling Spats

You could rock the M or the L, depending.
Do you have Rousimar Palhares legs? Large.
Do you have Geo Martinez legs? Medium.

I'm 185 lbs, 33 or 34" jeans), and I need a Large. Granted, I got them hips.
7/19/2016 1:54:03 PM
Comment on:
GR1PS Black Grappling Spats

Yes. There is no bulge panel built in (unlike some Fuji Spats for example).
7/19/2016 1:54:57 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Short-Sleeve Grappling Rashguard - 2 Pack

csanch87 is correct
7/20/2016 10:03:00 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Short-Sleeve Grappling Rashguard - 2 Pack

We'd need to know your height/weight to really help with a recommendation, but these fit tighter than the Luta rashguards.
7/20/2016 10:02:44 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Short-Sleeve Grappling Rashguard - 2 Pack

Womens Large should do it, yup.
7/20/2016 10:01:44 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Short-Sleeve Grappling Rashguard - 2 Pack

If you prefer a looser fit, go for 3XL.
7/20/2016 1:39:37 PM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Short-Sleeve Grappling Rashguard - 2 Pack

Mens Large will be fine.
7/20/2016 1:38:53 PM
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Ground Game Black Dragon Yokai Grappling Shorts

30" unless you have bigger than avg thighs (the waist is elastic).
7/26/2016 11:40:40 AM
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Gr1ps Cyborg Long-Sleeve Rashguard

Roy Nelson no longer works here so we can't have him try one on, but these are slightly tighter in the forearms than the rest of the body. Personally I liked it because the forearms are where you generally need compression the most.
7/27/2016 10:13:25 AM
Comment on:
Gr1ps Cyborg Long-Sleeve Rashguard

They're on the looser side. Large should fit you well.
7/27/2016 3:26:30 PM
Comment on:
Gr1ps Cyborg Long-Sleeve Rashguard

BJJHQ sales ship within 1 business day. Arrival after that is 1-5 days within the US, depending on how close you are to NY. Canada is typically 2-10 days. Europe etc a little longer.
7/27/2016 3:27:53 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

For a fitted cut, A2H and cold wash, hang dry.
For a more traditional cut, A4 and shrink as needed.
7/29/2016 11:12:26 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

@Jacob - same suggestion. A2H for fitted, A4 for traditional cut (shrink as needed).
7/30/2016 10:41:30 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

For this particular model, I'd suggest A1 and shrink to fit.
7/30/2016 10:38:26 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A0H would be the best fit.
7/30/2016 10:43:52 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A3 will be fine Sam.
7/30/2016 10:43:11 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

7/30/2016 10:42:54 AM
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93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A2L is sold out, but A2 should work too. Just cold wash and hang dry.
7/30/2016 10:42:33 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Gi

A2L, no doubt.
7/30/2016 10:42:00 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Grappling Spats 2-PACK

They're ankle bone length for both men's and women's. Unless you are veryyy tall/leggy, it wont be close to an issue :)
8/3/2016 11:49:41 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Grappling Spats 2-PACK

That's a decent range. At 200 lbs, XL would work. At 240, he'd likely need 2XL unless he has super skinny legs for his height/weight.
8/3/2016 11:48:24 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

This is more of a 93brand cut. Not Koral.
8/4/2016 1:43:44 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

A2 and shrink as needed. Or for a more fitted look, A1L and always cold wash.
8/4/2016 1:43:32 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

It has the same cut as the HyperLyte original and the HyperFly. It is NOT the same cut as the ProComp.
8/4/2016 1:43:09 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

Usually Noo Yawk, but yours may ship from our secondary warehouse in Vegas.
8/4/2016 1:42:24 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

A1 should be the way to go, Eric. Cold wash and hang dry for minimal shrinkage. Warm wash and machine dry to get more significant shrinkage.
8/4/2016 1:41:34 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

The ProComp has a unique fit, unlike other DOD Gis. This A1 should fit you well. Or you can go A2 and try to shrink to fit, though that'd be a little roomy on you.
8/4/2016 1:41:04 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

A2 and cold wash, hang dry at first. Shrink to fit only as needed after that.
8/4/2016 10:36:00 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

A2 should work, but if your 93brand A2 is too short that makes me think you have extremely long limbs? I am just about 6'2" and with a cold wash, the 93brand A2 Gis fit me in both arms and legs. Same goes for the DOorDIE.

Given what you've said, the A2L is a better choice here (and with all DOorDIE/93brand Gis).
8/4/2016 10:59:39 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

That's probably the regular HyperLyte, Jack. This one is lighter.
8/4/2016 4:42:41 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

As long as you cold wash and hang dry, it'd fit. Granted, it would be a more athletic cut, but it could work. I own HyperLytes in A2 and I'm just about 6'2" and I am a solid 180 lbs. Fitted, but I wear it often.
8/4/2016 4:42:14 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

A0 sounds right to me!
8/4/2016 4:41:30 PM
Comment on:
Do or Die HyperLyte PRO Blue Gi

Yes, no reason they would disapprove this one.
8/4/2016 4:41:17 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Angles Make Strangles" Tee

"Standard fit (not athletic) so order your usual size. Cotton tee with low-feel front center screen-print.

Same sizing as previous 93 tees (and Meerkatsu tees), such as the Pill Tee, Heavenly Footlock, Philippines Charity tee, Rollers tee, etc."

8/8/2016 9:36:19 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Angles Make Strangles" Tee

Yes it's a good thing. The shirts fit nicely. For reference, female model is 5'4" 115 lbs and wearing an unwashed, unshrunk Women's S.
8/8/2016 1:52:24 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda CS 2.0

IBJJF legal
8/9/2016 9:44:20 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda CS 2.0

A0 slim would be borderline too short. A0 is a safer pick :)
8/9/2016 9:18:42 AM
Comment on:
Odin Mech Warrior Rashguard

@Morgan, definitely runs a little big. I am 185 lbs and the Medium fits me well (normally I'm a Large). Unless you carry most of your weight in your upper body, the Medium will have a slightly relaxed fit. For a snug compression fit, go Small.
8/10/2016 11:14:57 AM
Comment on:
Raven RED Rashguard


I mean, Osssss!
8/11/2016 11:27:27 AM
Comment on:
93brand x Gawakoto 'Tales From The Grips' Spats

@naomi were you able to buy your spats?
Also, what issue precisely were you encountering during checkout?
8/12/2016 5:56:59 AM
Comment on:
93brand x Gawakoto 'Tales From The Grips' Spats

If you're under 135 I would say go for it. A teammate of mine at 130 lbs loves the 93brand small spats she has.
8/12/2016 6:33:30 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Gawakoto 'Tales From The Grips' Spats

If you're under 135 I would say go for it. A teammate of mine at 130 lbs loves the 93brand small spats she has.
8/12/2016 6:33:14 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Because of shrinkage I'd say A1L or A2 and shrink to fit. A1 might become too short over time.
8/15/2016 9:03:50 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

8/15/2016 1:04:15 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A2L and shrink as needed
8/15/2016 1:05:48 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Same cut, but this has more shrinkage (Strasse doesn't shrink much), so keep it to cold wash/hang dry off you want to avoid shrinkage.
8/15/2016 1:07:05 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A4 Josh.

(@Nitsuji, there is an A3L for all 93brand Gis)
8/15/2016 4:31:47 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

For a more fitted look: A2L and cold wash, hang dry.

For a more relaxed fit, A3 and cold wash, hang dry.
8/15/2016 4:30:04 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

For this model it's safer to go A3 and shrink to fit.
8/15/2016 4:42:18 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly BJJ Gi

Yes. Although it isn't shown in the pics, there is the YOU CANT TEACH HEART print inside the jacket.
8/17/2016 8:47:29 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS 2.0 (Free White Belt)

@Val, you're an F1, no question about it!
@lille you should rock the F2.
8/23/2016 8:47:18 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS 2.0 (Free White Belt)

As long as you cold wash and hang dry, Cho-hon, it should be fine. If you prefer a traditional/looser fit, go A2H and shrink to fit. I'm not sure which Gi Genesic had, but the Hooks 2.0 is easier to shrink than most.
8/23/2016 8:52:43 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS 2.0 (Free White Belt)

F3 is the best choice. The 2" height difference from 5'2" to 5'4" can be bridged by shrinking the Gi as needed. It's a better pick than getting the F2 and it potentially being to snug after washing :)
8/23/2016 8:50:08 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS 2.0 (Free White Belt)

It has been added to that last image :)
8/23/2016 10:23:06 AM
Comment on:
NASA - BJJ Division Tee

Medium is probably the best for a modern fit. Large if you like wearing baggier shirts.
What size tee do you usually wear?
8/24/2016 12:39:51 PM
Comment on:
NASA - BJJ Division Tee

You'd need to place two separate orders.
8/24/2016 3:34:47 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand ALOHA Ranked Rashguard

Yes. For multiple rashguards, you'd need multiple orders.
8/26/2016 1:14:11 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand ALOHA Ranked Rashguard

^^^ This.

Gives everyone a slightly fairer shot at one daily deal.
8/26/2016 3:24:51 AM
Comment on:
Venum Carbonix Fight Shorts

8/28/2016 11:06:23 PM
Comment on:
Black on Black Tatami Estilo 5.0 Gi

8/30/2016 11:04:29 AM
Comment on:
Black on Black Tatami Estilo 5.0 Gi

In that case, F2L should be best.
8/30/2016 1:28:44 PM
Comment on:
Black on Black Tatami Estilo 5.0 Gi

Not today my friend. Fuji sales generally feature A6 though.
8/30/2016 1:28:18 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

A2 might be snug, but it's the best choice.
9/6/2016 10:06:20 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

What we're calling A0T is the same as A0S, it's the tall/slim model (see corresponding height/weight in the size chart image).
9/6/2016 10:08:22 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

A0T is the tall/slim model (see corresponding height/weight in the size chart image). A0 is ideal for you, but A0T/S should work also.
9/6/2016 10:07:56 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

A2 for sure. Even A2T could work though.
9/6/2016 12:58:39 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Gold Weave Gi

A1T/S is best. A1 regular could work too.
9/6/2016 12:59:44 PM
Comment on:
93brand MINT Shorts

Personally I'd say 32 since the waist has a little stretch to it. They do have a drawstring though, so you're safe either way :)
9/7/2016 11:15:43 PM
Comment on:
93brand MINT Shorts

Yes. Different fabric but nearly identical cut.
9/8/2016 6:50:53 AM
Comment on:
93brand MINT Shorts

Those shorts are made in different factories (standard issue 93brand shorts are not the same production as sublimated/ premium 93brand shorts).

Sorry to hear about your SI shorts. The velcro issue was strictly on the last batch of Standard shorts (and has since been remedied). Any customer who contacted BJJHQ or 93brand with the stitching issue is offered a partial refund for repair, or a return/replacement. If you disnt message BJJHQ already, please do :)
9/8/2016 6:50:04 AM
Comment on:
93brand MINT Shorts

9/8/2016 1:07:49 PM
Comment on:
Manto Clasico V2 Blue BJJ Gi

The contrast stitching is the darker purple one, not the white (sorry about that, the white stitching is from their European model photoshoot).
9/12/2016 2:19:43 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Classic Ripstop Shorts

These are at/below the knee.
9/14/2016 10:33:28 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game Classic Ripstop Shorts

They are not.
9/14/2016 10:33:44 AM
Comment on:
93brand x Meerkatsu HELL HOOKS Rashguard

Yes, all orders need to be separate and would process/ship separately.
9/20/2016 12:43:17 AM
Comment on:
93brand x Meerkatsu HELL HOOKS Rashguard

@Azurea, what's the issue you're encountering when trying to order?
9/20/2016 2:09:32 AM
Comment on:
93brand x Meerkatsu HELL HOOKS Rashguard

I'll have our IT dude check it out. In the meantime, try clearing your desktop's cache and giving it one more shot. If that doesn't work, post here again and I'll make sure you get 'em.
9/20/2016 2:52:55 AM
Comment on:
93brand x Meerkatsu HELL HOOKS Rashguard

I put a Womens M and Mens XL on the side for you, so we can get this figured out :) Working on it currently.
9/20/2016 3:25:11 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Meerkatsu HELL HOOKS Rashguard

If you are built like Brock Lesnar, possibly not. But if youre not as wide as a turbine truck (( source: )) then you should be good!
9/20/2016 3:21:41 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Meerkatsu HELL HOOKS Rashguard

Try clearing your computers cache and deleting cookies, then attempt one more time. If you don't get a confirmation including order number, please e-mail and we'll get you one manually (via paypal payment).
9/20/2016 7:24:19 PM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY Gi

Belt issue has been addressed, yes.
10/4/2016 8:14:18 AM
Comment on:
93brand Super NY Gi

All around, the dimensions are more a modern fitted style.
10/4/2016 10:43:32 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand BOO JITSU Spats

Large should work. Teammate of mine is 5'6" 190 lbs and wears large 93brand spats.
10/12/2016 8:27:12 AM
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93 Brand BOO JITSU Spats

10/12/2016 8:20:41 AM
Comment on:
Modern Flow Nautilus Gi

It'd depend on your Gi checker, honestly. The knee designs are just stitching, not a patch or embroidery so they are fine. The color is fine. The only thing up in the air is the embroidery on the back right shoulder. Some checkers might say it's illegal, others may say it falls in the 'box' allowed on the back of the Gi.
10/13/2016 10:49:54 AM
Comment on:
Modern Flow Nautilus Gi

@shady A0 and cold wash should do the trick!
10/13/2016 10:54:08 AM
Comment on:
Modern Flow Nautilus Gi

You'd need an A3L or A2L Gi, because your height is always going to be 1-2 sizes above your weight. I am in the same boat. For this Gi probably you'd need an A3 or A4 to accommodate your weight. The A3 would be the best choice, but would be borderline too short depending on your limb length.
10/13/2016 10:41:14 AM
Comment on:
Modern Flow Nautilus Gi

A2 and shrink to fit for a traditional fit. A1 and cold wash/hang dry for a more fitted look.
10/13/2016 10:30:57 AM
Comment on:
93brand Graffiti Rashguard

A few weeks away.
10/17/2016 9:09:31 AM
Comment on:
93brand Graffiti Rashguard

What's your height/weight?
10/17/2016 9:09:10 AM
Comment on:
Manto Pura Vida Gi

A2 if you like a more fitted look.
A3 if you prefer the traditional style of BJJ Gi fit.

I am 6'2" 180-185 lbs and I prefer the Manto A2. Granted, I wear my Gis on the slimmer side.
10/18/2016 8:54:17 AM
Comment on:
Manto Pura Vida Gi

It'll be a nice fitted feel, width-wise. Just be careful not to shrink the A1, because at 5'11" you're technically too long for the A1.
10/18/2016 8:57:23 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Hypercross Spats

Might be a bit long, yes, but with these they don't look bad when long. For instance the female model is wearing a Small. Probably could've worn an XS, but the Smalls fit... They're a little long on her (see the bottom hem) but it's doesn't look unnatural on these particular spats.
10/19/2016 9:07:44 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Hypercross Spats

Waist reference is your usual jeans/pants measurement (where the pants' waist actually sit). Mind you, they're rather stretchy so they have some wiggle room.
10/19/2016 9:03:22 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Hypercross Spats

10/19/2016 9:09:28 AM
Comment on:
Armbar Soap 2016 Random 5-PACK

Anybody who has used these has considered tasting them at some point or another. If they say they haven't, they lyin'!
10/20/2016 7:45:48 AM
Comment on:
Armbar Soap 2016 Random 5-PACK

Got to place multiple orders.
10/20/2016 7:46:13 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

Yes, still available
10/24/2016 11:16:36 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1 is a better choice for this one.
10/24/2016 11:18:16 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

10/24/2016 11:55:54 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

The Bomber and other premium 93brand Gis dont really shrink. The Standard Issue, however, will have some shrinkage.
10/25/2016 10:19:27 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

Shoot us an email to confirm, though if you only got one order number/confirmation, it sounds like you have only one confirmed order.
10/25/2016 11:39:12 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A2H for sure!
10/25/2016 10:18:28 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

H is for Husky. So it's like a wider A0-A1.
It'll suit anyone 5'3" - 5'7" and 155-185 lbs.
10/25/2016 10:18:13 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

This is cut the same as the Goose, but can be shrunk more than the Goose (which hardly shrinks at all).
10/25/2016 11:32:23 AM
Comment on:
Election 2016 Tee

Should be fine. What's your height?
10/26/2016 7:42:51 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

Yes, same cut as previous standard issue shorts. Not sure which size you got, but previous batch may have started at 28" though, these now have 26".
10/26/2016 11:05:58 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

They should be fine since there are no real accent colors (there are plenty of other brands with black/grey IBJJF shorts). I would check with them first though before saying 100%.
10/26/2016 11:41:06 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

10/26/2016 11:38:57 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

Model is 5'6" 150 lbs wearing a size 30" (though he could likely rock the 28").
10/26/2016 11:52:32 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

Not possible for this one. They're already packaged as pairs of one size.
10/26/2016 11:40:27 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

If you can wear 28" jeans, get 28" shorts.
10/26/2016 11:40:03 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

The updated version just dropped today so nobody has them but us yet, but they are the same construction as previous (aside from aesthetic/branding changes) 93brand SI shorts but one feature: veclro closure now has a stronger stitching line.
10/26/2016 11:50:51 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

Yup. I wear a cup and I have been wearing these shorts 2x a week for 2 months :) No weirdness in the crotchial maximus region.
10/27/2016 8:38:05 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

Pretty much identical.
10/27/2016 8:49:35 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

Shoot an email to with the email address you used on the order form. They can confirm if an order went through or not and, worst case, set up a manual order for ya. Please include your desired size.
10/27/2016 8:48:52 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

I'd go 30", ideally. 32" will be a little roomy in the waist but doable since there is a drawstring. Depends on how you like your shorts to fit.
10/27/2016 8:44:16 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

Best course of action is to email with your order number and desired change. Provided it has not shipped and the size change is available with the remaining stock, they will oblige you.
10/27/2016 8:39:28 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

I'd stick with 38" shorts in this case.
10/27/2016 8:38:48 AM
Comment on:
93brand SS1 Jiu Jitsu Gi

This is a similiar fit to the bomber and goose and will not shrink much
11/1/2016 9:49:16 AM
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93brand SS1 Jiu Jitsu Gi

Narrower shoulders, adjusted hips and waist, stronger taper in the sleeves and pants.
10/31/2016 11:15:45 PM
Comment on:

Medium for more of a normal/fitted look, Large for a loose/relaxed fit.
11/2/2016 9:31:36 AM
Comment on:

You have emailed and not heard back? We usually respond same-day or 1 business day. If you've waited longer than that, my apologies and we'll get it sorted out for you ASAP. What is your order number?
11/2/2016 5:14:36 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Grappling Spats 2-PACK

Probably XL. I am 6'2" 185 lbs with big legs (I have the legs of a 210-220 pounder) and the XL fit me with some room to move.
11/7/2016 2:05:39 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Grappling Spats 2-PACK

Yea 2XL should be good for ya.
11/7/2016 2:02:09 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Grappling Spats 2-PACK

Each order must be for a 2-pack of the same size. You can place additional orders for other sizes, but each order will ship separately and include a $5 flat-rate shipping (for US).
11/7/2016 2:06:37 AM
Comment on:
93brand "100 KG" V3 Unbleached/Natural Gi

