Fall down 7 times, stand up 8!
This classy blue Gi from Oss Clothing is inspired by the Japanese daruma's symbolic persistence and perseverance.$69
My wife is not gonna like me for the next 24 hours
Wait till she sees the credit card bill...
Is there a reason I dont get notified although all my notifications are on?
I have the same problem
Yup same here
Got to settings and make sure "notify me for every deal during rolling deals" is selected. :)
Hmmm...Still not notifying even with everything selected.
I'm having the same problem. Went to settings a few times and still didn't work.
Same here. I have my notifications turned on for rolling deals and I'm not getting any notifications.
Usually it will work only sometimes during a rolling deal. This go round it hasn't notified me a single time.
So sorry! One of our engineers is looking into this.
Same deal here, even tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app a few months back, no luck. Hope for a fix!
You're right..... it's not working for me either lol
Any 93 gi casual pants coming up?
Not today I am afraid
Wow, tons of people begging for times on when things will be posted. Just relax and watch the app and site like the rest of us. We're all customers, and unless you know the guys who designed this site, you should probably not expect special treatment.
Any kids gi's and woman's light gi's scheduled for tonight?
Go figure, I missed the strangle things first up. Thanks stupid phone update.
They said it'll probably be back around tomorrow towards the end of the sale.
Snagged it!
Strangle Things Rash Guard $35 Black Gi $99 Enjoy Acai T-Shirt $15
93brand 3-PACK BJJ Patch Bundle $10
Do or Die Hyperfly Icon Black Jiu Jitsu Gi $99
Tatami Butterfly Grappling Rashguard
Tatami Butterfly Grappling Rashguard $35
Gr1ps Secret Weapon EVO Gi $99
Ground Game "Black Turtle" Fight Shorts $25
Triumph United Black Gi $59
Venum Crimson Viper Spats $29
OSS daruma gi $99
93 brand x meerkatsu zodiac gi - white $99
93 brand daruma shorts $32
AK rashguard - BJJHQ exclusive $19
Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear Ripstop Gi $49
Triumph United Black BJJ Gi $49 A1,5,6
Dokebi "Eternal" Jiu Jitsu Gi - White - $69 A0,1,4
Tatami X Meerkatsu Chinese Panda Grappling Tights $29 XL, XXL
93brand Standard Issue KIDS BJJ Gi $39 M000-M4
Ground Game "Guard Player" Tee $12
Tatami Estilo 5.0 All White $99
GR1PS Black Grappling Spats $19 S & XL
Venum Challenger 2.0 Blue Gi $69
93 Brand ROLLERS Gi $79
GR1PS "Bushido" Limited Edition Rashguard $29
Tatami Grapplers United Basketball Vest $19
Venum Challenger 2.0 Black Gi $69
93 Brand X Meerkatsu American Eagle Rashguard $25
Muaewear Furinkazan V2.0 Lightweight Gi $80
I'm a poor dad in need of gis for my 4 kids. Any idea when they drop. I can't miss it!
No wonder you're poor dummy! Stop having kids!
93 standard issue up now. Great gi.
Go go go!
Skyler smith you're that teammate we all hate.
93 Brand backpack coming tonight?
Fraid not tonight.
Will there be any kids gis?
Can you let us knew an estimated time?
I don't even need anything anymore. If a cool t-shirt pops up, awesome. Maybe a shoulder brace or cortisone....
Any 93 Brand gi's dropping tonight?
Yep Yep
Right? My fave! Need that black/purple one.
I hope I don't miss it!! I need one!!!
Any bags coming up?
Any answer about the gear bags?
Any armbar soap or scramble rashguards or shorts??
Some scramble no gi gear on the schedule, no armbar soap.
Will there be the 93 brand, Art of war , women's rashguard avail at all?
Any Raven rash guard
Hell Yeah HyperFly Black Icon. Sold out on website, available here!!
Any platinum gis dropping during rolling deals?
I'm curious too?
Tatami black on black Gi woohoo
Me too, but they list the sizes differently than tatami, a2h vs a3s, so I hope it works
93 brand ss2 navy gi?
Not tonight
Any gear duffel bags coming up?
Scramble Sushi spats.
Any Inverted gis going to drop?
Any gis from Armor Kimonos coming up??? Or instructional dvds???
AK rashguard.... Great deal!!!! Cant wait to get it!
Any chance the 93 Brand 100 Kilo gi will be making an appearance?
Scramble Athlete be in Black? Make it happen!
atleast a scamble gi in my sz.!
93 brand bjj belts?
Any chance of a Meerkatsu geisha rashguard?
Any mats coming up?
Any white gi's coming down tonight?
Any 93 brand sweatpants in women's size? Boss does not stop asking for them!!!!
93 brand grey goose v2 is on schedule?
I'm curious this too.
Any chance that strangle things rashguard will pop up again?
It should be back late tomorrow near the end of the 24 hours of rolling deals.
$32 instead of $35 but shows $35 on the Strangle Things rash guard
It's $35. Sorry for the mix up, the short sleeve was $3. If you were charged $35 and thought it was $32 email cs@bjjhq.com and we'll credit you the difference. Fixed where it said $32 so it doesn't say that anymore.
