High-quality Jiu Jitsu Gi from quickly rising Australian BJJ brand Raven Fightwear.$49
Whats up with the shrinkage on this? I am 5"10 and 195 lbs, but a very compact 195. No one ever guesses I weigh that much, my arms are also not super long. Can't decide A2t or A3
Normal shrinkage (pretty resistant if you cold wash, but you can get two inches out of it if you hot wash and machine dry).
So will an A2T be too tight in the arms and such if I am a lean 195? I am worried the A3 will be too long in the arms and torso.
A2T and A3 are the same length. The A3 is just larger fit in terms of weight. If your worried about the arms being too tight than i would go with the A3. That all said, generally speaking at 5'10 you should only need an A2 but that really comes down to your build. If your arms are bigger it may be safer to get the A3.
Wondering what size gi I should get considering this will be my first from Raven? I'm 5"10 170 lbs. Usually wear an A2 but they seem to be a lil short in the arms and legs.
A2 should be fine. We've got guys at 5'10 wearing the A2. If you think it may be too short the A2t is the same but a little longer. Worst case you can always shrink a long gi. A2t is perfect for guy at 6ft.
Any gear bags coming up soon? How about the 93 brand sweat pants? My wife won't stop hassling me about it, please!!
Working on both of those.
Have you guys had any feedback about shipping or taxes with customers in Brazil?
Im 5'4'' with 140lb. What size I supose to used? Is my firts time with raven kimonos!
You can get away with an A1 or an A2s. These are both about the same in terms of length but the A2s is a little bigger in terms of girth. Question is how do you like your gi? Do you like it with a little more room or would you prefer a tighter fit? Either way in this instance it will come down to personal preference.
How's it going? I'm 6' 2" 168 This will be my first GI. I was wondering if the A3 or A3T would be better. Is T like the Large T in Men's clothes. So I don't have the sleeves come back when i reach forward?
A2T and shrink as needed. A3T would be a little loose. I am 6'2" 180 lbs and the A2T fits me very well. Given the 12 lbs difference, you'd just need to shrink it a bit.
Awesome! Thank you.
Is there a size chart? I'm 5' 11" 155. Would I jus do an A2?
I found it. None the less, would I swim in the a2?
A2 should be fine after a wash and - if needed - machine dry.
I'm wondering the same. I'm 6'0 210lbs. What's better A3 or A2T?
A3. The A2 may be too tight.
How is the shrinkage on this Gi? I'm 6' 210 with a dad bod belly lol. A3 or a4?
A3 and minimal shrinkage. About as much as most gis when first washed. Avoid warm water and machine dryers and it will be fine.
Adam, who are you thatyouknow this? You told Conan to get an A3, but he is 6' 210 on great shape and I am not. I went with the 4 and will shrink and tailor.
Adam is the man behind the Raven brand
210 on a 6' frame isn't terribly large even with a belly. In terms of length A3 and A2T fit a 6' guy well. If you're 210 you're either a mesomorph or endomorph. If you're the former an A2 will likely be too tight in the upper body so an A3 would be necessary to accommodate the larger chest and bigger arms. The A2 may also be too tight in the upper legs. A guy who has large thighs can be heavier than he looks. In which case the A2T pants will be too tight. This type of individual will not have an issue with the waist. If you're an endomorph (likely if you're sporting a dad bod) tightness will be around the waist. An A3 will typically accommodate someone of your weight. My guess being that your waist would likely be around 36 to 38 inches. An A4 should be fine but my concern would be the additional length coupled with the extra girth. In most cases it's often better to get it a little bigger as it can be shrunk if required. That said, we don't recommend shrinking with a dryer as lycra (used on the inside liner) does not mix well with heat.
Is the top lightweight as well??
At 450 GSM, it's right about the middle of the spectrum (some would say on the lighter side, but these days 450 is the middle).
Is that Rash guard lined?
Yes, sir!