(It is $160 everywhere else)
11/11/2016 5:40:23 AM
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93brand "100 KG" V3 Unbleached/Natural Gi

A1L, yup
11/11/2016 5:40:40 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 3.0 BJJ Gi

Mostly a facelift (new accent color, new taping/patch details). Fabrics and cut are thr 2.0
11/15/2016 7:36:53 AM
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93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

11/17/2016 1:33:00 AM
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93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

A0h yup
11/17/2016 1:32:16 AM
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93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

11/17/2016 1:31:54 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

11/17/2016 1:31:38 AM
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93 Brand Hooks 2.0 Navy Gi & Free White Belt

11/17/2016 1:30:43 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Icon Black Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1 should do the trick.
11/21/2016 7:59:13 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Icon Black Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1 will be snug. A2 is a better pick.
11/21/2016 7:55:41 AM
Comment on:
Raven Battle Fish Spats

Yessir, Raven Gis will be on BJJHQ in due time.
11/22/2016 10:21:24 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A3 for sure.
11/25/2016 3:20:30 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1F is cutting it close, length wise, bur if you cold wash and hang dry you'll end up with a nice fitted/snug cut.
11/25/2016 3:23:57 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 3:19:09 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A2h and shrink aa needed.
11/25/2016 3:18:38 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 3:17:37 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A0h and shrink as needed.
11/25/2016 3:18:03 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 3:16:37 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 3:16:15 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A1 or A1F would have been a better choice for a more settled look. A1L will be roomier.
11/25/2016 3:22:06 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 3:14:56 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 3:14:46 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 3:14:35 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 9:32:25 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A2 and shrink as needed.
11/25/2016 9:33:13 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 9:32:06 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 9:31:55 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 9:31:44 AM
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93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

11/25/2016 9:33:28 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand GOTHAM Gi

A3 will be a too snug right now, but when you lose 15 lbs it will be perfect right now you'd need an A4 though.
11/25/2016 9:34:37 AM
Comment on:
Tatami x Meerkatsu "Dragon Fly" Gi

11/28/2016 1:34:18 PM
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Toro Belt Line Ranked Tees

It's not possible. All orders must be placed separately and with their own order number/shipping.
11/29/2016 10:10:21 AM
Comment on:
Toro Belt Line Ranked Tees

We're not set up for combining separate orders, sorry!
11/29/2016 10:09:53 AM
Comment on:
Toro Belt Line Ranked Tees

You'd need separate orders.
11/29/2016 10:10:48 AM
Comment on:
Raven Werewolf Gi

11/30/2016 10:03:03 AM
Comment on:
93brand GooseCOMP Lightweight Gi

Tamara, F2 will do fine. Model is your weight but 5'5" and the F2 is unwashed. If yoi get an F2 it'll fit well or if you find it a little big just shrink it to fit.
12/2/2016 1:54:43 AM
Comment on:
93brand GooseCOMP Lightweight Gi

Yes, A4 is stocked. The facebook post was pointing out all the "in between" sizes, in addition to all the regular sizes.
12/2/2016 12:58:36 PM
Comment on:
93brand GooseCOMP Lightweight Gi

12/2/2016 7:41:23 AM
Comment on:
93brand GooseCOMP Lightweight Gi

A2H will be a little loose at 200 lbs but if you shrink it it shouldnt be unwearable, just a little more of a relaxed fit. A3 isnt quite as wide as A2H, but would require some shrinkage as far as sleeve/pant length.
12/2/2016 12:57:54 PM
Comment on:
93brand GooseCOMP Lightweight Gi

A2L should do the trick!
12/2/2016 12:56:58 PM
Comment on:
93brand GooseCOMP Lightweight Gi

A1L should do the trick for you. The Hooks 2.0 is more prone to shrinkage than our other models, so for that one you could bump up to an A2.
12/2/2016 2:02:47 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 3.0 Blue

@Natasha the jacket is on the heavier side. Pants are midweight ripstop.
@Anonymous Regular A2 should suffice.
12/5/2016 11:33:41 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 3.0 Blue

Yep, ibjjf approved. Regarding the size, what's your height? If you mean 158cm, then A0S should do the trick.
12/5/2016 10:16:39 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 3.0 Blue

Yup. I am just under 6'2" and about 185 lbs and the A2S is a good fit.
12/5/2016 10:17:39 AM
Comment on:
Transformers OPTIMUS PRIME Rashguard

Small would be best.
12/8/2016 12:09:17 AM
Comment on:
Transformers OPTIMUS PRIME Rashguard

12/8/2016 3:00:31 PM
Comment on:
Transformers OPTIMUS PRIME Rashguard

Large should be best.
12/8/2016 2:59:59 PM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

A2 for a fitted look. A3 for a traditional look. I am your size (barely an inch taller and barely 5 lbs lighter) and I wear the a2. Cold wash hang dry.
12/14/2016 5:36:26 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

A0H as long as you cold wash and hang dry. If you're going to wish it warm and put it in the dryer, go for a2.
12/14/2016 6:26:00 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

12/14/2016 5:34:54 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

12/14/2016 5:34:40 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

12/14/2016 9:40:16 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

@Chris, sorry about this, man. Not acceptable. What's the email you were sending from? I'll make sure you get a response within the hour.
12/14/2016 9:42:02 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

12/14/2016 9:40:05 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

A1 should be just right.
12/14/2016 10:43:29 AM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

@pacman, @Anonymous machine dries and the Standard Issue is more prone to shrinkage than our other models.
12/14/2016 4:19:43 PM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

F2 if youre going to cold wash and hang dry. F3 if its going to touch the dryer or hot wash. Model is 5'5" 117 lbs wearing a once-cold-washed and hang dried F2.
12/14/2016 4:19:19 PM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

A2H yea
12/14/2016 4:18:42 PM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

12/14/2016 9:53:52 PM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

F1 unless you like a roomy fit, then f2
12/14/2016 9:53:40 PM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi - Dark Grey/Neon Green

12/16/2016 6:19:30 AM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi - Dark Grey/Neon Green

A1S is good for a traditional cut. A0 is good for a fitted look.
12/16/2016 9:41:50 AM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi - Dark Grey/Neon Green

A4 is the safer bet.
12/16/2016 9:23:09 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 3.0 Black Gi

Still not working? Only A5 is sold out. Try a different browser perhaps? Chrome to IE, Safari, Mozilla, etc.
12/19/2016 1:40:12 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 3.0 Black Gi

A2 should work.
12/19/2016 11:49:43 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Panda 3.0 Black Gi

A2 should work.
12/19/2016 10:47:32 AM
Comment on:
Tatami NOVA Plus Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2L will be on the fitted/snug side due to your weight. Definitely go for the A3!
12/21/2016 10:00:04 AM
Comment on:
93brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

Comparable. Safe to order the same size in the underwear and spats. I wear an XL in both S.I. spats and in the undies.
12/22/2016 10:01:39 AM
Comment on:
93brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

They technically have 'junk' space and are designed to suit male grapplers, but chicks could wear them as a base layer. I just wouldnt recomment wearing them as an outer layer (as vale tudo shorts, for example) since there will be some wiggle room over your junk-free area.
12/22/2016 10:01:05 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

12/27/2016 1:18:42 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

Fitted is more... fitted. Tapered sleeves, slight narrower torso, tapered pants, narrower waist.
12/27/2016 11:18:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A1. A1L if you have very long limbs.
12/27/2016 9:01:46 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

They are deliberate female cuts (modified and different from unisex)
12/27/2016 9:01:13 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A0h (note that the v3 is much more resistant to shrinkage than the previous model, 2.0)
12/27/2016 9:00:40 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

12/27/2016 8:59:36 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A1 is a good choice. A1F would work too, but be a more fitted/close cut.
12/27/2016 11:17:32 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A2L. If you like a baggier traditional cut, go for A3.
12/27/2016 11:15:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A2H would most likely work, yes.
12/27/2016 11:15:56 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A2L yup. Only comes with a white belt standard.
12/27/2016 11:14:30 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A3L and shrink as needed.
12/27/2016 5:33:17 PM
Comment on:
93brand STRANGLE THINGS Rashguard

Xl for a pretty snug fit, 2xl for a more casual slightly looser compression fit.
12/30/2016 8:03:20 AM
Comment on:
93brand STRANGLE THINGS Rashguard

You'd need to place separate orders for multiple rash guards
12/30/2016 8:05:14 AM
Comment on:
93brand STRANGLE THINGS Rashguard

Xl for this one.
12/30/2016 8:04:51 AM
Comment on:
93brand STRANGLE THINGS Rashguard

Small should still be fine.
12/30/2016 8:04:29 AM
Comment on:
93brand STRANGLE THINGS Rashguard

12/30/2016 10:19:43 AM
Comment on:
93brand STRANGLE THINGS Rashguard

Sit tight... Rolling Deals will be here before you know it. Hint: before 2016 is over...
12/30/2016 10:46:12 AM
Comment on:
93brand God Shorts

I'd suggest 30", especially if youre dropping weight.
1/3/2017 11:20:11 PM
Comment on:
93brand God Shorts

If you have thin to average thighs, I'd round down to 30". If you have thicker thighs, 32" will be fine.
1/3/2017 11:18:58 PM
Comment on:
93brand God Shorts

We haven't tried, but shouldnt be too difficult. Just need to turn em inside out and take seam rippers or sharp scissors to all the stitching (primarily around the waist line).
1/3/2017 11:38:10 PM
Comment on:
93brand God Shorts

1/4/2017 9:50:07 AM
Comment on:
93brand God Shorts

We appreciate the observation and input. If male grapplers cant get over purple being a 'feminine' color, I don't know what to tell 'em! And I feel for their gender identity struggles when they get promoted to purple belt. . .
1/4/2017 9:51:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand God Shorts

"and, yes, my OCD submits when belt color no longer coordinates with gi color" Lol :) My hang up was the opposite; at blue belt i never wore blue gis because it was too uniform.

FWIW 93brand does have black/grey shorts, all black shorts, light grey shorts, dark grey shorts, navy shorts, all white shorts, etc. Sometimes you've got to be edgy though. . . sprinkle a little purp in there :-D
The Black/Purple Hooks was one of the best selling Gis thus far.
1/4/2017 10:24:01 AM
Comment on:
93brand God Shorts

28" should be fine. Model has hips and narrow waist and they suit her well.
1/4/2017 6:03:54 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

A1L would be best.
1/16/2017 11:42:39 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

There were a couple pieces in stock but they moved quickly.
1/17/2017 9:52:11 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

Very minimal shrinkage on the Hooks V3 (esp compared to the 2.0)

You should fit well in an A2 if you like a tailored cut (recommended cold wash hang dry). A2L if youre going to put it in the dryer. If you like a more traditional Rorion Gracie style fit, get the A3.

For reference, I am the model in the pics and I'm 6'2" 185 lbs. I wear an A2L very comfortably.
1/17/2017 12:09:35 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Mine is Glory" Spats

Ground Game typically ends their size range at 2XL
1/18/2017 9:35:01 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Mine is Glory" Spats

Large is the best pick. Might be slightly shorter than intended, but XL will probably be a little loose around the ankles.
1/18/2017 9:34:35 AM
Comment on:
Gr1ps Secret Weapon EVO Gi

This is the model after the Secret Weapon 2.0, yes. Fit should be about on par with the previous SW model.
1/19/2017 8:41:10 AM
Comment on:
Gr1ps Secret Weapon EVO Gi

You should be able to shrink the A2 to fit, yes.
1/19/2017 8:40:14 AM
Comment on:
93brand Floral Shorts

All 93 tend to fit the same, yes. The waist is standard (30", 32", etc) but they are cut a bit shorter.
1/20/2017 8:24:35 AM
Comment on:
93brand BRASILIA Spats

Large should be good. I am 6'2" 185 lbs and I have thunder thighs - i'm the dude who models all the 93brand Gis... my thighs are the reason our boy Frankie does the nogi shoots :) :) :)

I wear XL in 93brand Standard Issue (snug fit but I like it) and L in the premium sublimated spats. I also wear L in Tatami spats.
1/24/2017 2:18:16 PM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger Pro Backpack

Absolutely big enough for a gi and then some.
1/26/2017 10:10:00 AM
Comment on:
Venum Challenger Pro Backpack

Thanks for the love, Chuck!
1/26/2017 10:09:24 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK - Batch No. 4

1/30/2017 6:08:52 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK - Batch No. 4

Whats your height? At 190 I comfortably wore the XL. I'm 6'2" and am closer to 180 now (still wearing XL).
1/30/2017 6:11:03 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK - Batch No. 4

XL for a snug fit.
2XL only if you have particularly built legs.
1/30/2017 6:10:06 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK - Batch No. 4

1/30/2017 9:00:39 AM
Comment on:
Raven WATER Rashguard

It's not intended to be a ranked rashguard, but it should pass for blue belt divisions if you want it to.
2/1/2017 9:29:45 AM
Comment on:
Raven WATER Rashguard

It's not intended to be a ranked rashguard, but it should pass for blue belt divisions if you want it to.
2/1/2017 9:29:15 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A1 should be fine.
2/1/2017 11:44:28 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

A0H for a snug/fitted cut. A2 for a more traditional cut.
2/2/2017 8:04:46 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

2/2/2017 8:03:32 AM
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93 Brand Black Hooks 2.0 Gi

It's listed at the bottom of the product description.
2/2/2017 8:03:00 AM
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93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

These do not. The elastic was removed for a different feel (less bulky waistband) and the waist was tapered to compensate for the removed elastic. Started doing it this way with the release of the Mint shorts.
2/6/2017 11:42:51 PM
Comment on:
93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

That's the short version, although they're a little loose on him (picked up the shorts before weight cut, then he cut a few dozen pounds haha).
2/6/2017 11:41:00 PM
Comment on:
93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

Shoot an email to with your order number and they'll take care of it for you.
2/6/2017 11:38:19 PM
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93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

Technically the grey pattern makes them illegal. However Shoyoroll has all their sponsored guys wear shorts that are black with grey giant logo during competition. So while we can't guarantee it, they *should* allow it. If they don't, I'm going to have to call Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones to do an infowars piece on this g*ddamn IBJJF conspiracy.
2/7/2017 3:36:34 PM
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93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

Haha no!
2/7/2017 8:06:27 AM
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93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

2/7/2017 8:06:13 AM
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93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

Probably 34, but let me ask what size do you wear in jeans?
2/7/2017 9:39:09 AM
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Venum ELITE Light BJJ Gi - Black

A2.5 should be the way to go. And then an easy shrink as needed if you want more of a fitted cut.
2/10/2017 10:00:12 AM
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93brand Rollers V2 Spats

2/13/2017 8:15:48 AM
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93brand Rollers V2 Spats

Large. I'm 183 lbs (6'2") and Large 93brand premium/sublimated spats fit me perfectly. Model is 175 lbs and wearing Large, but you can see he has a little room to fill them out (not skin tight).
2/13/2017 9:51:39 AM
Comment on:
93brand Rollers V2 Spats

Medium should be fine. Small if you have thin legs or like a nice tight fit (or if your waist is below 30").
2/13/2017 2:25:42 PM
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93brand Standard Issue 7/8 Sleeve Rashguard 2-PACK

2/16/2017 4:39:33 AM
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93brand Standard Issue 7/8 Sleeve Rashguard 2-PACK

Womens Medium should do fine if youve got a more built upper body. Model is wearing a small and is just under 120 lbs at around 5'4"
2/16/2017 8:58:15 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue 7/8 Sleeve Rashguard 2-PACK

Large is best for ya.
2/16/2017 10:09:03 AM
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93brand Standard Issue 7/8 Sleeve Rashguard 2-PACK

2/16/2017 8:57:01 PM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi

Regular A1 should do the trick, just stick with cold wash and hang dry since you're at the top of the height range.
2/17/2017 7:22:23 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi

Eva foam core with twill wrapping.
2/17/2017 7:19:39 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi

We stopped the short sleeve once and it sood out. Long sleeve is in production now.
2/17/2017 7:20:31 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi

Stopped = dropped
2/17/2017 7:20:58 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi

Definitely not. Also the contrast collar is a deal breaker for IBJJF jerks I mean regulations.
2/17/2017 2:43:44 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Starlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi

What's your height/weight?
2/17/2017 2:15:41 PM
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Inverted Gear Ranked BJJ Rashguards

Large if you want a little wiggle room. Medium for the intended snug fit.
2/20/2017 3:49:05 PM
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93brand GOOSE V2

Brennan accidentally put Haterade in his Wheaties this morning.
2/21/2017 10:56:09 AM
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93brand GOOSE V2

A1 is perfect.
2/20/2017 11:29:53 PM
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93brand GOOSE V2

There will likely be another 93 Gi on BJJHQ before February is up :)
2/21/2017 7:34:52 AM
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93brand GOOSE V2

Should be a solid fit.
2/21/2017 11:55:08 AM
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93brand GOOSE V2

2/21/2017 7:18:03 AM
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93brand GOOSE V2

Cuts are different (womens tapers more at the sleeves and pants, narrower shoulders too), and the A0 is a little bigger than the F1.
2/21/2017 3:44:50 PM
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93brand GOOSE V2

If the A2 was a little long, go for an A1L for your next 93brand Gi.
2/21/2017 3:44:12 PM
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93brand GOOSE V2

A2 and cold wash, hang dry. Or A2L and wash however you like. If you prefer a fitted cut, you could even rock the A1L as long as you cold wash and hang dry.
2/21/2017 3:43:45 PM
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Platinum Heavy Artillery Hoodie

They're pretty true to fit. Definitely not an athletic fit. So you could go L for a more tailored look, or XL for a looser roomy fit.
2/22/2017 12:58:45 PM
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Triumph United Series 2 White Gi

A4 and shrink as needed
2/23/2017 5:37:55 AM
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Hyperfly Premium BJJ Gi - Royal Blue

2/25/2017 2:09:43 PM
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PunchTown Outlaw Shorts

34, yup.
2/28/2017 10:28:31 AM
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PunchTown Outlaw Shorts

@otsismi - sorry about that. what's the name or email you messaged us under? Customer service doesnt work sat/sun so if you emailed late on Friday we might not have gotten up on it yet (normally we catch on mondays but this monday we had 2 of the CS team out sick so we're a little backed up). I promise we'll get you your gear, or your refund if you prefer. Thank you for hanging on.
2/28/2017 10:37:33 AM
Comment on:
PunchTown Outlaw Shorts

@otsismi found it, thank you. Since it came in on Friday and we were a little backed up, I see it hasnt been responded to. Normally we'll hit you back in 1 business day. I'm not sure why your order never updated with tracking, we're looking into it now and will have it reprocessed/shipped asap. It may have been lost, sorry about that!
2/28/2017 1:02:53 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Outlaw Shorts

Hey guys & gals regarding soap:

If your order doesnt say shipped, that might not mean it didnt ship. We had so many orders of the soap that the post office said they can't possibly scan them all in the day's shipment. So the tracking is tough on that one. The volume of orders was above what we expected (and we expected high volume), so some orders didnt ship for a few business days. If you don't receive your soap in the next 2 business days, we'll reship or refund (up to you). Apologies for the complication on this one! Thank you for your patience.

