Jiu-Jitsu is practiced worldwide, a common language.$45
Why fuji tryna switch up the logo, if it aint broke dont fix it, if you guys wanna sell gis change the cut and style not the color and logo
Lol i agree with the cut and style
I’m just hear to see cry babies complain about anything and everything on a discount site.
Good thing calling people “cry babies” isn’t also complaining…
Me too. The monkey is getting a little old.
Logo looks like it was designed by a cholo in middle school.
Hahahaha!!! Oh man
I died.
If you squint your eyes you can almost see the throwback TapouT logo
Big comic sans energy
I'm a big fan of the tramp stamp on the jacket
I got the navy blue one off here not long ago. The tramp stamp isn't as bad as you think in person. 🤷?♂
It never is.
Damn i finally know what its like to be one of the guys that actually likes a new logo. Got a real early 2000’s vibe to it, way nicer than the old logo.
No short sleeve? Too bad
Vulcan is definitely one of the most comfortable gis
Hoping to see a Black Vulcan gi make a comeback
Bruh where is my Tatami Easy Peasy rashi? Ordered that thing first week of December.
I like the Fujj gi with the yellow outlining& logo's. It adds some color to the gi instead of a plain white gi.
whats wrong with Fuji designers?
Have the navy version, used it all of one time before getting sick for weeks but its a good gi i think
How does it fit? I have 2 suparitos and learned the hard way that the size chart is way off for the suparito. Womdering if this is a new fit along with the new logo.
Hope you are feeling better, pumpkin.
I got A1 , it was really comfortable and light a bit loose though need to shrink it
Las envraz
Chimp say where good soap?
Chimp uses lots of soap. Chimp needs a direct line to soap wholesaler. Chimp needs lots of soap to keep chimp’s sweaty monkey ass clean :)
This is getting perosnal