Also known as the 7000 series or "Victory" Gi, Fuji's All Around model has been a staple of BJJ practitioners' repertoire for years.$70
I am 5' 10' and 190lbs. My wingspan is 6'1". The A3 fits great. Here are the jacket measurements after many months of cold washing and hang dry - wingspan - 65in/165.1cm length - 30in/76.2cm. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the info! I get the jacket wingspan, but for your wingspan is that from your fingertips or wrists. From my fingertips to fingertips I'm 70". I believe you say you are 73"? I'm 5'9" 160lbs...leaning A3 and shrink. It's like these sizes are made for someone on the other side of the world or something (!). :p
this gi looks awesome. too bad no tall thin sizes :(
Damn! Got home from work too late to see the sizing advice and order/snag this. Have to hope it comes around again. : (
How much the Gi will shrink? I am 5'8" 200lbs, what size should I use?
I'm slim-bodied...5'10" 160lbs Obviously I'd rather it fit but more belly room is better than short sleeves and/or pants imo.. I'm leaning A3 and try to shrink it till it fits. Any suggestions?
no one has any suggestions? there's 6 mins left. !!
I am 5'0 and 140#. None of these sizes match for my height and weight. . suggestions?
I'm 5'1 and 115. I have an A1 Fuji gi is just a little big on me so I think that an A1 would you fit you about right unless you are very particular about size.
A1 will be huge on you in the sleeves and legs. at 5'1" and 115 I still go for A0. I'm not sure where your weight is distributed, but if it's in the hips the pants should be fine, chest as well since we wear rash guards beneath anyway
I'm 5'0 and 120 but the Fuji I have in A1 are still big on me after striking should I go with an A0?
I'm 5'1 and 115 and personally I prefer the A0.
I am 5' 11.5" and 165 with long limbs. I may fill out to 170. Which gi size would fit me best?
Wait until a gi comes along with inbetween sizes, i.e. A2 long. Should fit you better
Thanks. Will do.
The A3 would be the proper length after washing, but since your weight is at the bottom of the range, it'll be a more relaxed fit, width-wise. If you prefer a more fitted cut, then you may want to wait for an A2L offering like Bill said.
In the same category as Martin, but a little heavier (175#). I've had a tough time with perfect fit. Is the A2L the way to go at my stats (5'11, 175#, 32" pant inseam, 34" dress shirt arm) ...or would an A3 in this type gi suffice? I have an A2 Hooks 2.0 (white) and missed the window to exchange sizes. It works OK, but may be too short by IBJJF; too short for my pref anyway. Live and learn I suppose.
In this Gi, an A3 is the way to go. Should be pretty good on you after washing/drying to shrink-to-fit. When available, give an A2L a try! Depending on the brand, it should suit you well.
I'm 5'7 and about 175 just picked this up in a A2
Good call. Just be sure to cold wash and hang dry so it maintains a comfortable fit (your weight is at the top of the suggested range).
I'm 5'8 1/2 and weigh 140 is a1 the best size for me?
Close call... A1 is good for your weight, but will be too short on the arm/pant length due to your height exceeding the max recommendation by 3.5 inches :( So if you're getting this Gi, A2 is a better choice than A1, and would require some 'shrink to fit' since your weight is at the lower end of the recommended range.
Im 5'7 , 235lbs , im wide shouldered what size should i grab?
Tough call, the only size that would work for your weight would be A4 and up, but the A4 minimum height recommendation is 6'0" and as a result, you'd likely need to have the sleeves and pants hemmed/taken in. Many people have taken that approach, however a more ideal size for your height/weight would be an A2H (a2-husky) offering, available on other brands like 93 Brand, Tatami, Inverted Gear, Flow Kimonos, etc., but not on Fuji, unfortunately.
Concerned about the Fuji sizing - normally an A3, but at 6'1" 195# I feel like I am right in between. Anyone have experience with Fuji sizing?
Hi Stan, I am 6'0 & 185 (probably similar build, on a smaller scale). I'm an A3 in the Victory. Pretty much a perfect fit for me.
I am 6'2" 185 lbs and the A3 fits me well. Should work for you too!