2/28/2017 3:01:41 PM
Comment on:
PunchTown Outlaw Shorts

The 93brand bag? Those shipped yesterday and some are shipping today. However if it was packed late in the day yesterday, it missed our daily USPS or UPS pickups so it'll show movement today or worst case tomorrow. Thanks!
2/28/2017 4:07:27 PM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A2H for sure!
2/28/2017 11:03:23 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

We had a lot more A sizes than F sizes, so they sold very quickly. We threw some more stock on the women's just now though :)
2/28/2017 11:25:57 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

What brand was your A3? And was it too long?
2/28/2017 11:11:09 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

You could wear an A2, but this is what A0H is built for :) that's your best bet.
2/28/2017 11:23:17 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

We had a lot more A sizes than F sizes, so they sold very quickly. We threw some more stock on the women's just now though :)
2/28/2017 11:26:08 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A3L and shrink as needed.
2/28/2017 11:15:37 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

If your previous 93 was an A2, stick with that. You could rock the A2L as well, just might be a tad long at first. Always have the option of shrinking it down at first in that case. Up to you :)
2/28/2017 11:17:19 PM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

If you're on the stocky side: A0H and shrink as needed. If you're slimmer, A1F.
For reference, model is wearing an unwashed A1F and he's 5'6" 145-150 lbs.
2/28/2017 11:19:56 PM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

It'd be a close call, but if 195 lbs is your max then it'd likely work. A2 is also a safe choice. A2 would be long at first but a cold wash followed by one or two medium heat drying cycles should get it down sufficiently.
2/28/2017 11:45:58 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

Our A4 should be the way to go. The A2H may work but you'd have to cold wash and hang dry to ensure it doesnt become too short. I have a teammate 245 lbs 5'7" and it's wide enough but to long on him.
2/28/2017 11:28:57 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

Hmm, if you're selecting the size and then clicking Buy Now, it should work. If not, try clearing your cache/cookies or using a different browser.
2/28/2017 11:26:54 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

Yes. Or A1L.
3/1/2017 9:20:08 AM
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93brand Graffiti Spats

Long Sleeve is in the works!
3/6/2017 5:06:34 PM
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DOorDIE Hyperlyte Bronze

Which 93brand Gi? The top on this Gi is the same feel/weight as the Zodiac, Charlie, and GooseCOMP. The pants are like the Hooks pants.
3/7/2017 9:47:52 AM
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DOorDIE Hyperlyte Bronze

A1 should work fine
3/7/2017 9:47:12 AM
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DOorDIE Hyperlyte Bronze

It is.
3/7/2017 9:42:39 AM
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93brand VINTAGE Hoodie

They're fitted, but XL should still fit you. Or 2XL and shrink it down a little bit. Depends on how you like your fit. Model is 6'2" 180 lbs wearing an unwashed large.
3/9/2017 11:11:45 PM
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93brand VINTAGE Hoodie

Only exterior designs are the chest print and pocket print. Back is plain.
3/9/2017 11:17:32 PM
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93brand VINTAGE Hoodie

Medium is the way to go IMO.
3/9/2017 11:17:00 PM
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93brand VINTAGE Hoodie

For sure. You just have to make sure you wear black jeans with it.
3/9/2017 11:39:56 PM
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93brand VINTAGE Hoodie

3/10/2017 1:36:08 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

If you machine dry or wash warm/hot, there is notable shrinkage on this weave. Cold wash and hang dry for less shrinkage.
3/14/2017 12:10:57 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

A2 and shrink as needed
3/14/2017 10:29:24 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Blue Gi

Main differences are narrower shoulders more tapered sleeves / pants. Unless he's got broad shoulders or very long limbs, it should work for a 10 yr old that size.
3/14/2017 12:21:44 PM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Navy BJJ Gi

A3 for a more fitted Gi (think: Miyao). A4 for a more traditional/looser fit (think: Rorion Gracie)
3/16/2017 11:33:54 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Navy BJJ Gi

3/16/2017 11:32:53 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Navy BJJ Gi

3/16/2017 5:28:36 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Navy BJJ Gi

Just FYI this Gi top is not ripstop, it's a whole new weave. Superior to ripstop in my humble opinion. And more comfortable, no question.
3/16/2017 11:32:11 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Navy BJJ Gi :)
3/16/2017 11:31:26 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Navy BJJ Gi

3/16/2017 11:31:00 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Starlyte Navy BJJ Gi

A2 should be the best fit for this Gi, though it might be a little snug width-wise. Just be careful washing/drying (stick with a cold wash and hang dry). If you machine dry, you'd need an A0H most likely, but that's not offered on this Gi (available on 93brand Gis only at this time).
3/16/2017 11:30:33 AM
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93brand Americana Spats

^^^ what rambo said
3/20/2017 2:09:34 AM
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93brand Americana Spats

Large or XL wouls both be long enough. Im 6'2" 185 lbs and the large fits perfectly. I can swing XL too though, so you could do either one. However XL is probably a safer bet.
I'm a 33" waist and have larger than average legs.
3/20/2017 2:56:31 AM
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93brand Americana Spats

3/20/2017 2:09:08 AM
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93brand Americana Spats

3/20/2017 2:08:54 AM
Comment on:
93brand Americana Spats

XL should be perfect
3/20/2017 7:40:58 AM
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93brand Americana Spats

Not for these, sorry!
3/20/2017 1:05:57 PM
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Manto NEO Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

A1 and shrink to fit (cold wash, machine dry until it's where you need it).
3/21/2017 4:00:37 PM
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Manto NEO Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

3/21/2017 4:00:07 PM
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Manto NEO Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

A2 and cold wash / hang dry, but it would be borderline too big. A3 and shrink as needed, IMO, is a better option.
3/21/2017 3:59:27 PM
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Manto NEO Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

Yes, white belt included.
3/21/2017 3:58:54 PM
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Odin Mech Warrior Rashguard

Hahaha @celloshred. @Dafs do you have a crazy long torso? I'd say Medium is the happy medium. Get it? #jokes.

Seriously though. small with be nice and tight, but potentially too short for your height.
3/24/2017 10:47:34 AM
Comment on:
Odin Mech Warrior Rashguard

You're probably in Small range for this one. Unless you like your rashies to fit a little looser.
3/24/2017 10:46:40 AM
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93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

A4 and shrink as needed
3/25/2017 10:06:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

Whats your weight/height?
3/25/2017 10:04:32 AM
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93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

If you dont mind length then a2 (otherwise I'd have said a1L for a fit more like the one in the pics)
3/25/2017 4:18:07 AM
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PunchTown RAGE Long-Sleeve Rashguard

50 shades of grey.
3/27/2017 11:04:29 AM
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PunchTown RAGE Long-Sleeve Rashguard

JK. More like 4 different shades of grey :)
3/27/2017 11:04:47 AM
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Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

A1 should be fine.
3/28/2017 11:56:57 AM
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Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

3/28/2017 11:56:47 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

These do not fit like 93brand per se, but you should be fine with A1L.
3/28/2017 11:54:01 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

A2 as long as you cold wash and hang dry. It'll be a fitted cut on you. Or A3 and try to shrink to fit (though this will get you a more traditional, roomier cut).
3/28/2017 11:56:21 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

425 GSM top (Pearl Weave). 12 oz twill pants.

Cut is fairly standard. Comparable, though not exact, to 93brand and Inverted Gear.
3/28/2017 11:54:53 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

3/28/2017 11:55:18 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

Anything sold on BJJHQ is purchased directly from the vendor, so if that happened to you on BJJHQ then Venum must have slipped up and sent us a Gi jacket in the packaging. Email with your order number and we'll take care of you.
3/28/2017 11:53:16 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Tranquility" Gi - Black

Main jacket material is a comfy 425 GSM Pearl Weave, matched up with a reliable 12oz twill cotton set of trousers.
3/28/2017 11:52:16 AM
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93brand "Strong Snake" Spats

No internal drawstring on these.
3/29/2017 12:59:42 PM
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93brand "Strong Snake" Spats

140 lbs would be a women's Medium most likely.
3/29/2017 1:00:07 PM
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Manto X Pro 2.0 Gi - White

A2L and A3 are comparable if not identical wingspan.
3/31/2017 4:22:32 PM
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Manto X Pro 2.0 Gi - White

A4 and shrink yea
3/31/2017 4:21:53 PM
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93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

Almost definitely not :)
4/1/2017 11:39:58 PM
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93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

A3 and shrink as needed.
4/2/2017 9:41:45 AM
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93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

It's not a super heavyweight GI, more of a midweight. But it has full length knee reinforcements and two-ply sleeves (triangular ripstop panel along the elbow-to-sleeve) and a thicker collar, so it feels a bit more substantial than your typical light-midweight Gi.
4/2/2017 9:41:27 AM
Comment on:
Ground Game "Hear Me Crank" Spats

Only if you're a red/orange belt.
4/3/2017 9:47:19 AM
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Grips Primero EVO Blue Gi

A3, yep.
4/4/2017 10:31:24 AM
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Grips Primero EVO Blue Gi

4/4/2017 10:34:26 AM
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Grips Primero EVO Blue Gi

A4 and shrink to fit.
4/4/2017 10:34:18 AM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

4/5/2017 11:17:44 PM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

XL should be good. 2XL if you like a roomier cut.
4/6/2017 11:24:44 AM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

It's slightly athletic, yes. Granted the model is wearing a size down (unwashed) because it looks better for photos.
4/6/2017 11:29:07 AM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

Small is what I'd recommend.
4/6/2017 11:29:25 AM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

Large should do the trick. Unless you like a roomy fit or have an extremely long torso, in which case you could bump to XL.
4/6/2017 11:28:19 AM
Comment on:
93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

Medium should be perfect.
4/6/2017 11:27:28 AM
Comment on:
93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

You'd need to place 2 separate orders.
4/6/2017 3:30:44 PM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

You'd need to place 2 separate orders.
4/6/2017 11:27:00 AM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

Not mentioned in the sale here because it was going to be a surprise, but it was mentioned on :)
4/6/2017 1:24:39 PM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

4/6/2017 11:26:40 AM
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93brand ROLL or DIE Tee

XL should be good. Model is 6'2" 182 lbs and wearing an unwashed Medium. Same model wears this tee in large (after washed/dried) for a similar fit to the photos.
4/6/2017 11:24:12 AM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black/Mint

4/7/2017 10:42:09 PM
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Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black/Mint

4/7/2017 10:40:54 PM
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Tatami Basic Jiu Jitsu Backpack

We got an A2L Gi in there, with room for a rashie and shorts. As long as you fold it up well it should do the trick. Perhaps a heavier weight A4 would be tougher though.
4/8/2017 6:33:43 PM
Comment on:
Raven "Ulfhedinn" Gi

Sublimated lining makes it illegal -_-
4/11/2017 10:18:43 AM
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93brand AMERICANA Shorts

4/12/2017 11:16:07 PM
Comment on:
93brand AMERICANA Shorts

38" should be the right choice.
4/13/2017 10:54:50 AM
Comment on:
93brand AMERICANA Shorts

32 should be fine.
4/12/2017 11:50:36 PM
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93brand AMERICANA Shorts

Go for 28 for sure.
4/13/2017 7:41:32 AM
Comment on:
93brand AMERICANA Shorts

Men's inseam on Regular: 9"
Men's inseam on Short: 6"
Women's inseam (on a size L) is 5.75"
4/13/2017 9:51:18 AM
Comment on:
93brand AMERICANA Shorts

Negative. 93brand has two styles of shorts: Standard issue (the plain 2pack ones youre referring to) and the premium sublimated style (these). They are similar cut but different materials.
4/13/2017 10:48:24 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Black Gi

A2H is best. Unfortunately this one is not available in that size. The best compromise would be A4 but that will likely be a bit long for you and need to be shrunk and/or tailored. A2H would be a much better fit, available on other Inverted Gear, 93brand, most DOorDIE, and other Tatami features that are regularly on
4/14/2017 11:27:02 AM
Comment on:
93brand "100 KG" V3 Unbleached/Natural Gi

A2 and shrink as needed
4/16/2017 1:25:31 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Light on the Feet" Flip Flops

Try clearing cache and refreshing, all sizes are still in stock.
4/18/2017 5:50:40 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Light on the Feet" Flip Flops

Try clearing your cache and refreshing the page. All sizes are stocked.
4/18/2017 5:51:46 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Light on the Feet" Flip Flops

You'd need to place two separate orders.
4/18/2017 5:52:18 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Suparaito Gi

A6 should definitely be the choice.
4/19/2017 11:07:54 AM
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Fuji Suparaito Gi

A3 and shrink to fit. Fuji runs smaller than 93brand by a decent margin. I am A2 or A2L in 93, but my Fuji A3 is even smaller.
4/19/2017 10:41:46 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly ProComp Duffle Bag

4/20/2017 10:48:26 AM
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Manto Rooster Gi - Blue

Fairly slim, particularly the L sizes. Comparable to other Manto Gis and a little slimmer than 93brand/Inverted Gear.
4/21/2017 11:31:34 AM
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93brand "Crack is Wack" Spats

Womens M
4/24/2017 10:33:36 PM
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Terminator 2 Skynet BJJ Gi

I'd recommend A2 for this one.
4/25/2017 2:19:30 PM
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93brand UFOmoplata Spats

Did you get 1 or 2 email confirmations? Drop us an email at and well check it out.
5/2/2017 11:20:56 PM
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Ye Olde Guillotine Tee

5/5/2017 1:57:54 PM
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Scramble TABORI Rashguard

Model is 6'2" 182 lbs wearing a large.
5/6/2017 10:42:37 PM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

5/8/2017 2:46:37 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

A little bit shorter
5/8/2017 12:00:34 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

5/8/2017 12:00:10 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

5/8/2017 2:45:58 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

My guess would be 30 or 32" depending on how your legs are built. You wear Medium in Jiu Jitsu spats?
5/8/2017 6:49:04 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

Well, the shorts have stretch to them. So if youre a 32 or 33 in most jeans that have stretch, you could go for 32" and get more of a short look. The model wearing black shorts (me) is 6'2" 182 lbs but bigger thighs/legs. 33" in jeans, but like you they gotta have stretch to 'em and they're kinda tight. I'm wearing 32" shorts in the pics, which is my preference. I can also wear 34", but I prefer the fitted look and it's not restricting since the material has some stretch in it.
5/8/2017 6:34:42 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Standard Issue Shorts 2 Pack

all sizes are stocked!
5/8/2017 3:18:38 PM
Comment on:
Raven Ulfhedinn Spats

Medium most likely. Unless you are particularly bottom heavy.
5/9/2017 11:40:39 AM
Comment on:
Raven Ulfhedinn Spats

XL should be the way to go. Unless you like a very snug fit.
5/9/2017 11:41:33 AM
Comment on:
Tatami "Triple Threat" Jiu Jitsu Gi

5/10/2017 3:56:32 PM
Comment on:
Tatami "Triple Threat" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A5 would be your best bet IMO.
5/10/2017 3:56:10 PM
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93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

A3, yes!
5/12/2017 5:55:11 AM
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93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

A2H should be the way to go. Unless you like i more snug, then you can likely fit into an A2 (provided you *always* cold wash and hang dry).
5/12/2017 5:54:38 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

A2 should do well. This one will shrink a little if you deliberately wash warm/machine dry, but is otherwise pretty resistant to shrinkage. Cold wash/hang dry and it will hardly shrink at all.
5/12/2017 5:56:01 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

A1L will work for ya (its not the same a1l dimensions as Inverted).
5/12/2017 5:53:15 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

5/12/2017 5:52:39 AM
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93brand Athletic Tape

For these, scissors are not necessary.
5/16/2017 11:22:39 AM
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93brand GOOSE V2

5/19/2017 5:38:03 AM
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93brand GOOSE V2

5/19/2017 5:37:45 AM
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93brand GOOSE V2

A2 (and cold wash, hang dry at first)
5/19/2017 9:20:33 AM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A0T is best (and, if needed, shrink to your desired fit).
5/23/2017 9:23:45 AM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A0T = A0S so it's:

5'0" - 5'3" and 100-130 lbs
5/23/2017 9:23:01 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

@vonne021 - These don't shrink a whole lot *unless* you deliberately try. So if you get a size larger and hot wash/machine dry once or twice, you'll get a fair amount of shrinkage.
5/23/2017 1:29:50 PM
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Armbar Soap Company - Random 5-PACK

If you mean direct sunlight 90-100 degrees... Yes
5/24/2017 9:02:51 AM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Should be fine. Just stick with a cold wash and hang dry.
5/30/2017 1:55:57 AM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

A1 should be fine. Just stick to cold wash and hang dry ideally. A0H and shrink to fit, *if* you're very broad for your size.
5/30/2017 2:39:54 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

A1 and shrink as needed.
5/30/2017 2:37:53 PM
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Scramble Athlete V2 Gi - Black

Negative. It's on the lighter side.
6/1/2017 2:15:44 PM
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Scramble Athlete V2 Gi - Black

A2 should be good. The model is 6'2" 180 lbs and wearing an A2 regular. Cold wash, hang dry, and you should be good.
6/1/2017 2:15:21 PM
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93brand MINT Spats

Waist size? Leaning toward small but if you're over 32" then medium
6/2/2017 1:03:18 AM
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93brand MINT Spats

6/2/2017 9:35:26 AM
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93brand MINT Spats

Large unless you've got thin legs... then medium
6/2/2017 9:34:52 AM
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93brand MINT Spats

Yes. Email with your order number.
6/2/2017 9:35:14 AM
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93brand MINT Spats

6/2/2017 10:38:45 PM
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93brand MINT Spats

3XL yes!
6/2/2017 10:36:17 PM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Gi - Grey

A1 should be just right.
6/5/2017 1:35:30 PM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

F4 is better IMO. Or regular A1 and shrink fit as needed
6/6/2017 11:45:05 PM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

It doesn't. With a cold wash and hang dry its very resisitant to shrinkage. If you deliverately try (warm wash and heat dry) one or two times, youll get a little shrinkage out of it.
6/7/2017 7:25:00 AM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

The SS2 doesnt shrink much at all. I'd recommend A2 over A2H.
6/6/2017 11:45:42 PM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

6/7/2017 7:28:05 AM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

A3 should be just right.
6/7/2017 7:27:49 AM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

A2 should be fine. If you like a fitted look, A1L will suffice.
6/7/2017 7:26:38 AM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Guy in pic is 6'2" 179 lbs and wears an unwashed A1L in the photos.
6/7/2017 7:25:57 AM
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Raven "East Meets West" Spats

Large should be good unless you have very thin legs, then get a Medium.
6/8/2017 4:18:35 PM
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93brand ART OF WAR Rashguard

6/12/2017 1:17:23 AM
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93brand ART OF WAR Rashguard

Youre getting this error during checkout?
6/12/2017 9:07:38 AM
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93brand ART OF WAR Rashguard

Nearly identical. Just has less if a wide cur neck.
6/12/2017 7:41:02 AM
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93brand ART OF WAR Rashguard

Cut *
6/12/2017 7:41:13 AM
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93brand ART OF WAR Rashguard

Large :)
6/12/2017 7:40:18 AM
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Manto VOODOO Jiu Jitsu Gi

If youre putting it in the dryer, A3!
6/13/2017 12:41:28 PM
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Manto VOODOO Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1L if you like a slimmer fit. A2 if you like a roomy fit.
6/13/2017 12:41:11 PM
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Manto VOODOO Jiu Jitsu Gi

The Charlie is retired. Gold Label is in stock (partially) on and will likely be restocked later this summer. Goose COMP isn't in production at the moment but will be restocked eventually.
6/13/2017 12:40:43 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A1F and shrink as needed.
6/15/2017 11:21:31 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

6/15/2017 11:22:18 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

Sizing is not as small as Fuji. Yes, definitely IBJJF legal.
6/15/2017 11:20:27 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A1 should do the trick.
6/15/2017 11:23:24 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A2H and shrink as needed.
6/15/2017 11:16:24 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

What MKS said :)
6/15/2017 11:19:15 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A2H and shrink if needed.
6/15/2017 11:20:50 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

Regular A1 is the way to go :)
6/15/2017 11:15:52 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A2 and shrink as needed.
6/15/2017 11:14:54 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A1F should be great. Male model is wearing A1F, washed, and he's 5'6" 145 lbs.
6/15/2017 11:14:23 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

A3 will get you a more traditional fit. A2L (cold wash) will get you a nice tailored look.

