The Mandrill is back! He's out on the mats looking for some guards to pass and backs to take.$35
Thanks Aaron!
Got me one!
Just bought myself one, I really needed a new rash guard and this one looked super cool.
I've wanted this rashguard is the time!!!
I'm around 180 and generally take mediums for rash guards but this ones size chart says im a large... i already ordered a medium...should i switch??
Go with a Large. If you want to change, email
Actually I was just thinking the same thing thanks
did it before they sold out....yess!!! lol
Will Meerkatsu's new Rooster spats be up on here? Or the Beijing panda rashie? Make it happen! Thanks! <3
I'll see what I can do.
This will be sold out quickly.
I already got mine!
Stoked! Anything drawn by Meerkatsu sells out quick!
Indeed. Hopefully my large fits. I'm bang on 200lb.
@MacrosNZ I recommend grabbing an XL while you still can...
@MacrosNz I am 5 lbs lighter, I got the 93 brand indian chief rash guard in xl, it is really tight. I do not like a lot of compression, this one stretches extremely tight. I would definately at least get an xl. Other than small sizing this is a great rashguard.
Oh bugger. Mine's already shipped. Looks like this might be a christmas present haha.
Any grappling tights in the near future?
I'm about 204lbs, should I get a L cuz it runs a bit longer or just stick with the XL
Meerkatsu is releasing some really interesting stuff this week.
Love the artwork, the addiction to the deal deepens! Just picked up the XL - I'm 6' and about 210, thought I'd err on the site of a bit loose rather than a bit tight - thanks for the info, all!
I have a large Jaco rashguard and it's pretty loose. I'm dead center on 200 lbs so I'm unsure between the large and extra-large. Any help?
NOVEMBER 13th - 93 Brand drops their 2 new gi's in the US - hopefully our FAVORITE website will sell at least one of them!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hoping and praying) :-)
You need a frequent buyers program! I spend too much here!!!
The 93 brand rashguard I have is really small compared to my others.