Manto is back from the lab with another great Champ model.$69
Wow, those patches are huge!
is it shrink much?
any plans for a scramble rebel or reverse rebel in the future?
If you train jiu-jitsu you should already know your size!!! Yes every gi fits differently but there is not really that much of a difference!
For anyone complaining about return policies...the prices are good, it's your job to figure out your size (or you could ask your mommy to do it for you) and if you can't afford to have to sell it for a lesser price to a friend, then you probably can't afford it anyway. I bought an awesome Gi, stitch on the waistband was open, BJJHQ refunded $10 to my CC, I sewed it myself & that's that. Grow up, stop whining.
I think the issue people are having is that they KNOW their size and order appropriately off the size charts and on occasion the fit can be completely off. I understand there is always a bit of a margin for sizing but when both your height and weight are firmly within the guides recommendation it should fit to IBJJF standards, if not it's been incorrectly advertised. Just like if you order a white Gi but receive a blue one. I have bought from here several times and likely will again but always with scepticism as I've been burnt. On a side note I really hate how nearly every Gi manufacturer publish a size chart but when you contact them in person give a conflicting recommendation.
Hello. Will you have a basic fuji blue gi soon...? Thank you
What size would be recommended for a guy 5'10'' and an athletic 188 lbs? Have not owned a kimono from this manufacturer.
A1L or A2
What brand is that belt?
That belt looks like a scramble or atama belt
It's a Manto belt - it's the "Kanji" model
Or you could list important information such as a no return policy on you're website in a easy to see location like right next to the price of the item for sale so the buying is always aware before they make a purchase versus intentially putting it in the FandQ section that everone knows many people are unlikely to read. It's called professional courtesy.
Stop your whining already. If it doesn't fit, you should have no problem selling it for the same price you bought it for.
Remember the people who stick around and reply to posts are the die-hard fans so your going to be shouted down a lot. I also am less then happy with the returns policy/process especially for uniforms that don't fit even when you are right in the middle of the size bracket. To sell to Australia a site has to follow Australian consumer laws(which means a customer cant sign away their right to return a product) but the problem is to enforce it is a long drawn out process that most people wont bother following up with it so places get away with it. The fact that there is a custom made Australian portal to this site is extra insulting when they try and say the law doesn't apply to them.
It's your responsibility to make sure you understand the return policy before you order something, online or otherwise.
I wouldn't buy any gis from this company. If it doesn't fit you you're stuck with it. They have a no return policy or so I was told when I tried to returned a GI that was way to big for me even tho according to the size chart I should have been on the larger size for that GI. In other words thanks to this site I was out 100 bucks.
Read the FAQ before you buy or whine please.
Agreed. Should have done more research.
I also agree. You should always know return policies when buying the first time from any online site. But you live and you learn. You can also sell your go to a fellow jits-mate for cheap.
Buy from then. They have an excellent return policy.
This whole comment thread, along with the one above complaining about return policy, seems like a smear job.
andy_F, I agree it's over the top reaction telling everyone to avoid but does highlight the issue of sizing and where the responsibility lies. I personally feel that if the customer follows the direct recommendations and the product is obviously a wrong fit then it is more the vendors responsibility.