I'm 6'2" 180 lbs and I much prefer A2L.
6/15/2017 11:13:44 AM
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93 Brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK

If youve got muscular legs, yes. Otherwise Large is a better fit.
6/18/2017 1:10:53 PM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A3 for a fitted Gi. If you want a roomier cut, go for A4 and shrink it down as needed.
6/19/2017 10:27:06 AM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A4 and cold wash / hang dry
6/19/2017 1:32:58 PM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

6/19/2017 1:32:34 PM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

I would go for the A2 and shrink as needed.
6/19/2017 10:11:09 AM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

A2 and shrink as needed. It wont be too big.
6/19/2017 1:31:36 PM
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Ground Game Champion Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

Definitely suitable for regular use in addition to comps.
6/21/2017 9:52:51 AM
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Tatami Honey Badger V4 Fight Shorts

These run true-to-fit, perhaps on the slim side as far as the hips. So if you've got thunder thighs you can go up a size but otherwise stick to your usual pants/shorts size.
6/23/2017 10:25:03 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A2L should be perfect after a wash. If you have broad shoulders or tree trunk legs, you could do A3 but it'd require some shrinking to fit :)
6/26/2017 9:45:58 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

@Richard - similar weight ranges, yes, but IG and 93 have different overall cuts. IG has wider sleeves and - I believe - less taper in the pant cuffs as well.
6/26/2017 5:06:42 PM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A3 should be good for ya Bryant. Stick with a cold wash and hang dry.
6/26/2017 10:10:17 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

A1L and cold wash / hang dry. Or A2 if you insist on dryer use.
6/26/2017 10:10:48 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

Yes re: IBJJF.
F3 and cold wash / hang dry. . . or the Standard/Men's size A0 :)
6/26/2017 10:12:41 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

Did you wash on hot or use a lot of dryer action? Generally artificial shrinking will result in some stretching once it's soaked in sweat again (so ideally you want the size that will *not* require shrinking to fit).
6/26/2017 10:01:56 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

If you emailed you should be fine, Markansas!
6/26/2017 9:48:36 AM
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93brand SPLATTER Shorts

CE Jones...whats your weight and height? I'd lean toward 38 but will have a better idea once I know that info
6/29/2017 8:14:07 AM
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93brand SPLATTER Shorts

For question. I would lean toward no.
6/29/2017 8:12:26 AM
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93brand SPLATTER Shorts

Good* question
6/29/2017 8:12:41 AM
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93brand SPLATTER Shorts

Pant size
6/29/2017 8:11:29 AM
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93brand SPLATTER Shorts

Shorter is great for thicker thighs. I got thunder thighs and I order my usual size but in Short Length. Only downside is when the ladies see my hams they objectify me and cannot focus on training.
6/29/2017 8:11:19 AM
Comment on:
Raven "Thor" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey

At 450 GSM, it's right about the middle of the spectrum (some would say on the lighter side, but these days 450 is the middle).
7/6/2017 10:05:00 AM
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Raven "Thor" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey

Normal shrinkage (pretty resistant if you cold wash, but you can get two inches out of it if you hot wash and machine dry).
7/6/2017 9:44:28 AM
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Raven "Thor" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey

A2 should be fine after a wash and - if needed - machine dry.
7/6/2017 9:45:53 AM
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Raven "Thor" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey

A2T and shrink as needed. A3T would be a little loose.
I am 6'2" 180 lbs and the A2T fits me very well. Given the 12 lbs difference, you'd just need to shrink it a bit.
7/6/2017 9:45:25 AM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu or Death" Tee

Dont order a size up, stick with your normal size.
7/7/2017 2:52:40 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu or Death" Tee

Model is 185 lbs wearing unwashed medium. Generally wears a washed large though. You should do the same.
7/7/2017 9:20:34 AM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu or Death" Tee

Not a whole lot of shrinkage since its a blend :)
7/7/2017 2:51:54 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu or Death" Tee

7/7/2017 2:51:33 PM
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Hyperfly YCTH Pro Shorts - Black/Green

32 should be good for ya.
7/10/2017 5:54:47 PM
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93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

it's an A2, and model (me) is 6'2" - it shrunk about 1.5" after HOT washes and dries. It was fitted for the shoot, but for training I wear an A2L (which I washed the same way), since I'm taller.
7/11/2017 11:00:38 AM
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93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

A1F would work for you, C!
7/11/2017 11:21:32 AM
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93brand Blacked Out "Strasse" Gi

Of course! The dude in the photo hit the "Twister" which is deadly! Banned in all IBJJF tournaments :) Deadly stuff
7/11/2017 11:15:24 AM
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Venum ELITE Classic Gi - Blue

420 GSM Pearl
7/13/2017 9:59:46 AM
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93brand BODY BUTCHERS Rashguard

Yup. Same model wearing the same size too.
7/14/2017 9:35:08 AM
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93brand BODY BUTCHERS Rashguard

The original Strangle Things ran smaller/tighter than all other 93brand rashguards, so no. This run the same as Hell Hooks, Graffiti, Art of War.
7/14/2017 9:37:29 AM
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93brand BODY BUTCHERS Rashguard

3XL didn't come in on this shipment, sorry for the confusion!
7/14/2017 9:38:45 AM
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93brand BODY BUTCHERS Rashguard

If you've got particularly broad shoulders and your upper body is built, go for Large. In any other circumstance I'd say Medium for anyone 163 lbs though. Model is 180 lbs @ 6'2" wearing a Large.
7/14/2017 9:36:36 AM
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93brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

More in line with your pants size. If you're a 34" jeans, order L/34
7/17/2017 9:57:37 AM
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93brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

Women's are being sampled but not approved for production just yet.
7/17/2017 1:22:17 PM
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93brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

They run true to size. No harm in going up a size though, as they are a compression fit. Large is a safer bet for ya, but Medium would work too. I am a 32" waist and I own M, L, and XL. I prefer the L.
7/17/2017 1:05:40 PM
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93brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

Granted I am 32" waist at 180-185 so I've got about 20 lbs on you.
7/17/2017 1:21:54 PM
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Hyperfly HyperLyte Black/Purple

7/19/2017 4:08:20 PM
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Hyperfly HyperLyte Black/Purple

The run a little longer and not as wide in the sleeves/cuffs as inverted gear.
7/19/2017 3:55:01 PM
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Hyperfly HyperLyte Black/Purple

7/19/2017 3:56:00 PM
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Hyperfly HyperLyte Black/Purple

Not unless someone cancels their order (in which case the size will pop back into stock on our site)
7/19/2017 3:56:24 PM
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93brand Athletic Workout Shirts 2-PACK

7/20/2017 11:41:37 PM
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93brand Athletic Workout Shirts 2-PACK

Faded army green shorts... Citizen 4.0 samples :)
7/20/2017 11:41:25 PM
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93brand Athletic Workout Shirts 2-PACK

Lol so good. We did seafoam shorts last year (the Mint) but the Citizen 4 will be like a light army green. Glad you dig em!
7/21/2017 8:16:39 AM
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93brand Athletic Workout Shirts 2-PACK

7/21/2017 8:16:55 AM
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93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

Model is 6'2" 180 lbs wearing unwashed A1L. I'd say go for the same and shrink to fit for a similar fit. Or A1 and cold wash.
7/24/2017 12:36:34 PM
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93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

F2 :)
7/24/2017 12:35:23 PM
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93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

A1L if you have long legs or if you want a relaxed fit. A1 if you want fitted or if you have short or thin legs.
7/24/2017 12:35:53 PM
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93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

What's your weight? Almost definitely A2.
7/24/2017 12:41:28 PM
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93brand SHG Casual Gi Pants

A1F and hot wash should be the way to go (Or A0 and cold wash).
7/24/2017 5:27:15 PM
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93brand Half Sumo Tank Top 2-PACK

7/27/2017 4:50:14 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A1 should be best.
7/31/2017 9:38:13 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

@undefined - Depends on your build and cut preference. I'm almost exactly the same: 6'2" and 182-185 lbs. I wear A2 and cold wash, hang dry. It fits me nice and fitted, which is my preference. If you don't like a Miyao style fitted cut, you can get the L version.
7/31/2017 11:31:55 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

Since she's tall and thin it sounds like she might be better off at A1F (fitted).
7/31/2017 11:24:10 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A0H for sure
7/31/2017 11:24:29 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A1F should work well.
A0 if you prefer a more snug cut.
7/31/2017 11:34:47 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

7/31/2017 11:19:13 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A1 and cold wash. Or if you prefer a bigger cut like old school Rorion Gracie style, go for regular A1.
7/31/2017 9:51:51 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

Unfortunately belts cannot be mixed and matched. All the sizes come packed with the respective belt size :-/
7/31/2017 10:03:42 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

7/31/2017 9:40:38 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A1F and cold wash. If you like a roomier old school fit like Rorion Gracie, go for A1.
7/31/2017 9:39:31 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

5'5"-5'8" 145-175 lbs
7/31/2017 9:42:20 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

5'5"-5'8" 145-175 lbs
7/31/2017 9:38:45 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

F4 (size chart is the last image on this page)
7/31/2017 11:33:12 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A1F, yup
7/31/2017 10:09:54 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A0H is best in this case.
7/31/2017 11:32:34 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A2L and cold wash / hang dry. A3L only if you have extremely long limbs. I am 6'2" 185 lbs and the A2L fits me well even after a machine dry.
7/31/2017 11:25:17 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 Black Gi

A1F is the way to go. It's a slightly fitted version of the A1. Model is an A1F and he's 5'6" 150 lbs.
7/31/2017 11:26:31 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die ProComp Supreme Shorts

Stick with your normal size, or size down if you have a narrow waist/thin legs. I wear a 32 jeans and 32 in these shorts. Granted, I got tree trunks for legs.
8/1/2017 10:14:00 AM
Comment on:
Do or Die ProComp Supreme Shorts

If you've got average or thin legs, sizing down is safe.
8/1/2017 10:06:22 AM
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Inverted Gear Panda Armor Gi

IG runs a little bigger. You could rock the A3 though. It'll be roomier than Kingz and SCR. A2 as long as you cold wash and hang dry, would also work.
8/2/2017 3:19:33 PM
Comment on:
Tatami American Rashguard

Medium. Model is 6'2" 182lbs wearing medium. They run a little big.
8/3/2017 9:50:56 AM
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Tatami American Rashguard

It does not
8/3/2017 9:50:13 AM
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93brand JITS DO IT Rashguard

Women's medium, yup!
8/9/2017 9:23:31 AM
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93brand JITS DO IT Rashguard

XL should be good
8/9/2017 9:20:24 AM
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93brand JITS DO IT Rashguard

8/9/2017 9:21:13 AM
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93brand JITS DO IT Rashguard

8/9/2017 9:21:27 AM
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93brand JITS DO IT Rashguard

I'd suggest XL
8/9/2017 9:20:44 AM
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93brand Wild Tiger Spats

8/14/2017 7:18:22 AM
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Hyperfly Starlyte Gi - All Black

It might depend on your Gi checker/ref, but it should be. Rules stipulate the Gi top must be a woven material (i.e. not ripstop and not canvas or twill) but makes no mention of a diamond-variation weave.
8/15/2017 2:48:11 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Gunba" Ranked Rashguards

If you're still in the range, go for it, since rashguards are meant to stretch. If you're literally on the cusp, going up is safe.
8/17/2017 12:47:06 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Gunba" Ranked Rashguards

Not for this model
8/17/2017 9:07:06 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Gunba" Ranked Rashguards

Everything's still in stock. Might be cookies on your computer. Try clearing or using a different device or browser.
8/17/2017 12:44:35 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Gunba" Ranked Rashguards

Similar cut, yes.
8/17/2017 9:06:04 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Gunba" Ranked Rashguards

$15 is right. These were showing up as the 2nd tier of shipping (only affects international
customers). Sorry about that! Try again in a couple of minutes and it will be corrected.
8/17/2017 9:05:08 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Gunba" Ranked Rashguards

body butchers
8/17/2017 2:41:24 PM
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93brand ART OF WAR Jiu Jitsu Gi

That one is woven and stitched on so - if you choose - can be removed with seam rippers or a scissor and steady hand.
8/21/2017 10:33:26 AM
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93brand ART OF WAR Jiu Jitsu Gi

5'9" 146 lbs wearing an unwashed A1.
8/21/2017 8:33:45 AM
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Hyperlyte Black/Orange Jiu Jitsu Gi

8/23/2017 2:34:19 PM
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Hyperlyte Black/Orange Jiu Jitsu Gi

Not this one, sorry!
8/23/2017 12:14:21 PM
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93brand Citizen 4.0 Shorts

Getting some references now. If you purchase and don't like the women's size, email and we'll hook it up. I know my teammate is 5'5" 115 lbs and she wears the Small very comfortably. Will post more info this afaternoon.
8/24/2017 10:12:58 AM
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93brand Citizen 4.0 Shorts

If you are between sizes, go down. So you'd be best off with 30.
8/24/2017 9:20:39 AM
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93brand Citizen 4.0 Shorts

We have recently increased the length of the drawstring in our premium shorts. A few inches on both sides.
8/24/2017 9:19:29 AM
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93brand Citizen 4.0 Shorts

That's the waist size. If you're a 30 in jeans, prefer a 30.
8/24/2017 9:19:52 AM
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93brand Citizen 4.0 Shorts

Just FYI we bumped all the sizes down one. So the Medium you received is now pretty much a small (hence the adjusted sizing). But if you have wide hips, sizing up is definitely OK. Thanks for supporting, Dawn! Hope you dig the Strong Snakes :)
8/24/2017 3:29:14 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi

A2 Tall/Slim is the way to go!
8/25/2017 10:48:19 AM
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Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi

8/25/2017 10:35:28 AM
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Tatami NOVA Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 and shrink as needed, just to be safe.
8/28/2017 11:07:47 AM
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Tatami NOVA Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

A4S is not available this time around. And yes, this is a relatively lightweight Gi.
8/28/2017 12:57:04 PM
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93brand VINTAGE Rashguard

Fairly standard sizing. If you like it to fit snug like the model, size down. If you want it a little roomy, more like Dry Fit, size up.
8/30/2017 4:34:05 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete V2 Gi - Black

For reference, I am the model and I'm 6'2" 180 lbs wearing that A2. A1 should be fine on ya :)
9/1/2017 10:39:48 AM
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Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi - Blue

9/7/2017 10:29:17 AM
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Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi - Blue

I'd say A2 and cold wash hang dry until you drop those last 15 lbs.
9/7/2017 12:53:08 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi - Blue

A2 is probably your safest bet. Stick to cold wash / hang dry at least for the first wash, to ensure you dont shrink it down too much.
9/7/2017 11:50:29 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi - Blue

Colored Gis typically shrink a little less, due to the dyeing process (hot water), but should be about the same.
9/7/2017 11:47:56 AM
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Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi - Blue

black-on-black "Bomber V2 - Stealth Edition" is in design. And it will be Gold Weave :)
9/7/2017 10:42:55 AM
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Fuji Force Camouflage Gi

Yup... 93brand shorts sunday night!
9/16/2017 10:37:36 PM
Comment on:
The Sit-Up Escape System

Also there's a vid at the bottom of the description :)
9/17/2017 12:10:42 PM
Comment on:
The Sit-Up Escape System

You will be emailed info from BJJHQ / Artechoke Media. (It's a cloud-based digital copy, not a download)
9/17/2017 12:10:23 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Art of War" Shorts

32 should do the trick. The cut is true to size, perhaps slightly on the roomier side as far as the waist goes... However there is a sturdy internal drawstring to fine tune that.
9/18/2017 10:14:16 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Art of War" Shorts

The inseam is 6". While that is technically the same as the Men's Short Cut, as the pictures show, it won't feel that way. The women's crotch is designed to be up and form-fitting around the groin/pelvis. Since the Men's crotch starts lower to allot for one's junk, they appear longer than the Women's.
9/18/2017 10:53:08 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi - Black

IBJJF legal, yes. Only the sizes shown in the buttons/menu are available today.
9/19/2017 2:50:07 PM
Comment on:
Manto Waves 2.0 Grappling Rashguard

This runs pretty true to size. Which Manto Rashguard do you own? There are two factories used so the sizing guide is different for the two.
9/20/2017 12:33:49 PM
Comment on:
Manto Waves 2.0 Grappling Rashguard

True to size. But you're RIGHT on the cusp of Small and Medium, so it's your call... Depends on what you like re:fit. Do you want it skin tight like the model, get Small. If you like it a little roomier, get Medium.
9/20/2017 10:48:33 AM
Comment on:
93brand x Gawakoto 'Tales From The Grips' Spats

Cut a whole in the crotch and put them on your head. Voila. Long-sleeve rashguard crop top!
9/22/2017 11:14:55 AM
Comment on:
93brand GOOSE V2

Yup! A0 would be closest to F3.
9/30/2017 6:05:57 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

You could go to 30" on these IMO. I am 6'2" 180 lbs and I wear the 32" myself. Granted I'm tall/lean, I do wear a true 32" in all jeans/shorts.
I'm the guy in black shorts from the previous style:
10/4/2017 10:24:44 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

The waist design is similar (half elastic, rear half) but the Kleos has a slimmer/longer closure strap.
10/4/2017 10:12:08 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

What shorts/pants size do you wear (street clothes)? They should rest just above the knee. Same cut as the shorts you linked to.
10/4/2017 10:09:03 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Navy Gi

@Nicky go for A2 if you're going to putting it in the dryer. A1 will work if you cold wash and hang dry as advised by Tatami.
10/5/2017 11:22:12 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Navy Gi

A4 and shrink as needed. Or A3 in a brand that runs a bit longer (93brand, Do or Die).
10/5/2017 11:21:21 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova Navy Gi

A1 is the way to go if youre going to put it in the dryer. A0 if you will stick with cold wash and hang dry as advised by Tatami.
10/5/2017 11:20:44 AM
Comment on:
Scramble TABORI Rashguard

The answer:
10/6/2017 10:12:35 AM
Comment on:
93brand Strangle Things Spats

Yup. These fit like all the premium (sublimated, thicker poly/spandex) 93brand Spats. Easy way to know if you have the premium spats: basically anything that has had graphics on them.

