The Ultra Light Pearl Weave Gi combines timeless style and super light Pearl Weave technology to almost feel like you are wearing nothing.$99
Literally just got done rolling with a guy in the white version of this. And I can personally say, this is a cool Gi. And I did in fact get my ass beat.
I love my Inverted Gis. I have to stop buying shit on here though.
I dont see an size A4 Husky as “Carl Winslow” available. These sizes are for Urkels only and will decrease your chances of survivability.
Legit think this site is the reason I'm so broke.
Chimp say very good gi. Ape roll weekly with a guy that loves this brand and wears their shorts on no gi days. Chimp say the colored ones are noice and bright in person.
If I was allowed to wear a grey gi, I would buy this.
Find a new gym
Good gi, but im still trash when i roll in it.
Grey Gis Matter
U monkey clout chasers r weird as fuck
Merry Christmas to me!
Saiyan approved
can't wait to try to hang with this
Upside-down teddy bears? Nah
That’s actually pretty nice. Not a huge fan of grey, but that’s a solid deal.
soap when
Long sleeve soap when?
Soap without velcro when?
Sopa with the sticky?