If you've been on the lookout for a unique yet reliable Jiu Jitsu Gi, check out the Muae Furinkazan.$100
Anyone familiar with this gi think A4 would fit ok for 6'4" 235 lbs in terms of pant and sleeve length? (serious monkey arms/legs)
Also: Are the arm logos patches or embroidery?
I'm not sure on the sizing for your frame. The arms logo are embroidery
logo is embroiderd..you might be a little big..i own the a4 and im 5'10 and my pants are long but should fit u nice,but i have a 77" wingspan and the cuffs are perfect on me
@allen...but this gi is truely innovative..i only heard of this brand through its art designer, for some reason he contacted me on face book letting methey were a young company, reluctantly i gave them a shot with the limited edition version, it was the best deciion i ever made, they pay great attention to detail and its really is a steal at this ptice, if i didnt own the limited edition id order in a heartbeat... (also they will be realseing another limited edition at h\\'the end of this month sshhhhh)
Do the embroideries meet IBJJF regulations?
You'd have to ask IBJJF to be 100% sure, but there isn't anything unusual about the embroideries except possibly the upper back, but I don't see why that'd be a problem.
This gi does not have the inner print of the Limited Edition (but is otherwise identical)
I have this gi in blue. Absolutely love it whenever I put it on. The fit is perfect for me, and the cord material they chose hasn't frayed like others have.
I just wish that I had the money to buy this white version.
How tall and heavy are you ?
5'11, 255 pounds ( I was 270 when I bought the blue, and it fit snug, now it's a lot better.)
sorry (I bought the A4)
This gi looks awesome! If i wasn't broke I would totally purchase this!