As opposed to the Standard Issue spats (solid color, contrast stitching, lighter weight nylon/spandex), which fit a little more snug.
10/9/2017 10:23:51 AM
Comment on:
93brand Strangle Things Spats

10/9/2017 7:18:10 AM
Comment on:
93brand Strangle Things Spats

XS might be a lil short on her. Women's S is probably better.
10/9/2017 12:53:45 PM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

10/18/2017 4:27:35 AM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

10/18/2017 4:27:25 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

What's the error you're running into?
10/18/2017 9:10:31 AM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Go with the larger dimension. A1F is what I'd recommend.
10/18/2017 4:27:02 AM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

A1L wouldn't be any wider. A2 and shrink to fit may be better if you're particularly wide in the shoulders/chest. Normally I'd recommend an A1 and cold wash hang dry the top.
10/18/2017 4:26:11 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

After and cold wash hang dry
10/18/2017 4:24:45 AM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

A0H and cold wash hang dry. Or A2 and machine dry as needed. A2h is definitely too big :)
10/18/2017 4:24:20 AM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

10/18/2017 9:09:35 AM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Yes, the female Gi is tailored for female grapplers. F3 will suit you well if you machine dry your stuff, otherwise F2
10/18/2017 9:09:16 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

F3 and shrink as needed
10/26/2017 11:27:40 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

You could do F2, just stick to cold wash and avoid high heat when drying (or hang dry). Or you could do F3 and shrink deliberately.
10/27/2017 11:42:58 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

The only thing that makes it illegal for IBJJF is the interior lining. Other tournaments may not have this as a stipulation.
10/27/2017 1:36:36 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

Same fit.
10/27/2017 2:41:22 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

A2L for sure
10/27/2017 9:24:57 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

Regular A1 should be just right!
10/27/2017 11:41:12 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

Yup. And a black colorway for shorts.
10/27/2017 12:06:31 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

A2 and cold wash, hang dry.
93brand A2 is cut bigger than Tatami so it should fit.
10/27/2017 8:19:23 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

A0H for sure!!
10/27/2017 8:17:37 PM
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93brand Coffee Mugs Set

Canada ?? would be international
11/5/2017 8:49:39 AM
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Komainu HEMP Jiu Jitsu Gi

What's your height/weight?
11/8/2017 9:14:18 AM
Comment on:
Komainu HEMP Jiu Jitsu Gi

For IBJJF, it won't fly. Most instructors don't object though, in my experience.
11/8/2017 9:13:50 AM
Comment on:
Komainu HEMP Jiu Jitsu Gi

Pretty classic fit. It's not on komainu sit because it's an exclusive made for bjjhq.
11/8/2017 9:13:22 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK - Burgundy & Black

Medium for a snug fit, large if you like it a little more relaxed
11/9/2017 10:20:46 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK - Burgundy & Black

11/9/2017 10:19:17 AM
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93brand S3 Olive Green BJJ Gi

A2 if you like a more relaxed fit.
11/13/2017 9:12:50 AM
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93brand S3 Olive Green BJJ Gi

11/13/2017 9:12:10 AM
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Venum Elite Classic Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's comparable to the High Tech weave used on 93brand Standard Issue and Tatami NOVA Gis.
11/15/2017 4:18:35 PM
Comment on:

There's a rashguard inside all of us.
11/17/2017 2:22:45 PM
Comment on:

(no, this is not rashguard lining)
11/17/2017 2:23:10 PM
Comment on:

God doesn't like ugly.

Cthulhu does.
11/17/2017 2:24:40 PM
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Hyperfly Premium 3.0 Gi - Navy Blue

They do not.
11/29/2017 10:24:48 AM
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93brand GOD Shorts V2

What's your usual shorts or pants/jeans size?
11/30/2017 2:30:08 AM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

I'd suggest your usual size, but if you're between sizes or can fluctuate.... Go with the larger size.
11/30/2017 12:04:19 AM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

11/30/2017 12:03:43 AM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

^^^ Exactly.

If you guys or gals want to bump up a size, it's a pretty safe bet. But if you want the fit as shown in the pics, go for your usual size. If you float between two sizes, go up a size.

Personally I used to wear the 34" but found the 32" fits better for me. I'm a 32 in jeans and regular shorts. Granted, I prefer the "short length" in typical 93brand shorts. 6'2" 180 lbs male.
11/30/2017 2:43:20 PM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

Rather different construction so I would not compare the two. More of a fitted (and shorter) cut on these.
11/30/2017 9:35:15 AM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

It depends on what size you get. What size shorts would you be buying? Waist size, I mean.
11/30/2017 7:53:02 PM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

You can, but I'd say most do not due to the 2nd layer.
11/30/2017 9:35:47 AM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

You can safely bump to 32", yea. If you prefer a shorter length, the 30s should do the trick, but no harm in bumping to 32. Model is typically a 32" in jeans and a 30 or 32 in typical 93brand shorts, but he's wearing 30s in the photoshoot. He's 5'11" 169 lbs.
11/30/2017 2:46:41 PM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

Yes, but we need more info :) please email ASAP. Send your order number to please.
11/30/2017 7:52:27 PM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts V2

11/30/2017 7:51:52 PM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black/Blue

I'd recommend A1L as long as you cold wash. I am 6'2" 179 lbs and I'm wearing A1L in the photos (yes I"m a model and yes you can have my autograph). It's minimal on the shrinkage, but A1L is probably going to be too short on me if I washed it a couple times. You should be fine though!
12/5/2017 12:07:27 PM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black/Blue

A2 and stick with cold wash.
12/5/2017 1:07:33 PM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Idk. I think the male model is quite dashing. . .
12/8/2017 1:25:01 PM
Comment on:
93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

A1F is definitely the way to go if you hot wash/hot dry, but that's not recommended for Gis in general (at least tell the gym to cold wash!!).

I do have a teammate who is 5'4" 135 lbs who wears A0 always. I would not describe him as muscular though. For size reference, he's the male model here: (pay no mind to his "stance")

Granted, for Standard Issue or Hooks 2.0 it'd shrink too much, but this one is pretty resistant to shrinking.
12/8/2017 1:29:35 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

@RLeon95 I would say A1L for the Standard Issue Gi. For non-SI models from 93brand, you could get away with A1 regular, since they're very resistant to shrinkage. I suggest A1L and shrink IF needed after you try it on :)
12/15/2017 12:21:12 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

A0 should be good! A1F if you use the machine dryer with heat.
12/15/2017 3:55:47 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

A3 or even A2H should do the trick for your 93brand Gis when it comes to the premium line of Gis (like the Goose V2 that CesarDC is referncing) and the Hooks lines of Gis. But for Standard Issue, you should go to A4. While the cut is the same, the material has a greater rate of shrinkage so I'd bump for that (the S.I. size chart takes this into consideration)
12/15/2017 3:53:01 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

Yes, the Standard Issue Gi shrinks more than most 93brand Gis (size chart is adjusted for that). Cold wash, hang dry for minimal shrinkage. Heat dry and you'll get more significant shrinkage.
12/15/2017 11:49:39 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

12/15/2017 3:55:13 PM
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93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

Today's sale is Standard Issue shorts, were you seeing something different?
12/18/2017 11:33:29 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

Ah, sorry, i misread your comment (read "shorts" instead of "short shorts").

One option is to buy these and roll the waistband down a couple times, it's a cute look (on sorority girls in sweatpants, at least).
12/19/2017 3:07:32 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

Was is issues with the velcro? That existed on an earlier batch and has been remedied. For anyone who reached out to either BJJHQ or 93brand, a free replacement was offered. If you didnt get offered a replacement, on the house, please message or and we'll hook it up. Sorry about the earlier pair!
12/18/2017 11:33:03 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

No problem. To save some time/back-and-forth, just include a photo of the damaged pair. I let 'em know that Adam is authorized for a replacement set (this colorway, if it suits ya). Thanks for understanding!
12/19/2017 12:03:10 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

Thanks for the love dude!! East coast!
12/19/2017 12:33:00 PM
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93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

Hahah that's pretty good!
"93 different ways to die, choose one!"
12/19/2017 2:26:04 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

One for Christmas, one for Hanukkah!
12/19/2017 2:19:44 PM
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93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

The drawstring is longer, yup. Just mentioned it in the Facebook Live video, coincidentally.
12/19/2017 9:35:05 PM
Comment on:
Raven CTHULHU Rashguard

Step 1. Buy long-sleeve
Step 2. Cut off the sleeves
Step 3. Use the excess sleeves as neck warmers during the winter
12/22/2017 2:21:35 PM
Comment on:
93brand ART OF WAR Jiu Jitsu Gi

@alvin Chinese or Japanese.

@sam you mean one of the Kanji characters?
The artist commissioned for the portrait and Kanji is a Chinese American who is bilingual so we had confidence in the Kanji translation. Let us know if you know of an error please. Thanks!
12/29/2017 9:32:50 AM
Comment on:
93brand ART OF WAR Jiu Jitsu Gi

@jorgeac - Art of War is a book by a Chinese military general and the text on the Gi is Chinese.
12/29/2017 1:45:38 PM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Black/Orange Jiu Jitsu Gi

@Aaron the L and S sizes are not stocked for this listing (they were in the description from the 1st listing of this Gi, but are sold out).
12/30/2017 11:33:14 PM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Black/Orange Jiu Jitsu Gi

The hyperlyte weave is more of a type of Pearl Weave. Definitely not Gold Weave.
12/30/2017 11:32:27 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

@Art - A1 would work, just stick to cold wash/hang dry. If you are stocky (at least, stocky when it comes to arm/torso/leg length) then you could rock the A0H. A2 would work after a hot wash / machine dry, but would be on the roomy side for sure.
1/2/2018 3:00:35 PM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks v3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey/Gold

Tough call but I'd say A2H and try to shrink to fit. What is your waist size? (in casual pants/shorts)
1/2/2018 2:58:38 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly ProComp Supreme 2.0 Shorts

Just a note: These measurements (from the Hyperfly site) detail the outseam (not inseam).

28: 15.5"
30: 16"
32: 16.5"
34: 17"
36: 17.5"
38: 18"
1/3/2018 11:30:59 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Strong Snake" Bag

Once you select "One" from the drop-down menu, it'll be on the next page :)
1/8/2018 10:29:46 AM
Comment on:
Tatami "Triple Threat" Jiu Jitsu Gi

The cut, out of the bag, is very similar. However the Nova shrinks more considerably (even in a cold wash/hang dry). This is more resistant to shrinkage, so it will fit a little larger. Or require a machine dry to get the same shrinkage.
1/16/2018 10:55:21 AM
Comment on:
Tatami "Triple Threat" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's a midweight, in my opinion. On the heavier side compared to the Tatami Nova or 93brand Standard Issue or Hooks V3. But feels lighter than, say, the standard Inverted Gears and Fuji All Around/#7000.
1/16/2018 10:54:34 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly ICON Shorts

The compression is snug, the shorts themselves are not skin tight. Athletic Fit as in = not baggy / long basketball shorts.
1/18/2018 3:29:44 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly ICON Shorts

They are not IBJJF legal, no.
1/18/2018 3:29:08 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Academy Fundamental Gi

Yes, particularly if washed warm and machine dried.
1/22/2018 11:39:43 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi - Black

Negative. The pants do though.
1/24/2018 4:39:04 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Dark Tiger" Shorts

Order your usual size. Only size down if you like em really snug.
1/24/2018 11:49:04 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Dark Tiger" Shorts

Email and you'll get sorted out :)
1/24/2018 11:48:40 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear GOLD WEAVE 2.0 Gi

Inverted must have updated their sizing chart slightly. Go with their chart, we will update the listing momentarily.
2/9/2018 11:19:49 AM
Comment on:
93brand BRASILIA Shorts

S: 00-0
M: 2-4
L: 6-8
XL: 10-12
2XL: 12 and up
2/11/2018 11:45:47 PM
Comment on:
93brand BRASILIA Shorts

@Jazz if you need to make any changes, please email
2/12/2018 6:08:19 PM
Comment on:
93brand BRASILIA Shorts

They've got some stretch to em so you can safely go with 34.
2/11/2018 11:38:58 PM
Comment on:
93brand BRASILIA Shorts

You should be good. These have some wiggle room due to the stretchier material.
2/12/2018 6:07:46 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Omega Backpack

Hi Landon,

We're sorry about the Tatami bag that arrived that way. It was straight from Tatami's factory, as always, but they defective zipper on yours must have slipped past their quality control. I'm looking at the email transactions and you let us know about the defect on the 4th, were told we'd rectify it on the 5th, you provided the order number on the 8th, and we let you know that it was being refunded on the 9th. Should be posted to your PayPal account within 1-2 business days after that.
2/13/2018 12:38:28 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Omega Backpack

@jesse.lopez57 - it was not this particular Tatami backpack.
2/13/2018 12:38:49 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Omega Backpack


If you let us know the order number I can check up on it. As long as you emailed CS prior to the order being processed, the change will have been made. Thank you kindly.
2/13/2018 12:16:49 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Omega Backpack

Hi Justin,

It looks like you or a family member wrote in on Friday night. CS shot you a message back with an update this morning (the offices are closed for the weekend), hope you enjoy the new gear and have a great day!

2/13/2018 12:16:08 PM
Comment on:
93Brand Body Butchers Hoodie

Where can I get these dildo earrings?
2/16/2018 8:48:42 AM
Comment on:
93Brand Body Butchers Hoodie

XS. She's about 5'3" 110 lbs.
2/16/2018 2:04:16 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Captain Americana Gi - Keenan Signature Series

I see what you did there. . .
2/19/2018 11:01:55 AM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Captain Americana Gi - Keenan Signature Series

It would be a little roomy but a hot wash and machine dry should bring it down to size.
2/19/2018 11:01:32 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

Definitely dryer safe. I put them bad boys in on high heat and they still fit as they originally did.
2/20/2018 11:41:37 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

They're intended to be a little more snug than boxer briefs. Partially due to the cut and partially due to the material. For that reason, it's always safe to size up. I am 6'2" 175 lbs and I comfortable wear both Large and XL (the latter feeling more like my regular cotton Superdry or Moskova boxer briefs).
2/20/2018 11:03:49 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

Large most likely. What's your weight/height?
2/20/2018 11:02:48 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 - Unbleached

@pyrocode - it definitely will not!
2/25/2018 1:55:09 PM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 - Unbleached

A2 with a cold wash and hang dry should do the trick if you like a more fitted Gi. A2H will be roomier but you'd have to shrink it down since youre on the lower end of the recommended weight for that one.
2/25/2018 1:54:45 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Rashguard - Long-Sleeve Green

120 lbs, sounds like X-small but would depend on height. Let us know height for better recommendation.
3/5/2018 4:30:30 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Blue Gi

6'2" 175 lbs and the A2S fits me well. Granted I like a more fitted Gi so you should be fine at 5'11", OP.
3/6/2018 12:19:52 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Blue Gi

A2 and cold wash / hang dry should suit you well, unless you like the old school Rorion Gracie look. . . In which case A2H and shrink to fit (hot wash / machine dry until it's where you want it).
3/6/2018 12:18:59 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Blue Gi

We're double checking with the IG folks now.
3/6/2018 12:18:06 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl Blue Gi

They are 12oz! Description updated.
3/6/2018 12:20:22 PM
Comment on:
93brand 2018 Standard Issue Rashguards 2-PACK

Large if you want it skin-tight. XL if you want a bit of room (it won't be baggy, but it won't show off your pecs if you're not into that. I have a teammate at 5'10" 200 lbs and he wears the large comfortable. Granted i am 6'2" 175-180 lbs (max) and I wear the Large too (teammate is stocky, I am long/lean especially in the torso).
3/7/2018 11:00:16 AM
Comment on:
93brand 2018 Standard Issue Rashguards 2-PACK

The men's is longer in the torso, wider in the shoulders, and tapers less at the waist. Women's has slightly shorter sleeves, slightly more scooped neck, more taper at the waist, and wider at the bust but not as wide in the shoulders.
3/7/2018 10:58:28 AM
Comment on:
93brand 2018 Standard Issue Rashguards 2-PACK

Medium would fit but be snug. Large would allow you some room to move. If you've got a particularly long torso, go for the large. Model is 6'0" 170 lbs wearing a large. I am 6'2" 175-180 lbs and I wear the large also.
3/7/2018 10:57:15 AM
Comment on:
93brand 2018 Standard Issue Rashguards 2-PACK

Large should fit well. With some room to gain a couple pounds, probably. I am 6'2" 175-180 and I always wear the Large S.I. rashies.
3/7/2018 10:56:25 AM
Comment on:
93brand 2018 Standard Issue Rashguards 2-PACK

Large should be a perfect compression fit.
3/7/2018 4:17:39 PM
Comment on:
93brand 2018 Standard Issue Rashguards 2-PACK

Depends on your build. What's the height we're lookin' at?
3/7/2018 9:33:29 PM
Comment on:
93brand 2018 Standard Issue Rashguards 2-PACK

Sounds about right!
3/7/2018 9:33:13 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Compared to Fiber:

Goose top is heavier, pants are heavier and canvas. Hooks v3 top is lighter, pants are similar weight but twill cotton (not Ripstop).

I'd say in terms of overall feel the materials are more like Goose, but lighter and with the softer lining.
3/14/2018 9:14:18 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

The lining makes it IBJJF illegal.

IBJJF hates nice colors. And heel hooks.
3/14/2018 9:10:46 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

@Jimmy Le - the IBJJF doesnt allow sublimated linings or contrast crotch gussets, so this one is not allowed regardless. The cuff patch technically would be illegal too, though a ref may let it slide. The lining though, definitely not.
3/14/2018 6:58:50 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

3/14/2018 9:09:37 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It is not.
3/14/2018 9:09:29 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Same cut as all 93 pants. Not very restricting.
3/14/2018 9:09:17 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Depends on how the A1L fits you. If youre at the top of the A1L range, the A2 could be shrunk to fit.
3/14/2018 6:54:44 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

@Preacher - We've sold these same mats for $200 $5 shipping before. This is the lowest they've ever been.
3/17/2018 8:29:24 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

If your 2 orders are under same name/address, you'll get the tape ?
3/17/2018 11:28:34 AM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

@jorgeac & @BJJ king - Yes, if you place two orders today and they're under the same name/address, you'll get tape.
3/17/2018 8:27:48 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

The Dollamur sales aren't too regular, but we'll do what we can to try and bring them back in about two months.
3/17/2018 8:28:24 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Once rolled up, they probably will not fit under your bed. I don't have mats in front of me but I would guess the diameter is a foot and a half.
3/17/2018 8:26:39 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

^^^ What Ed said.

Also, copy/pasting from above:

Competitions like Grapplers Quest and NAGA mostly use smooth. IBJJF comps are more like Tatami surface. So if you have had a preference at either comp, there's your answer.

Personally I prefer Tatami because it's got more traction for wrestling when you're sweaty. Smooth is a little more slippery. On the other hand, Smooth is easier on your feet vis a vis mat burn. If you're newer to grappling and arent desensitized when it comes to mat burn, Smooth might be better for ya.
3/17/2018 8:24:44 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Competitions like Grapplers Quest and NAGA mostly use smooth. IBJJF comps are more like Tatami surface. So if you have had a preference at either comp, there's your answer.

