From the infamous Gracie Challenge video, we have the Hapkido Man! If you know your BJJ history, you know the quote.$12
Anyone that does not like this is a communist.
Lets not blame all practicioners of haplido for the bad choice ( groin grabbing) of one practioner.
ahahahahahahahah!!! i'm buyin this!
I respectfully request. Do not blame the other martial arts. As a good martial art jujitsu, hapkido is a good martial arts. Jiu-Jitsu in South Korea but were humble, modest meaning of the United States know? Think about the depth of the seller.
korrect me if i'm wrong, but i believe the point they are trying to make is GRACIE Jiu-Jitsu is better than hapkido.
Was that a poem?
The only problem is, some martial arts ARE more effective than others. ALL martial arts that focus on the standup game are great. Definitely one aspect that shouldn't be ignored, but mostly only sports because, as soon as the fight would have gone to the ground, it gets stopped so the fighters can reset. Almost anyone can innately throw punches or kicks or knees or elbows or headbutts, granted someone who trains is gonna be better than someone who hasn't. This is normal. However, almost NO ONE has any concept of what to do once the fight reaches the ground. It is very RARE that someone innately knows what to do in a ground fight. The disturbing fact to consider is almost all fights end up on the ground o.O. You can't strike as a takedown defense ("I would just knee him in the face as he shoots in.") unless it has been poorly executed as it will come at a time when you are off balance or not ready. If someone wants to take you down and knows how to go about doing it, you will be on the ground and you will be a fish out of water amongst sharks.
I agree with Matthew. As someone who has done southern chinese kung fu with teachers that were brutal, I came out knowing stand up really well, but some of my first encounters with BBJ were surprising haha! since then I've added BJJ to my curriculum and it's become much less of a problem for me to deal with, but holy crap the first time someone takes you to the ground you've got problems hahaha. Needless to say as someone who has no issues with striking to the groin, this shirt still gave me quite a chuckle.
I can't make out exactly what I'm looking at. What's this about hapkido?
Actually, wasn't this a quote from some old Gracie footage?
This shirt has a weird double meaning especially if worn by a lady. :)
"Its only weird if it doesn't work" -Bud Light
hehe wtf?
I think this is my new fav shirt Can anyone give me a gi size suggestion? I'm 5'9" and average at 130lbs Thx
It's an athletic fit tee, so my guess would be a Medium (though I imagine your normal t-shirt size is a small)
Thank you