The Tatami Bushido gi features embroideries on the shoulders, leg, lower jacket, and arm.$69
Wherez mi mami
What brand is this gi. I wish it had the brand all over the gi top and pants
Any chance BJJHQ could feature premium brands? Like: Shoyoroll, Origin, etc? Also, any kid's size soon?
What do you consider Premium? I have Scramble, Inverted Gear, Fuji, Kitsune and even a Tatami that are all better crafted and looks cooler than my SYR. I guess Premium means pricey.
Shoyoroll are not sold by third party companies. The nodels go out of stock as soon as they're listed. If you find someone selling models in all sozes and colors it's probably counterfeits.
syr works on a limited release style of sales. No one other than Shoyoroll sells shoyoroll other than acadmies that get gis mass produced for their teams or secondary market sales. BJJHQ is the overstock of bjj gear, shoyoroll doesnt mass produce gis just for the fuck of it. They sell out their releases within minutes on their website
???? let me exchange "premium" with "other" brands. I already got kistune, 93, and tatami from this site. it would just be nice if they could feature other brands too
Sometimes they sell other brands, but I guess it's easier to get better deals working together with brands to get better prices.
I feel an Atama would be nice but thats wishful thinking
I’d like an origin
Tell me youre a white belt without telling me youre a white belt
My favorite "rare" brand is Kauai Kimonos. Of course I never expected it to be listed here. Origin is a good, rare find, too. This site is not going to have specialty items.
¿Tita Mami?
Black gi with red trim always reminds me of Dracula. Doesn't really look good unless you have a black belt with red bar.
When did Tatami become the new Venum?
Did not know Michael Jackson did Modeling for tatami no wonder he stoped doing music
didnt know what you were talking about until i started scrolling thru the pics ???????
boom, roasted