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Deal for November 20, 2022 Permalink
Fuji All Around Gi - Dark Navy
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Fuji All Around Gi - Dark Navy

    Fuji's gear is known to last some hardcore training, and their All Around Gi is ready for the mats.

    Who got there first?

    Comments from November 20, 2022

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    I mostly post the word dongs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    I mostly post the word dongs  -  Joined 2/8/2017 Today's Top Influencer

    When she sees your “Top Influencer” badge on BJJHQ

    11/19/2022 at 11:06 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Bow and Gayrrow User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Bow and Gayrrow  -  Joined 8/14/2022

    ?? its hard to hate u

    11/19/2022 at 11:28 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Tatami Velcro  User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Tatami Velcro  -  Joined 6/25/2017

    When she finds out your actually the real dongs guy

    11/20/2022 at 2:29 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Pass the butter  User Profle Image
    Pass the butter  -  Joined 10/26/2022

    Nip shown. Day blessed.

    11/19/2022 at 11:09 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Sexymexi User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Sexymexi  -  Joined 10/18/2022

    Nip shown. No nut november failed

    11/19/2022 at 11:35 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    DrDisrespect User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    DrDisrespect  -  Joined 7/15/2020

    I heard a rumor from Fuji that they show man nips because they get so many requests from T-U-N-I-T. An uncomfortable amount of requests. So many that the finally just went for it to shut him up.

    11/20/2022 at 2:12 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    T-U-N-I-T  User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    T-U-N-I-T  -  Joined 6/19/2014

    Big oof.

    11/20/2022 at 8:16 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Vegandude23 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Vegandude23  -  Joined 7/16/2022

    I heard the same rumor.

    11/20/2022 at 8:43 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    T-U-N-I-T  User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    T-U-N-I-T  -  Joined 6/19/2014

    Oh god, here comes the literal soy boy with his bullshit. Do us all a favor Vegan and choke on a nice ribeye.

    11/20/2022 at 10:56 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    PhannyPack User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    PhannyPack  -  Joined 7/19/2021

    Haha, TUNIT has some real estate in Dr. D’s brain, rent free. Glad to see that there is improvement to your game, bub.

    11/20/2022 at 12:13 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    I mostly post the word dongs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    I mostly post the word dongs  -  Joined 2/8/2017 Today's Top Influencer

    Come on, you never wear black with navy blue.

    Dope gi though.

    11/19/2022 at 11:02 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Whohitswho User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Whohitswho  -  Joined 5/28/2022

    Come for gi, stay for the nipple

    11/20/2022 at 1:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Mr Fuji User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Mr Fuji  -  Joined 7/17/2021

    Conflicted; i love the nipple but already have 2 blue.......but the nipple. I wonder if he has big lats

    11/20/2022 at 12:13 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    JimmyStoole User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    JimmyStoole  -  Joined 11/5/2016

    I shit better in front of an audience of people clapping.

    11/19/2022 at 11:23 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Dr_Schnitzel69 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Dr_Schnitzel69  -  Joined 11/3/2022

    Good luck getting rid of the cum stains on that piece

    11/19/2022 at 11:02 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Gettin close with Wanderlei User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Gettin close with Wanderlei  -  Joined 8/28/2021

    White gi gang, raise 1 hand!

    11/19/2022 at 11:03 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    NormalAverageDude User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    NormalAverageDude  -  Joined 11/27/2021

    Just when I thought it was safe. Six swipes and a nip slip.

    11/20/2022 at 8:26 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    3rdLegLock User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    3rdLegLock  -  Joined 9/17/2022

    I like this gi

    11/20/2022 at 12:41 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    onamission User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    onamission  -  Joined 8/14/2021

    Any recomendations for fuji for size? 5’6” , 150lbs
    Last purchase was a tatami A1 from bjjj hq which was too wide.

