
MichaelB: #424 of 17035
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Fuji #7000 All Around Jiu Jitsu Gi

I have never owned a Fuji. How do they fit? Straightforward? Being 5'11" and 210 (muscular) what size???  
8/26/2020 11:24:06 PM
Kitsune "Cursive" Jiu Jitsu Gi

The inside jacket panel gives completely different specs on this kimono, what's up? Is it a 350 gm Pearl with 10 oz ripstop pants? Is it the specs described in your description?  
10/15/2019 11:13:07 PM
Raven Water Dragon Grappling Rashguard

This hyperfly kimono is awful....  
10/5/2018 11:30:32 PM
Raven Water Dragon Grappling Rashguard

Please release Art of War kimono...  
10/5/2018 11:29:50 PM
Inverted Gear "Show the Art" Gi

What size would be recommended to 5'10 - 205 lbs? Thanks guys.
9/3/2018 11:33:19 AM
Hyperfly Captain Americana Gi - Keenan Signature Series

Would the A0 fit a 5 foot and 92 lbs body type?  
2/19/2018 10:18:24 AM
Venum Contender 2.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - Grey

What size might fit a person 5 foot, 90lbs ?  
2/17/2018 8:26:45 AM
Venum Elite Classic Jiu Jitsu Gi

What is "jacket weave"?
11/15/2017 2:12:39 PM
Venum Elite Classic Jiu Jitsu Gi

Is this a gold weave? Or another Pearl weave?  
11/14/2017 11:10:35 PM
Venum ELITE LIGHT Gi - Blue

A pearl weave, unlike the "elite" gold weave?  
10/21/2017 11:14:57 PM
DOorDIE Hyperlyte PRO Black Gi

Is this manufacturers sizing chart accurate?   
9/17/2016 10:12:28 AM
Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

Cautious to purchase a gold weave. Is the black katanapus kimono coming in the near future? Appreciated.  
7/13/2015 11:27:25 PM
Manto Champ 5.0 White Gi

What size would be recommended for a guy 5'10'' and an athletic 188 lbs? Have not owned a kimono from this manufacturer.  
6/15/2015 2:30:18 PM
Manto Beast Rashguard

Are we going to see Strikefightwear kimono's soon?  
6/9/2015 11:11:26 PM
Flow Pro Series 3 White Gi

Will you be putting the Black Katanapus Strikefightwear kimono up soon? Or any of the Strikefightwear kimono's for that matter?  
6/8/2015 11:26:57 PM
93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Please tell me you will be offering the meerkatsu black katana pus gi once more?  
5/29/2015 9:08:00 PM
1 Comment
Reevo Aerolight Black Jiu Jitsu Gi with a Free Gi Bag

Strikefightwear roots gi is awesome! What is an A2 S in measurements? Please respond promptly
4/24/2015 8:51:57 AM
Platinum The Guardian Gi

Is this kimono pre shrunk? Just received my black aesthetic gi in A3. Would this manufacturer be similar in sizing? I am 5'10" and a fit 194 lbs. thank you.  
4/21/2015 11:19:22 PM
Scramble Star Spangled Spats

Could there be Strike fightwear or Ronin kimonos being offered?  
3/12/2015 11:48:26 PM
Flow Kimonos Pro Series 3.0 Blue Gi

My break point kimonos are to large at A3 and thought maybe it would be prudent to go A2H and only cold wash/hang dry? What size do you recommend for an athletic build 5'10" 190 lbs?  
3/9/2015 11:12:37 PM
Triumph United Black BJJ Gi

Is this gi true to size? I am 5'10" and a muscular 195lbs. Would you direct me to the A4? Most of my other kimono's are A3 or A2. Like the product and just want to choose the right size. Thank you.  
2/19/2015 7:56:31 AM
Do or Die Hyperlyte Blue Gi

Good morning. How does this compare to Break point flash kimono? Lighter? If so, what size. would be recommended for a gentleman who is 5'10" and muscular 193 lbs?  
2/11/2015 7:48:37 AM
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

One last inquiry. Will you be Retailing the Ronin brand in the future?
2/4/2015 11:10:43 PM
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

Is it possible to offer break point children kimonos?  
2/4/2015 11:09:00 PM
Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

Will you be retailing strike fightwear kimono's and rashguards in the future. They have some interesting products.  
2/4/2015 11:07:25 PM
1 Comment
Tatami Sub Zero Ultra Light Competition Gi

Any strike fightWear kimonos being offered this time ? Loved their Roots gi .  
2/3/2015 11:27:57 PM
1 Comment
Venum Contender Black Gi

What is the weight of the A 3? Is this considered a light kimono?  
1/20/2015 7:40:29 AM
Venum Contender Black Gi

5'10 and194 lbs which size would be recommended? Are these a snug fit like the previous interation?  
1/20/2015 7:37:48 AM
Toro Voltron Rashguard

I own this rashguards. It is a tank! Bullit proof material and construction. Highly recommend.  
1/2/2015 11:25:03 AM
Toro Voltron Rashguard

Do you offer Moya brand products?  
1/2/2015 12:09:02 AM
Toro Voltron Rashguard

Outstanding! Rolling deals on an actually holiday! Thank you.  
1/1/2015 11:32:47 PM
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93 Brand Rollers Rashguard

