Fuji's All Around model has been a staple of BJJ practitioners' repertoire for years.$79
I have the pink blossom Fuji gi, and it's the only one I wear now. The material softens up nicely and is very durable. Great deal!
Have this in white, has been my gi for the last year and change, worn at least twice a week. This is a steal.
Hello. I was wondering if these were preshrunk, and could be used in the washer/dryer? Thanks much!!
No. They shrink a fair amount. I'm am 5'9 205lbs and the A3 gi shrunk down so it's a little too tight around my shoulders and is too open around front. The pants fine. After that experience, I bough the A4 and the gi fit perfect - the pants were a little long at first...but after a couple washing they shrunk down a fair amount too. I recommend anyone to gets this Gi to buy a size bigger...especially if you wash them after every train as you should!!!
Myself i bought and A4 i'm 5'8 and 205lbs i washed and machine dried it , it shrink a little but it fit me perfectly! i'm realy impress by the quality of this GI! :)
I'm 5'9 185, I bought the A3. I wash and dry on hot repeatedly and it shrank down perfectly for me.
I'm 6'2 185 pounds athletic build. I purchased an A4 for the height and it was too big even after a hot wash. I was able to trade with a gentlemen from Montreal as he needed an A4 so it worked out. The A3 fits fine for me.
ive bought this gi here before(a2) im 5'9, 165lbs and this A2 was small when i got it. its a really great gi, but next time i will order an A3
I'm 5'8" and 130 lbs - skinny girl. Should I buy a A2 for the length or the A1 for the width?
I would definitely go for length.
Go A2 chica...
A2 im pretty much same height, weight for best fit A2
I have two of the Fuji single weaves like this, both purchased here. One is an A6, and it fits BIG, even after multiple hot wash/hot dry cycles. Went with an A5 the second time around. Fits damn near perfect. They don't shrink as much as I had thought it would after reading everyone saying they shrink like crazy.
Hi was wondering your height/weight? I'm 6'4" 235 and am trying to decide A5 vs A4. I have A5 in summer weight version and the sleeves are a little too long and I feel its slightly too big in the pants and jacket, otherwise a decent fit so would be leaning towards A4 to be a little more snug (based on size chart weights, height is apparently the same) , however supposedly the all around shrinks MUCH more than the summer weight (which my did not shrink AT ALL) so while it might be ok to go with A4 in the summerweight I'm concerned A4 all around would shrink too much and should try an A5 insread. Argh! (although I've heard some all arounds do NOT shrink much either)
I'm 6'4" 230lbs and I have this gi in A4. It is my best fitting gi.
Awesome! Thank you for replying! I've been waiting to hear from someone similarly sized who has this gi in A4! Yay!
I'm 5'11 and 150 lbs, should I go with A2 or A3? I hear Fuji shrinks a lot.
Im 5'11 and 150-165 depending my training schedule. A3 fits me well after the initial shrinkage.
Any White Version of this coming soon?
Not for the next month.
6'4" 205 and the A4 fits nicely for me. Quality gi for cheap. I definitely recommend them.