Personally I prefer Tatami because it's got more traction for wrestling when you're sweaty. Smooth is a little more slippery. On the other hand, Smooth is easier on your feet vis a vis mat burn. If you're newer to grappling and arent desensitized when it comes to mat burn, Smooth might be better for ya.
3/17/2018 8:24:15 PM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

We'll make the adjustment Monday morning. What are your order numbers?
Also, that might be a cache glitch youre seeing regarding the grey being sold out. We still have all 6 options available, so you can make your order two greys or two reds, whichever you want. Please email us with your final decision and we'll make sure you get what you need. But try to let me know your order number here so I can tell the CS team to give priority to the emails Monday morning before we have Dollamur start to dropship these :)
3/17/2018 8:22:34 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Undercover Panda Gi

A3 and shrink to fit is the way to go.
3/19/2018 3:09:32 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu or Death" Shorts

It's velcro, but it's slimmer (vertically) to reduce how high it needs to come up. To ensure it's still secure, the length (horizontally) is increased a little.
3/20/2018 11:52:43 AM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete 3.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

@Setanta - A1 and cold wash / hang dry or A1L and you'll have a bit of room to machine dry/shrink.
3/21/2018 4:09:34 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete 3.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

A3 and shrink to fit if you prefer a slightly roomier fit.
A2 and cold wash / hang dry if you prefer a more fitted feel.
3/21/2018 4:12:12 PM
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Scramble Athlete 3.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

A2 should be the way to go. Should be a little room to shrink if it's too long at first.
3/21/2018 4:12:54 PM
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Scramble Athlete 3.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

A2 is the way to go. If you cold wash/hang dry, it won't shrink much :)
3/21/2018 4:15:39 PM
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Scramble Athlete 3.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

A3 will be a bit roomy but it's a better choice. I'd suggest shrinking down to fit from there.
3/21/2018 8:57:54 PM
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Inverted Gear "Show the Art" Gi

Good fact checking sir! It's 550 GSM. Our error was because the original sample when we first got it was 350 GSM but it changed when it went into production. Description updated!
3/29/2018 10:59:51 AM
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93brand "Japao" Premium Backpack

Main material isn't as stiff as the SHG backpack. Overall as sturdy or sturdier, but not as stiff/bulky.
3/29/2018 11:24:00 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Japao" Premium Backpack

What's your PayPal email? We'll tell you if you got an order successfully. Send us an email

If you didn't get an email, the order didn't go through. But it might've gone go your spam folder or an old email that you don't use (linked to your PayPal acct).
3/30/2018 1:40:20 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Japao" Premium Backpack

That's the "San Junipero" Rashguard - it'll be on during Rolling Deals. Follow @bjjhq and @93brand on instagram for info on when the Rolling Deals slot will be up :) We're going live with Rolling Deals at 11pm EST tonight and we're sorting out the precise schedule as we speak.
3/30/2018 12:52:39 PM
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93brand "Standard Issue" V1.2 Children's BJJ Gi

93 started doing high-waisted with the Body Butchers spats and the feedback has been extremely positive so it looks like it's a total shift for 93brand women's leggings going forward. Hope you dig it too!
3/30/2018 11:18:48 PM
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93brand "Standard Issue" V1.2 Children's BJJ Gi

Is your shipping country set to Canada? USA is $5 flat rate for all products, while Canada has a separate shipping tier and Worldwide has another tier of shipping.
3/30/2018 11:17:40 PM
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93brand "Standard Issue" V1.2 Children's BJJ Gi

The Berry rashguard will make its way to bjjhq, but not during this rolling deals. For now it's only on but we'll get it a full day feature on soon.
3/30/2018 11:56:08 PM
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93brand "Standard Issue" V1.2 Children's BJJ Gi

We will never question you ??
3/30/2018 11:55:11 PM
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93brand CITIZEN 3.0 Grappling Shorts

They have a different cut for sure (see the last 2 photos).
4/3/2018 10:20:26 AM
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Platinum Jiu Jitsu "Chocolate Monogram" 3.0 Gi

A2H 5'8"-6'0" 195-230 lbs
4/6/2018 11:38:11 AM
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93brand Dry Fit 2-PACK Neo Floral x Splatter

4/9/2018 8:39:02 AM
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93brand Dry Fit 2-PACK Neo Floral x Splatter

XL is better for ya on this one.
4/9/2018 8:38:23 AM
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93brand Dry Fit 2-PACK Neo Floral x Splatter

They're already packaged as 2-packs, only available as one of each per order.
4/9/2018 3:42:22 PM
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93brand Dry Fit 2-PACK Neo Floral x Splatter

No elastic bands on these. They are designed to fit more like a tee, as opposed to a full compression rashguard.
4/9/2018 6:36:56 PM
Comment on:

The cut is not super long, so you would be safe sizing up. That's what I'd recommend. The softer fabric is great but it's a tiny bit less stretchy than the shiny sublimated materials commonly used for spats.
4/11/2018 10:12:01 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

If you guys drop us an email ( with the paypal email/name you used, we can look up the order to make sure it went through. Emails are always sent to the address linked to your PayPal account, so if you have an old email on there, that might explain it. If you checked that email and its not in your Inbox/Spam, then it's likely your order did no go through. But send us a message and we'll double check. Please include the size you wanted, just in case.
4/13/2018 12:36:00 AM
Comment on:
93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

@Neil - The A1F (A1 Fitted) would probably be the best fit for ya (the A0 would be a a little snug). If you are bustier or thicker in frame, the F4 would also be viable.
4/13/2018 6:51:55 PM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

@Jenna, the A1F actually does sound like a better fit for ya.
One of the 93brand sponsored athletes is about your size ( And though the F3 does fit her, she much prefers the A1F.
4/13/2018 6:46:03 PM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Santi - Yes, the 93brand A2H should be great for you. Imagine an A4 in terms of width/girth, but more of an A2 in terms of length.
4/13/2018 6:44:23 PM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

F3 should suit you well!
4/13/2018 6:42:43 PM
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93 Brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Any luck yet? Try clearing your browser's cache and deleting cookies (and order via desktop if possible). Sorry for the trouble, we're getting unusual issues with paypal orders for this listing, working on figuring our why as we speak!
4/13/2018 5:42:20 PM
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93brand BRASILIA Spats

Nope. The 2pack is a different fit (tighter).
4/18/2018 3:08:39 PM
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93brand "Goose Titanium" Jiu Jitsu Gi

F3 is probably best. The female model is 5'6" 125 lbs and wearing an unwashed F3. It's a little roomy on her, but the F2 was too short. The A1F would be good, length-wise, but I'd be concerned that it's a tiny bit too baggy on the midsection. F3 and shrink as needed.
4/23/2018 1:35:41 PM
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Venum "Dragon's Flight" Shorts

If you like it snug, stick with 33"
I'm 185-190 at 6'2" and wear 32" jeans. Lean upper body with thunder thighs and the 33" Venum shorts fit me well/fitted.
4/26/2018 3:28:28 PM
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93brand Hooks V3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

I'd recommend F1 and don't try to shrink it. If you cold wash and hang dry, this Gi does not shrink much.
4/27/2018 11:26:46 AM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

@Coley there is a limit of one per order. You can place 2 orders but you'd have to place them separately and they would be separate shipments with their own flat rate shipping cost.

We do this to prevent other resellers from buying up a lot of stock to resell at a profit. This way it's a deal for everyone without allowing someone to buy up dozens of any particular size, etc. Thanks!
5/1/2018 11:19:47 AM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

@Luis For a female 5'3" 120 lbs I'd say 100% get a women's small. The model is about 5'3" 110 lbs wearing a women's small.
5/1/2018 11:21:47 AM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

The sleeves are a little shorter on the women's vs the men's, yes.
5/1/2018 12:48:15 PM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

Large due to your height. I'm 6'2" 175 lbs and I wear this tee in a large.
5/1/2018 11:20:48 AM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

XL should be perfect given your dimensions, Scott.
5/1/2018 11:20:12 AM
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93brand Tea Tree Oil Shampoo 2-PACK

The head & shoulders are both very important parts of the triangle choke, but this shampoo is pretty good too.
5/11/2018 11:38:03 AM
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93brand Tea Tree Oil Shampoo 2-PACK

I am speaking from a place of full-haired privilege, but I do use this on my body as well as head.
5/11/2018 2:32:32 PM
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93brand "Gold Label" Jiu Jitsu Gi

@al, IBJJF requires the jacket to be Weave (can't be canvas). Also the crotch gusset is contrast color.
5/14/2018 9:56:29 AM
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93brand "Gotham" Rash Guard

If you're local tomorrow, the office is open until 2pm, swing by! Otherwise it'll get picked up with the mail in the afternoon and then the complex is closed for the Arts Festival this weekend.
5/18/2018 12:19:37 AM
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93brand "Gotham" Rash Guard

Why put it on the outside? Why wear a cape and a bat-mask? Some things just are the way they are, yo.

Lol :-D just messing with you, but the design aesthetic was going for the technical read-out type of messages that you see on all those bat gadgetry gizmos, bro!
5/18/2018 12:23:20 AM
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Old Man Jiu Jitsu Tees 2-Pack

They may have been mislabeled tees, we'll get you replacements sent out, can you email us your order number?
5/23/2018 10:50:35 PM
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93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

Not sure which bag you are referring to but this is definitely not a re-brand of any Fuji backpack.
5/25/2018 1:18:24 AM
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93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

@Jimmy Lee.. $34! And $29 if you can pick it up in NY! Lol
5/25/2018 7:20:30 PM
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93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

^ Yup, there is a separator inside with elastic banding at the top. For BJJ, I use it to keep my flip flops from touching my white Gi. For casual use, I slide a laptop in there to keep it from bouncing around the main compartment.
5/25/2018 7:28:33 PM
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93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

I recommend:

When you get home and empty your dirty gear from the bag, leave the bottom unzipped and pull the "guts" out (so the dirty lining material is outside of the bag now). Wipe down with disinfectant wipes or, even easier, what I do... which is spray it with Lysol or similar. Keeps it nice and aired out. Then every couple months I toss it on Gentle Cycle (with the adjustable straps unlaced so they dont get snagged on anything in my piece of trash washing machine). Hang dry in the sun and we good!
5/25/2018 7:22:53 PM
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93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

If you're in NY, that is one explanation. We ship from NY so the gov't takes their cut :(
5/25/2018 7:27:18 PM
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93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

Glad you dig it, Beans! Thanks!
5/25/2018 7:20:43 PM
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93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

You can definitely fit two Gis. Check the BJJHQ video on Facebook (, I put two medium weight Gis in the bag. And could have fit some other things as well :)
5/25/2018 7:26:49 PM
Comment on:
93brand Athletic Tape (UPDATED Version 2.0)

@Nicholas - if youre referring to the first batch, we'll send you a batch of the V2 tape, which is improved in a few ways, on the house. Drop us an email.
5/28/2018 2:22:22 PM
Comment on:
93brand Athletic Tape (UPDATED Version 2.0)

if youre referring to the first batch, we'll send you a batch of the V2 tape, which is improved in a few ways, on the house. Drop us an email.
5/28/2018 2:22:50 PM
Comment on:
93brand Athletic Tape (UPDATED Version 2.0)

if youre referring to the first batch, we'll send you a batch of the V2 tape, which is improved in a few ways, on the house. Drop us an email.
5/28/2018 2:22:36 PM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 - Unbleached

A2 is a safe bet, but A0H if you like a fitted Gi (A0H is like A0-A1 length with the width/girth of an A2).
5/31/2018 12:08:51 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V3 - Unbleached

Hi Holly,
No, it's not like the Standard Issue.
The Standard Issue is the one 93brand Gi that fits a bit differently. This one is cut like the premium 93brand Gis so expect a slightly different fit (hence the different size guides on for the standard issue vs everything else).
5/31/2018 12:08:02 AM
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93brand Hooks V3 - Unbleached

A2H and shrink to fit (it'll be a bit roomy at first). You're slightly under the height recommendation for A2H, so it would be a bit long. The alternative is regular A2, but your weight is a bit above the recommended A2 weight, so it would be a bit snug. Depends on your preference :)
5/31/2018 12:10:52 AM
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93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

You can stick with A1 if you like your Art of War (that Gi was also preshrunk). If you want to switch it up, you can try A0H as that is geared toward someone with your proportions. Thanks!
6/3/2018 11:21:01 PM
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93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Go for an A1... (Tatami runs smaller than 93)
6/3/2018 11:51:10 PM
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93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

6/4/2018 9:42:14 AM
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93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

@Nick they're definitely not see-thru. There are much thinner pants on the market. These are twill cotton, not ripstop, and comparable to the pants used on the Hyperfly "Hyperlyte" models. If these pants don't hold up to your expectations, we will replace them :)
Also, 93brand forgoes the standard knee reinforcements, which end around the shin area. Instead, the knee reinforcement extends all the way to the bottom hem, which means there is no stitch seam at the shin. That's an area you'll commonly see rip on pants during bow & arrow chokes or bull fighter passes (since the stitch punctures the fabric in order to lace the threads thru).
6/4/2018 12:27:26 PM
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93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Anytime! And yes if you love your Hyperlyte Gi pants, these are the same weight/feel (8oz twill/drill cotton) only difference is this has full-length knee reinforcements. I believe the Hyperlyte has 6 standard width pant loops, whereas this has 2 standard width loops and 2 triple-width loops.
6/4/2018 4:32:33 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

6/4/2018 9:42:57 AM
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93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2L for a nice fitted look. S3 for a roomy old school look. Male model is 6'2" 185 lbs and wears either A2 (fitted look) or a2L for some wiggle room.
6/4/2018 10:51:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A3* not S3 ?
6/4/2018 10:51:41 AM
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93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1F will give you a more classic fit, and allow for some shrinkage if your mom/roommate/wife/husband/kids accidentally put it in the dryer on super high heat :-D

A0 will work too, but be more of a fitted look.
6/4/2018 12:28:45 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Slate Camo" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Try clearing your browsers cache/cookies and giving it another shot. If that doesnt work, please let us know and we'll save you one.
6/4/2018 4:33:14 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Citizen 5.0" Grappling Shorts

I'd say stick with your normal jeans/shorts size. If you're in between, size down. I'm a 32 or 33 waist and I easily wear the 32" shorts, with a tiny bit of slack in the waist before I cinch up and adjust the drawstring.
6/7/2018 11:20:05 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Citizen 5.0" Grappling Shorts

Yup. All 3 cuts have internal drawstring. Round aerated style so it doesn't get soaked down with sweat into an impossible knot ?
6/8/2018 12:04:02 AM
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93brand "Citizen 5.0" Grappling Shorts

Only got rid of it for this model and only in the short - shorts. Since they were short enough to give full mobility, 93 went with the smoother / even hem this time.
6/8/2018 7:53:43 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

If you cold wash and hang dry, it will shrink a little. The size guide takes this into account. If you don't follow care instructions, and wash hot or machine dry with heat, it will shrink more considerably.
6/12/2018 8:26:13 AM
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93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

A0H should be a more appropriate fit
6/12/2018 12:30:02 PM
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93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

A at the begging means Adult Male.
F at the beginning Female.
F at the end (A1F) means Fitted.
6/12/2018 8:23:34 AM
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93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

A2L or A3
6/12/2018 7:35:01 PM
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93brand "M93" Rash Guard

If you have US selected (on the drop down menu) as your country, it should be 5 bucks. Then again $45 is never the t-shirt shipping price (it's the max price for shipping a Gi if you're in certain very far away countries). Try clearing your browsers cache/cookies and give it a shot. If your size sold out, shoot us an email.
6/15/2018 3:45:56 PM
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93brand "M93" Rash Guard

Woah woahhhhhh ::shots fired::
6/15/2018 12:41:50 PM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

Yes, they are a more tapered and closer-to-the-body fit. If you order your usual A1F size, they won't fit like the A1F regular 93brand pants... they'll be more fitted, like regular pants (not baggier like BJJ pants). If you size up, it won't be as fitted... Though they are more tapered toward the pant cuff compared to regular BJJ pants.
6/17/2018 11:04:55 PM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

The length is about the same, it's the taper and width that's been adjusted.
Shrinkage is minimal, especially if care instructions are adhered to (cold wash).
6/17/2018 11:09:00 PM
Comment on:
93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

A1 will look a little baggier than the male model in the pics. But you could confidently wash/dry without worrying about shrinking. A1F will be more fitted, but it'd be more fitted so while shrinkage is minimal, you may end up wanting to hang dry them.
6/18/2018 11:25:18 AM
Comment on:
93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

If the card is declined, that's something on the bank's end. Be sure that youre using your correct billing address, and that there are sufficient funds. If that's already done, you may need to authorize the purchase with your card (or try paypal, or a different card).
6/18/2018 11:16:23 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

They're 100% cotton, no spandex or polyester stretch added.
6/18/2018 12:01:23 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

A3 should do the trick!
6/18/2018 9:35:48 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

6/18/2018 1:58:02 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

6/18/2018 9:36:34 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

6/18/2018 9:36:50 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

It means "more tapered than regular BJJ pants"
But it's not quite like super skinny jeans. Check out the male modeling the pants.
6/18/2018 10:51:14 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

Yessir! Or A2H if you want a more baggy fit/look.
6/18/2018 11:08:23 AM
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93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

30" from the gusset seam to the hem :)
6/18/2018 5:21:41 PM
Comment on:
93brand Casual Jiu Jitsu Gi Pants

a2 for snug
A2H and shrink to fit for a more relaxed fit.
6/18/2018 5:21:24 PM
Comment on:
Manto X3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

Respect for the buns but unfortunately these are packaged as a set with same top/bottom, so we can't mix and match.
6/20/2018 11:38:17 AM
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Manto X3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

6/20/2018 11:37:10 AM
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Manto X3 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

A2 and shrink to fit or A1 and cold wash / hang dry.
6/20/2018 11:37:46 AM
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93brand 2-PACK: Arcade/Boombox Tees

If you like it fitted (like the male model is wearing, or a little more snug) then go for XS. If you like a more standard fit or looser fit, go for Small.
7/23/2018 3:41:43 PM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

A1 regular should do the trick!
7/28/2018 8:38:42 PM
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93brand SS2 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

A2L for sure. A2 if youre going to cold wash and hang dry, or if you prefer a more fitted Gi.
7/28/2018 8:29:12 PM
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93brand Body Butchers 2.0 Rashguard

What's your height? Model is 5'11" 175 lbs wearing size L, for your reference.
8/6/2018 10:47:00 AM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Since we start shipping before the deal ends, you can't change it yourself. But if you respond to your Order Confirmation email clarifying which size you want, they will make the change (as long as the size is still available). If you already got a Shipping Confirmation email, then no changes can be made.
8/9/2018 1:10:52 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

It's the length of an A2 pretty much, but much wider. If you typically find A2 to be too tight and A3 or A4 to be wide enough but too long, then A2H is for you.
8/9/2018 1:09:40 PM
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93brand Blacked Out HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's on the lighter side, yes.
8/24/2018 5:07:57 PM
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93brand Blacked Out HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1L should be just right ?
8/24/2018 10:24:54 AM
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93brand Blacked Out HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi

6'0" and 190 lbs I'd say A2L is a good choice.
8/24/2018 5:07:28 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu State" Polo

2xl should be the best fit
8/28/2018 12:54:16 AM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu State" Polo

It runs pretty standard. Check out the two size guides depending on whether you want a regular fit or athletic fit.
8/28/2018 10:50:30 AM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu State" Polo

