Fuji's All Around model has been a staple of BJJ practitioners' repertoire for years.$75
This gi is a warhorse. I bought one about eight years ago and still train in it. Its indestructible. If i didnt have one already i would totally buy it. Definitely recommend
This gi is the Toyotas of gis
Nailed it
They spelled Tatami wrong
Tatami is a garbage bag
Hate buying GI so much, never seem to get the right size
That guy looks like a mean Ross
Lmao thats my instructor
Amazing, amazing gi. Bought this exact gi about 7-8 years ago, and it started tearing only a couple of months ago after probably being the most-used of my GIs. Now buying a new one, to hopefully outlast my Gi collection yet again. Affordable, durable, beautiful - this is my most recommended gi for someone beginning BJJ and wanting a quality, long-lasting gi. Easy pick between all the entry-level gis / manufacturers - will easily outlast and beat the looks of Tatamis, Sanabuls and 93 brand (though I know it's the homeboy, and I had one of their first gi versions - I heard they've improved, so no bad blood here). Only minus is that it is darn heavy and thus a bit harsh for summer rolls - but it pays back in durability, and in winter coziness :)
fuck i saw this too late
I own three of these and they are my every day grinder gi
Bought this gi about a year ago and its wonderful. Would recommend.
I met him at a seminar. Not a bad at jiu jitsu.
My very first gi was this one but black, I’ve had it for 7 yrs and it’s still looks great. Its my favorite of all my gis. I have 8.
How do they fit in relation to Gameness?
If I had not just bought a gi during the rolling deals, I might buy this one. Fuji gis are solid.