The Academy shorts from Inverted gear feature a minimalist design ideal for nogi grappling.$27
Confucius say, the problem with kleptomaniacs is they take things literally.
These look comfortable…
Are you supposed to free ball in these?
Bro… you ask for forgivness not permisssion!!
The answer is yes. And pray your pants dont slide off when sparring.
What is with the double lined shorts. I just want shorts.
BJJHQ scissors on sale tomorrow. Then you have shorts and underwear.
BJJHQ scissors ?? are my go-to scissors for self harm. no other jiujitsu scissors slice and cut the skin quite like them. 11/10
Confucius Says, where art thou king?
It was once pointed out to me that the Inverted logo looks like a panda trying to fellate themselves. Now that is all I can see.
Oh boy. Wait til this guy sees what he looks like trying to recover guard from turtle position.