The 93brand tees are a tiny bit more fitted. That said, the model wears a Large in both.
8/28/2018 10:51:06 AM
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93brand "San Junipero" Rashguard

Not as snug as Hyperfly. I'm not familiar with Hypnotik but it's not the same fit as Phalanx/Scramble precisely. Though it is more along those lines. Very similar to Tatami's rashguard fit, but with a slightly longer torso if i recall correctly.
8/30/2018 1:39:00 PM
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93brand "San Junipero" Rashguard

Same materials and fit as M93.
8/30/2018 1:40:48 PM
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93brand Vintage 2.0 Men's Grappling Rashguard

It's not quite the 7/8 sleeve like the older 93brand rashies, but it is still a little bit shorter than your typical long-sleeve jiu jitsu rashguard.
9/11/2018 11:57:04 AM
Comment on:
Venum ELITE Light 2.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

A2.5 and shrink to fit is probably the better choice :)
9/14/2018 1:05:18 PM
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Hyperfly Icon II Gi

425 GSM
9/18/2018 11:05:37 AM
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Vital Batch #008 Moonlight (Defect)

Over extended use the direct print will fade a bit but that's part of the aesthetic!
9/24/2018 1:05:36 PM
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93brand M93 Gi

Depends on how lanky you are. I'm 6'2" 185 lbs and I wear the A2, granted it's a little fitted. A2L I can also wear. If you don't have crazy long arms, you could actually rock the A1L for a nice fitted look. A2 will be a little roomier, but definitely workable.
10/1/2018 12:02:33 PM
Comment on:
93brand M93 Gi

Shrinkage is minimal on this one, but Hooks V3 is pretty minimal too so it'd be comparable.
10/1/2018 9:08:53 PM
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93brand M93 Gi

A0H or A1
10/1/2018 9:08:28 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Tools of the Trade" Rashguard

Jitzgripz, the model is pretty much your dimensions and he wears a large. I am 185 and a few inches taller but I also wear the large.
10/7/2018 3:31:14 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Please shoot us an email at and we'll confirm that your order went through. If the order did not go through, we can set up a manual shipment for you.
10/11/2018 8:23:50 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Different shapes. The women's has:
Narrower shoulders
More taper in the sleeves
Not as much length in the torso
Not as much lat space
More taper from the thighs to ankles
Not as baggy in the crotch area
10/11/2018 8:25:38 PM
Comment on:
93brand 4.0 Underwear 2-PACK

Try clearing your computers cache/cookies, i double checked the shipping level and it's set for the base level which shouldnt be 45 USD.
10/24/2018 11:58:00 PM
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93brand S3 Olive Green BJJ Gi

This Gi has never been 69. You may be thinking of the olive green "Standard Issue" Gi by 93brand, which is a different model (it's a totally blank Gi, just bare bones Gi with no patchwork, no frills whatsoever). This one is superior materials (both jacket and pants), more thoroughly preshrunk, added taping, sublimated interior panels, and miscellaneous higher end details (re: patchwork and embroideries).
10/30/2018 3:56:17 PM
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Sramble "Pacifica" Grappling Tights

No "Dark Tiger" but the "Wild Tiger" will be up there. War Tribe not planned though.
11/2/2018 11:41:21 PM
Comment on:
Sramble "Pacifica" Grappling Tights

You dont like the women's high-waisted? It's been pretty unanimous positive feedback so I'm surprised to hear it. Have you tried the men's cut? If you're a women's Medium, for example, a Men's Small may do the trick if you prefer the thinner non-high-waist jacquard waistband.
11/2/2018 11:42:58 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Essential Track Suit - Navy

11/15/2018 12:39:27 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Essential Track Suit - Navy

Large for a standard fit. XL if you like it baggy.
11/15/2018 12:38:16 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Essential Track Suit - Navy

Small for a fitted look. Medium for a more relaxed fit (or if you want to machine dry).
11/15/2018 12:38:57 PM
Comment on:
93brand Casual Gi Pants - 2018 Black Edition

Like the olive green
11/18/2018 11:36:32 PM
Comment on:
93brand Casual Gi Pants - 2018 Black Edition

A2H should be a better fit than A3 at 224 lbs :)
11/19/2018 12:41:22 PM
Comment on:
93brand "SHG" Mesh-Lined Work Hoodie

Compared to the Body Butchers hoodie this one is a bit longer in the torso. What's your height/weight? I'll try to steer you toward the right size.
11/26/2018 11:19:45 AM
Comment on:
93brand "SHG" Mesh-Lined Work Hoodie

Similar sizing, yes. But not identical since this one is is a zip-up.
11/26/2018 11:19:02 AM
Comment on:
93brand "SHG" Mesh-Lined Work Hoodie

If you let me know height/weird I'll steer ya toward the right size homie.
11/26/2018 11:20:07 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune Kimonos "Spectre" - Lightweight BJJ Gi

It's in the text description
11/27/2018 8:30:05 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Hooks V4" BJJ Gi

Where are you located? The shipping rate for all Gis on should be the same.
For Gis:
$5 to the US addresses, $20 to Canada, $40 to England/Brazil/Germany/Ireland, $45 to Australia, NZ, etc. (Smaller items like tees or nogi gear are cheaper).
11/30/2018 11:28:35 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Hooks V4" BJJ Gi

The "A" sizes are designed for the male body, the "F" sizes are designed for the female body, and yup shipping to Costa Rica is available.
11/30/2018 11:54:23 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Dark Tiger" Sliders

Due to the velcro adjustment, either one would work, but if you're one of those socks-and-slides guys... definitely 10.
12/3/2018 11:31:50 PM
Comment on:
93brand "COMBATE" Spats

@Ryan - what's your order number? We had a lot of issues with DHL and are no longer using them because of the issues. Your order may have gone out when we were still using them. Lmk and I'll make sure you get helped out ASAP.
12/11/2018 2:01:30 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Icon Grappling Shorts

It's an error. Full size range will be available in a few minutes. Sorry!
12/18/2018 11:24:39 PM
Comment on:
93brand IV Drip Rashguard

The female model is 5'5" and 125 lbs wearing a women's small. You could likely rock a women's medium comfortably, but the sizing tries to take into consideration that some people dont like a skin-tight rashguard (the women's Large would probably still fit you, but with some looseness in some areas instead of skin tight).
12/20/2018 11:33:20 PM
Comment on:
93brand IV Drip Rashguard

12/21/2018 11:04:17 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune Kimonos "Views" Navy BJJ Gi

A2 will get you a standard fit after washing/drying. A1L will get you a more tailored fit.
12/26/2018 3:19:02 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Rashguard 2-PACK (black/red, black/blue)

Pretty standard. The male model is 150-155 lbs wearing a Men's Medium.
12/28/2018 11:01:41 AM
Comment on:
93brand Hooks V4 Gi - Black

It pretty much sold out during the first HQ sale so it'll be a couple months before restock.
12/31/2018 1:43:43 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Goose Feather" Lightweight Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

3.13 lbs!
1/14/2019 3:21:55 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Goose Feather" Lightweight Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

What's your order number? shoot us an email and we'll make sure they're on the way!
1/14/2019 3:14:03 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Goose Feather" Lightweight Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi

What are your dimensions? Possibly A2H would be a better fit.
1/14/2019 7:07:43 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Body Butchers" Burgundy Marl Beanie

Length is 11". Width... Not sure right now.

The male model has a pretty big noggin, but i dont have the exact measurements in front of me but we can measure one tomorrow morning.
1/16/2019 11:24:49 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Grappling Spats 2-PACK

Medium. Unless you've got particularly thick legs, then large.
1/21/2019 11:18:47 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Script Gi - White

Yea the DHL experience didn't go as well as expected, it's back to USPS and UPS now.
1/22/2019 1:16:05 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Script Gi - White

What's your order number?
1/22/2019 4:33:40 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue - Olive Edition

This one should fit in A2H (it runs smaller than the premium 93brand Gis like the Goose Feather).
1/24/2019 11:25:07 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

For a small package to AU it should be $15. Try clearing your computer's cache and deleting cookies, then try to checkout again. If that doesn't work, feel free to place the order and email us your order number so we can remove the $30 difference :) Sorry!
1/29/2019 2:26:18 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

What's your height/weight? Most likely 34" but knowing height/weight will help pinpoint the best size.
1/29/2019 2:28:39 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Half Sumo "STRIKE" Unbleached BJJ Gi

IT'd be tricky. The sublimated lining is impervious to bleach, as are the woven patches since they are partially synthetic-based fibers. . . But the embroideries use a cotton-based thread, so your bleaching process would turn not only the main fabric closer to a bleached white, but it would also mess with the right arm embroidery and left thigh embroidery.
2/12/2019 12:26:12 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Half Sumo "STRIKE" Unbleached BJJ Gi

That is how this site works.

BJJHQ sells Jiu Jitsu gear / apparel / accessories at a heavily discounted rate, but there are limited quantities available. Further, the sale is only 24 hours. So if you miss it, you miss it. If you catch it, you save a bunch of money. Each order has a limit of one-per-order to prevent a single customer from buying up a bunch of stock in one fell swoop (for resale or hoarding etc), this way everyone has a more equal shot at taking advantage of the deal.
2/12/2019 4:07:29 PM
Comment on:
93brand Body Butchers Spats

Large should be good on these. I am 6'2" 185 lbs and wear 93brand spats in large perfectly.
2/18/2019 7:18:11 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Script BJJ Gi - Black

A3 should work for ya after washing.
2/19/2019 1:13:16 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Script BJJ Gi - Black

A1 will be bigger than an F2, if that's what you're asking. You could try to shrink it down as long as you're ok with a more traditional/roomy fit.
2/19/2019 4:12:58 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Script BJJ Gi - Black

I'd generally recommend A2 for your size, when it comes to Tatami Gis. For A2 Gis, try to stick to the manufacturer care instructions of Cold Wash Hang Dry to maintain the fit you like (if the shrinkage was too much).

If you go up a size for A3, you can wash warm and dry on Low Heat for 15min intervals until you get the desired fit.
2/19/2019 4:23:07 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Script BJJ Gi - Black

Out of the sizes left, A2H would be your best bet. However it would be a bit roomy. You could shrink to get a better fit (warm wash, machine dry in 15min intervals).

A2 would be a little snug because Tatami runs tighter than many brands. Your other option is to hang on for the next 93brand, Hyperfly, or Inverted Gear sale (in those brands, you'd likely be comfortable in a size A2 after washing).
2/19/2019 4:20:11 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's lighter and more breathable than a rashguard. Feels comfy against the skin, especially if you dont want to wear a rashguard under your Gi top. Plus helps minimize how much sweat soaks into the Gi weave.
2/21/2019 1:35:08 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Negative. The gusset on this one is canvas cotton.
2/21/2019 3:54:24 PM
Comment on:
93brand MINT Shorts

The rashguard is a thing of the past (sold out currently and discontinued as far as i know), but the spats are listed on (the "Rollers" Spats).
2/26/2019 12:46:31 AM
Comment on:
93brand MINT Shorts

^^ What Damen said.
You can place more than one order, but they'll process/ship separately and include their own shipping.
2/26/2019 12:47:18 AM
Comment on:
93brand "San Junipero" Rashguard

Brendan, don't talk about yourself that way, you're a beautiful mind!
3/4/2019 1:20:51 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Hooks V4" Olive Green Jiu Jitsu Gi

This one is lighter but comparable in terms of comfort and shrinkage.
Hooks V4: 425 GSM Pearl Weave and 8oz twill cotton pants
Goose: 450-500 GSM Pearl Weave and 10-12oz canvas cotton pants (depending on whether you mean the original Goose or newer iterations).
3/11/2019 3:23:16 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Hooks V4" Olive Green Jiu Jitsu Gi

BJJHQ orders typically ship within 1 business day, so if you're in the US it should be at your doorstep within 1 week. If it's shipping internationally, it will depend on Customs at your country's border, but 10-14 days is common.
3/11/2019 3:25:35 AM
Comment on:
Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

Unfortunately yes. Essentially if it's going to any sort of Post Office-run postal box, it can't go (or if it would require going on a plane to leave the mainland states). Sorry!
3/16/2019 12:21:40 AM
Comment on:
93brand "S5" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's that unbreakable Judo knot. Highly recommended!
3/18/2019 11:28:07 PM
Comment on:
93brand "S5" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Only advice I'll add is that when you're done, it's better to hold the knot with one hand and pull on side snug, then hold the knot and pull the other side snug (rather than pulling the two sides snug simultaneously like the usual BJJ knot.

I use this when I train so I don't have to mess around with retying my belt, but I know some people dont like it for competing because it gives your opponent a better grip, since your belt will never loosen or come off during the comp.

Also good for people whose belts are too long, since it uses up more slack than the typical BJJ knot.
3/19/2019 12:04:33 AM
Comment on:
93brand "S5" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It is, look at the 2 photos closely and you can see the guy in the vid just didn't make it nice and tight.
3/19/2019 5:03:31 AM
Comment on:
93brand "S5" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Nope. If you follow the care instructions (cold wash and hang dry) or keep machine-drying to the lowest temperature setting and a minimum time cycle, there will be very little shrinkage. If you want to shrink it deliberately, you can hit it with 15min intervals on Medium heat in the dryer until you get it where you want it. But compared to a Standard Issue 93brand or a Tatami Gi, there is considerably less shrinkage available.
3/19/2019 3:04:22 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete 3.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

3/22/2019 11:10:12 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Tools of the Trade V2" Rashguard

What's your height and weight?
3/25/2019 3:04:45 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly "Supreme" Ranked Rashguard II

The black belt rashguards are meaningless at any rank, really. As a brown belt if i wear an all-black rashguard that is intended to be ranked... it just looks like a black rashguard. Unless a company decides to start writing BLACK BELT on their ranked rashies lol
3/27/2019 5:42:40 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly "Supreme" Ranked Rashguard II

Technically, either would suffice for either rank. But I believe Hyperfly's intention was to have the predominantly white rashguard be the white-belt-rank.

IBJJF rules enforce that the rashguard be *at least* 10% your rank color, with the rest off the rashguard black or white. Whether the chest logo/shoulders are white or black, it constitutes > 10%, so white belts and black belts could legally wear either style in nogi competition. Which one you buy is up to you. Just don't do what I did and buy a brown belt rashguard as a 1 stripe white belt because "i like the color"
3/27/2019 5:40:43 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly "Supreme" Ranked Rashguard II

3/27/2019 5:41:39 PM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy Blue

I'm pretty sure A0H only had one unit in stock when the deal went live at 11pm EST. Most of them sold on since it dropped a month ago, sorry!
4/3/2019 11:48:53 PM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy Blue

Hahaha you're entitled to be upset. The idea was to give you an idea of what the Gi will look like with your belt rank! Everything looks fresh with a black belt on, so now you dont have to use your imagination to see what the Gi color/trim looks like with other ranks.
4/4/2019 12:34:33 AM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy Blue

Hahahah well, that's his actual belt :)
4/4/2019 4:17:34 PM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy Blue

It was up on a week or two ago and sold out in all men's sizes and most women's sizes. It'll likely return in a restock late Spring or early Summer though.
4/4/2019 12:46:47 AM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy Blue

A1F might be a little bit short at 5'9", so you'd have to make sure you stick to the care instructions of Cold Wash / Hang Dry. Regular A1 is probably a safer bet and then you can machine dry the top in order to shrink-to-fit as needed.
4/4/2019 12:45:20 AM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy Blue

The sleeves and pants will definitely be on the long side, but if you're able to get them tailored then it will be pretty close to fitting like an A2H (the A2H is like a roomy A3 but with a few inches taken off the sleeve length, pant lenght, crotch length, and skirt length).
4/4/2019 1:03:10 AM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy Blue

@Richard which 93brand Gi did you get? The Standard Issue is the only one that should have considerable shrinkage. The particular fabrics on that Gi shrink a fair amount (like the Shoyoroll Illest, Tatami Nova, and other Gis that use the High-Tech weave). But 93brand stopped using it for non-Standard Issue Gis a few years ago. I think the only other Gi with that fabric is the Kleos which has been out of circulation for 3 or so years. Lmk!
4/4/2019 4:13:59 PM
Comment on:
93brand Gold Label V2 BJJ Gi

A1 should be good, unless you have particularly long limbs, in which case I'd say go for A1L.
4/11/2019 11:59:54 PM
Comment on:
93brand Gold Label V2 BJJ Gi

It's 14oz canvas cotton.
4/12/2019 5:22:04 PM
Comment on:
93brand Gold Label V2 BJJ Gi

Not much honestly. And the sleeves are reinforced with a regular (non marl) fabric to ensure that it has added strength where needed.
4/12/2019 5:28:55 PM
Comment on:
93brand Gold Label V2 BJJ Gi

It's only in this Marl Blue for this edition. Previous edition was a darker blue. Next edition will likely be a marl / heather style dark grey (almost black) and an all-white muted down version.
4/12/2019 5:24:05 PM
Comment on:
93brand Gold Label V2 BJJ Gi

A1L is best. A1F would be a good choice if you were a little bit shorter, but at 5'11" it's like the A1F would be too short on the sleeves and pants length.
4/12/2019 5:25:36 PM
Comment on:
93brand Gold Label V2 BJJ Gi

A1F would work well for you. If you prefer a looser / relaxed fit, the regular A1 will work. But if you loathe a roomy Gi and like a tailored / fitted type of cut, A1F all day!
4/12/2019 5:26:49 PM
Comment on:
93brand Gold Label V2 BJJ Gi

A2 is probably the best choice. A1 is a better length but the risk of it being too snug due to you being above the weight range... A2 and shrink to fit is my recommendation.
4/12/2019 5:28:19 PM
Comment on:
Platinum "Evil Geisha 8" BJJ Gi

A2L: 5'10"-6'2" 165-195 lbs

A2H 5'8"-6'0" 195-225 lbs
4/16/2019 12:22:34 PM
Comment on:
Platinum "Evil Geisha 8" BJJ Gi

A2L and shrink to fit.
4/16/2019 12:22:04 PM
Comment on:
Platinum "Evil Geisha 8" BJJ Gi

A1 and shrink to fit (for a classic/regular fit)
A0 and cold wash / hang dry (for a more fitted/tailored look)
4/16/2019 12:21:53 PM
Comment on:
Hyperfly Premium 3.0 Gi - Navy Blue

A2 and cold wash / hang dry to maintain the fit. If you feel youve got a little room, you can afford a low-heat drying cycle (though this Gi like all other cotton Gis is recommended to be hang dried).
4/18/2019 2:11:09 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Dark Tiger" Sliders

@RudeDog, you may have gotten a defective pair, sorry!
There have been no complaints to us about the velcro from other customers and everyone at the office has a pair, myself included, used every time I train, and never had an issue with the velcro. Shoot a message to customer service with your order number and we'll take care of you. Thanks!
4/20/2019 8:05:34 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova MK4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

4/24/2019 12:47:12 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Nova MK4 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

It's pretty light, yes. The top isnt SUPER light on the scale, but the weave makes it feel very breathable.
4/24/2019 12:46:59 PM
Comment on:
93brand "More Jiu Jitsu" Spats

@rachel you may have ordered older 93brand spats (which used to sit on the hips)
4/25/2019 12:47:25 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Jiu Jitsu Mechanics" Rash Guard

