People still doing this?
C spec gi when
Theyre not even that nice
Seriously? just go buy one
Forgive my ignorance.. C spec is that Competition?
@gijonny - It's a competition spec gi from 93 brand, yeah. I've got the white one and it's nice enough, but not worth the daily comments begging for one on here. A bit heavy if you weigh in with the gi, and the twill pants hold lots of sweat, but it has some nice (if subtle) features like the lining and lapel cut. I think they are $99 shipping? when on the 24 hour deal. I used a coupon code and got it directly from 93 brand for like 119, so it was around 15 dollars more but I also go legit customer service, 60 day returns, and didn't have to wait for it to show up on here. That was worth the $15 to me.
Please just have a fn c spec gi tomoorow. Please!