Triumph United has put together an all-ripstop BJJ Gi, featuring double-stitched seams with red contrast stitching.$40
If you want more views and whatnot.*united_diablo_gi/tru-1130.html
it's funny when you get mixed reviews. some guy said he was swimming in his and now I'm hearing they shrink a grip...thanks Bjjhq for the sick Gi, can't wait to rock it..My girlfriend hates you guys though lol
Hate to be the guy that asks for stuff, but will there be any compression shorts coming up soon?
What is wrong with asking for stuff? Sometimes the bjjhq gods listen. I could use some compression shorts myself. :]
Can we expect Gawakoto's "Save the Earth" spats any time soon? Thanks.
Or their "Monkey King" rashguard?
I'll see what I can do.
You are the best.
can you guys post in this Gi more picture from different views
I am 5'3" tall and about 180 to 185lbs and use a Gameness Platinum Size A4 only because of the room in the arms. My question is can I get an A3 or is the arms going to be too tight like the Platinum A3 or does this gi have a little more room in the arms like a Judo Gi? Thanks in advance.
Expect major shrinkage from this gi. My A2 is now closer to an A1.