Half Sumo's Tiger gi is made with a light 375gsm pearl weave to give you the edge on the competition scale.$87
This does not have the American flag on it.
not dongs
It was a half sumo gi the first time he said “not dongs” and caused the REEEEE heard ‘round the world. He’s posted this on every Half Sumo gi since returning with the modified name.
Raise Your Horns with the deep HQ Lore!
Working on my amatuer historian merit badge!
He must work for Half Sumo
I bought this for 2 reasons. 1. I really want to see how long something takes to arrive that is ordered on line on December 22. 2. It's $6 cheaper than last time. If I don't buy it I'm losing money.
i think i heard that somewhere buy low right
Beatiful Gi unfortunately it’s white. Let’s get some blue gi’s bruh.
I wish i wasnt broke from xmas. This is fire. I love half sumo.
gay- day 3752 of no blue gi
Buru nyuuu
This is cool. However, gi = gay
Oh, yeah, of course 2 guys rolling around all sweaty and half naked is not gayer. Clown.
Theres pleasure to be had in both forms…
Oh, you swing both ways, too? I do with Dr Jill. She kisses my husband on the mouth, one big happy family in the WH.
why you gotta bring up sexual preference bro
It would appear I have struck a nerve here. In the spirit of christmas, I takesies backsies what I said. Gi = GOOD
i prefer nogi, but theres just something about the creaking sound the lappel makes as you slowly rachet in a bow arrow choke. mmwah