The Reevo Kimura is a durable, heavy gi with a built in rashguard in the jacket and not too much bling.$90
Gotta agree, I know the blue gis are most popular in BJJ gyms, but i'm not a fan of blue gi's at all, and never buy one. More white and black!
White gis coming up this week.
As of next year you can't wear black gi's in comps
are you guys gonna sell the REEVO KIMURA in WHITE??? it would be nice to know so I can wait for that
I'm not sure yet. If the blue goes well, we'll get the White also.
It would be nice if you guys throw some Lucky Gi and/or Shoyroll gi's...
Shoyorolls indeed
that's a total impossibility, do either of you know how much a pain in the A getting a shoyoroll gi is for one person, never mind hundreds that shop here?
3 blue gi's in a row...need a different color besides blue. Please :-)