SHIPPING ONLY AVAILABLE TO MAINLAND 48 USA STATES (any orders placed for outside the mainland will be canceled and voided).$209
>>Be me, in my compression underwear hanging out Saturday AM >>hear the deafening roar of helicopter above my dingy apartment >>open door to see eccentric billionaire philanthropist playboy CEO of BJJHQ disembarking helicopter >>he’s wearing a sharp suit with sunglasses, he basically Tony Stark but way cooler bc he actually trains BJJ >>he has escort of mean huge cauliflower eared men in suits and sunglasses as well >>they are each carrying briefcases >>CEO walks into my place with his bodyguards, a look of boredom on his face >>”just decided to swing by to deliver ur purchase... the scribble shirt was it?” >>I’m sweating bullets, I look around to make sure no one heard, no one was supposed to find out about that >>”I also wanted to talk to you about the armbar soap stories.. they are.... taking focus away from our other great products” >>”I’ve got a proposition for you, and I’ve brought gifts” >>his staff opens breifcases to reveal a multitude of armbar soap products, deodorants, mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, toothpaste, lubricant, enema? >>”these new unreleased prototypes and a lifetime of armbar soap shipped to your house monthly if you promise to never post a story again” >>”I also brought mats” his employees unfurl beautiful dollamur mats in my living room, this is the pinnacle of bjjhq deals >>*so much room for activities* >>he reaches his hand out to seal the deal, omg >>I reach for his hand, shaking in fear and excitement, thinking about all the soap I’m going to be drowning in, the new gym that is my living room >>pause, it’s completely silent. A tense moment >>I recoil my hand and with steady eye contact and an unbreaking voice I respond: >>”this soap doesn’t belong to one man, it belongs to the people, and I’ll never sell out or be bought out, armbar soap isn’t just a product, it’s a lifestyle” >>if you don’t stand for anything, you’ll be submitted by everything >>the guards close the briefcases, roll up the mats, and they all take their leave >>a single tear rolls down my cheek >>no more Armbar enema tho >>I close the door and collapse on the floor trembling from adrenaline and fear >>I take a soapy shower to clear my head before logging into bjjhq to post a comment >>somewhere @NoGiNoGi wails angry tears in the distance.. as usual >>feels good man >>thank you bjjhq and armbar soap you’ve done it again
Very good
Sudsy gold
The hero we need, but do not derserve. For the people!
*Truant posts an epic tale* My day is now complete. We are truly living in the best of times.
Beautiful, keep up the great work.
Such a pleasure bearing witness to your A U T I S T P O W E R L E V E L
For this much $ of a purchase i really would like the error tsb to stop popping up.
Do these require mat tape for 2 or more?
Error error error. Whats up bjjhq?
What error are you having?
Is this a good deal or should i get some puzzle mats for a fraction
if you can find puzzle mats this thick and soft for less I would snag them. Otherwise I've never seen cheaper new mats!
Tried the puzzle mats...they dont stay together well on a good roll
Is this not basically the same thing at $389 (shipped) for 10'x10'?.
Ships to Puerto Rico?
Fraid not
BjjHQ would rather sell us new, clean mats than soap to keep us clean from the mats. Shame shame.