    11/19/2022 at 11:40 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    MetellusCreticus User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    MetellusCreticus  -  Joined 8/31/2022

    I’d say go A0 then. I think fuji fits well width wise but its a little short on me so i always go L. In your case sounds like the L is would be too long

    11/19/2022 at 11:55 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    BigShrimpin User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    BigShrimpin  -  Joined 8/12/2014

    I'm 5'5" 150lbs. Always A1. Some trial and error finding the right brand, cut and fit. Fuji always fits right. They just don't have style. They are a go-to for reliable fit and durability.

    11/20/2022 at 12:45 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    symatic User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    symatic  -  Joined 10/23/2020

    Go with A1. The A0 would be too tight. I'm the same height but 130lbs and A0 fits just perfect.

    11/20/2022 at 11:05 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Bluebeltwarrior  User Profle Image
    Bluebeltwarrior  -  Joined 11/20/2022

    Is the black belt included?

    11/20/2022 at 8:38 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    stickiwax User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    stickiwax  -  Joined 10/15/2013

    This gi is baggy as fuck, the nip slip is bad boy bubby level though.....please download & watch said movie lol.....judo players will love the foreskins baggy of this goyem gi......

    11/20/2022 at 6:38 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Dashingndaring User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Dashingndaring  -  Joined 11/15/2018

    Wheres the soap

    11/19/2022 at 11:00 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Ethan User Profle Image
    Ethan  -  Joined 5/25/2022

    You get like a dollar off per bar here. Just buy it from Armbar

    11/19/2022 at 11:02 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    420rollin User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    420rollin  -  Joined 6/14/2022

    I bought some directly from armbar last month. If you like it that much its not THAT expensive

    11/19/2022 at 11:11 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    jjbs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    jjbs  -  Joined 8/12/2021

    How tf do yall use so much soap dangggg

    11/19/2022 at 11:37 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    BigShrimpin User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    BigShrimpin  -  Joined 8/12/2014

    Well if you train m-f then you are showering at least 2x a day. There goes the soap.

    11/20/2022 at 12:47 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Raise Your Horns User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Raise Your Horns  -  Joined 4/13/2018

    If you buy from armbar they send stickers about not spreading ringworm and include a handwritten personalized thank you note.

    11/20/2022 at 6:54 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    jjbs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    jjbs  -  Joined 8/12/2021

    BRO LISTEN, I train six days – actually six days a week. Uhhh five days a week, I’ll train three days a week, and one of those days, I’ll train two days of the week, so…six days of the week I’ll be training. Don't hold the soap in your hand, lather and put it back in the holder. Lasts way longer

    11/20/2022 at 9:24 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Sammy Roberts User Profle Image
    Sammy Roberts  -  Joined 9/16/2017

    93 Should make a C-Spec NoGi line

    11/19/2022 at 11:06 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    I mostly post the word dongs User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    I mostly post the word dongs  -  Joined 2/8/2017 Today's Top Influencer

    wow bringing back the C-Spec gimmick.

    11/19/2022 at 11:08 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Adder User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Adder  -  Joined 11/14/2021

    What IS the C-spec gimmick? I seriously do not know.

    11/19/2022 at 11:51 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Sammy Roberts User Profle Image
    Sammy Roberts  -  Joined 9/16/2017

    I was a big fan of the c spec gi and i asked them to put it up and people got very upset. Seems this guy was one of them

    11/20/2022 at 12:24 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Triple TTT User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Triple TTT  -  Joined 2/13/2020

    Legend fortold of the return of C-Spec guy.

    11/20/2022 at 8:42 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    JimmyStoole User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    JimmyStoole  -  Joined 11/5/2016

    Scram is dongs

    11/20/2022 at 10:54 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Neco Arc User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Neco Arc  -  Joined 9/19/2022

    Buru nyuuu

    11/19/2022 at 11:06 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Aight User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    Aight  -  Joined 5/4/2021

    Please if today is that day then delete this account.. for all of us bro

    11/20/2022 at 12:23 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Robotlix User Profle Image
    Robotlix  -  Joined 10/21/2022


    11/20/2022 at 1:04 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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