Clean new BJJ Gi from Tatami! Built for those super hot summer sessions and those times when you're cutting it close for your weight division.$69
But how will anyone know it’s a Tatami gi???
Hmm... you're right. They need to add more patches & embroideries
Can we get am Atama instead of a Tatami
Just get a plain white gi and add youre own patches stop hating on this tatami gi. Youre so cross-fit ,bi- , gender binary, neutral, homosapien non-rollingistical.
way too thin
Does your gym make you wear only classic color gis (white, blue, black, grey) or can you wesr some funky ones? Mine is accepting of any color gi and I would love to see some crazy colored gis on BJJHQ.
We can only wear white, black, or blue.. also top and bottom has to match
Im at a renzo gym and they really dont care as long as its clean
Any color. I'm hoping to get a camo gi. Or khaki or olive green.
They had a tie dye one during the rolling deals.
Is grey traditional tho’?
Only white.. “So it’s easy to tell if it’s clean.” ??
Ours is cool with anything as long as you blast it with CMJJ patches ??