The updated "Sailor Jerry" BJJ Gi from Holdfast! With a fresh take on this popular model (originally released in a small 2017 batch), featuring dark grey construction with contrasting black lapels and black pants.$69
this is the three-stripe-white-belt-est thing
Tomorrow im gonna roll in JNCO jeans
We will never stop fighting the soap holy war
The faith is still strong, brother
Part of me wants to get it just cause everyone hates it so much 🤣
Thats why I got it
I just come for the comments 😂
Porra. Does this comie which Ed Hardy Boyz cologne too? Ladies loves dat kinda stuffs.
This gi says “lets roll light but I’m still going 100mph” guy
I would love this gi, but unfortunately cant train anymore cause i ran out of soap....
You had me until the fists on the back, ruined it.
2 thumbs up from Guy Fieri
I feel like this gi could be used by law enforcement for profiling purposes.
Jersey Shore Jiu-Jitsu
Seriously considering purchasing based that the fists are patches not embroidery. So easy removal. Colorway is nice. Anyone have experience with cut?
There is a 137% chance that Truant’s head exploded when he saw this.
The American flag patch is beautiful! Otherwise, it looks to gimiky.
Arm bar soap
Not even armbar soap can wash the ugly off that gi. That being said. $30 and ill buy it.
My eyes!! Its a no from me.
ben. Hi
Hi, ben
Hey ben
Nice to see Ed Hardy is still working
Sailor Jerry and Ed Hardy are two different and equally revered tattoo artists
Not a fan of the different color tops and bottom
I am a fan of armbar soap
So much ❤ for this
You guys are haters!....Anyway pick this Gi up the last BJJHQ event and I absolutely love it. Get compliments on it all the time.
If any gi company really wanted to use tattooing as the sales pitch for their gis.... They should use currently alive tattoo artist for one. Second a traditional Japanese tattoo motif is what represents a "bushido* piece of art. Which i would buy a gi w traditional japanese artwork inside and out. Not this.
And i bought the damn legging built in shorts. Lol not this gi.
Paying respect to those that paved the way is never a bad thing. Jerry is an icon in tattooing and American history. That being said the gi is ugly. Fists on the back of your better he the gym enforcer or youre asking for some bad things haha