Clean new BJJ Gi from Tatami! Built for those super hot summer sessions and those times when you're cutting it close for your weight division.$69
People of BJJHQ: Should we add Hypnotik to the brands we carry? Thumbs up or thumbs down?
Prefer to see War Tribe or Storm to be honest
Thumbs way up. Especially their nogi stuff
I second adding Hypnotik nogi gear more than Hypnotik gis.
For a second I thought Chael Sonnen was the model
The arms are too small to be from West Linn
Any idea if these Gi's are preshrunk or shrink rate if washed in hot water and dried in dryer?
Any idea if these Gi's are preshrunk or how much it would shrink if washed in hot ware and dried in dryer?
250 gsm? This must be light af