Venum's Attack hoodie looks awesome! The light grey background and oversized white "snakehead" embroidery are unique and interesting, standing out from the crowd and breaking away from the usual stylings of fight apparel.$40
It looks like there is an issue with the email confirmations not going out. We're working on fixing it. When placing an order if you get a confirmation page it means your order was successfully placed. Please save the order number on the page. The order number will start with "BJJ7".
How about selling a mat for home practice?
They offer them on here periodically.
no confirmation email??
Size chart?
Sizing info at
just so you all know, it's been my experience with Venum tops (shirts, rash guards, and hoodies) to go a size up from what you normally wear. They tend to run a little short on the body length wise.
Same here, i ordered, but didn't get a confirmation.
Just ordered through the app but did not receive a confirmation e mail
Just want to make sure order was placed
Email and we'll confirm that the order came through but based on your tag it looks like it did.