Fresh new collaboration piece from New York's 93brand and Half Sumo Collective!
The "Strike" features original illustrations and designs on an unbleached BJJ Gi, for that old school natural/raw cotton look.$99
This says unbleached but her hair is pretty much bleached. Can someone plz help.
I see what you did there you witty devil.
You have to stock more A3L .. such a bummer to never be able to buy nice 93Brand Gis
Ahhhhh snap! My next purchase
How do you guys have a reduced price for this gi but on 93brand it is at 149
That is how this site works. BJJHQ sells Jiu Jitsu gear / apparel / accessories at a heavily discounted rate, but there are limited quantities available. Further, the sale is only 24 hours. So if you miss it, you miss it. If you catch it, you save a bunch of money. Each order has a limit of one-per-order to prevent a single customer from buying up a bunch of stock in one fell swoop (for resale or hoarding etc), this way everyone has a more equal shot at taking advantage of the deal.
Where is my gi? Where is my money. Your staff is not very helpful. I have sent many emails trying to find out what happened to my order. I was told that the package was scan, but have no record of what happened after that. It took your staff 7 days to inform me of what happened to my order. I ask to be sent another gi from another special you were having. I was told that my money had been refunded. It is 8 days later I have no gi and no money. How are you still in business?
And yet it shows that you joined today.... ??
What is your order number?
Can this be bleached to white? Not a fan of the unbleached look.
IT'd be tricky. The sublimated lining is impervious to bleach, as are the woven patches since they are partially synthetic-based fibers. . . But the embroideries use a cotton-based thread, so your bleaching process would turn not only the main fabric closer to a bleached white, but it would also mess with the right arm embroidery and left thigh embroidery.
I own one of the 93 brand unbleached gis and can tell that with time, wearing and washing, the unbleached starts to fade toward white. It will never be a bleached white color, but it will eventually fade to more of a cream color.