Being 5'10 and muscular 200 lbs can I wear the Large? Missed the XL!  
11/24/2014 3:09:00 PM
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Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

Is the sizing chart accurate?   
11/4/2014 11:21:38 PM
Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

Being 5'10 & 210 lbs requires that I purchase the A4 for 6'3"? I hope not. I lived that disaster with a venom absolute purchase.help!  
11/4/2014 11:11:38 PM
1 Comment
Macaco Branco Black Gi

What is the size recommended for a guy 5' 11" & 210 ? Always a cold wash / hang dry guy...  
11/1/2014 11:24:20 PM
Clinch Gear Wrestling Icon Headgear

What size for a guy5' 11" and 212lbs?   
10/15/2014 12:11:30 AM
Clinch Gear Wrestling Icon Headgear

Wow! What a great gi. What size do you recommend for 5'11" and 212lbs? Thank you.  
10/15/2014 12:09:30 AM
93 Brand Blue "Hooks 2.0" Gi

Just purchased a Venum Competitor A3 that shrank horribly in cold water/hang dry process. Being 5'10" and muscular 214lbs what size would be recommended in this manufacturer to avoid the same fate as the Venum? I appreciate any direction you may offer. Thank you  
10/13/2014 11:17:17 PM
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

What would be the suggested purchase size for someone 5'10" and 214lbs muscular build? I appreciate your response  
10/8/2014 11:44:26 PM
1 Comment
Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

Wow! Very nice gi. What size would best suit a 5'10. & 214 lbs?  
10/1/2014 11:11:59 PM
1 Comment
Grab & Pull V3 Blue Gi

Being 5"10 & 210 lbs would I be better off with an A2 or A3? Much appreciated.  
9/29/2014 11:05:36 PM
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

Is it possible to shrink a gold weave A4(that fits in the arms and chest) enough to eliminate the excess length of the jacket? Hot wash and hot prolonged dry?  
9/24/2014 2:10:57 PM
Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

What size would you suggest for a muscular 5'11 & 214lbs player?  
9/24/2014 7:56:57 AM
1 Comment
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Strike Fightwear Katanapus Spats

I'm new to the site. Is this normal.

9/21/2014 11:22:38 PM
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Inverted Gear Panda 2.0 Gi

Thanh you Nelson. I appreciate the advice.
9/24/2014 9:11:39 AM
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Aesthetic Aurora IV Gi

Much appreciated. Thank you.
10/1/2014 11:24:25 PM
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Comment on:
Punchtown Deranged Rashguard

Thank you it is very helpful. I appreciate your opinion.
10/9/2014 12:12:53 AM
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Clinch Gear Wrestling Icon Headgear

What size for a 5'11& 212lbs
10/15/2014 4:11:16 PM
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Ground Game Titan Inceptor Gold Weave Gi

Thanks. I followed the same concepts with a Venom Competitor gi. Went with the A3 good to 215lbs but when washed the first time in cold water/hang dry it shrunk to the point I could not cross my arms. It was a single weave. Should this shrink similarly or more? I appreciate your time to answer.
11/5/2014 8:47:28 AM
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Bad Boy USA S/S Rashguard

O crap! Too late! Noooooooooooooo.
11/14/2014 12:10:44 AM
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Platinum Samurai Gi

Does anyone have any answers to my questions? It would be a first....
12/20/2014 8:22:09 AM
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Tatami Sub Zero Ultra Light Competition Gi

Any idea which strke fightwear kimono may be up and when? They manufacture a great product.
2/4/2015 9:22:09 AM
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Meerkatsu Peacock Spats

Outstanding. Thank you for the response.
2/4/2015 11:16:42 PM
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Scramble Star Spangled Spats

Yes please. Love my Roots 3.0!
3/12/2015 11:35:44 PM
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Reevo Aerolight Black Jiu Jitsu Gi with a Free Gi Bag

Will it come back around today?
4/24/2015 3:36:13 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Not IBJJF approved.
5/29/2015 9:51:52 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

That would be outstanding! Unlikely....
5/29/2015 9:41:30 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Pretty please! More Strike Fightwear kimono's!
5/29/2015 9:55:02 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

5/29/2015 9:43:34 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

I would be hard pressed to wear that to either of my clubs. The laughter would be deafening. For any price!
5/29/2015 9:45:37 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

A great question.
5/29/2015 9:50:06 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

You are not alone my friend. Missed out on a kimono I was waiting for.....
5/29/2015 9:38:14 PM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

HELP! I need that gi!!!!!! Pretty Please!
5/29/2015 9:35:06 PM
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Gawakoto Limited Edition "Kabuki" Gi

Excellent kimono's! Hope they are on the list of products.
7/1/2015 12:23:27 AM
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Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

Different how? In what way? Good or bad. I own their Roots 3.0 and it is my favourite. Have had a venum gold weave and despised it so that I gave it away! How does this jacket fit compared to your crowd? Thanks.
7/13/2015 11:23:46 PM
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Strike Hoth 2.0 Imperial Gi

Really appreciate you taking the time to explain. I will wait for the pearl weave offered up by strikefightwear next instead. Just purchased a black Bull Terrier kimono so this would not get its proper rotation. Thanks again.
7/14/2015 8:16:51 AM
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