Venum has really upped their Gi line this year.$69
Get more F1s. Thats the exact gi I want :( but right when i went to buy it you guys sold out. Do you think you will have the Tatami Phoenix gi? Black?
We'll have more sales with F1s (not for this gi though). Not sure if we'll have the Phoenix gi as a full day sale. I'll try to get for Rolling Deals.
I'm 5'8 and 140 lbs, what gi size am i? (ive never had one, no-gi guy)
my height and weight put me in different size classes according to the chart. i dont know
Is this gi IBJJF competition legal?
No word from Venum officially since this Gi just dropped, BUT looking over the Gi there is nothing that wouldn't pass IBJJF inspection. Black is allowed and all patches are in approved locations.
Grr Thanks, but too late. Needed the A4
im 5'9 185 what size should i get??? help me please
A2.5???? or A3?
Assuming you are a male? Then I'd suggest A2.5 with cold wash and hang dry.
I have a competitor venum 2.0 and I got the 2.5 and Im 5'8 160 and its just about perfect if not a tad bit small after its first wash
I'm 5'11, 195lbs. Should I get A2.5 or A3 ? I usually get A2 in other brands.
Ditto 5'10 and 195-200 here
Close call, but I think A3 is a better choice. Safer to choose the bigger of the two, since you can shrink-to-fit if needed (rather than a Gi that is meant for someone 5'11" yet too tight to actually wear, at 195 lbs)
5'10" and 260, right at the upper end of the A4 weight listing. Worth buying, or will it shrink first wash and be done for?
Chances of you gaining 5lbs in the next two years and the gi shrinking even 1/4 of an inch says you should pass. Not worth the risk.
It should still work if you're spot on 260 lbs, however to be really sure, check out the dimensions listed in the chart. Wingspan: 73" Jacket Width (skirt): 24" Pants waist (not the circumference): 24"
6'1.5" and 167 pounds, which size should I get? Thanks
If you aren't smart enough to click the picture and read the size chart, you're going to have a hell of a time filling out the information at checkout.
If you paid attention to his question and looked at the picture yourself you would see that his height puts him in one size and his weight puts him in another. So he was asking the question so someone with more experience/knowledge with this brand could give him guidance. There's no need to be rude on here or judge people for asking questions about the product. He only has 24 hours to decide so he wants to ask questions to ensure he makes the right one. I'm a similar build and I usually buy A3 and intentionally shrink them to fit. Hope that helps Abi.
You always buy for height first and then go up if you need more room for weight. You can not magically make sleeves or pants longer but you can magically shrink the waist as well as cinch the drawstring tighter or have the waist taken in. Try asking a tailor to grow your sleeve size 2 inches vs asking them to take the waist in 2 inches on the jacket and/or pants. ........................................................................... If you are 6'5 is there any chance you are buying an Ai or A 1. 5? The best answer is don't buy this gi, buy one that is made for lanky people, but if you are dead set on getting this you would have to buy for you height first - A4. There is never a situation where you are 6'2 and buying a size that maxes out at 6'0 is going to work out. Even if the gi only shrinks 1/4 or 1/8 of an inch in length, its too short. ............................................................................... Being lanky, I look for gis made for lanky builds. It means passing on gis where you are "between sizes". Be grateful you are tall and thin in a land of short and fat.
Abi: A2.5 is the best choice for you. I know the size chart cuts off at 6'0" but looking at the wingspan of 67", that could work for you depending on your arm length. A3 is great for 6'1.5" but would be too baggy at 167 lbs. SO your safest bet is to grab your best fitting Gi and measure the wingspan and jacket length and pants length. And then compare to A2.5 which is 67" wingspan, 31.5" jacket height/length (collar to skirt), and 40" pants length.