Introducing the Estilo Black Label, the latest iteration of Tatami's longest running Jiu Jitsu Kimono.$99
Just picked up another cspec
That's the one that I want!
What makes the c-spec so great compared to others?
30 for shipping? You live on the moon or something?
I paid extra for shipping because i want it for my comp. Its a good gi because of special features, look at the page it explains them :)
Yo that promo code is legit
"Just bought another", but shows a screenshot with the discount code from 3 seasons ago. Yeah, ok.
@BJJ Vicariously - I didn't believe it either, till I tried it. I now own a hoodie from 93brand.
Wetter than July in Australia baby
Is it wet in australia in july? Isnt that dead of winter down there?
Isnt this super-heavy & hot?? (Im used to the Competitor weight.) - Cant imagine wearing 12iz canvas and 550 GSM.
Does this shrink much?
I needzzzz!
How do I confirm I'm getting J.T. and not that white belt with my order?