Introducing the Estilo Black Label, the latest iteration of Tatami's longest running Jiu Jitsu Kimono.$99
This is wierd looking arm bar soap
Anyone know if tatami gi's run baggy or slim?
Size recommendation for a 5' 10" 155 male (besides gain weight)?
Help please, the last two Gi that I have bought with were to big or a bit tight. Could someone help me select the right one please I'm 5'2" and I'm 146-150 lbs also I do have hips.
Is this a deal? Someone shine some light please
Seems like there's no deal here, $99 is usually regular price for a Gi nowadays isnt it?
This gi is $160 on the Tatami site.
I see no black label. What the ****
You had me, but then i saw that LiGhT bLuE embroidery, now you dont have me, and the day is ruined. Has anyone seen sammy?
Just bought my first white belt and gi today, any tips for a bjj newbie?
dont quit
When you are north south on top, put your groin firmly on their forehead to assert dominance. When on bottom, inhale deeply and say “mmmmm, you smell like my dad.”
Or quit and take up zumba instead.
Stay quiet and listen. Your professor probably wont really get to know you until youve lasted atleast a year.
Go play in traffic
Tap early and often. Stay relaxed during drills- don’t tense up. Roll or drill with upper belts- stay away from other white belts. Stretch after class. Good luck!
??? trash
Got one good reason except it’s not your style ?