93brand's "C-SPEC" range introduces a few modifications to the typical BJJ Gi.$99
😢been waiting for this one but my wallet is already hurtin. between this and the 93brand discount on their website im really feelin like i need to jump on it
Do it. Do it.
My order bjj597589 is being shipped to the wrong address. If you could please check your email o sent the correct address. THANK YOU GUYS
Tried the contact form to no avail. Please I must cancel order #BJJ597556.
What is the return policy if it doesn't fit?
There is no returns on bjjhq
Hey Aaron, Paypal defaulted my shipment to my old address for order BJJ597627. Could you update my address on the email I just sent you? Thanks
Im 5’11” 193 .. any suggestion on size? Will this one shrink alot ?
i am 5'11", 195 before the pandemic, about 215 now. i had an A3 of the standard issue gi and it never shrank and always seemed a bit big. when i got s hooks v4, i went for the A2 and it fits pretty well, don't think it's really shrank with cold water wash and hang dry
Would it naturally sheink more with hot water wash and throwing it in dryer cause im same metrics as you and i always get a3 and after about 4-5 washes it shrinks to perfection
I’m exact same size and have the 93 goose feather gi in A2. It fits perfect and I love it.
When are you going to answer my emails about the 2 orders I've never received? I sent you another one a few minutes ago
Customer support starts at 9am NY time. If you don't receive a response by end of day please post your order number here so I can find the ticket and see why not
#BJJ520795 & #BJJ520796
The system shows we have responded to you multiple times. Please check your spam folder.
Picked up my A3. I want to see how this compares to the Origin Comp DNA Atleta.
Hello, I havent received my refund for a cancelled order. It was issued over 2 weeks ago. No is responding to my email as well. Order number is BJJ594615
This has been resolved. Thank you