I work weekends 12 hr shifts. Miss everything every time 😥
Are the 93 brand patches able to be ironed on?
Any no gi shorts coming up? 🤔
Is the Tatami Estilo white on white coming back up?
My night has just been made. The black on black estilo came back on. I just got my blue estilo in the mail I ordered a couple weeks ago and tried it on. Super happy with the fit that I wanted another. Perfect
No whammy No whammy.........poppa needs a new blue gi.............ROLL!
No more medium!!!
Any chance of a punching bag or tear drop bag??
Are you going to have the arm bar soaps on the rolling deals?
What's next ? An extra small one slipper 😂
Are you even trying anymore ? Basketball and bjj lol
Why is every gi black?
Is the Icon coming back up?
Why is it that even at the beginning of the clock something are already out of size ? I just want a medium gi
Will you put up the venom gi today?
Got the 93 brand belt... hopefully it stays tied lol!!
How long in inches is the 93 brand A2 belt?
Any Platinum JJ gi's today?
93 Brand SI Spats or Platinum Gi's this time around?
Any Hayabusa gear on board ?
Tried to buy several items within minutes of them dropping just to be told that they've already been sold out. Is this a glitch?
Any hayabusa gi going to be up today or tomorrow
Any chance for a 93Brand Charlie today?
Rolling deals! And Why didn't get any alert or updates.
Im still not getting the notifications, all settings are on. I was hoping for tge Black Gr1ps evo gi.
Any 93 brand standard issue spats?
Black gis are sold out fast. Is it coming around any time soon?
One is up now hope you get yours
Will the 93 brand Gotham spats be back on?
How are mediums sold out for those shirts it's only been a minute :(
Any shock doctor compression shorts coming up ?
Is there shipping to the UK?
Any chance we'll see Ground Game Mine is Glory Series spats or rashie?
What time will the 93 brand Gis be online?
93 brand hooks v3 black coming out tonight?
93 brand gi tonight?
Will the black orchid dragon meerkatsu gi be up by chance?
Is the angles makes strangles t-shirt going to be on rolling deals?
Also I haven't received my honey badge shorts yet ?
Didn't they send you tracking info?
Nope hasn't shipped
I was in the warehouse yesterday, there are lno unshipped orders other than a few with issues such as addresses did not validate. Email cs@bjjhq.com
Since I order all the time I'm sure my address is not the issue
What's the best thing on deck for tonight ?
Any splatter shorts gonna drop?
Any chance Meerkatsu War Lion rashguards will come up?
Merekatsu octopus spats or rash guard????
Any chance some short shorts are going to show up?
Any 93 Brand shorts coming? (Specifically the americana ones)
Any shorts going to be included in this?
What other top gis should I look for? Last time I missed the vulkan by seconds
Have the 93 brand belts gone up or will they be up during the rolling deals??? Any info would be appreciated.
93 Brand belts will be making an appearance
Are the belts coming up anytime soon now?
Have the belts come up yet? Did I miss them?
I'm 6'2 and 195lbs with long arms. What size should I purchase?
Which item are you referring to?
Any chance those 93brand Muy Thai Shorts will show up tonight? I missed out when they were on a few months back
Which shorts are those?
Any 93 Brand 2-pack vale tudo shorts this round?
Fraid not
Any inverted gear, ap , syr on list
If so any round about time frame
Syr? Are you new to bjj?
Actually yes I am. My whole family started training about 2 1/2 years ago and these were companies recommended by more experienced people to buy for my son who is starting to compete.
Maybe inverted, hell no to SYR or A&P. They won't be here.
You will never see shoyoroll on here. Ever! Sorry to burst your bubble. ????
So $35? You say $32 but it is trying to charge me $35...
What happened to the Enjoy Acai T-shirt? I couldn't even access the your website.
It's coming. We had some high load at launch, all sorted now.
What is the size of a2h tatami estilo
Any GR1PS black spats this time?
93brand jits do it rashie dropping tonight?
Any Grips gi's making an appearance?
I just saw the previous strangle things was a dud, but I just assumed I had become so fat from not training that it didn't fit so I gave the other one away!
We had posted in the deal to size up, but not everyone noticed. Email cs@bjjhq.com and we'll take care of you.
Go to purchase the rashguard but it's charging me $20 for shipping instead of $10. Already bad enough I have to pay exchange rate from USD > CAD. Lol
Check your country settings. It's $10 for no gi items to Canada. Go to http://www.bjjhq.com/canada to force to Canada
Rolling deals? More like "hey, heres a bunch of stuff in XXS or XXL, please buy it"
Can I still get help on this if we ordered the last one? The last one cut was odd. Super tight. Normally I'd wear XL or XXL but the last one was more like a M.
Please email cs@bjjhq.com if you had trouble with the first run of Strangle Things and we'll take care of it for you.
No gear for Cho!
For a female 166cm,67kg, would you recommend F3 or F4?
JT I would say F4 unless you want a fitted gi.