Its a maroon-ish type of red. Definitely not pink. Tried some harsher lighting in this particular photoshoot that might've given it a pink look in some shots.
5/9/2019 12:15:04 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

The patch placements, colors, etc follow IBJJF regulation... but due to the interior lining, it's not an IBJJF compliant Gi.
5/16/2019 12:38:01 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Almost no shrinkage if cold washed and hang dried. Very minimal shrinkage if machine dried.
5/16/2019 12:35:21 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Fibers" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A1 is probably a better fit for ya today (since A0H is gone).
Though in the future I'd recommend trying 93brand's A0H, as that is tailor-made for someone your height/weight!
5/16/2019 12:36:19 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Classic BJJ Gi - Blue

A2 should be the right choice.
5/20/2019 10:54:55 AM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts - "Fibers"

17" outseam, 7" inseam
6/4/2019 4:08:18 PM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts - "Fibers"

Inseam is approx. 7"
6/4/2019 4:07:43 PM
Comment on:
93brand GOD Shorts - "Fibers"

They are true to fit.
6/4/2019 4:07:09 PM
Comment on:
Manto "Strong Waves" BJJ Gi

6/9/2019 3:08:43 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune Gi Weave Backpack - Gunmetal Edition

The front pouch is insulated.
The small interior pocket is wet-dry lined.
7/23/2019 12:02:18 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Hooks V4" BJJ Gi

That policy is 93brand's, not BJJHQ's. So it only applies to purchases on
8/6/2019 2:56:49 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

You probably got the old version. The new version has no such issue :)
8/19/2019 10:45:35 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune Barrage Gear Bag

The fabric is definitely. And if you have a front loader, no problem whatsoever. If you have an older top loader with an agitator, I'd recommend unbuckling the straps so they don't potentially get caught on anything.
8/29/2019 1:50:59 PM
Comment on:
93brand Two-Layer "GOD" Shorts - M93 Edition

It should only be $45 for a Gi. Try clearing your browser's cache and maybe cookies also, then refresh.
9/18/2019 12:56:12 PM
Comment on:
93brand Two-Layer "GOD" Shorts - M93 Edition

(should be $15 for lighter items like shorts and rashies)
9/18/2019 12:56:46 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Construct" Convertible Gear Bag (Duffel/Backpack Hybrid)

Not the bag itself. The "dirty" section is expandable. Meaning it can be pushed in to fill up the same capacity as the main compartment.
9/30/2019 11:49:10 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Construct" Convertible Gear Bag (Duffel/Backpack Hybrid)

3.3 lbs
9/30/2019 12:04:34 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Hybrid" Hoodie

There's nothing on the back. Solid black.
10/14/2019 9:12:18 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's all cotton (550 GSM top, 12oz Brushed Twill pants). The inside label has some specs from the previous Kitsune Gi
10/16/2019 12:58:26 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2L and shrink as needed. For sure.
10/16/2019 9:25:47 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" Jiu Jitsu Gi

(there is not much shrinkage at all if you cold wash / hang dry like the care instructions indicate, but if the A2L is a little big at first, a low-heat drying cycle will do the trick)
10/16/2019 12:59:36 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" Jiu Jitsu Gi

It's all cotton (550 GSM top, 12oz Brushed Twill pants). The inside label has some specs from the previous Kitsune Gi ???????
10/16/2019 9:25:30 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" Jiu Jitsu Gi

A2 for sure
10/16/2019 12:58:39 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Half Sumo "STRIKE" Unbleached BJJ Gi

Haha :) thanks homie! (it me)
10/24/2019 6:16:37 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Half Sumo "STRIKE" Unbleached BJJ Gi

high crotch*
brown belt*
10/24/2019 6:18:52 PM
Comment on:
93brand x Half Sumo "STRIKE" Unbleached BJJ Gi

Technically a mid-weight Gi, but it wears fairly light, yes.
10/24/2019 6:19:23 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Heroes" Compression Hybrid Shorts

@Kuji - i think most people do not wear undies with these type of shorts (where the compression layer goes all the way up to the top waistband).
10/28/2019 1:52:18 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi - Navy

The "Standard Issue" Gi is cut the same as the Hooks, but the weaves shrink at a greater rate. The S.i. goes thru a single-wash in production, as opposed to single-wash and pre-steam (which the Hooks and premium 93brand Gis are subjected to), which means the final product will shrink a bit more than their premium Gis. The size chart accounts for that, and the savings are passed on to ya :)
10/31/2019 1:38:12 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" BJJ Gi

I dont really work in customer service anymore (I just do the social media for 93brand and Kitsune). But yes the powers that be know I also model for Kitsune ??
And no I'm not the owner. I'm the 93brand designer (and default model when I can't find anyone else to model for us).
11/5/2019 11:44:42 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" BJJ Gi

That "??" was supposed to be a laughing emoji
11/5/2019 11:45:06 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Heroes" BJJ Gi - Black

The belt is the "2019 Premium Belt" from 93brand.
11/19/2019 1:50:58 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Heroes" BJJ Gi - Black

This particular Gi shoot only has male shots, but if you check Kitsune's site, the white Spectre Gi (which is the same fabrics and cut as the Heroes), has female shots.

The female model is 5'5" 122 lbs wearing an F2:
11/19/2019 1:30:43 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Heroes" BJJ Gi - Black

Since A2H was traditionally a much wider A2, the A3H option is often a slightly less wide version. Since Shoyoroll had established it this way, other brands presumably didn't want to confuse customers with an "A3H" that was different from the only existing A3H. So the chart is accurate.
11/19/2019 1:28:37 PM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue Shorts 2-PACK

These run pretty true to size. Due to the flexibility of the fabric the panel cut with crotch stretch the waist system... the sizing is forgiving so you can size down if you're unsure between two sizes. For reference, I'm a 32" in jeans and most grappling shorts, but I can wear 32" or 30" in this style 93brand shorts.
11/20/2019 11:40:29 PM
Comment on:
93brand Blacked Out HOOKS V4 Jiu Jitsu Gi

11/25/2019 2:26:43 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Hokori Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Shipment got delayed... Hoping to have it in time for Cyber Monday. Holiday deliveries means it's received, at best, Monday afternoon and is photographed/edited/loaded for Monday night. But it'll be up sometime next week for sure, at the same black friday pricing.
11/29/2019 9:56:13 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Hokori Jiu Jitsu Gi - Navy

Shipment got delayed... Hoping to have it in time for Cyber Monday. Holiday deliveries means it's received, at best, Monday afternoon and is photographed/edited/loaded for Monday night. But it'll be up sometime next week for sure, at the same black friday pricing.
11/29/2019 9:55:53 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Colliding Dragons" Grappling Shorts

If it doesn't sell out by 11:20, it'll be back around for a 2nd slot during rolling deals. If it still doesn't sell out, it'll be back on bjjhq for either the next rolling deals or (if there's stock for most sizes left) a full day sale in the very near future :)
12/6/2019 11:14:23 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Colliding Dragons" Grappling Shorts

Although just FYI the $93 price is for today only, since it was promised for Black Friday and then didnt happen in time. Regular bjjhq price will likely be $99-$110.
12/6/2019 11:15:55 PM
Comment on:
Nine Lives Chapter 6 - "Six Shooter" BJJ Gi - Navy

This Gi is $179 on their site ( )
You might be looking at their basic "Classic" model.
12/14/2019 12:39:36 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 6.0 BJJ Gi - Black/Purple

12/19/2019 5:11:06 AM
Comment on:
Old School Jiu Jitsu & Just Roll Pride T-Shirt 2pack

Pretty standard fit, XL will get you a more fitted look, 2XL will get you a more relaxed look.
12/29/2019 5:51:23 AM
Comment on:
93brand XL Pearl Weave Duffel Bag (Olive Drab)

Definitely. You could boxing gloves, mma gloves, and shin guards (the bulkier striking style, not even just the mma style), as well as BJJ gear in this bag.
1/6/2020 2:01:14 AM
Comment on:
93brand XL Pearl Weave Duffel Bag (Olive Drab)

Quite the opposite brudda!
It's pulled up just for that photo, to show that there is a phone there. The pocket will fit a phone, and then is secured with a full velcro fold strip at the top.. and then has a quilted snap-button pocket that fold right-to-left. That way if somebody tries to steal your phone, they have to pop open the horizontal snap-button pocket AND rip open the vertical velcro pocket.
1/6/2020 2:00:12 AM
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93brand "Standard Issue" Long Sleeve Rashguard 2pack

Your wish is a reality:
1/19/2020 11:59:45 PM
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93brand "Goose Feather" Lightweight BJJ Gi

@Jesse - regular A2 i probably the bet move for ya.
1/24/2020 2:28:50 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Goose Feather" Lightweight BJJ Gi

@Joshua - A1L should be a great fit for you. A2 if you like a baggy fit, but if you like the way the Gi fit the model in the pics, A1L is the move.
1/24/2020 2:29:49 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" BJJ Gi

1/27/2020 11:35:29 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" BJJ Gi

Yea A2H will be a bit big for ya. Have you tried the Kitsune A2? I have teammates with your dimensions who wear it. Worst case if you're particularly wide or long for your height or weight, sticking to cold wash and hang dry should mitigate the (pretty minor) shrinkage. These are rather thoroughly preshrunk so they wont shrink much, even if you do break the rules and machine dry your Gis.
1/27/2020 11:35:21 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" BJJ Gi

@Jesse, give the A3H a try. If it doesnt fit, we'll take it back for a full refund. I know it sounds odd, but the A2H is actually wider than the A2H. Shoyoroll mad this particular fit this way a few years ago and since it was already established, several other brands that use A3H have a similar fit (presumably because the original A2H was significantly wider than a standard A2). If you need to return it, mention that George authorized a return on the BJJHQ wall and I'll vouch for it with the BJJHQ CS team.
1/28/2020 8:54:54 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" BJJ Gi

1/28/2020 8:56:02 PM
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93brand "DIVISION" Zip-up Hoodie

Similar fit but the Body Butcher hoodie is a slightly heavier fabric. Other minor difference: BB has flat white drawstring, Division has rounder black drawstring.
1/29/2020 4:35:26 AM
Comment on:
93brand "DIVISION" Zip-up Hoodie

"Love Will Tear Us Apart" is a famous Joy Division song (the rear graphic is a play on a famous Joy Division album cover).
1/29/2020 3:24:50 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Heroes" BJJ Gi - Black

Not abnormally. It's preshrunk and will hold its shape/fit really well if you follow the care instructions (hang dry). If you machine dry, there will be minimal shrinkage. Not as much as, say, the Tatami "Nova" or 93brand "Standard Issue"
2/11/2020 11:37:58 PM
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93brand Standard Issue V2 Shorts 2-Pack

@RC - Like Aaron mentioned above, the fit was changed and improved (as of late 2019).
2/19/2020 1:38:22 PM
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93brand Special Edition V3 Grappling Underwear 2-PACK

The tag was on the inside for the very first batch. Switched to exterior tag a few years ago. If you do have the original style, do like me and wear em inside out :)
3/3/2020 3:53:09 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune Barrage Gear Bag

It's definitely not as roomy as some other big backpacks. But for what it's worth, I also fit a full Gi, rashie, underwear, and towel in this bag.

For reference, the Gi in the photos has an A2 Gi inside of it, along with some nogi gear.
3/4/2020 12:25:40 AM
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93brand "Strike" Rashguard

Panther & snake ::roar::
3/6/2020 11:31:16 PM
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2-PACK of NEW Tea Tree Oil Shampoo by 93brand

@Johnny - $12 plus $5 shipping for 24 total ounces is actually a really good deal, when you look at other brands costs and ounces/size. And that doesnt even take into consideration the quality (this one has an increased concentration of tea tree, and other brands may use animal testing, or add dyes, or add fragrances, or have sulfates in their formula).
3/16/2020 12:03:23 AM
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Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

It's your preference.
Tatami gives you better grip, but for the newbs with sensitive toesies... you might get more matburn. Smooth is more comfortable, but less traction so its more slippery than Tatami.
3/19/2020 11:25:28 PM
Comment on:
93brand Special Edition Grappling Underwear

Pretty true to fit, but there is very little risk in sizing up. I'm a 34" waist (6'2" 185 lbs) and I could get away with a Large, but always wear XL. I've even got a pair of 2XLs that feel fine.
3/30/2020 12:03:37 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

A0H will fit you for sure, but the width would end up being slightly relaxed if you're 170 and slim waisted already.
A1 is a safe bet, but it'd likely be a more classic fit. This fabric doesn't shrink a *ton* so I wouldnt want you to be unhappy that they're not as flattering as you'd like 'em to be.

Though technically you fall above the weight range for the A1F, if you strongly prefer the fitted look shown in the pics, it is likely the best choice :)
4/2/2020 11:58:06 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

Ah unfortunately I dont have that specific info in front of me and cannot go into the office these days so I cant measure. At 5'7" normally I'd say A1 is fine. But if you have shorter legs for your height *and* strongly prefer a fitted chino / jogger style fit like the pics here today, A1F is probably a better pick.
4/3/2020 12:58:46 AM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

5'2" 130-135 lbs, good to know. Two other questions though: are you a dude or a chick? Also what's your waist size, just so i can work with as much info as possible.

Guessing by Nick that youre most likely a dude. In which case, considering what you said about A0 and your lifting swoleness, If you're a skinny jeans type of guy who likes fitted stuff, then A1F would probably be best. But if you prefer a classic fit or relaxed fit, A1 is better.
4/2/2020 11:52:00 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

Ok then yea A1 is probably best!
4/3/2020 12:36:08 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

Absolutely... 2 new colors are coming!
Working on a few versions:
Solid burgundy, marl burgundy, dark faded navy, a light sage green marl, and a new black/black style. We'll narrow it down to 2 once the prototypes come in :)
4/3/2020 3:26:41 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

4/3/2020 7:18:03 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

A1L if youve got long legs. A1 if you've got shorter legs or prefer a higher rise cuff. Both sizes are sold out today, but 93brand will have restock before Spring is over, and new colors early Summer.
4/3/2020 7:43:38 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

You're showing up as "bought today's deal" for me
4/3/2020 7:17:53 PM
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93brand "Jiu Jitsu Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Dark Marl Grey

What size did you get for the Kitsune?
4/3/2020 7:17:20 PM
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93brand "Slate Camo" BJJ Gi - Black

A2 will be a little roomy so if you like an old school fit, go for it. If you prefer a more modern fitted look (like the models) go for A1L. Even A1 would work if you prefer that tailored look.
4/7/2020 8:48:15 PM
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93brand "Slate Camo" BJJ Gi - Black

Most definitely not rejected anything. Primo brand new stock, just as if it were purchased from
4/7/2020 8:49:38 PM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

A1L is good enough for ya. A1XL is probably overkill for length. Unless you're ultra lanky.
4/18/2020 3:45:09 AM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

I'm not sure, but the Goose OG *comp edition* (ibjjf approved modifications) is dropping next week :)
4/18/2020 3:44:33 AM
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93brand "No Flash" Jiu Jitsu Tee

I think that's gonna be a morning slot
4/18/2020 3:43:57 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Cursive" BJJ Gi

It's not a typo. A2H and A3H were already established that way by other brands so rather than confuse people with a new A3H, Kitsune stuck with the slight slimmer a3h.
4/27/2020 12:26:50 PM
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93brand HOOKS V5 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

We might as well just add 10 lbs to every weight class for the rest of 2020.
5/4/2020 11:11:55 PM
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93brand HOOKS V5 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

As long as you avoid heavy machine drying, f2 should be fine.
5/5/2020 11:03:17 AM
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"Bad Grapplers Club" Pocketed Tee by 93brand

It's tricky to have a defined size chart since so many people prefer different fits on their tees. I'm 6'2" 185 lbs and I wear a size Large. However one of our warehouse guys is 10 lbs lighter than me and 2 inches shorter, yet prefers XL because he like baggier clothes.

Compared to your average standard fit tee, these are true to size. So if you order whatever size you typically order for rashguards or tees, you'll get a standard fit.

What's your height/weight and preferred fit (do you like tight clothes, average fit, or baggy clothes)? I'll point you toward the right one.
5/11/2020 6:06:10 PM
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"Bad Grapplers Club" Pocketed Tee by 93brand

A rashguard is for sure in the works :)
5/11/2020 7:24:10 PM
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93brand BRASILIA Spats

You might be able to swing the mens sizing. What's your height/weight?
5/14/2020 5:34:34 PM
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93brand BRASILIA Spats

Yes for the mens drawstring. The women's has the added light-blocking interior.
5/14/2020 5:33:48 PM
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Toro "Tiger King Martial Arts" Rashguard

If you emailed during the weekend, CS wont see it until Monday morning when things open back up (biz hours are M-F). You should get a reply by end of day tmrw.
5/18/2020 1:34:45 AM
Comment on:
93brand HOOKS V5 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Classic Blue

Yea @pjs you've got some options. A2 will get you a roomier fit regardless of body type. If youve got a wider body type, A0H will be a more tailored look for ya. If youve got a lankier body type, A1 is the move.
5/19/2020 2:18:32 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Standard Issue" Long Sleeve Rashguard 2pack

Once your order is placed there's no way to change it on your end, but shoot an email to CS with your order number and indicate which size you want. The office is closed for the weekend (and, mind you, in the US it's a 3-day weekend due to the federal holiday on Monday), but once they come back in on Tues morning, they'll make the adjustment - as long as the size you need didnt sell out.
5/24/2020 11:53:16 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune Kimonos "Prime" Ombre Spats

@mondo Hey maybe they're trying to show the pattern inside the waistband, maybe they're trying to seduce you. The world may never know.
5/26/2020 11:48:07 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Goose OG" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Comp Edition

@Dungcrumb, the only difference is the original Goose OG had contrasting colors (unbleached natural cotton) for the collar fabric and gusset. Both of which are illegal for IBJJF.
6/12/2020 1:03:10 AM
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93brand "Goose OG" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Comp Edition

lol, it doesn't. No more than Lacoste's alligator has anything to do with golf, namean?

The goose is just one of 93brand's logos. Their 1st Gi (2011) was called the Goose and they've done a few other Gis in the "Goose" series. Since it was the name of their 1st Gi and the name 93 stems from 1993's UFC 1, seems apropos for a Gi that gives a nod to when BJJ was introduced to many of us.

As to why a goose, the symbolism: Light/graceful, with a strong team bond (if one goose gets injured in a flock, even while migrating, another will stay back with them).
6/12/2020 3:56:36 PM
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93brand "Goose OG" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Comp Edition

Also FWIW, the Gi is not so much a tribute to Royce (he seems like kind of a jerk, honestly), rather the introduction to the efficacy of Jiu Jitsu for so many of us.
6/12/2020 4:01:14 PM
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Kitsune "Box" Heather Green Tee

Whoops. Fixed. If you're not seeing them, hard refresh (ctrl shift R) or clear cache and refresh. Bunch more pics added.
6/14/2020 11:08:17 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Box" Heather Green Tee

Fixed. If you're not seeing them, hard refresh (ctrl shift R) or clear cache and refresh. Bunch more pics added.
6/14/2020 11:08:37 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Box" Heather Green Tee

You can wear this for every IBJJF competition in all of 2020. Gi or nogi.
6/14/2020 11:09:18 PM
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